Heim's Times Update - November 2020

Dear Praying Friends,

With Thanksgiving coming up this next week, I have been reflecting on some of the things I am thankful for, and one of them is YOU. Your continued prayers and occasional notes have been an encouragement in the midst of uncertain times and the frustrations of an extended COVID-19 lockdown.

Peru Update

Since I last wrote, has had two more presidents! A Reuters article from earlier this week summarizes the situation. "Peruvian lawmaker was sworn in as interim president on Tuesday, voted for by Congress in an effort to return stability to a country that has seen deadly protests and the departure of two presidents over the last week. Sagasti, a legislator from the centrist Purple Party, is expected to serve out his term until July next year, with a new presidential election scheduled for April 11. The Andean nation has been shaken since the abrupt ouster in an impeachment trial of popular leader Martin Vizcarra on Nov. 9. The removal of Vizcarra, whose anti-graft agenda had caused tensions with Congress, triggered often violent protests in which two young people died. Vizcarra’s successor, , resigned on Sunday after just five days in power."

If you wish to read the complete article, you can use this link: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-peru-politics/crisis-hit-peru-names-centrist-lawmaker-as- third-president-in-a-week-idUSKBN27W1KU

Please continue to pray for Peru: for political stability, for economic recovery, for wisdom in dealing with the COVID-19 situation, and especially that God would use believers to minister to those who are spiritually hungry and looking for meaning and stability in these uncertain times.

Seminary classes Ladies Bible Study

Starting in July, our ladies group formed smaller breakout groups which meet for half an hour before the regular class. There are 6 other women in my group, and usually at least 5 or 6 of us are able to meet at this time. These smaller groups give us the opportunity to fellowship in a more intimate way, to share prayer requests and to pray for one another.

I have really enjoyed teaching the ladies We are nearing the end of the academic year Bible study this year. We used the last three at Seminary. We only had one week in the weeks to study the sword of the Spirit, and classroom in March, and the entire second two other ladies will be finishing up the year semester has been online, but at least we by focusing on prayer. Pray for the knew that ahead of time and I had already leadership team as well as we are making begun working on adapting the Christian decisions about our plans for next year, and Family course to that format. how we can be more effective in our outreach to women. Please be praying for the students as they take final exams, hand in reading reports and finish major projects. Several of my students are struggling. Some have had increased responsibilities at work, and one now has the added responsibility of caring for his mother (who is mentally ill) after the death of his father.

Happy Thanksgiving. I trust that many of you will be able to enjoy the blessing of spending time that day with family - if not in person, then online. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and financial support. It is a privilege to be a part of what God is doing in , and to have the opportunity of sharing a little of that with each of you. In Christ, Sandra Heim (ABWE - Lima)