Implications of Experiences in the Family of Origin and Infidelity in Violence Loving Relationships Trends in Psychology, Vol
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Trends in Psychology ISSN: 2358-1883 Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia Colossi, Patrícia Manozzo; Falcke, Denise Implications of Experiences in the Family of Origin and Infidelity in Violence Loving Relationships Trends in Psychology, vol. 27, no. 2, April-June, 2019, pp. 339-355 Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia DOI: 10.9788/TP2019.2-04 Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System Redalyc More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Project academic non-profit, developed under the open access initiative Trends in Psychology / Temas em Psicologia DOI: 10.9788/TP2019.2-04 ISSN 2358-1883 (online edition) Article Implications of Experiences in the Family of Origin and Infi delity in Violence Loving Relationships Patrícia Manozzo Colossi*, 1, 2 Denise Falcke2 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1Faculdades Integradas de Taquara, Taquara, RS, Brasil 2Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil Abstract The experiences of partners in their families of origin, the circumstances of everyday life and aspects of infi delity in the marital relationship have been studied to explain the genesis of intimate partner violence. This study investigated the experiences of the family of origin, which sociodemographic data and what factors associated with infi delity have a greater predictive power of intimate partner violence, besides the possible interactions between these variables. A quantitative, correlational and explanatory study was developed with 600 participants (384 men, 216 women), correlations were established and linear regression models were proposed. The results identifi ed that circumstances of daily life (such as gender, having children or not, partner’s age) and experiences in the family of origin (physical neglect, sexual abuse and parental alliance) contribute to the explanation of the diff erent expressions of violence in the couple. Infi delity, although correlated with violence, did not prove to be a predictor. Physical neglect and sexual abuse were identifi ed as predictors of physical violence while the dysfunctional parental alliance was a predictor of psychological violence. The women showed higher rates of psychological violence while men presented greater perpetration of sexual coercion. The marital clinic is a highlighting in this context, since it proposes to welcome and treat the conjugal relationship in its structuring and relational aspects, improving the establishment of more balanced, stable and functional relational models. Keywords: Marital violence, infi delity, family of origin, regression analysis. Implicações das Experiências na Família de Origem e de Infi delidade na Violência dos Relacionamentos Amorosos Resumo Experiências dos parceiros nas famílias de origem, circunstâncias da vida cotidiana e aspectos da infi delidade na relação conjugal têm sido estudados para explicar a gênese da violência no casal. Este estudo investigou as experiências da família de origem, quais variáveis sociodemográfi cas e que fatores associados à infi delidade possuem maior poder preditivo da violência nos relacionamentos íntimos, ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– * Mailing address: Av. Oscar Martins Rangel, 4500. Bairro Fogão Gaúcho, Taquara, RS, Brazil. 95612190 Phone: (51) 3541.6689 / +1 (407) 668.5262 Email: [email protected]. Trends Psychol., Ribeirão Preto, vol. 27, nº 2, p. 339-355 - June/2019 340 Colossi, P. M., Falcke, D. além das suas possíveis interações. Um estudo quantitativo, correlacional-explicativo foi desenvolvido com 216 homens e 384 mulheres (n=600). Correlações foram estabelecidas e modelos de regressão linear foram propostos. Resultados identifi caram que circunstâncias da vida cotidiana (sexo, ter fi lhos ou não, idade dos parceiros) e experiências na família de origem (negligência física, abuso sexual e aliança parental) contribuem para a explicação das expressões de violência no casal. A infi delidade se correlacionou com a violência, mas não se mostrou preditora. Negligência física e abuso sexual identifi caram-se como preditores da violência física e a aliança parental disfuncional mostrou-se preditora da violência psicológica. Mulheres revelaram maiores taxas de violência psicológica enquanto homens apresentaram maior perpetração da coerção sexual. Destaca-se a importância da clínica conjugal que se propõe a acolher e tratar a relação conjugal em sua estrutura relacional, favorecendo o estabelecimento de modelos mais equilibrados, estáveis e funcionais. Palavras-chave: Violência conjugal, infi delidade, família de origem, análise de regressão Implicaciones de las Experiencias en la Familia de Origen y la Infi delidad en la Violencia de las Relaciones Românticas Resumen Las experiencias de los cónyuges en sus familias de origen, y las circunstancias de la vida cotidiana, infi delidad en la relación conyugal se ha estudiado con el fi n de explicar la génesis de la violencia en la pareja. Este estúdio investigó las experiências de la família de origen, que las variables sociodemográfi cas y fatores associados a la infi delidade tienen mayor poder predictivo de la violência na las relaciones íntimas, además de las posibles interaciones entre estas variables. Un estudio explicativo cuantitativo, correlacional se llevó a cabo con 384 216 hombres y 216 384 mujeres (n = 600). Las correlaciones se establecen y se propusieron modelos de regresión lineal. Resultados encontrado que las circunstancias de la vida cotidiana (sexo, tienen hijos o no, la edad de los socios) y experiencias en la familia de origen (abandono físico, el abuso sexual y la alianza de los padres) contribuir a una explicación de las expresiones de la violencia no se doble. El infi delidadese correlacionada con la violencia, pero no fue predictiva. abandono físico y el abuso sexual fueron identifi cados como predictores de la violencia física y una alianza parental disfuncional demostrado ser un predictor de la violencia psicológica. Las mujeres mostraron tasas más altas de violencia psicológica, mientras que los hombres eran más comisión de coacción sexual. Se destaca la importancia de la clínica civil que ofrece un acogedor y es una relación marital en una estructura relacional, favoreciendo la creación de modelos más equilibradas, estables y funcionales. Palabras clave: La violencia de pareja, infi delidad, familia de origen. Intimate partner violence has long been a moral violence (Law no. 11.340, 2006 [Maria subject of interest in the literature and has been da Penha]). studied from diff erent perspectives and contexts Global data suggests that over 38% of (Colossi & Falcke, 2013; Oliveira, Gessner, female homicides are committed by their Brancaglioni, Fonseca, & Egry, 2016; World intimate partners (WHO, 2016). In Spain, Health Organization [WHO], 2016). Its most a study of 1076 female victims of violence frequent manifestations are conceptually divided revealed that 27.6% of participants had suff ered into physical, sexual and psychological violence, some form of aggression, which 42.7% of them and occur either alone, or in combination with attributed to their partners (Martín-Baena, one another (Hirigoyen, 2006). In Brazil, the law Montero-Piñar, Escribà-Agüir, & Vives-Cases, which deals specifi cally with violence against 2015). In Brazil, this phenomenon is also highly women also makes reference to property and prevalent: according to recent estimates, one in Trends Psychol., Ribeirão Preto, vol. 27, nº 2, p. 339-355 - June/2019 Implications of Experiences in the Family of Origin and Infi delity in Violence 341 Loving Relationships. every three women has been the victim of some against men, which highlights the fact that this sort of violence in their lifetime, and 40% to type of violence is often bidirectional. 70% of homicides against women are committed The complexity of intimate partner violence by intimate partners (Rosa, Boing, Büchele, refl ects its multifaceted nature and multifactorial Oliveira, & Coelho 2008). etiology. Attempts to explain the origins of Epidemiological studies have estimated that this phenomenon have led to the identifi cation 30% to 50% of women experience some form of of several possible causes. Flynn and Graham intimate partner violence (Lamoglia & Minayo, (2010) proposed a conceptual model comprised 2009; Rodrigues, Gomes-Sponholz, Stefanelo, of three levels of factors which may contribute to Nakano, & Monteiro, 2014; Vieira, Perdona, marital violence: (1) Background and personal & Santos, 2011). A study of diff erent types of characteristics of perpetrators and victims; violence in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco (2) Current life circumstances; (3) Immediate reported a prevalence of 52.7% for emotional precursors or precipitators. The analysis of 16 violence, 46.1% for physical violence and empirical studies on the topic led authors to 13.6% for sexual violence in a sample of 245 conclude that in most cases, the violence was women aged 15 to 49 (Barros et al., 2016). An attributed to level three factors, which refer even higher fi gure was reported by Dourado and specifi cally to immediate causes. These may Noronha (2015) in a study conducted in Bahia, include jealousy, infi delity and psychoactive where 63.2% of women experienced intimate substance abuse. Infi delity is an immediate partner violence, revealing the endemic nature precipitator