Western Pacific Railway Com- Above the River
WESTERN PACIFIC Milepoits MARCH 1953 GOLDEN ALTNIVERZAILY ISSUE 'WESTERN PACIFI This short history is re- printed from MILEPOSTS for March, 1953, in observance of the fiftieth anniversary of ,Mileposcis Western Pacific. Fifty Candles for Wastorn Pacific By G. H. KNEISS Tuesday, March 3, 1903, was just Pardee signed a bill making the Golden another rainy day to most San Fran- Poppy the state flower of California. ciscans.There wasn't much excitement. No, not too much excitement, but Carrie Nation, armed with axe and even so readers of the San Francisco Bible, smashed some bottled goods Chronicle next day reached page 14 and glassware in a Montgomery Street before they learned that eleven men saloon and was hustled off to jail. To had sat down around a table in the jail likewise went Miss Flo Russell, a Safe Deposit Building on California young lady whose crime lay in expos- Street and organized a new transconti- ing an ankle and bit of petticoat while lifting her skirts high enough to Vre n arvL1zfi clear the muddy pave- • ment, and to jail in Mann County, across the Bay, • r 1.• ct c. • 1•_11)ct. ontc a m/. went one George Gow, who illegally failed to bring his automobile to a 7/ ri //// .//e '14 dead stop when a horse- /,/,// drawn vehicle approached 4 , 4 ,,,,,,, ,e e, ;747: 47 tee, 4/,/e 7 /7; je, within 300 feet. , Over in Corea (as it .,„ ee, -47 /, then was spelled), San /4,e4e , Franciscans learned from 74 //"S their newspapers, fighting , -/- 7 ,r7 • ,1 71/ / went on along the Yalu River between the Rus- sians and the Japanese, ,, ,/ / („> and at Harvard Professor / / / / / / I Hollis, chairman of the A , - Athletic Committee, said that football aroused only ' 7,, , / / / the worst impulses and / should be abolished.
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