Inventory of Agricultural, Natural, and Cultural Resources
Chapter III INVENTORY OF AGRICULTURAL, NATURAL, AND CULTURAL RESOURCES INTRODUCTION The conservation and wise use of agricultural and natural resources and the preservation of cultural resources are fundamental to achieving strong and stable physical and economic development as well as maintaining community identity. The Ozaukee County multi-jurisdictional comprehensive plan recognizes that agricultural, natural, and cultural resources are limited and very difficult or impossible to replace if damaged or destroyed. Information on the characteristics and location of agricultural, natural, and cultural resources in the County is needed to help properly locate future urban and rural land uses to avoid serious environmental problems and to ensure protection of natural resources. This chapter provides inventory information on existing agricultural, natural, and cultural resources in the Ozaukee County planning area and each applicable local unit of government1 participating in the multi- jurisdictional comprehensive planning process. Information regarding soil types, existing farmland, farming operations, topography and geology, water resources, forest resources, natural areas and critical species habitats, environmental corridors, park and open space sites, historical resources, archeological resources, and nonmetallic mining resources is included in this chapter. The planning recommendations set forth in the Agricultural, Natural, and Cultural Resources Element chapter of this report are directly related to the inventory of the resources listed above. The base year for inventory data presented in this chapter range from 1994 to 2007. Much of the inventory data has been collected through regional land use and natural area planning activities conducted by SEWRPC. Additional inventory data has been collected from the County, local units of government, and State and Federal agencies including the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection; State Historical Society of Wisconsin; U.S.
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