the with potent opiate agonist activity. Nature 258:577Ð579, 1975. One chemical that modifies (i.e., modulates) brain func-

O’BRIEN, C.P.; VOLPICELLI, L.A.; AND VOLPICELLI, J.R. Naltrexone in the tion and has been implicated in several of alcohol’s acute treatment of alcoholism: A clinical review. Alcohol 13(1):35Ð39, 1996. and chronic effects is . This article reviews cur- rent knowledge about alcohol’s interactions with adenosine- PERT, C.B., AND SNYDER, S.H. Opiate : Demonstration in nervous tissue. Science 179:1011Ð1014, 1973. mediated modulation of nerve-cell activity in the central (CNS). After summarizing adenosine’s role PERT, A.; PERT, C.B.; DAVIS, G.C.; AND BUNNEY, W.E., JR. Opiate pep- tides and brain function. In: van Praag, E., ed. Handbook of Biological in signal transmission in the CNS, this article discusses . Part 4. New York: Marcel Decker, 1981. pp. 547Ð582. studies investigating alcohol’s interactions with adenosine in cell-culture (i.e., in vitro) models. Finally, the article reviews the evidence that adenosine may be an important THE ROLE OF THE mediator of alcohol’s effects in both animals and humans. NEUROMODULATOR ADENOSINE IN ALCOHOL’S ACTIONS ADENOSINE ISANEUROMODULATOR Signal transmission among nerve cells, or neurons, is me- Douglas P. Dohrman, Ph.D.; Ivan Diamond, diated primarily by neurotransmitter molecules that are M.D., Ph.D.; and Adrienne S. Gordon, Ph.D. released from the signal-emitting (i.e., presynaptic) cell and interact with specific molecules (i.e., receptors) on the surface of the signal-receiving (i.e., postsynaptic) cell.1 The interaction between the neuromodulator adenosine This interaction results in the excitation or inhibition of the and adenosine receptors on the surface of neurons mod- postsynaptic cell. Adenosine also alters neuronal activity, ifies the neurons’ responses to . The ac- thereby affecting behavior; however, it does not meet all tivated adenosine receptors alter the levels of small the requirements for a neurotransmitter. For example, signaling molecules (i.e., second messengers) in the cells. adenosine by itself does not excite or inhibit postsynaptic Depending on the receptors and cells involved, these cells. Instead, adenosine regulates or modulates the activity changes can make it easier or more difficult for neuro- of neurons in response to other neurotransmitters; it is transmitters to excite the cell. Adenosine’s activity is reg- therefore called a neuromodulator. ulated by called nucleoside transporters, which Adenosine is generated in all living cells during the breakdown of (ATP), which occurs carry adenosine into and out of the cell. Alcohol inter- during most energy-requiring chemical reactions in the cell. feres with the function of the adenosine system. For ex- Large, channel-forming proteins2 called nucleoside trans- ample, both acute and chronic alcohol exposure affect porters then carry some of the adenosine out of the cells the function of the adenosine-carrying nucleoside trans- into the fluid surrounding the cells (i.e., the extracellular porters, thereby indirectly altering the second-messenger fluid). In addition, some neurons release ATP along with levels in the cells. Through this mechanism, adenosine their neurotransmitters. This ATP also is converted into may mediate some of alcohol’s effects, such as intoxica- adenosine. The adenosine in the extracellular fluid can tion, motor incoordination, and sedation. KEY WORDS: interact with receptors on the surfaces of surrounding cells adenosine; neurotransmitters; receptors; neuron; cell sig- (including the cell that released it) and modulate these cells’ naling; second messenger; nucleosides; biological trans- port; brain; ; animal cell line; DOUGLAS P. DOHRMAN, PH.D., is a postdoctoral fellow in human cell line; cAMP; ; AOD intox- the Department of ; IVAN DIAMOND, M.D., PH.D., is professor and vice chairman in the Department of ication; motor coordination; ; literature review Neurology, a professor in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, and a member of the lcohol abuse and dependence are among the most Program; and ADRIENNE S. GORDON, PH.D., common and costly health problems worldwide. In is a professor in the Departments of Neurology and Athe United States alone, nearly 7 percent of adults Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology and a member of are alcohol dependent. Furthermore, the consequences of the Neuroscience Program, Ernest Gallo Clinic and heavy drinking account for more than 20 percent of all Research Center, University of California, San Francisco hospitalizations (Diamond and Gordon 1997). To address General Hospital, San Francisco, California. the plethora of medical and social problems associated with alcohol abuse and dependence and to identify the 1Whereas the presynaptic cell is always a neuron, the postsynaptic cell mechanisms underlying the development of tolerance to can be either a neuron or another cell type, such as a muscle cell. and dependence on alcohol, it is vital to understand alco- 2For a definition of this and other technical terms used in this article, see hol’s interactions with various brain systems. central glossary, pp. 177Ð179.



A1 A2 C Adenylyl G Inhibitory cyclase Stimulatory G protein produces activates inhibits activates produces Diacylglycerol

cAMP activates activates

Protein kinase C

Phosphorylation of certain proteins Phosphorylation of certain proteins

Figure 1 The adenosine A1 and A2 receptors affect cell function by modulating the activities of the and . Through their association with inhibitory and stimulatory G proteins, A1 inhibits and A2 activates adenylyl cyclase, the that produces the second messenger cAMP. In turn, cAMP activates the enzyme protein kinase A (PKA), which adds phosphate groups to (i.e., phosphorylates) various proteins. For example, PKA phosphorylates protein channels, which allow the transport of ions across the , and transcription factors, which alter gene

activity. Phosphorylation modifies the activities of these proteins. A1 also activates phospholipase C, which produces the second messenger diacylglycerol. This substance activates the enzyme protein kinase C, which also phosphorylates certain proteins. functions. To prevent adenosine accumulation in the extra- an adenosine receptor into changes in cell function requires cellular fluid and control adenosine’s effects on other cells, multiple steps, as follows (see also figure 1): adenosine is taken back up into the cells by the nucleoside transporters or broken down by extracellular enzymes. 1. The adenosine receptors are linked to regulatory molecules called G proteins. Two types of G proteins exist: stimula- Adenosine Receptors tory G proteins (Gs), which enhance the activities of other enzymes, and inhibitory G proteins (G ), which inhibit the Three different subgroups of adenosine receptors exist—A , i 1 activities of other enzymes. The interaction of adenosine A , and A —which differ in their structures and in the 2 3 with its receptors activates Gs or Gi proteins, depending molecules with which they can interact, in addition to adeno- on the receptor involved. sine (for a review, see Palmer and Stiles 1995). Each cell can carry more than one type of adenosine receptor. All 2. Certain activated Gs stimulate and activated Gi inhibit adenosine receptors modulate cell function primarily by the activity of the enzyme adenylyl cyclase, which gen- altering the levels of small signaling molecules (i.e., second erates cAMP. messengers) within the cells. Two important second messen- gers are cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and dia- 3. cAMP activates PKA. cylglycerol (DAG). These compounds activate two enzymes (i.e., protein kinase A [PKA] and protein kinase C [PKC]), 4. A different set of G proteins modulates the activity of which add phosphate groups to other proteins. This process the enzyme phospholipase C, which generates DAG. is called phosphorylation. In this way, PKA and PKC acti- vate or inactivate these proteins. Translating the activation of 5. DAG activates PKC.


6. Both PKA and PKC phosphorylate numerous proteins, A1 and A2 receptors. In these cells, adenosine’s overall ef- including receptors for other neurotransmitters; proteins fect on cell functioning likely reflects the ratio of A1 to A2 that form channels allowing charged particles (i.e., ions) receptors. In addition, experimental evidence suggests that to enter or leave the cell; and certain proteins called the same receptor type can have different effects in different transcription factors, which regulate the activity of areas of the same cell and that A1 and A2 receptors can be many genes in the cell nucleus. concentrated in different regions of one cell (LeVier et al. 1992). Both of these mechanisms would create additional 7. As a result of this phosphorylation, the electrical proper- ways for adenosine to modulate neuronal activity. ties of the cell change, making it easier or more difficult to excite the cell, depending on which ion channels are Adenosine Modulates the Functions of Other affected. The phosphorylation of transcription factors Neurotransmitters can cause long-term changes in gene activity that may affect cellular function. Adenosine affects signal transmission at many that use other neurotransmitters. For example, in the periph- The adenosine receptor subgroups differ in the ways in eral nervous system, adenosine inhibits the release of the which they respond to the presence of adenosine in the neurotransmitter from neurons that control the activity of muscle cells. Similarly, adenosine modulates the extracellular fluid. Thus, A1 receptors can interact with adenosine even if only very low concentrations of the neu- release of in the sympathetic nervous sys- tem. In the CNS, adenosine modulates the release and, in romodulator are present. Moreover, A1 receptors activate some cases, the breakdown of several neurotransmitters, Gi (thereby inhibiting adenylyl cyclase) and modulate phospholipase C activity. As a result, protein phosphoryla- including acetylcholine, , norepinephrine, dopa- mine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and glutamate. tion in the cell is altered. In addition, activation of A1 re- ceptors leads to the opening of protein channels that allow For example, adenosine and adenosine agonists—com- potassium ions (K+) to leave the cells and to the closing of pounds that mimic adenosine’s actions by binding to adeno- (Ca2+) channels that allow Ca2+ to enter the cell. sine receptors—inhibit the release and activity of As a result of these changes in ion flows, the cell becomes acetylcholine and the function of glutamate in the cortex less excitable. (For more information on the ion flows (Phillis 1990; Broad and Fredholm 1996). In the striatum, involved in the generation of nerve signals, see the article adenosine agonists decrease levels (Okada et al. “The Principles of Nerve Cell Communication,” pp. 107Ð 1996) but increase the release of acetylcholine (Kurokawa et 108.) A receptors, which generally require higher adeno- al. 1996). These different responses probably result from 2 variations in the ratios and numbers of adenosine receptor sine concentrations to become activated, stimulate Gs and subsequently adenylyl cyclase, again resulting in altered subtypes on individual cells in the various brain areas. protein phosphorylation. Finally, A receptors, which have In addition to preventing the release of neurotransmit- 3 ters, adenosine can diminish the postsynaptic cell’s re- been identified only recently, are coupled to Gi or modu- late phospholipase C activity. sponse to those neurotransmitters. For example, Pitchford Researchers do not yet understand completely all and colleagues (1992) demonstrated that cells released second-messenger systems activated by adenosine recep- adenosine when treated with a substance that activates the tors. Nevertheless, it is clear that adenosine in the extracel- receptor for acetylcholine. As a result of the increase in lular fluid simultaneously activates various adenosine extracellular adenosine levels, the receptors that are associated with different second-messen- became less sensitive to acetylcholine binding. Thus, this ger systems. These diverse interactions allow adenosine to receptor regulates its own function through an adenosine- regulate complex processes by modulating the “cross talk” mediated mechanism. Adenosine also can regulate neuro- between different second-messenger pathways, thereby transmission by altering the strength (i.e., affinity) with activating or inhibiting numerous other proteins. which a receptor interacts with its neurotransmitter. If a The adenosine receptors also differ in their regional dis- receptor’s affinity decreases, higher neurotransmitter con- centrations are needed to elicit the same response. In stud- tribution in the brain. For example, A1 receptors are abun- dant in the cerebellum, which helps control movement; the ies using membranes isolated from cells in the striatum, activation of A receptors reduced dopamine binding to a , which is involved in memory storage; and the 2 called D by changing the receptor’s , which is the brain’s relay center to the cortex 2 affinity for dopamine (Ferre et al. 1991). (Mahan et al. 1991). A2 receptors are most prominent in the striatum, which is involved in the programming of move- ments; the olfactory tubercle, which is involved in smell; the COMMON CHARACTERISTICS OF ALCOHOL’S hypothalamus, which controls automatic body processes; AND ADENOSINE’S EFFECTS and the nucleus accumbens, which has various functions and has been implicated in the to alcohol and other Adenosine shares several functional characteristics with drugs (Jarvis et al. 1989). However, many cells carry both alcohol. Like adenosine, alcohol alters the activities of

138 ALCOHOL HEALTH & RESEARCH WORLD NEUROTRANSMITTER REVIEW several neurotransmitter systems, inhibiting neurotransmis- sion in some cases and enhancing it in others. Moreover, both alcohol and adenosine generally act as sedatives in the A CNS. Animal studies also indicate that a correlation exists between sensitivity to adenosine and to alcohol. This ob- 200 servation is supported by findings that in mice, adenosine 175 agonists exacerbate alcohol’s effects on motor incoordina- tion. Conversely, adenosine receptor antagonists—agents 150 that bind to adenosine receptors, thereby preventing recep- tor activation—ameliorate these effects. Finally, animals 125 that are tolerant to adenosine’s effects also are tolerant to 100 alcohol’s effects, and vice versa. 75 Interactions of Adenosine and Alcohol Production cAMP 50

in Cellular Models (percentage of control value) Because of the brain’s complexity, researchers often use in 25 Alcohol + ADA Alcohol + vitro systems of cultured cells to examine how alcohol Control Alcohol Alcohol + IBMX 0 affects cell function. Several studies have indicated that adenosine mediates some of alcohol’s effects. One series of studies focused on two cell lines called S49 and NG108- B 15. These studies analyzed alcohol’s effects on the cells’ 20 cAMP second-messenger system, on the adenosine con- centrations in the extracellular fluid, and on the activity of the adenosine-carrying nucleoside transporter. (Unless otherwise indicated, the following results are reviewed in 15 Diamond and Gordon 1997.) Alcohol’s Effects on cAMP. When S49 or NG108-15 cells were treated for 10 minutes with alcohol at a concentration 10 of 100 millimoles/liter (mmol/L),3 the cAMP levels in the cells increased by 50 percent (see figure 2). Simultaneously, the adenosine levels in the culture medium almost doubled (nanomoles per liter) 5 (see figure 2). These findings suggest that short-term (i.e., Extracellular Adenosine acute) alcohol exposure causes an increase in extracellular Control Alcohol adenosine. By interacting with and activating the A2 adeno- sine receptor, the excess adenosine then would lead to an 0 increase in the intracellular cAMP levels. Adenosine’s role in the alcohol-induced increase in cAMP levels was con- Figure 2 The effects of acute alcohol exposure on cAMP firmed when the cells were treated with the enzyme adeno- production and extracellular adenosine sine deaminase (ADA), which breaks down adenosine. This accumulation. (A) In NG108-15 cells exposed to treatment prevented alcohol’s effects on both extracellular alcohol for 10 minutes, the cAMP production adenosine and intracellular cAMP. Finally, treatment of the increased by about 50 percent compared with untreated control cells. Addition of the enzyme cells with adenosine receptor antagonists also prevented the adenosine deaminase (ADA), which breaks alcohol-induced increase in cAMP levels, further support- down adenosine, or of the adenosine receptor ing adenosine’s role in mediating alcohol’s effects. antagonist IBMX prevented the alcohol-induced Whereas acute alcohol treatment stimulated cAMP pro- increase in cAMP production. (B) When S49 duction, chronic alcohol exposure caused heterologous cells were treated with alcohol for 10 minutes, desensitization of cAMP production in the S49 and NG108- the adenosine concentration in the growth 15 cells. Desensitization means that the same (e.g., medium almost doubled compared with receptor activation by a certain amount of adenosine) re- untreated control cells. sults in a diminished response (e.g., reduced cAMP produc- tion). The term “heterologous” refers to the fact that desensitization occurs in response to all stimuli that exert their effects through a particular mechanism (e.g., through 3This alcohol concentration corresponds to blood alcohol levels of approx- the Gs protein). Thus, heterologous desensitization of imately 0.4 percent, which are sometimes seen in alcoholics after acute cAMP production in this case indicates that chronic alcohol alcohol consumption.


Cells without prior Adenosine transporter Transporter is sensitive Acute alcohol inhibits alcohol exposure is phosphorylated by PKA to alcohol adenosine uptake

Cells chronically exposed Adenosine transporter is Transporter is insensitive Acute alcohol does not to alcohol dephosphorylated to alcohol inhibit adenosine uptake

Cells with PKA stimulated Transporter is sensitive Acute alcohol inhibits after chronic alcohol Adenosine transporter is phosphorylated by PKA to alcohol adenosine uptake exposure

Transporter is insensitive Acute alcohol does not Cells lacking PKA Adenosine transporter is dephosphorylated to alcohol inhibit adenosine uptake

Figure 3 A model of the association between the phosphorylation state of the adenosine-carrying nucleoside transporter and its sensitivity to acute alcohol effects. The enzyme protein kinase A (PKA) is thought to add phosphate groups to (i.e., phosphorylate) the nucleoside transporter. Only the phosphorylated transporter is sensitive to acute alcohol exposure. If the phosphate groups are missing (i.e., the transporter is dephosphorylated), the transporter becomes insensitive to acute alcohol exposure. exposure leads to reduced cAMP production not only in induced increase in extracellular adenosine levels also was response to the activation of adenosine receptors but also in examined. These analyses found that acute exposure to response to the activation of other receptors that act through clinically relevant alcohol concentrations (i.e., concentra- the Gs protein. Again, the addition of ADA or adenosine tions that are observed in human alcoholics) decreased receptor antagonists prevented desensitization of cAMP adenosine uptake into the cells by 30 to 40 percent. As production. These results suggest that an increase in extra- mentioned earlier, this transfer is performed by a specific cellular adenosine is required for alcohol-induced heterolo- transporter protein. Conversely, alcohol did not alter gous desensitization of receptors acting through Gs. adenosine transport out of the cells. However, the reduc- In intact organisms, extracellular adenosine levels tion in adenosine uptake is sufficient to account for the increase after alcohol consumption not only because alco- extracellular adenosine accumulation observed after acute hol inhibits adenosine uptake through the nucleoside trans- alcohol exposure. The crucial role of extracellular adeno- porter, but also because the breakdown (i.e., ) of sine accumulation was underscored by observations that alcohol in the liver can result in adenosine accumulation S49 cells altered to lack the nucleoside transporter (and in the blood (Carmichael et al. 1991). One product of which therefore do not release adenosine) showed no extra- alcohol metabolism is acetate, which can be further me- cellular adenosine accumulation after alcohol exposure and tabolized in a reaction that consumes ATP, thereby gener- no desensitization of cAMP production. ating adenosine. The adenosine is released into the When S49 and NG108-15 cells were chronically treat- circulation and can thus reach the brain. Moreover, al- ed with alcohol, adenosine uptake was no longer inhibited though alcohol itself cannot be metabolized in the brain, (i.e., the cells became tolerant to alcohol’s inhibitory ef- alcohol-derived acetate from the liver may reach the brain fects) (figure 3). This finding suggests that chronic alcohol through the circulation and be metabolized there to gener- exposure leads to a modification of the nucleoside trans- ate adenosine. These findings suggest that the brain is porter that renders it insensitive to inhibition by alcohol. directly (and indirectly through acetate) exposed to in- Further analyses in NG108-15 cells suggested that this creased adenosine concentrations as a consequence of modification involved certain phosphate groups that are alcohol metabolism in the liver. These increased adeno- attached to the transporter by PKA (figure 3). Thus, Coe sine levels can exacerbate alcohol’s adverse effects on and colleagues (1996a) showed that the transporter’s sen- adenosine-mediated modulation of neuronal activity. sitivity to alcohol declined when the phosphorylation by Alcohol’s Effect on the Adenosine-Carrying Nucleoside PKA declined. Furthermore, the alcohol sensitivity of Transporter. The mechanism underlying the alcohol- cells chronically treated with alcohol was restored when

140 ALCOHOL HEALTH & RESEARCH WORLD NEUROTRANSMITTER REVIEW the PKA activity in these cells was stimulated. Finally, a variant of the S49 cells that lacks PKA activity is insensi- tive to alcohol’s inhibitory effects. These data suggest that A. First-time exposure to acute alcohol phosphorylation of the nucleoside transporter is required (i.e., alcohol sensitivity) for its sensitivity to alcohol’s effects. One potential mechanism underlying the decreased phosphorylation of the nucleoside transporter after chronic Adenosine alcohol exposure is an alcohol-induced alteration in the location of PKA. The PKA molecules must be located near the transporter to phosphorylate it. When NG108-15 cells Exterior were chronically exposed to alcohol, however, the active T part of the PKA molecule was trapped in the cell’s nucleus; Membrane consequently, PKA was unable to phosphorylate the Interior transporter (Dohrman et al. 1996). This observation may P account for the alcohol insensitivity of the nucleoside adds transporter in cells chronically exposed to alcohol. PKA The nucleoside transporter’s sensitivity to alcohol is regulated not only by PKA, but also by PKC (Coe et al. 1996b). However, PKA and PKC have opposite effects B. Chronic alcohol exposure (i.e., tolerance) on the transporter’s activity. Thus, whereas PKA activity is required for the transporter’s alcohol sensitivity, activa- tion of PKC in cells that have never been exposed to Adenosine alcohol results in an alcohol-insensitive transporter (i.e., even acute alcohol exposure does not inhibit adenosine Exterior uptake). Conversely, inhibiting PKC activity during chronic alcohol exposure prevents the development of Membrane T insensitivity to alcohol (i.e., tolerance). Coe and col- leagues (1996b) have proposed a mechanism to account Interior removes for PKC’s effects (figure 4). According to this hypothe- Protein sis, chronic alcohol exposure increases PKC activity. phosphatase PKC, in turn, activates an enzyme that removes from the P activates nucleoside transporter the phosphate groups that have been added by PKA and which are required for alcohol PKC sensitivity. As a result, the transporter becomes insensi- tive to alcohol. Together, these data suggest that PKA activity is required for alcohol sensitivity, whereas PKC Figure 4 Protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC) activation produces tolerance. The overall activity of the have opposing effects on the adenosine transporter’s adenosine transporter is determined by the balance be- (T’s) sensitivity to alcohol. (A) In cells that have tween PKA activity and the activity of the phosphate- been exposed to alcohol, PKA is thought to add removing enzyme, which is regulated by PKC. phosphate groups (P) to the transporter that render The adenosine-carrying nucleoside transporter is not the it sensitive to a first-time exposure to alcohol (i.e., only protein related to whose function is adenosine is not transported into the cell). (B) regulated by phosphorylation. For example, phosphoryla- Conversely, after chronic alcohol exposure, PKC tion by PKC may play a role in determining the alcohol activates an enzyme called protein phosphatase, which removes phosphate groups from proteins, sensitivity of the receptors for the neurotransmitters thereby rendering the transporter tolerant to alcohol’s GABA, serotonin, and glutamate. (For more information effects (i.e., adenosine is transported into the cell on alcohol’s effects on these neurotransmitters, see related even after an acute alcohol dose). This phenomenon articles in this section.) represents an aspect of tolerance, namely, the re- duced responsiveness to a previously effective drug. Alcohol’s Effect on Adenosine Transport in Other Cell Types Gordon 1997). As in neurons, alcohol appears to inhibit Alcohol alters signal transduction not only in neurons but adenosine uptake into the hepatocytes, causing an increase also in several other cell types. For example, in cultured in extracellular adenosine. The increased extracellular liver cells (i.e., hepatocytes), chronic alcohol exposure adenosine levels, in turn, activate the hepatocytes’ adeno- decreases the amount of G , thereby activating adenylyl i sine receptors, leading to the decrease in Gi levels (Nagy cyclase and increasing cAMP production (Diamond and 1994). The resulting increase in the activity of the cAMP

VOL. 21, NO. 2, 1997 141 NEUROTRANSMITTER REVIEW system contrasts with the desensitization seen in NG108-15 and Soliman 1995). Accordingly, an adenosine antago- cells. These different responses to alcohol likely can be nist can prevent and an adenosine agonist can enhance attributed to the presence of different adenosine receptors the alcohol-induced increase in β-endorphin. on the cells. NG108-15 cells carry only A2 adenosine recep- tors, which act through Gs. Hepatocytes, in contrast, carry ¥ In tissue isolated from the hippocampus, adenosine both A1 receptors, which are coupled to Gi, and A2 recep- mimics alcohol’s inhibitory effects on certain neurons tors. Consequently, the overall effects of alcohol-induced (Cullen and Carlen 1992). Conversely, an adenosine inhibition of adenosine uptake are determined by the type of receptor antagonist called 8-phenyltheophylline pre- adenosine receptors present on the cell’s surface. Because vents alcohol’s inhibitory effect. Moreover, acetate has the same cell can carry both A1 and A2 adenosine receptors, the same effects on these neurons as do alcohol and the cell’s response to alcohol exposure depends on the adenosine. These observations support the hypothesis relative amounts of both receptor types. The cell’s response that acetate mediates some of alcohol’s actions on the also depends on the receptors’ proximity to the nucleoside brain through an adenosine-dependent process transporters, which determines the adenosine concentration (Carmichael et al. 1991). near the receptor. Regardless of the types of adenosine receptors present on a cell, however, the alcohol-induced ¥ Alcohol concentrations of 48 mmol/L, which corres- inhibition of adenosine transport alters G protein-mediated ponds to blood alcohol levels of about 0.2 percent, as signal transmission, thereby altering cell function. well as adenosine or adenosine agonists, inhibit the release of the neurotransmitter glutamate from neurons in hippocampal tissue slices (Reynolds and Brien 1995). ADENOSINE MEDIATES MANY ALCOHOL-INDUCED Conversely, adenosine receptor antagonists prevent the RESPONSES IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM alcohol-induced inhibition of glutamate release, suggest- ing that adenosine mediates alcohol’s effects on gluta- Considerable evidence indicates that many of alcohol’s mate-dependent neurotransmission in the hippocampus. acute and chronic effects on the central nervous system are mediated by adenosine. For example, studies in mice have demonstrated that adenosine modulates the alcohol- induced inability to coordinate voluntary muscle move- EFFECTS OF ADENOSINE AND ALCOHOL ment (i.e., ataxia) (Dar 1990). This modulation may involve ON HUMAN CELLS adenosine receptors on cells in the striatum, a brain re- gion involved in the programming of movements (Meng The effects of chronic alcohol exposure on adenosine and Dar 1995). Moreover, adenosine receptor agonists uptake and cAMP-mediated signal transmission also have increase and adenosine receptor antagonists decrease been analyzed in blood cells obtained from human alco- alcohol-induced incoordination. Finally, a substance holics. Researchers frequently use blood cells because called dilazep, which potentiates adenosine’s effects by they are easy to obtain and may represent changes occur- inhibiting adenosine uptake, exacerbates alcohol’s intoxi- ring elsewhere in the body (e.g., in the brain), because cating effects. A role for adenosine in mediating alcohol’s many signaling systems are common to different cell effects also is supported by observations that chronic types. These studies found that acute alcohol exposure alcohol exposure induces tolerance not only to alcohol inhibited adenosine uptake in a type of white blood cell but also to adenosine antagonists, and vice versa (Dar and (i.e., lymphocytes) obtained from nonalcoholics but not in Clark 1992). lymphocytes isolated from actively drinking alcoholics Other investigations of adenosine’s contribution to (Diamond and Gordon 1997). Similar results were ob- alcohol’s effects have used mouse strains selectively bred tained with preparations of membranes from red blood to differ in their sensitivity to alcohol-induced sedation. cells obtained from alcoholics and nonalcoholic control Thus, long-sleep mice experience extended sedation, subjects. In addition, researchers have found that desensi- whereas short-sleep mice are less sensitive to alcohol’s tization of cAMP production occurs in lymphocytes sedative effects. Proctor and colleagues (1985) have (Diamond and Gordon 1997) and (Tabakoff et al. demonstrated that the animals’ sensitivity to alcohol corre- 1988) from alcoholics. Finally, chronic alcohol consump- lates with their sensitivities to adenosine agonists and tion affects the levels of G proteins in the membranes of antagonists. These results suggest that adenosine may human blood cells: The levels of Gi are increased in lym- mediate alcohol-induced sedation in long-sleep mice. phocytes from abstinent alcoholics (Waltman et al. 1993), Several other studies also have demonstrated an associa- whereas the levels of Gs are reduced in the membranes of tion between adenosine’s and alcohol’s effects on brain red blood cells isolated from actively drinking alcoholics functioning, as follows: (Nakamura et al. 1993). Although these observations do

¥ Adenosine mediates the alcohol-induced increase in the 4β-endorphin is a small molecule that, like adenosine, modulates the levels of β-endorphin4 in specific brain regions (Anwer effects of other neurotransmitters.

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