BAR DIRECTORY LONDON The Chambers of William Clegg QC ATKINS CHAMBERS Specialists in all aspects of Criminal Law including Atkins Chambers all serious and complex criminal offences, 1 Atkin Building Confi scation proceedings, Extradition, Financial services, Gray’s Inn Fraud, Health and Safety, Inside Dealing, London International Criminal Law, Market Abuse, WC1R 5AT Medico-Legal, Money Laundering, T: 020 7404 0102 F: 020 7405 7456 Professional Disciplinary Tribunals, E:
[email protected] Public Enquiries, Regulatory, Sports Law, DX: 1033 Lond/Chancery Ln Trading Standards and Tribunals. W: M: 07799 844018 (out-of-hours) Advice and representation provided from investigation Atkin Chambers is a leading set of chambers specialising in various aspects of to appellate advocacy. commercial law. It is particularly well known for its advocacy and advice on cases concerning domestic and international construction and engineering contracts and projects. However, along with this wide area of practice it has developed extensive Mr William Clegg QC Mr Timothy Kendal expertise and experience in areas such as information technology, insurance, oil and Mr Howard Godfrey QC Mr Richard Matthews gas, professional negligence, dry shipping and general commercial law. Th e quality Lord Morris of Aberavon Mr Craig Rush and strength of chambers across a number of fi elds and the international character KG, QC Mr James Ageros of its work have recently been recognised by it becoming the fi rst chambers in the Mr Peter Griffi ths QC Mr Sean Hammond United Kingdom to be granted a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the international Mr Andrew Munday QC Miss Valerie Charbit trade category.