PARKS PERSPECTIVES September-October 2013 Issue
PARKS PERSPECTIVES September-October 2013 Issue NEIGHBORS, NEW COLLEGE FRESHMEN WORK TOGETHER FOR DAY OF SERVICE AT CITY PARKS Hundreds of college freshmen from Syracuse University , ESF and LeMoyne, along with some Neighborhood and parks Advocates, came together on August 24th for the annual Day of Service, and their hours and sweat yielded big results In the parks and green spaces throughout the City. Armed with saws, rakes, loppers, pitch forks, and shovels, the teams took on the daunting tasks of sprucing up areas in Thornden, Elmwood, Kirk, Lincoln, and Schiller Parks, and along the Creekwalk and Rand Tract in the val- ley. Miranda Hine, from the Thornden Park As- sociation, reported that the group at the park, adjacent to SU, spent three hours weeding stretches of walkways around the Rose Garden and Lily Pond, tended to newly-planted trees. She estimated that 165 hours of volunteer work had been done at Thornden Park alone. City of Syracuse Dept. of Parks, Recreation & Youth Programs Stephanie A. Miner, Mayor 412 Spencer St. Baye Muhummad, Commissioner Syracuse, New York 13204 John Walsh, Deputy Commissioner 315.473.4330 SPECIAL EVENTS Syrathon is still running … Three runs that are part of the Syrathon series occur in Sep- tember and October The International Arts & Puppet The Strathmore It’s amore at La Festa Italiana Festival, hosted by the Open with all the food, the music, Parks Run Hand Theater, returns this fall on and a bocce ball tournament. Sat., Sept. 14 at its North Salina 4 mile-race will The festival will take place in Street location.
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