
THE BLACK - Week 10:Workout 3 Resistance Training

Standard Warm-up

15 min of moderate/conversational aerobic of your choice (jog, bike, , swim, etc.)

Perform 10 reps of each of the following hinge Jumping jack High March to Toe touches Cat & Camel to lunge while raising opposite Birddog position: hip raise, arms circles, push-up arm **Myofascial release as needed (See list below)

Workout Proper

Workout Parameters: 30 sec on: 30-60 sec off; 2-3 rotations of each circuit; 2 min off between each circuit Note that there are 2-3 Levels of each exercise. Choose the level appropriate for your fitness.

Exercise Exercise Progression (video) L1: Upright row with hose roll L2: Upright row with heavier item at base or available. (See video) L3: Upright row with heavier item at base or available. (See video) Rolled hose swing (video) L1: Swing rolled hose-Use an appropriate weight roll for your strength. L2: Swing rolled hose-Use an appropriate weight roll for your strength. L3: Swing rolled hose-Use an appropriate weight roll for your strength. Side plank (video) L1: Side plank on knee L2: Side plank on feet & elbow L3: Side plank on feet & hand Burpee (video) L1: Burpee L2: Burpee with push-up L3: Burpee with push-up & vt jump Single leg (video) L1: Single leg squat (chair or object to balance) L2: Single leg squat with fire pack-use appropriate weight pack L3: Single leg squat with fire pack-use appropriate weight pack

Cool-down Static stretching (video) Myofascial release with Foam Roller (5) or Ball (6) *Hold each stretch for 20 seconds *Roll out each muscle for about 30 seconds or as needed Overhead shoulder stretch Quads/IT band/hip flexors Arm across chest stretch Chest stretch Calf Lunge while raising opposite arm Glutes Calf stretch Thoracic Hurdler stretch Traps Hip stretch Forward butterfly stretch