Basic Electronics. INSTITUTION Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, Stillwater, Okla
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 317 815 CE 054 653 AUTHOR Hartman, Lonnie; Huston, Jane, Ed. TITLE Basic Electronics. INSTITUTION Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, Stillwater, Okla. PUB DATE 87 NOTE 428p.; Document contains colored paper. AVAILABLE FROMMid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, 1500 West Seventh Avenue, Stillwater, OK 74074 (order no. 800801: $14.00). PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use - Guides (For Teachers) (052) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Air Conditioning Equipment; *Appliance Repair; Auto Mechanics; Behavioral Objectives; Competency Based Education; Curriculum Guides; *Electrical Occupations; *Electric Batteries; Electric Circuits; *Electricity; *Electronics; *Electronic Technicians; Heating; Occupational Information; Secondary Education; *Semiconductor Devices; Trade and Industrial Education ABSTRACT The skills taught in these materials for a seven-unit course were those identified as necessary not only for entry-leve.1 electronic technicians but for those in other occupations as well, including appliance repair, neating and air conditioning, and auto mechanics. The seven units are on shop orientation and safety principles, introduction to direct current, circuitry, introduction to alternating current, circuit components, basic power supplies, and semiconductor devices. The first section is designed to teach teachers how to use the materials and includes an explanation of instructional elements, an instructional-task analysis each unit, a seven-page glossary, and a last of 14 references. The instructional elements for the units include objectives, suggested activities, information sheets, transparency masters, assignment sheets, jot sheets, tests, and test answers. Some e.Lements, such as the information sheets, include diagrams and line drawings. (CML) A A * * tR * A A * *st * 7, *A * tt *r * * * x * **1ft st A ItOt * * * * * * 7.
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