AN unREASONABLE MAN -- ILLUSTRATED SCREENPLAY directed by Henriette Mantel, starring Ralph Nader © 2006 Two Left Legs LLC YOU ARE REQUIRED TO READ THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE AT THIS LINK BEFORE YOU READ THE FOLLOWING WORK, THAT IS AVAILABLE SOLELY FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP OR RESEARCH PURSUANT TO 17 U.S.C. SECTION 107 AND 108. IN THE EVENT THAT THE LIBRARY DETERMINES THAT UNLAWFUL COPYING OF THIS WORK HAS OCCURRED, THE LIBRARY HAS THE RIGHT TO BLOCK THE I.P. ADDRESS AT WHICH THE UNLAWFUL COPYING APPEARED TO HAVE OCCURRED. THANK YOU FOR RESPECTING THE RIGHTS OF COPYRIGHT OWNERS [Joe Tom Easley, Former Nader's Raider] Imagine, his own former associates have turned against him. [Ralph Nader] You know, that always makes for [good] newspaper copy. *** [Ralph Nader] These corporate think tanks go through their daily life thinking that their glass is only 97% full. *** [James Ridgeway, Journalist] The Democrats just totally trashed the guy, and they have been trashing him for four years. They're the meanest bunch of motherfuckers I have ever run across. *** [Gregory Kafoury, Nader Campaign Organizer] Let me tell you, there were carrots and there were sticks. Nader was told, "If you don't run, we will lavish money on your organizations. We will lavish money anywhere you want it." Very extravagant sums of money were mentioned, and he was told face to face, "This is just the beginning." [Ralph Nader] Oh, yes. I mean, I -- through third parties, millions of dollars were offered for our programs and projects if I would drop out, or if I would not decide to run.
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