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The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities


The Guardian, February 12, 1980

Wright State University Student Body

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Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1980). The Guardian, February 12, 1980. : Wright State University.

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By JANET WALSH million American men and be involved right up to combat. "YEAH, that would separate So 1 guess, if it's going to be all COLUMBUS. Ohio UPI A women aged 19 and 20. "I'll tell you one thing though, the women from the girls," over, why not be there fighting," Robert Redford poster grinned "It seems like all of a sudden they'd better pass the ERA. Put cracked Sabrina DiMichhele. 18. Ruth said. "Oh, I'm getting from the wall of the cluttered those of us having the easy life Schaffly. what's her first name, Worthington. sitting cross-legged depressed." "Ohio State University dorm room here in college are facing some- yeah Phyllis, put her in the ditch. on the floor. "I'm afraid the world will just and music blared from an ad- thing really serious," Ruth Nier- Make sure she's in the front "You know, I had to do a big sit by and not help us," said jacent hallway, but the women in ir.eyer. 19, Hudson, added. line." report about Vietnam." Amy Kate, and the room grew quiet for 4016 Baker Hall were somber. "BUT WHEN I thin* of how it DORI DRAUGHTON, S9. To- said. "There were a lot of several seconds. "1 just can't comprehend the used to be, with women at home ledo. laughed but wasn't so sure dissidents then. "It's so hard to believe in a idea in the first place • war." said waiting for the telegram about she agreed. "And guys were split between way," Ruth said. "When you Amy Lutz, 20. Euclid. their sons or husbands or boy- "I don't know." she said. "I wanting to fight for their country think of the universe - this may AMY AMD her dormmates friends heck. I'd rather be think maybe it's too drastic to and not knowing what they were seem irrelevant, but I believe in were talking about a subject none fighting there beside them." throw us in combat now." fighting for ... we'd have to have UFO", I know there's life u t there had considered much before last "Definitely women should reg- "Physically, maybe not." Roth a definite reason to go to war this besides us - we're so insignificant month • draft registration. ister," said Kate Wieteki, 19. said. "Well, some women are in time." really. And we can't even get President Carter called Friday •ronton, leaning forward in her good condition. Maybe after sii "I'VE JUST heard if there was along." , for military registration for eight r \ chair. "An: d I think they should months of boot camp..." another big war it would be over. \ The Daily Guardian February 12,1980 Issue64 Volume XVI Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio Physical Ed. Department denies HPR rumors

By DAN DEPASQUALE be included as general education likelihood of the proposal pas- students enroll in the courses. although there was no empirical Guardian Associate Writer requirements. sing. but they arc looking into it "The purpose of 'general edu- data, "there is a generally "A proposal was made to the now." cation' is to provide for a negative feeling for such a Professor Stephen Fredericks, General Education Committee, FREDERICKS DID not believe well-rounded individual," Fred- program." She added that most Physical Education coordinator, recently, but it was too late for that P.E. courses should be in the ericks explained. "To me that students do not want to take 12 denied rumors that Health and any real consideration." Fred- general education requirements, means they should include hours of Health and Physics! Physical Education courses would ericks said. "There is little but he would like to see more courses concerning their physical, Education. as well as their mental well- PROFESSOR Herb Neve, being. chairman of the General Educa- AAUPgives WSU clean slate "I never favored putting P.E. tion Committee confirmed that courses into general education, the proposal to add P.E. courses but I would like to see more to the general education package By KEVIN THORNTON same issue. of University professors. Their support for our programs." was unlikely to be passed. AuliUnl to the Editor Both committees will report to main concern is academic free- The Curriculum Committee is the AAUP to make tecommenda- dom but Maneri said the WSU ACCORDING TO Fredericks reportedly looking into s physical An investigation by the Wright tions at their next meeting. chapter is concerned stongly with only about 10 percent of the total education package that would State Chapter of the American "The AAUP it not taking any faculty participation. enrollment is presently Involved allow students to understend and Association of University Pro- stand on this issue." said Ma- Although the AAUP is not ir. the P.E. program. Fredericks assess their needs, and learn fessors (AAUP) has concluded neri. "All we are trying to do is taking a formal stand, Maneri is said bad communications be- physical skills thst they could use there have been no violations of protect the faculty's rights. willing to express his views on the tween the students and the P.E. throrghut their fife. academic freedom in the School "WE WERE concerned that controversy. Department have led to false of Nursing controversy. the administration already had a "THE NURSES are the experts impressions of the program. According to Koehler. the Carl Maneri. president of the program written. (President on the nursing program." he He dented reports that classes courses will be arranged on a chapter, said a committee had Robert) Kegerreis has since told said. "Anyone that is not a nurse are given letter grades, but are on quarterly program. "The first two been set up to investigate the us that no program has been shouldn't write a nursing pro- a pass-fail grading system that quarters would stress nutrition possibility oi any violations and written yet so we are not gram." does no effect a student's overall and physical assessment " she has since been disbanded. worried." "When the administration re- grade point average. said. "By the third quarter, the MANEEI ALSO said another Tlic AAUP is a self-governing leased the job description for the Student Government Repre- student will learn skills in certain committer was being formed to body established to protect the sentative, Kim Koehler. said. "ports." investigate the governance in the civil liberties and responsibilities (See 'AAUP' page 2) tuesday weather Student Government lends support to legal services bill Mostly sunny today with highs in the 30's. Clear tonight with temperatures dropping By MATT KENNEDY services to the students." decided on." into the teens. Sumy Wednes- Ctuutfiaa SUIT Writer The student legal service would THE COST per student was. Counsel or representation in Walker estimated, about $1.25 day whh highs in die mid to be like "legal insurance" aaid court is not covered by the upper 30's. Student Government will be Brenda Walker, chief supporter per quarter. service, said Walker, only advice Stinziano said that a fee for the presenting a resolution to Ohio of the Student Government reso- will be given. meeting legislature in support of House lution. students might be $4 a quarter. Bill 83J to provide student legal It would be "like health WALKER HAS spoken to four "We see about a hxlf-a-dacen service. insurance." said Walker. unions that have legal services. students each quarter whom we EdaoUieaStsdbe Proposid by Sate Repre- STUDENTS would pay a policy refer to lawyers." sat Om- They said that the service is Come to an open forum sentee Mike Stinziano, Ohio amount and in return they would "very good, very beneficial," budsman Chipp Swindler. meeting with Brenda A. House Bill 833 will provide get free legal advice and recom- according to Walker, but the THE BOX may paas after April Walker, Education Represent- funding for student legal advising mendations as to the kinds of union services have representa- 1. said Walker. The bill will go ative to Student Government services at state universities. legal representation they need. tion ht them. before the House Wednesday. to ask questions, to give btpot, Items covered by the service Walker haa also fooe to two If the bin Is passed, an to hear what your representa- "WITH THE passage of House could include investment In ten- law Anns that hanfie union independent committee will be tive has been working OR, to BUI 833," he said, "students win ant/owner disputes, accidents, services. She Indicated both set up and • law dm chosen. get Manned. T 3 meeting win be able to join voluntary legal parking violations, and maybe showed an interest ia the pos- Then the two groups must be at 1-2 p.m. Tuesday service programs which, for a divorce, said Walker, "h all sibility of a student legal advising decide a policy to cover studMt February 12 fa 12* MBtott. sir all fee, will provide legal depends on what kind of policy la service. needs and the cost per student. {•HMUHJO f

2 DAB.Y GIIAMMAN Fahraaiy 12, KM Guardian, Nexus appear before Budget Board

used in laying out and the nitrate costs are exorbitant." said By GRANGERBUTLER versity Center Board (UCB), State student-operated news- Lewis. Silver nitrate is used to Guardian Aaaoclate Writer made a request to change his paper. Gaylon Vickers. its editor- pasting-up of the newspaper. develop photos. group's proposal date. Mike in-chief, presented the 1979-80 Otherwise. Vickers made no After Lewis, was the proposal Al! five members of the Budget Thacker, chairman of the board, budget review. Dropos&ls or projections. How- for the registration fees of a Board met Thursday to hear reschedule UCB from Feb. 14 to Vickers' report caused a lot of ever. Thacker asked Vickers it he group of squash enthusiasts. various student organization bud- Feb. 28 at 2:15. in 045 University questions from the board. Kim thought the Guardian needed Grant Jones, the president of a get proposals for the 1980 school Center. Koehler. a member of the board, wider distribution. Vickers re- sponded*positively. He went on to Squash Raquet Cub, asked for year. NEXT WAS the lengthly review asked Vickers about the cost of the loan. The board decided Mike Moran. chairer of Uni- of the Dailv Guardian, the Wright repairs and why it was so high. say that the Guardian might be S418.00 was spent on repairs and asking for increase in funds from against 5-0-0 on the grounds it wasn't going to benefit the maintenence in the last year. the board for that sole purpose. "We had to get a new logic Co-editor Lora Lewis of the student body too much. The Daily Guardian is now in bnhrd installed. Also the expense literary magazine. Nexus, The lasi proposal was made by of having it installed cost a lot," brought in her proposal for 1980. Chipp Swindler of the Om- said Vickers. The logic board, a following Vickers. "We are as- budsman office. Swindler is ask- computer board filled with micro- king for more money this year," ing for a $6.00 increase a week in need of a limited number of computer chips, is used in a Lewis said. Lewis' proposal asked pay for the Ombudsman. He went typesetting machine. for an approximately S500.00 on to say that he won't be the WHEN ASKED about supply increase over last year's Ombudsman next year "so the reporters. The reporter must costs Vickers gave a projec :ion as i5.623.00. increase won't affect me." said to how one of them might be. "WE WERE told that our Swindler. "Wc have got enough ^allies to printing costs alone are going to THE NEXT h ldget board meet- be available for approximately last us for the next three years, increase by seven percent. Our ing is Thui»f"«y February 14 in maybe." said Vickers. Gallies arc costs of printing photographs will room 045 of the University the sheets of lined graph paper be even higher, because silver Center, at 2:15 15 hours of work a week. Russia will buy more grain than US thought some reporting experience

WASHINGTON URI - The is J million tons higher than an greatest shortfall in livestock feed appreciated, but not necessary. Agriculture Department raised its estimate issued a month ago. between April and June, prior to estimate of the amount of grain THE DEPARTMENT said. "In the new Russian crop harvest. Russia will be'able tc import from spite of the increased import The Soviet Union is expected to Writing experience a must. other countries. Monday, despite estimate, the U.S.S.R. is still use 125 million tons of grain for the embargo of American grain. expected to suffer a grain supply livestock feeding. This is down In a monthly report on the shortfall during the latter stages only 3 million tons from an Russian grain outlook, the depart- of the July-June 1979-1980 mar- estimate of feed use made before ment estimated Russian grain keting year." the embargo. APPLY IN PERSON 046 U.C. imports to be at 28 million tons for The Agriculture Department THE AMOUNT is the same as the current marketing year. This said (he Russians would face, the the estimate of feed use last season, but fiis year Russian SEE WHY WRIGHT STATE'S LEADING RHOTOGRAPHERSJ livestock inventories are at record IV,S,T levels, so more "Teed is necessary. The department said, "Adjust- ISA! • MCAT • GRE FAIR1X)RN CAMERA GRE PSYCH • GRE BIO ments in feeding rates and DARK ROOM SPECIALISTS GMAT • DAT • OCAT • PCAT livestock inventories may be VAT • MAT • SAT necessary as feed supplies AGFA, ILFORD AND KODAK PAPERS NATL MED BOS tighten." TRAMS WELCOME MK0N • CMBN* 0UMRB • HKTAX ECFMG • FLEX • VQE So far, weather is favorable for NOB • NPB I • NLE KMXTA • MMMYfc • KOMCA this year's Russian crop. In DISCOUNT HOUSE PRICES VTVnAlft MMNRIIR6B fiteOu-H EDUCATIONAL CCNTtfN contrast to last year's dought, the CAMERA STOKE KNOW-NOW Test P'ppjrafion SDtCiftlutl department said, winter moisture S.AC t 1931 OPEN DJULY • AM - • PM fot mfoimslion P 19**9 Cs" has increased in some regions. (61614. ) 486-9646 Columbus OFFICIALS said that the area, CLOSED WCD ft SUN 878-4392 Day tan class begin* Feb. 16 uu which the Russian winter grain crop is planted, could be as. large B as in 1978 when a record crop was harvested, if favorable conditions LAST CHANCE! continue. Apply now for the AAUP report INTERPERSONAL [continued from pige /) coordinator of the new program it worried the chapter. Although COMMUNICATIONS LAB that has been recalled, it was a serious concern." Maneri did not support the no confidence motion at the Febru- P"eb2?-24 ary 1 general faculty meeting. "THE FACULTY is naturally divided on this issue." he said. "I'm not surprised the faculty rarely speaks as one voice be- Open to all WSU students scholarships are available cause of the diversity. "I didn't support the no confidence vote because it's too diffuse. My feeling was that if it apply at Student DevelopementOffice 122 Allyn passed there were no conclusions you could draw. On the same hand, if it didn't pass It really didn't matter. I don't think it'i • deadline for applications is Feb 15 very useful thing." 12,19M DAILY GUARDIAN J Student has close encounter with wheelchair

By MIKE HOSIER students are struck by those in normally takes the stairs, that day buckle, and she was forced to shut. Gaydbui Munfbig Editor wheel chairs are infrequent, said she decided to ride the elevator. push a leg against the chair for The student struck in the i'at Man. director of Handi- support. Her pants leg caught on tunnel has since gone Health A student, who prefers to capped Student Services. An empty elevator was avail- the chair, making "a different Services. The leg is not perman- remian unidentified, was in the IN THE 10 years she has been able. she said, but before she color patch on my jeans." ently injured. But he "couldn't tunnels a week ago last Friday employed at Wright State she has could get on a wheel chair ran on THE WHEEL CHAIR occu- put any weight on it" for a while. "walking towards the Bio Sci- never heard a report of a wheel in front of her. pant, she said, made no apology ences Building from the Uni- chair "maliciously running into A wheel of the chair rolled over because as soon as the person "I don't want this to happen versity Center" when he was someone." her foot, causing her leg to boarded the elevator, the doors to anybody else." he said. struck by a wheel chair. "This doesn't mean." she said, According to the student, the "that it couldn't happen. Tne wheel chair was an "electric job" handicapped are no different than with a "joy stick." anyone else in that sense." HE HAD been walking in the Trouble spots in the tjnnels. section of the tunnels beside the blind areas where people ap- Medical School building - where proach the same corner from (he large brown sculpture hangs different directions, have been on the wall-and was "about two »;ade less dangerous by the "Oto feet from the inside corner" when installation of mirrors. the chair ran into him. THE PEOPLE in wheel chairs, The person in the chair, he .•aid Mar*, generally try to watch said, did not apologize for hitting the blind corners and utilize the him but said instead: "Don't you mirrors. know to stay out of the way of a A problem lies, she added, in handicapped person?" the fact that the person in the The student, who has attended wheel chair is shorter; the WSU for the past three years able-bodied student might not see claims he has come to recognize them in time. most students in wheel chairs. According to another student, HE SAID he had never seen the though, the possibility of being handicapped person before and accidently struck by a wheel chair Bill O'Fare has not s;en the person since. He is not limited to the blind spots in CUR SPECIALTY thought the person may have the tunnels. | FISH N' CHIPS 52.39 been a visitor to WSll. •'1 WAS standing in Miilett. THREE GOLOEN BROWN PORTIONS OF BONHES6 FISH FILLET St AVE0 WITH CRISP FRENCH FRIES HOMEMADE HUSH. PUPPIES "It felt." he said, "like I was near the elevators," the student CHIPPER run into by a tank." said. She was headed for the TWO PIECES FISH. eOlE SLAW FRENCH FRIES HUSH PUPPIES Incidents where able-bodied fourth floor and although, she BOAT OF SHRIMP tfl PEEL N' EAT CMIILED SHRIMP. AND HUSH PUPPIES



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LiES -TATg^T-, Nursing, Health Affairs should reconsider

Now is the lime for the adnvnutrutiom and tha Nursing School to sit down *nd resolve their difference*. The vote of confidence In President Robert Kegerreis by the Board of Trustees end the faculty should teO the School of Nursing 'TACKY that the new program 1$ mo longer a proposal but a reality. VEM lAOCl ( The program will have a curriculum ahd a staQ and it will be placed under one of the vice-presidents. Which one. and who wa design the curriculum and stdff the program will be the decision of the planning committee. If the school is truly dedicated to its approach to nursing, and if it feels Health Affairs is the wrong division for a nursing program to report to. then it should try to have as much Influence as possible in the programs planning. , '" .' If after the program is planned, the nursing ichobl finds it cannot function academically or morally within the Wright State structure, then is the proper time to resign. Thar's gold in them thar teeth Resignation should be the last ditch stand It would be in any other career. The administration should also reality the Schodl of Nursing has attractive member of the opposite sex at a party. brought up valid points • in particular, the granting Of blanket credit ' ' By DICK WEST Big romance develops. to Registered Nurses outside of the existing ptogram. WASHINGTON UPI - Never until a couple of Then come the nagging doubts. Does she love AU branches of medicine are in a continuous state of updating weeks ago did I dare even dream that one day you for yourself, or just for your jaw? procedures, and post expertise should not be a sole criteria in the my jaw would be my fc-rtune. ADDITIONALLY, there are dietary conse- granting of credit. My jaw - reality compels me to admit it - is too quences. Once the price of gold topped $700 an Both sides have succeeded in drawing the argument to fragile for the boxing ring, insufficiently jutting ounce. I stopped eating solid food, lest it erode non-essential items • the Medical School and the success rate of for a movie career and lacking the dimples my crown and bridge. WSU graduates. needed for television success. I calculated, for example, that masticating a The continuing conflict can only hurt the community image of IT IS not, in sum. the sort of jaw that would raw carrot would cost me S7.89. So now it's 'VSU. It can be, and must be solved to the mutual satisfaction of generate high expectations. Yet it now holds three mush meals a day. both parlies. promise of sudden riches, or at least financial One can. of course, have one's jaw insured by security in my old age. Lloyds of London. I mean, they don't call me "The Man with the BUT JAW insurance is frightfully expensive, Golden Jaw" for nothing. particularly a comprehensive policy that pro- What my jaw has going for it is: on one side, a vides coverage for fire and wind damage, as well gold crown covering the remains of a molar that as theft and erosion. came out second best in a test of rigidity with an When the valuation of the jaw undergoes an olive pit; on the other side, a gold bridge abrupt rise, the minimum precaution should be spanning a gap created b> a Texas dentist who a saliva test. Recycle loved wide open spaces. Some secretions, I understand, have higher BOTH PROSTHESES wtre installed back in acidity levels than others. It could be that your the days when gold was selling for S35 an ounce particular oral chemistry causes, gold to oxidize or less. Today, bonanza! more rapidly than normal. But the value of one's jaw does not multiply IK SO, you will want to acquire a mouthwash several hundredfold almost overnight without that neutralizes saliva. necessitating some psychological readjust- This brings us to the most important question: ments. how to invest one's jaw for maximum returns? this Guardian For me. it has created a fear that my jaw will At present, experience, and hence expertise, be stolen. in this field is lamentably limited. I CAN see the headlines: "Jaw Bandits Strike AS THE price of gold continues to climb, Again; Heist Local Man's Priceless Dental however, we can expect a new class of financial Work." consultants to appear - jaw brokers. Along with that phobia occurs an under- Meanwhile, just be thankful you always got Guardian Staff mining of self-confidence. One meets an such poor check-ups.

Editor. .Gayhm Vickers Managing Editor.. Mike Hosier SO HERE I AM- A MSOci fUjH0 Associate Editnr .Bob Mytrs V€HKfcH: ***** PRICE---AWD NDI W Sports Editor..Bob Cantdy VETOING MACHINE. HCH.UGH' «AT rmAwy Business Manager..Ken Ktit.fr I PEEL PDUIEPPUL.' „ CilVEANVTHlNG IW Ad Manager.. Tracy Jayne RETURN IP I 50 HCUi ION THIS CAHpuS Assistant to the Editor..Kevin Thornton DESIRE — . \AT AJI6H7?• - Copy editor..Craig Thomas. Brian Pitts layout stqff.. Sally Slusher. Sue Larkin Typesetters.. Trier* Westerheide. Lori Kobes. Kathy White Graphic Atists..Pat Kirwen. Scott Alexander HGM Photographer.. Cat hire Vance HE*'. Secretaries..Celeste Adems. Kath;i White *TUF Reporters..Granger Sutler. Carol Howll. Matt Kennedy, l.ora Pawt-*' Lewis. Mike Miller Sports n porters.. Chuck Arbaugh Eitrrtainmext .Kory hi tic elf, Dean Leonard, yi»>7 February 12, 1980 DAILY GUARDIAN 5 To the Editor: the Board's and Keserreis' con- As a student at WSU Student of cerns at the present. Nursing. J have endutcd in- Where does our student gov- nuendo aftger innuendo promul- ernment stand on the present gated by the administrator. 1 have problem? To the Editor... read in the paper that 1 am -not In closing, if the faculty of the qualified to work in a hospital. present school of nursing leave (Administration claims they have and the new 2 4 2 program is a letter from area hospital admin established. I can not see how the istrators stating this, yet I have no philosophy of the professional t be^n allowed to see this letter.) tray. I tried to get him. but he trust that you will rise up and school of nursing can be main- I have been accused along with disapeared under the rail. When tained. In my mind the Profes- Nursing stand unite with the student body to the other students and faculty-of - 1 informed the staff, they lauged sional school of nursing which I prevent this action which grossly being hysterical "Girls". This is and replied. "I ain't gettin that will graduate from will no longer violates our rights. terribly descriminatory. What, thing." «ist. Sincerely. about all the "boys" id o»^ j A solution to the problem as I Kerry Gehrke Ms. Phyllis E. Lewis To the Editor: program. see it is to have Saga leave and Senior. W.S.U. School of Nursing Are you as individuals willing Nursing faculty has been ac- have McDonalds, Ponderosa. etc to stand by and watch Wright cused of using class time to incite come In and take charge of the State University ignore its com- To the Editor, us. Nothing could be further from food operatons. mitment to academic freedom and [To my Representatives. 1 the truth. In none of my classes Come on, Mr. Nunamaker, professional integrity? was class time ever used, to. Letter to the Editor. there is no cause for a price Are you as taxpayers willing to i would appreciate that our discuss these problems. Far from increase and you're not "only support two Schools of Nursing in student representatives make a inciting us. they have urged us to. "I've been waiting to hear from comparable to Burger King," one university? Are you as faculty stand on the conflict between the remain calm and contioue with the Student Government about aware of the dangerous precedent especially in price, quality and nursing school and W.S.U. offi- our school work. how ,hey *Und on «>i-' Nursing friendly service. Scfco l nd about to be set for incorporating cials. Dr. Began stated, in the Daty ° « «»*'' differences ot change in the University? Hope this letter will enlighten Charles E. Procuniar Guardian that the Nursing Scfipol', opinion with the Administration, And are you aa students in the students here at WSU and if Nurs. 313 student has not demonstrated profession- If the student government is the prices do go up to boycott other programs in the University alism. He then goes.on to call Dr. supposed to support the students Saga Foods and pressure them going to accept this situation Torres and three pther faculty then they should support the out of WSU. which may one day point in your To the Editor. . - members "the 4 AyatqllahV'. I Nursing students on this issue. Dave Miller I To the Student Government. 1 very direction? suggest that epithets are the Undergraduate Student Lynne Collett 1, as a member of this arguments of malice. Senior Nursing Student community, am not willing to sit Would you please make a stand Administration. apRearjtp be . idle and watch University admini- on the nursing issu<"yow!l , • making much '.bow with little Thank you,- stration abuse the priviledges we Nurses'comment substance. as taxlpayers give them. Not Linda L. Eisile I believe administration has under any circumstances should deliberately decided to destroy letter to the Editor. such a flagrant abuse of a cademic the School of Nursing- to extend Letter to the Editor. To the Editor. freedom be allowed to take place [To the Student Government] the control of medicin?r, |t lies,. within any university. |7V> the Student Government.] been clear to me for some time 'Where has our student govern- The fact that University of- that administration cares nothing men' bod> bcen ihroughout the I am a senior Nursing student I would appreciate it if you ficials and the Dean of the School for the nursing students and Nursing school's controversy? at Wright State University and would make a stand on the Wc arc of Medicine would plan a new faculty and will stop at nothing to waiting to hear from you. am very concerned about the situation which exists in the nursing program without prior achieve their goal. I wonder who Diane Baughman state the school is in. I would School of Nursing. consultation with the present will be next. very much like you to take a stand Joanne Thompson nursing staff is a transgression on this issue. As a tax payer of Ohio you have against the very profession of Thank you. my vote of no ponftdesce - Dr. nursing itself. Kegerreis. The nursing profession is in a Bronda Southard To the Editor. 1 would ask the student govern- QQZ6 toddler stage which is just \Tn the Student Government. ] mcnt at WSU to take a stand beginning to shine with a either in support of the SON or freshness and creativity which is To the Editor. In viewing the past articles administration. so often seen with new growth |To the Student Government. ] concerning the NursinglAdmini- Thank you. and development. stration dispute, it hss come my Sandra Bonamassi To the Editor. Let us ensure the survival of attention the fact that the student As a senior Nursing studert, I I'd like to take the opportunity nursing »s a profession which have waited to hear of your stand government - our government offers its own unique science. responsible and accountable to to thank all the participants in the on the issue regarding the new annual Winter Da/e festivities. It 1 am asking you as a community school of nursing proposed by Dr. the student body has not voiced To the Editor. to put a stop to this action by the opinion of the people they was a huge success in the fact Kcgerreis and the present con- that the clubs w ho participated all Wright State University which represent - instead thpy take a In I973, a nursing school was troversy this has aroused. earned money from their bix>ths will one day affect you. neutral or "chicken" stand in this established as an accademic We arc asking for your support and it created a type of atino- Kerr.' Gehrke highly controversial and impor- school separate from a medical in this issue. We need your voice. sphcre where students from all tant issue. school or "Allied Health Affairs Student Government please re- areas of the university could come It's time that our government Division." a stepping stone for spond. to enjoy a good band, good food, Judith Brav holds true to its purpose. We. the professional nursing. student nurses at WSU need It flourished, bringing into this and a good time. 1 also want to especially thank SAGA student body support. We seek to community some of the leading Tom Clark, our coordinator. Doris be recognized as capable, intel- professional scholars in nursing; To the Editor. Brown. Activities Center secre- ligent professionals who have stimulating nursing students \To the Studnet Government, 1 tary. and the hard working earned the right to develop and through sweat and tears to dedicated ICC officers I've had administrate our own program. produce the type of nurse that To the Editor: During the last few weeks the pleasure of working with this The facts have been presented - perceives man as a total bio- numerous articles have been year. Weil, here we (f> again. Saga s written concerning the proposal now we are looking for action. psycho-social-spiritual being; as- Tamara Norton sisting man not only in illness, raising their food prices. by Wright State officials to Sincerely, but also in maintaining health. The prices nr.- already high establish a two-plus-two nursing Patty Kneer This school yeilds nurses who can compared with "McDonalds. A program which will co-exist with iCC Chairer hamburger costs only 43 cents at the present nursing school. The be assertive and are capable of Mc's end at the "Bike Shop" we credibility of Wright State nurs- To the Editor. making intelligent decisions bas- already pay 60 centa for a burger ing students has been irreversibly |To the Student Government.] ed upon scientific rationale, not that is n^allar and with no relish damaged by this action by Wright intuition. And now, the president on it. State officials. Throughout this Im' a senior nursing student of W.S.U. and cohorts are The help there is terrible. period I have been looking who feels that my name has been jepordizing this school's very Letter policy Several timjs t've been treated towards my elected representa- drawn through the mud. The existence, accreditation and '.he rudely by tht staff. I've had cold tives for a public declaration of slanderous statements by Gillian philosophy which has evolved. f tench fries, and even cold support. Thus far I have received Beljan and Kegerreis about my I would like to remind Dr. Letters to the Editor Amid be burgers. 1 paid a visit to the silencc. No longer can I accept competence as a nurse leave me Kegerreis and the Board of typewritten, deabte .paced, aad cafeteria last week. At the this lukewurm position taken by with a very questionable future. Trustees that W.S.U. was estab- on a 60-character MM. The letter* beginning of the line they were the student government. Please. Student Gove nment.takc lished upon an academic founda- wffl not be edited far rial let, bat out of silverware and napkins. Prove to me that you remain a stand on this issue. We need tion of'various colleges - Busi- may be c«t dae la apace cea- itTSJotl, My chili had four pieces of loyal to your elected cause of your support and need to know if ness, Liberal Arts, Nursing, meat and >0 beans, the reot was protecting student rights. I we have >t. Engineering, etc.. - not on(y upon The Dufy Cmmnlimn wfl pint te II so«t>. At the sal«d bar a roach refuse to condemn you for your Thank you, a medical school foundation - tried to make his way onto my silence, but choose instead to Shauna Zerhusen which appears to be main lining" 6 DAILY GUAIDUN Fabnouy 12, I960

/ News Shorts '—» There will be preview perfor- " desia series. The concert will Chlmaera mances Feb. 15 at 8 p.m.. Feb. 16 at 8 p.m. and Sun., Feb. 17 be called Treasurer from the The 1980 Chimaera editorial Rehabilitation club committee is still accepting at 2 p.m. for the general TODAY Italian Baroque. The Chamber Meeting v^rks for the first issue of the public. For times and reser- Ensemble w ill consist of mem- EDUCATION STUDENTS magazine to be published this vations. call the Playhouse Box Meeting for the Rehabilita- bers of the Dayton. Philhar- year. Office at (513) 421-3888. monic Orchestra and the Rob- Come lo an open meeting tion Club Wednesday, Febru- All works of fiction and ary 13th at 12:00 in Rm 151 ert M. Stofer harpsichord will poetry, as well as research and with your representative to Writer's Workshop Millet. be used. Music by Torelli, opinion papers submitted by Student Government, so that Sinclair Community Col- Guest speaker will be Susan Domenieo Scarlatti and Alles- any Wright State undergrad- vou can ask questions, give lege's thirteenth annual McGruder from the Xcnia sandro Scarlatti will be includ- uate student w ill be very much input, get informed and hear Writer's Workshop will be Bureau of Vocational Rehabili- ed. appreciated and carefully con- what your representative has held March 6th ard 7th. 1980. tation. Her topic is on The concert is free ar.d sidered by the committee. been working 011. March 6th in Blair Hall Counselor Liscensure. lighted parking is available. If you have questions, con- This meeting will be held rheatre at 7:30 p.m. novelist Psychology, social work and tact the editor. Martha Scholl Tuesday. February 12 from 1-2 and short story writer. Ann couseling students are ii.vited (mailbox K384) or stop by the p.m. in 124 Millett. Come »nd Beattie. a frequent contributor to attend. Honors Office (163 Millett). share whatevcr's on your to the New Yorker magazine, mind. There will be a special COMING UP With your help the up- business meeting in 151 Millet aiming issue of Chimaera will will be the guest speaker. The film "Head Over Heels." at 11:30. Oral Defense be' the most interesting and based on Ms. Beattie's novel Valentine {jantatloni informative one to date. Feb. 12 in Allvn Hall, Joyce M. Meagher will "Chilly Scenes of Winter". outside lounge. Phi Mus Phi FRIDAY present the oral defense for will be continouslv shown class will be taking orders for her thesis entitled "An An- March 6th and 7th. She is also Early Moalc Center the author of "Distortions" carnations, for that someone Winter Interpereonal alysis of Student Use of the The Early Music Center, and "Secrets and Surprises". special, for only $1. Feb. 13 Communication Lab Senior High Guidance Counce- cstablihcs in March with a tw o collections of short stories. they will be located in Millett Having problems communi- lor in the Fairborn School seed money grant from the On March 7th the woA- Hall. Feb. 14 you pick them up cating? The Student Develop- Sysrcm." The defense will be Yellow Springs Village Coun- shops will be conducted by in Allvn Hall Pay when you ment Winter Lab will focus on presented on February 21, order. cil. has now completed two Su/anne Clauser. TV and film interpersonal communication 1980. 11:30 a.m. in 225 Millett terms of instruction. with plenty of exercises and script writer: Dennis Henslev, Hall. The Center has introduced magazine free lance writer: small group activities to prac- over twenty people to the joys Locating Career Information Caroline Richards, novelist: tice or renew these skills. of playing recorder, krum- What Careers Do You Want Topics covered will include Sandra Love, childrens litera- Math Help mhorn. viola dc gamba. and to Find Out About? will be self-disclosure. risk-taking, ture writer; and James Geibel, The Department of Mathe- harpsichord, both alone in offered Feb. 12. 3-4:30 p.m. to feedback, assertivenss train- young adult fiction writer. matics provides math help for small ensembles colleagues. students and alumni at the ing. and stress management. Contact Gary Mitchner at students in MTH 102. 127. The staff members, all of < areer Planning and Place- Cost for th£ lab is only *20. 226-2594 or 299-1663 for regis- no. 131.132. 133,l58j. 224. whom have advanced degrees ment Office. 126 Student which includes a weekend ol tration information. Sers ices. 225.231. and 300. The hours in music, also teach basic good food, lodging, and trans- for Winter Quarter are 9-3 sight-singing, a madrigal Learn effective ways to portation to scenic Pilgrim Monday thru Friday and 6-9 group, and a class in "Intro- Aldredge Scholarship locale information on careers Hills Camp. Scholarships will p.m. Monday th u Thursday in duction to the Harpsichord." of interest using our Career also be awarded according to Resource Center. Avoid the 4 486 Fawcett Hall. Scholarship aid is available, A SI.000 cash prize and an need and merit. based on need. Any interested opportunity to perform with most common mistakes of ; Open to all Wright State information gathering, learn reader is invited to telephone the Chautaugua Symphony students, the lab will be held I'nlverslty Division 767-8181 for further infor- Orchestra arc being offered in ah.-lit informational interviews Feb. 22-24. The deadline for Spring Quarter early regist- mation. the 1980 Aldredge Piano Scho- with contact persons to get registration is Feb. 15. Appli- specific information. No ad- ration for University Division larship competition at Chau- cations can be obtained at the students ONI Y began on taugua Institution. vance registration is neces- Student Development Office Work-Study Employment sarv. For further information February 4. Stop by the The national scholarship is University Division in room call #73-2556. We would like to emphasize • pen to piauists, ages 17-27. 131 Student Services or call College Poetry Review that those students who are for seven weeks of study this 8"'3-2945 to make an appoint- The National Poetry Press interested in Summer College summer at Chautaugua's mu- ment with your academic- announces the closing date for Work-Study employment must sic school. adviser. Advisers will have submission of manuscrips by submit their 1980-81 Financial Selection of the award reci- WEDNESDAY advance versions of the the college students is Fri.. Feb. Aid Form(FAF) to the College pient will be made on the basis Spring schedule available on 15. Scholarship Service no later of audition tapes and recom- this date. Vfclentlne Meaaagea Any student attending eith- than March 3. 1980. mendations submitted to er junior or senior college is Chautaugua by Tuesday. April Send someone special a eligible to submit a verse. IRS Self Help I. Further information may be Valentine message(Valagram) There is no limitation as to "Celebration Overture' If you go into your local obtained by writing the School Available in Millett lobby form or theme. Shorterworks Premieres Internal Revenue Service of- Office, box 28. Chautaugua Wedm »day and Thursday (13- arc preferred because of space William J. Steinohrt. Chair- fice for help with your tax Institution. Chautaugua. N.Y. 14';. Messages will be deliver- limitations. man of the Wright State return, the IRS will help you in 14722. ed continuously on February Each poem nust be typed or University Dept. of Music, has preparing your own tax return. K in Allyn Hall mailboxes. printed on a separate sheet, been commissioned by the To best serve the public, the Main Coaat Semester Sponsored bt Comm 141. and must bear the name and Dayton Philharmonic Orchest- IRS will rely on taxpayer The National Collegiate Proceeds will go to WSU home address of the student, ra Associaton to compose a participation in the prepara- Honors Council is sponsoring a Scholarship Fund. and the college address as work for play by the Orchestra tion of each taxpayer's return. special summer of study on the well. on Wed., Feb. 27 during the 8 In using this self-help ap- Maine coast during July and Relaxation Techniques Manuscripts should be sent p.m.conceit in Memorial Hall. proach, you, the taxpayer, will August. Participants will earn Thi third seminar in the to the Office of the Press. This commission is supported be provided with tax informa- nine upper-division credits stress lecture series will be National Poetrv Press. Box by a grant from the Ohio Arts tion and guidance; yet, at the through a scries of disciplinary held Wednesday, February 13 218, Agouta. Ca. 11301 Council. same time, you will have the courses introducing some of in 173 Millett Hall from 12:00 - Dr. Steinohrt's work, entit- opportunity to learn how to the most unique and attractive 1:00 p.m. Dr. C-ary Ackerly. led Celebration Overture, was prepare your own tax return. features-natural and cultur- Counseling Services, will dis- written for full orchestra dur- al--of the region. Any Wright ing the fall of 1979 and is cuss the topic of "Relaxation WEEKEND Cincinnati Playhouse State student w ho is interested dedicated to Music Director Techniques." This program is Chamber Ensemble Cincinnati Playhouse will in this unique educational Charles Wendelken-Wilson sponsored by Student Deve- On Sunday. February 17 at present Anton Chekhov's opportunity should contact the and the members of the lopment. Counseling Services. 8.00 p.m.. Westminster Cherry Orchard on the Honors Office. 163 Millett for Dayton Philharmonic Orch- School of Medicine and HPR Church will present an exua Robert S. Marx stage from re details. The application estra. Department. concert in its currcnt ARS/Ec- Feb. 19 through March 16. deadline is Af I 9. N»;'! ,r *>•«»# '•> MlA« .» February 12, I9M DAILY GUARDIAN 7 Dracula Fowley Despite the Dracula image, Fowley is one of the industry's most fascinating characters

By RORY METCALF during a career that spans 20 personalities in rock, although was just coming in." he said. working with a number of other Guard Ian Mutlr Writer years. seldom in the foreground. "None of the short-haired dan- artists. He has written songs for AN ANGEL OR a creep, Fowley. son of actor Douglas Herman Brood and His Wild Kim Fowley has led a bizarre famous or notorious, depending Fowley (whose credits include cers could compete." Romance. Gene Simmons and and varied life. on who's talking, he's been called Singing In The Rain), had what It was the shadier side of his Kris Kristofferson. and is pro- Producer, recording artist, lyri- "the biggest lecher in Holly- could safely be called a lousy life that led him to a music career, ducing three other acts. cist, session vocalist, publisher, wood" and "Dracula-like talent childhood. At the age of six, he according to Fowley. Fowley states that working with manager, with what he estimates scout" by critics. contracted polio. Abandoned by "I WAS A burglar and a sneak him is "like being naked, on all to be over 3,000 records (14 Love him or hate him, Fowley is his mother, he was raised in thief and I made love to older fours, with chains around your platinum. S7 gold) to his credit one of the most fascinating series of foster homes. women for money," he said. "I neck, being led around in front of AT SEVENTEEN, an age when used to have a nickname. Crim- all your grandparents. people like Jar.is Ian had nothing inal Angel...Mv criminal activi- "I'M A dictator and a madman. more serious than acne and nc ties led to music. Music is an It's pretty disgusting, it's grim Pink Ladies bloom in Japandate s to worry about. Fowley was outlaw business." and degrading if you're wrong. If His early career in music By VERNON SCOTT In addition to beautiful har- in the hospital-with yet another you're right, it's Christmas every indludcd singing on the Holly- HOLLYWOOD UP1 • Pink monizing. Mie and Kei are a form of polio. day- Christmas on acid and coke. wood Argvlcs' Alley Oop. The Lady is to Japanese pop music visual delight. According to Fowley. the ex- Fowley has recorded a number first record Fowley produced was lovers what the young Elvis VHEY ARE exquisitely fas- perience was not a total disaster. of albums as an artist. His most The Theme from The Ghnsi of Presley was to American rock hioned Oriental flowers, delicate recent is SNAKE DOCUMENT "I got my mental strength from ftragstrip Hollow, the theme song fans - the ultimate star. of face, fragile as finely-etched MASQUERADE. which took that." he stated in a recent phone is the name of a pair china. Indeed, they resemble from a drive-in movie.by The three days to make. He has no interview. "I wasn't going to Renegades. of 21-year-old Japanese girls daintily wrought figures on rare particular favorites among his spend my life in a wheelchair. I Since then he's worked with named Mie Nemoto and Kei old shoji screens. own records. had things to do." artists sucfi as Warren Zcvon. Masuda who sell more lecords Both young women are glowing "I'm not a groupie for myself, A STRONG WILL was not its Leon Russel. The Seeds. Alice than anyone else in Asia. examples of traditional Japanesr he said. "I don't listen to them or.lv effect. "It also gave me a Cooper. Helen Reddv, The Run- A PRESS release says they are standards of femininity - all that much. I make records and nice sleek body." he added. , a ways. Kiss. Cat Stevens, rhc the No. I selling record stars in grace, humility and smiles. then I go on." "Naked. I look like Bowie on Byrds. and ELP as writer and/or the world today. Perhaps American feminists LIKE EVERYONE else. Kim Aladdin Sane. It's great to get producer. Be that as it may. the important would call them repressed or the Fowley has a lot to say on the polio if you w ant a body like David subject of Kim Fowley: thing is that Mie pronounced Me victims of male chauvinism. Bowie. Who knows, if I hadn't and Kei pronounced Kay will star HIS BEST WORK, in !)is "I'm the way people will be 200 gotten it. I might have looked like for six successive weeks later this FRIENDS SINCE they were opinion, is more recent. He is now- years from now. I'm a multiple 14-year-old school girls in Shizuo- John Wayne." producing an album by The personality—I am 28 different season in NBC-TV's new musical Abandoned in the hospital by comedy series. "Pink Lady Star- ke City. Mie and Kei entered a Orchids, an all-female rock band. persons, and 1 give them ail their singing contest four years ago his father during his second "The producer of the year last turn." ring Jeff Altman." illness. Fowliv soon found a way It's a dumb title for a show. But sponsored by a TV station. They year was Mike Chapman, who "1 don't do drugs. 1 don't have to use his body and his wits. it does account for the presence of won easily and became instant produced Blondie and Pat Bene- to. I'm superhuman." The day after he left the comedian Altman in the series. stars in . . tar. to name a couple." stated . "I'M A spiritualist on an S&M They were named Pink Lady- hospital, he became a prostitute, Fowley. "He was impressed by level." NO JAPANESE-born per- as opportunity arose in the form formers have starred in American after the fussy pink cocktail of the The Orchids, and went to see "I am a great man. because same name. of a neighbor woman who found them perform last night. you have given me all this space television. The language barrier him attractive. alone is an almost insurmount- Their first record. "Pepper- "He was delighted and enthus- in your newspaper." iastic. When a producer that all able problem. Keibu," Sergeant Pepper, was a OTHER CAREERS HE under- "Do I think full of shit, But Pink Lady, who sings rock runaway hit for Japan's Victor took included dancing at Ciro's on the critics call the producer of th ovcrated and a fraud? Probably. songs such as "Kiss in the Dark" Records and they were on their Sunset Strip and on British year, someone that I admire, is But I'm making a lot of mor.cv." in English. coui-J change all that. television show Ready Steady C-o that interested in what I'm doing. - •» "MAII. ME your dreams at (in fact, he claims, its host-Cathy I know it's good. hOOO Sunset Blvd.. Hollywood. McGowan. one of England's most "I'M SURE it'll be Number California 90028.1 listen to all the famous teens-was in love with One around the world. If not tapes 1 get. If it's good, I'll •V liim). around the world, then some- finance it....I am Dr. Franken- "I had shoulder-lc-igth hair where. Maybe in Ohio." stein. granting the wishes of then, at a time when long hair Besides The Orchids. Fowley is lonclv dreamers." =*=«" •<>>! A ml -i-CJlln .) V $$$$ NEED CASH? $$$$ • rt'jjt.. rnjfiuv. • Make extra money donating plasma! Courteous and competent medical staff and physician on duty at all times. «•> Buckeye Biological Inc. The pinnacle cf service plus many luxurious off- % ether amenities. Use campus Jiving. of the Penthouse 128-132 South Ludlow life ai Mtamiview Party Room is free to puis you high above all residents 1 bed- historic Grafton Hills, room apts aftordably Dayton 223-5779 in ihe center of priced (or Wright Oowrriown Dayton's State students and {•nest cultural and faculty $190 and up, Hours: 7:30 am-3:00 pm Mon.-Fri. social attractions. INCLUDES gas heat. • • The Art Institute. ^ River Corridor and 111 Grafton Ave. moie are within sight Dayton Bring this add with you for extra cash! Enjoy 24 hour emes- 513-461-4505 gency maintenance "Bonuses Available' Bring I.D. i mwx'i mwwn

S DAILY GUARDIAN Mwmry 12, 1M0 Homecoming Rodney Benson returns to Louisville with 22 points in Bellarmine game

By CHUCK AIBAUGH also enjoyed a homecoming, have contributing 16 points on the 1 was really pumped up. Maybe 1 bit. thank goodness. Gufdtea Staff Writer coached high school ball in the evening. was too pumped up. but it sure WELCH'S OFFENSIVE leader- HE PROVIDED poised floor Rodney Benson climaxed his Louisville area a few years ago. feels good to win here." Benson leadership for WSU. and hit a homecoming to the Louisville. "The game was definitely ship. a delay tactic by WSU and said. clutch foul shooting by Eddie clutch free throw at the 10-second Kentucky area, with a 22-point light." he said, but I felt we The second half play of Welch mark which helped seal the Crowe and Benson provided for inspired Wright State on both explosion which led Wright State controlled the flow out there. victory. to a 66-63 victory over Bellaruioe Psychologically, this is a real big Wright State's slim margin of ends of the coutt. on Saturday night. win for us on the road. And of victory. ROMAN EXPLAINED his role The win pushed WSU's record And when Benson, who played course, winning in my home state The game was not exactly a in the second half. "When to 19-2 for the season. The game his prep ball at Iroquois High isn't too bad either." work of art by the men in the Rodney got called for his second was a hard-fought and compet- in Louisville, put the finishing THE VICTORY WAS indeed a striped uniforms. Welch and foul. In knew 1 would have to do itive one. but it ws satisfying in touch on the Raider victory with a sweet one. but it was not all fun Benson were both whistled for my job. the end for Ralph Underbill. final free throw, he began his and games during the evening. technical fouls during the contest, "We had some rought times, victory dance-strut. The Raiders saw Benson pick drawing the ire of Underhill and "But when Rodney's out. I but everyone did the job for us." up his fourth foul at the 12:01 the small but loud group of really don't change my game. I he said. "Welch and Benson had BEGINNING WITH palm-slap- mark of the second half. With "Raider Rowdies" on hand. just try to go to the hoop and hit foul problems in the first and ping and concluding with two Benson out, Bellarmine quickly THE TECHNICAL on Benson the boards when I can." number-one fingers hoisted high capitalized, taking the lead at can be blamed perhaps partially Another inspirational factor second halves, but their presence in the ak. Benson w*s really 53-51 with 7:41 to pity. on Rodney's intensity throughout was the return of guard Eddie helped us on the press and on the enjoying being back home. Roman Welch picked up the the game. Crowe to the Raider lineup. glass. Having Crowe in there Head coach Ralph Underhill offense when Benson departed. "1 had about 30 people here, so Crowe's game didn't change a helped too." Intramurals enter final week of play tonight

Intramural basketball season for the 12 positions available in tournament, which is single elimi- enters its final week of play this the tournament. The tcu.'nament nation. Tonight's game have The week. will begin March 4 to determine Nurses and Beta Phi Omega Basketball standings The winners of each league are the all-campus champions. playing at 7:30 on Court 1 while Team Win Loss Pet. pretty much determined, however THE TOP four finishers in each ' action in the Red league sees The Red League (Men) 1here are still a lot of teahu alive league will be eligible for the Rjects and he undefeated Big 1. Big Daddy Swingers c * 0 1.000 | Daddy Swingers playing on Court 2. Deacons 4 2 .667 13 at 7:3;. 3. 76'rs 3 2 .800 The 8:45 games have F.D.'s 4. Cadaver Ciub 3 2 .600 SYLVER'S and the Crusaders of the Blue 5. Rejects 2 2 .500 league on Court 1. The Red 6. Do Dads 3 3 .500 for the best in music, laughs and spirits! League game at 8:45 is the 7. Spoilers 1 5 .167 • ignOL>? Spoilers taking on the 76'ers. 8. If.T. ' 0 5 .000 Feb 12-Tom Ingham Blue League (Men) Feb 14-Frank Pierce Band Pierce 1. Fear A Loathing 6 0 1.000 We can't afford 2. Speed 4 1 .800 Feb 15sS 16-Flatbush to waste it. 3. Doug's Team 4 2 .667 4. Kill Dares 4 2 .667 5. F.D's 2 3 .400 6. Greg's Team IMp mnM apply now 24 2 4 .333 7. All Going to the Bank Shot 638 Watervliet openings $6.10 -S1I.S0 per 0 5 .000 Forfeit 252-2252 hour on the average. Flexible 8. Crusaders hours. Call 4354396 between 12:00 noon and 3:00 p.m. Yellow League (Men) 1. Body Mechanics 5 0 1.000 2. Irwin Roundballers 5 1 .833 3. Nurses 3 2 .600 Piandlessonsby Suzuki MethocT 4. To Be Named Later 2 3 .400 5. Rowdies 2 3 .400 Now interviewing children ages 4-7 6. Little Raiders 1 4 .200 7. Beta Phi Omega .000 phone 294-3224 0 5 OAYTONA BEACH SPRING BREAK S'tt's nii.it "VJ c' Summer.. , Army ROTC can help put • SJ* Days on the Beach r iv* yours into srtape With six weeks of challen- Night® Ocean-front Indq-ng • Two Pooled* Bar B Out ging, no-obligation leadership training. With Buffet* • Parties • Cou- earnings of about $450 plus free room and pon Book • Taie* ft Tip® board. /*.nd wiih opportunities for up to $5000 $99.50 more during your next two years of college. All leading to your commission as an Army - 1 officer, full time on active duty or part time in SKI BREAK the Reserve or National Guard. Killington Ski Week • Lift llckiti • Lodging • Meals • Keg Psrty • Coupon Book • Entertainment • Mode Night • Social Hours • Taies 4 Tip* Things are shaping up.$149.50 Quad Start shaping up for summer. Find out more 'Co ordlnators ) Information 1 S00 1M 4630 today about the Army ROTC 2-year program. or write Chesapeake. 40«0 S i«th St. Contact Chuck Soby, 182 P.E. Bldg, 873-2763 Arlington. Va. 22200 Reservation Deposit $40.00