Dave Torr , President Iian Denham , Activities Co-ordinator Shirley Cameron , Editor E
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[email protected] 9749 5141 9379 9483 9741 2997 The You-Yangs towards the end of Winter. The day always starts well , Gwen quickly locating the two Tawny Frogmouths, as they were sitting in the sun cameras were soon clicking. The short walk into the bush near the Information Centre found another gem…Painted Button Quail, no photos, they move too fast! On around the Great Circle Drive, what a dif- ference the winter rain has had on the parched bush land. Out into the Seed-garden area and the bird Count was rising by the minute. Cameras out again, the Red-capped-Robin was most obliging. Mike has pro- vided some excellent photos. Dave did a preliminary Count before most of the group moved onto Serenedip. As we were travelling home there were two Brolga in a paddock, again Mike’s camera will tell the story. We are so lucky to have some many amazing bird habitats so close to Werribee, why would you want to live anywhere else Willie Wagtail Eastern rosella Eastern rosella Royal spoonbill Kookaburra Cape Barren Goose Kookaburra Straw-necked Ibis Little Raven Black Swan Brown Treecreeper Black -shouldered kite Magpie-lark Australian Shelduck Superb Fairywren Whistling kite White-winged Chough Australian Wood Duck Weebill Black Kite Scarlet Robin Grey Teal Yellow-rumped thornbill Wedge-tailed Eagle Red-capped Robin Chestnut Teal Striated Pardalote Little Eagle Eastern yellow robin Pacific Black Duck White plumed honeyeater Purple Swamphen Silvereye Hardhead Red Wattle bird Dusky Moorhen Welcome Swallow Australasian Grebe New Holland Honeyeater Masked Lapwing Tree martin Crested pigeon Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike Painted Button-quail Common Blackbird Tawny Frogmouth Grey Shrike Thrush Galah Common Starling Little Pied Cormorant Australian Magpie Little Corella House Sparrow White Necked Heron Grey fantail Purple-crowned Lorikeet Tree Sparrow Eastern Great Egret A Story from Broken Hill….