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Nishant Agarwal Cornell University

Rachel Bean Cornell University

Justin Khoury University of Pennsylvania, [email protected]

Mark Trodden University of Pennsylvania, [email protected]

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Recommended Citation Agarwal, N., Bean, R., Khoury, J., & Trodden, M. (2010). Cascading Cosmology. Retrieved from

Suggested Citation: Agarwal, N., R. Bean, J. Khoury and M. Trodden. (2010). "Cascading cosmology." Physical Review D. vol. 81, 084020.

© American Physical Society

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Abstract We develop a fully covariant, well-posed 5D effective action for the 6D cascading gravity brane-world model, and use this to study cosmological solutions. We obtain this effective action through the 6D decoupling limit, in which an additional scalar degree mode, π , called the brane-bending mode, determines the bulk-brane gravitational interaction. The 5D action obtained this way inherits from the sixth dimension an extra π self-interaction kinetic term. We compute appropriate boundary terms, to supplement the 5D action, and hence derive fully covariant junction conditions and the 5D Einstein field equations. Using these, we derive the cosmological evolution induced on a 3-brane moving in a static bulk. We study the strong- and weak-coupling regimes analytically in this static ansatz, and perform a complete numerical analysis of our solution. Although the cascading model can generate an accelerating solution in which the π field comes ot dominate at late times, the presence of a critical singularity prevents the π field from dominating entirely. Our results open up the interesting possibility that a more general treatment of degravitation in a time-dependent bulk, or taking into account finite brane-thickness effects, may lead to an accelerating universe without a cosmological constant.

Disciplines Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Physics

Comments Suggested Citation: Agarwal, N., R. Bean, J. Khoury and M. Trodden. (2010). "Cascading cosmology." Physical Review D. vol. 81, 084020.

© American Physical Society

This journal article is available at ScholarlyCommons: PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 084020 (2010) Cascading cosmology

Nishant Agarwal,1 Rachel Bean,1 Justin Khoury,2 and Mark Trodden2 1Department of , Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA 2Center for Particle Cosmology, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA (Received 12 January 2010; published 12 April 2010) We develop a fully covariant, well-posed 5D effective action for the 6D cascading gravity brane-world model, and use this to study cosmological solutions. We obtain this effective action through the 6D decoupling limit, in which an additional scalar degree mode, , called the brane-bending mode, determines the bulk-brane gravitational interaction. The 5D action obtained this way inherits from the sixth dimension an extra self-interaction kinetic term. We compute appropriate boundary terms, to supplement the 5D action, and hence derive fully covariant junction conditions and the 5D Einstein field equations. Using these, we derive the cosmological evolution induced on a 3-brane moving in a static bulk. We study the strong- and weak-coupling regimes analytically in this static ansatz, and perform a complete numerical analysis of our solution. Although the cascading model can generate an accelerating solution in which the field comes to dominate at late times, the presence of a critical singularity prevents the field from dominating entirely. Our results open up the interesting possibility that a more general treatment of degravitation in a time-dependent bulk, or taking into account finite brane-thickness effects, may lead to an accelerating universe without a cosmological constant.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.81.084020 PACS numbers: 04.50.h

field contributes to the extrinsic curvature of the bound- I. INTRODUCTION ¼ ary and interacts strongly at the energy scale 5 2 A fundamental conundrum exists as to whether the M5=M4, where M5 and M4 are the 5D and 4D Planck accelerated expansion of the Universe is due to a new masses, respectively. In analogy with massive gravity form of energy or novel gravitational physics revealing [12], there exists a decoupling limit in which the strong !1 itself at ultralarge scales, extremely low spatial curvatures, interaction scale 5 is held fixed while M4;M5 . All and low cosmological densities. Along with studies of other degrees of freedom (including the graviton and a different forms of and modifications to gravity, vector N) decouple in this limit. This implies that the considerable attention has been paid to the possible role dynamics of the scalar field can completely describe all played by higher-dimensional theories, in which our four- interesting features of the DGP model, including the dimensional (4D) world is considered to be a surface (a Vainshtein screening effect [11] and the self-accelerated ‘‘brane’’) embedded in a higher-dimensional spacetime cosmological solution [13]. It has now been established (the ‘‘bulk’’). In the old Kaluza-Klein picture it was neces- that the branch of solutions that include self-acceleration sary for the extra dimensions to be sufficiently compact suffers from ghostlike instabilities [10,14–18]. On the ob- (for reviews see e.g. [1,2]). Recent developments, however, servational front, DGP cosmology is statistically disfa- are based on the idea that all standard model particles are vored in comparison to CDM [19–21] and is confined to a 4D brane, whereas gravity is free to explore significantly discordant with constraints on the curvature the bulk [3–5]. As such, ‘‘large’’ extra dimensions are of the Universe [22]. conceivable, giving rise to a much smaller fundamental Recently, a phenomenological approach to the cosmo- Planck mass than the effective Planck scale we observe logical constant problem—degravitation [23–25]—has today [4,6,7]. A well-studied example of such a theory is been developed. In degravitation it is postulated that the the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) model [8], in which cosmological constant is indeed responsible for dark en- our observed 4D Universe is embedded in an infinite fifth ergy. The cosmological constant problem, that the ob- dimension. In this picture, the higher-dimensional nature served value is at least 120 orders of magnitude smaller of gravity affects the 4D brane through deviations from than vacuum energy density predicted theoretically, is 1 general relativity on horizon scales, r cH0 (where c is solved not by making the vacuum energy density small, the speed of light and H0 is the Hubble constant), that may but instead, by having a large cosmological constant whose give rise to the observed accelerated expansion. gravitational effect is suppressed by making gravity ex- In the DGP model, integrating out the bulk degrees of tremely weak on large scales. The DGP model should, in freedom yields an effective action for the 4D fields con- principle, provide a more fundamental implementation of taining, besides the graviton, an extra scalar degree of degravitation. However, the weakening of gravity observed freedom, , called the brane-bending mode [9–11]. The in DGP is insufficient to account for the disparity between

1550-7998=2010=81(8)=084020(12) 084020-1 Ó 2010 The American Physical Society AGARWAL et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 084020 (2010) the expected and observed values of the cosmological logical solutions on the brane, by considering its motion in constant. This fact, in addition to the above mentioned a static bulk. Finally, we draw together our findings and problems of the DGP model, have led to the idea of discuss implications in Sec. VI. cascading DGP [26–30]—a higher-dimensional general- A comment on our notation: we denote coordinates in ization of the DGP idea, which is free of divergent propa- the full 6D spacetime by x0, x1, x2, x3, x5, x6. Indices gators and ghost instabilities. In this model one embeds a M; N; over 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 (i.e. the 4 þ 1D coordinates), succession of higher-codimension branes into each other, indices ; ; ... run over 0, 1, 2, 3 (i.e. the 3 þ 1D coor- with energy-momentum confined to the 4D brane and dinates), and indices i; j; ... run over 1, 2, 3 (i.e. the 3D gravity living in higher-dimensional space. (See [31] for spatial coordinates). We further denote the fifth and sixth a related framework.) dimensional coordinates by y ¼ x5 and z ¼ x6, where The implementation of degravitation within the cascad- convenient. ing gravity idea provides an intriguing new theoretical avenue for solving the problem of dark energy. However II. A PROXY THEORY FOR CASCADING GRAVITY an important litmus test is whether such models can re- The DGP model consists of a 3-brane embedded in a flat, produce a successful cosmological evolution. Studies thus empty 4 þ 1D bulk. Despite the fact that the extra dimen- far in this direction have assumed an effective 4D cosmol- sion is infinite in extent, the inverse-square law is never- ogy for degravitation by generalizing that for DGP [32,33]. theless recovered at short distances on the brane due to an However, to perform a more complete study of cosmology intrinsic, 4D Einstein-Hilbert term in the action on the brane, it is necessary to integrate out the sixth and Z fifth dimensions to obtain a 4D effective theory. pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi M3 S ¼ d5x g 5 R In this paper we start from the action for cascading DGP 5 2 5 bulk   gravity in six dimensions and obtain an effective linearized Z pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi M2 5D action in the decoupling limit. This gives rise to an þ d4x g 4 R þ L : (1) 4 2 4 matter extra brane-bending scalar degree of freedom (the field) brane in the 5D action. As a proxy for the complete 6D cascading The Newtonian potential on the brane scales as 1=r at short setup, we propose a 5D nonlinear and covariant completion distances, as in 4D gravity, and asymptotes to 1=r2 at large of the quadratic action. A similar strategy was used in [34], distances, characteristic of 5D gravity. The crossover scale 1 where an analogous 4D covariant action was shown to m5 between these two behaviors is set by the bulk and reproduce much of the phenomenology of the full DGP brane Planck masses via model. In our case, the resulting action is a 5D scalar- M3 tensor theory, describing 5D gravity and a scalar , ¼ 5 m5 2 : (2) coupled to a 4D brane. Because of its scalar-tensor nature, M4 the standard Israel junction conditions must be revisited. From the point of view of a brane observer, this force law We derive the appropriate junction conditions across the arises from the exchange of a continuum of massive grav- D 4 brane using two different techniques. These can then be itons, with m5 setting an effective mass scale for gravity on used in conjunction with the bulk equations to study cos- the brane. The DGP model is therefore a close phenome- mology on the brane. For concreteness, we consider the nological cousin of Fierz-Pauli massive gravity. In particu- cosmology induced on a moving brane in a static bulk lar, brane gravitons form massive spin-2 representations geometry. We find analytical solutions in the strong- and with five helicity states, with the helicity-0 mode having a weak-coupling regimes for the field, and numerically small strong-coupling scale, integrate the full equations of motion. Thanks to the ¼ð 2 Þ1=3 Vainshtein screening mechanism, the resulting 4D cosmol- 5 m5M4 : (3) ogy is consistent with standard expansion history There are many reasons to consider extending this sce- at early times, but deviates from CDM at late times. We nario to higher dimensions: find that contributes to cosmic acceleration at late times, (i) Pragmatically, cosmological observations already but a singularity in the brane embedding prevents from place stringent constraints on the DGP model [19– accounting for all of dark energy. 21]. In higher dimensions, however, the modifica- In Sec. II we outline the 6D cascading gravity model we tions to the Friedmann equation are expected to be consider, and propose an effective, covariant 5D action milder, which traces back to the fact that the 4D with a strongly interacting field that encodes the 6D graviton mass term is a more slowly varying function physics. In Sec. III we derive the appropriate boundary of momentum. The resulting cosmology is therefore terms necessary in order for our action to have a well- closer to the CDM expansion history, thereby al- defined variational principle. The resulting bulk equations lowing a wider range of parameters. of motion and brane junction conditions are computed in (ii) Another motivation, as we have already mentioned, Sec. IV. We then turn in Sec. V to the search for cosmo- is the degravitation idea [24,25] for addressing the

084020-2 CASCADING COSMOLOGY PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 084020 (2010) cosmological constant problem; namely, that gravity case, as the bulk metric is generally expected to depend on acts as a high-pass filter that suppresses the contri- all extra-dimensional coordinates plus time [39]. bution of vacuum energy to the gravitational field. In this paper, we instead study a 5D ‘‘proxy’’ brane- Although the infrared weakening of gravity dis- world theory for 6D cascading gravity, consisting of a played in the DGP force law is suggestive of a scalar-tensor theory of gravity in the 5D bulk. This is high-pass filter, in practice this weakening is too obtained by generalizing the well-known decoupling limit shallow to ‘‘filter out’’ vacuum energy. However, of standard DGP [9] to the cascading case. The limit we !1 the situation is more hopeful in D>5 dimensions, propose is M5;M6 , with the strong-coupling scale where the force law on the brane falls more steeply ¼ð 4 3Þ1=7 as 1=rD 2 at large distances [25]. 6 m6M5 (6) While seemingly a straightforward task, generalizing the kept fixed. In this limit, the action (4) may be expanded DGP scenario to higher dimensions has proven challeng- around flat space, and reduces to a local theory on the 4- ing. To begin with, the simplest constructions are plagued brane, describing 5D weak-field metric perturbations hMN with ghost instabilities around flat space [35,36]. Another and an interacting scalar field . The latter is the helicity-0 technical hurdle is the fact that the 4D propagator is mode of massive gravity on the 4-brane, and has a geo- divergent and requires careful regularization [37,38]. metrical interpretation as measuring the extrinsic curvature Finally, for a static bulk, the geometry for codimension of the 4-brane in the 6D spacetime. The resulting action is N>2 has a naked singularity at a finite distance away [26] from the brane, for an arbitrarily small tension [23]. Z  It was recently shown that these pathologies are absent if M3 1 S ¼ 5 d5x hMNðEhÞ the 3-brane is embedded in a succession of higher- decouple 2 2 MN bulk  dimensional DGP branes, each with its own Einstein- 27 Hilbert term. In the 5 þ 1D case, for instance, the 3-brane þ MNðEhÞ ð@Þ2h MN 16m2 5 lies on a 4-brane, with action 6 Z   M2 1 Z þ 4 4 ðE Þ þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi M4 d x h h h T ; ¼ 6 6 brane 4 2 Scascade d x g6 R6 bulk 2 (7) Z pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi M3 þ 5 5 d x g5 R5 where 4-brane 2 Z   1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi M2 ðEhÞ ¼ ðh h h h @ @Kh þ d4x g 4 R þ L : (4) MN 2 5 MN MN 5 M KN 4 2 4 matter 3-brane K K L @N@ hMK þ MN@ @ hKL þ @M@NhÞ (8) As a result, the force law on the 3-brane ‘‘cascades’’ from 2 3 4 is the linearized Einstein tensor in five dimensions, and 1=r to 1=r to 1=r as one moves increasingly far from a ðE Þ source, with the 4D ! 5D and 5D ! 6D crossover scales h that in four dimensions. To see that only these terms given, respectively, by m1 and m1, with survive in the decoupling limit, introduce canonically nor- 5 6 c ¼ 3=2 c ¼ 3=2 malized variables M5 and hMN M5 hMN, M4 which have the correct mass dimension for scalar fields m ¼ 6 : 6 3 (5) in 4 þ 1 dimensions. The quadratic terms in (7) become M5 independent of M5 under this field redefinition, whereas ð cÞ2h c 7=2 This cascading gravity setup is free of the aforementioned the cubic term reduces to @ 5 =6 . All other pathologies: the theory is perturbatively stable provided interactions in (4) are suppressed by powers of 1=M5, that the 3-brane is endowed with a sufficiently large ten- 1=M6 and therefore drop out in the decoupling limit. sion [26,27]; the 5D Einstein-Hilbert term acts as a regu- In using (7) as our starting point, we are motivated by the lator for the induced propagator on the 3-brane; and, as has fact that nearly all of the interesting features of DGP been shown explicitly for D ¼ 6; 7, adding tension on the gravity are due to the helicity-0 mode and can be under- 3-brane results in a completely smooth bulk geometry stood at the level of the decoupling theory [10,34]. Of (except of course for the delta-function singularities at course, as it stands (7) is restricted to weak-field gravity the brane locations) and leaves the 3-brane geometry flat, and is therefore of limited use for cosmological solutions. at least for sufficiently small tension [28]. As our proxy brane-world scenario, we propose to com- The next question is, of course, whether the resulting plete (7) into a covariant, nonlinear theory of gravity in five cosmology is consistent with current observations and, dimensions coupled to a 3-brane. By construction, the more interestingly, whether it offers distinguishing signa- weak-field limit of our theory will coincide with (7). A tures from CDM cosmology. Unfortunately, finding ana- similar approach was followed in [34] to mimic the 5D lytical solutions is a hopeless task, even in the simplest 6D DGP scenario with a proxy effective theory in four dimen-

084020-3 AGARWAL et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 084020 (2010) sions. Despite being a local theory in 3 þ 1 dimensions, the y ¼ 0 to 1, and the 3-brane is located at y ¼ 0, with resulting cosmology was found to be remarkably similar to normal vector nM ¼ð0; 0; 0; 0;NÞ. that of the full 4 þ 1D DGP framework, both in its expan- In ADM coordinates, the 5D Einstein-Hilbert term takes sion history and evolution of density perturbations. the form Generalizing the strategy of [34] to the cascading gravity M3 Z pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi framework, we are led to propose the following nonlinear 5 4 3=2 2 Sgravity ¼ d xdy qNe ½R4 þ K completion of (7): 2 y0 Z   K K þ 2r ðnNr nM nMKÞ; (11) M3 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 27 M N ¼ 5 5 3=2 ð Þ2h S d x g5 e R5 2 @ 5 2 bulk 16m where K is the extrinsic curvature tensor  6 Z pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi M2 þ d4x g 4 R þ L : 1 1 4 4 matter (9) K Lnq ¼ ð@yq DN DNÞ: (12) brane 2 2 2N

It is straightforward to check that this theory indeed re- Here D is the covariant derivative with respect to the 4D duces to (7) in the weak-field limit, and therefore agrees induced metric q. Unlike standard gravity, the N M M with cascading gravity to leading order in 1=M5. (This is rMðn rNn n KÞ term in (11) is not a total derivative most easily seen by working again with the rescaled var- and must be treated with care. Integrating by parts gives iables c and hc .) The proposed 5D completion is by no MN M3 Z pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi means unique, since one could consider a host of ¼ 5 4 ½ 3=2ð þ 2 Sgravity d xdy qN e R4 K M5-suppressed operators which would disappear in the 2 y0 weak-field limit. Our hope is that the salient features of K K 3KL Þ2h e3=2 cascading cosmology are captured by our 5D effective n 4 Z pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi theory, and that the resulting predictions are at least quali- þ 3 4 3=2 M5 d x qe K; (13) tatively robust to generalizations of (9). y¼0þ The effective action (9) must be supplemented with suitable boundary terms in order to yield a well-defined and the last term must therefore be canceled with a variational principle. Other than a Gibbons-Hawking- Gibbons-Hawking-York (GHY) boundary term Z York-like term, the form of the cubic term in clearly pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 3 4 3=2 SGHY M5 d x qe K: (14) necessitates its own boundary contribution. In the next y¼0þ section, we derive these boundary terms, which will be essential in deriving the junction conditions. Similar considerations for the sector lead us to require adding the boundary term 5D 3 Z pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi III. BOUNDARY TERMS IN THE EFFECTIVE 27 M5 4 S ¼ d x q THEORY 32 m2 ¼ þ  6 y 0  Because of the form of the cubic term, varying (9) with 1 @ @L þ ðL Þ3 ; (15) respect to yields contributions on the 3-brane of the form n 3 n 2 ð@Þ Ln, where Ln is the Lie derivative with respect to the normal. Such terms cannot be set to zero by the usual where Dirichlet boundary condition, ¼ 0, and must therefore 1 L n ¼ N ð@y N @Þ: (16) be canceled by appropriate boundary terms in order that the action be truly stationary and the variational principle be Note that in the flat space limit this agrees with the well-posed. Gravity also requires its own boundary con- boundary term obtained in [43] in the decoupled theory. tribution, which is a generalization of the well-known Including (14) and (15), the full 5D action is therefore Gibbons-Hawking-York term [40,41]. (We should, of Z   M3 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 27 course, also include boundary terms at infinity, but we S ¼ 5 d5x g e3=2R ð@Þ2h 2 5 5 16m2 5 will ignore these since they do not play any role in the bulk  6 junction conditions.) Z pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3 4 3=2 To derive the boundary terms, it is convenient to work in M5 d x q e K brane  the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) coordinates [42], with 27 1 þ L þ ðL Þ3 y playing the role of a ‘‘time’’ variable, 2 @@ n n 32m6 3 2 ¼ 2 2 þ ð þ Þð þ Þ Z   dsð5Þ N dy q dx N dy dx N dy ; (10) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi M2 þ 4 4 þ L d x q R4 matter : (17) brane 2 where N and N are the lapse function and the shift vector, respectively. In the ‘‘half-picture,’’ the bulk extends from Although we obtained the boundary terms using the ADM

084020-4 CASCADING COSMOLOGY PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 084020 (2010)   formalism, the result is fully covariant and hence holds in 3 2M3e3=2 Kq K q L any coordinate system. In particular, given the unit normal 5 2 n M   vector to the brane n in a general coordinate system, the 3 M 27 M5 1 3 Lie derivative is given by Ln ¼ n @M, and the induced ¼ @ @ L þ q ðL Þ 8 m2 n 3 n metric by qMN ¼ gMN nMnN. One can check that vary- 6 ing this action with respect to the metric and does not þ ð4Þ 2 ð4Þ T M4G; (20) yield any normal derivative terms of the form Lnq and Ln on the boundary. where pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð Þ 2 ð qL Þ T 4 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi matter (21) IV. COVARIANT EQUATIONS OF MOTION ON q q AND OFF THE BRANE ð Þ is the matter stress-energy tensor on the brane, and G 4 is Our goal now is to derive the bulk equations of motion q and brane junction conditions that result from (17). (See the Einstein tensor derived from the induced metric . [44–47] for earlier work on junction conditions in scalar- Similarly, varying (17) with respect to the scalar, we obtain tensor brane-world scenarios.) Starting with the bulk, vary- after some algebra the boundary condition for on the ing (17) with respect to the metric yields the Einstein brane: equations 9 e3=2K þ ðK @@ þ 2L h þ KðL Þ2Þ 8m2 n 4 n  6 ¼ 3=2 27 2 0: (22) e G ¼ @ð ð@Þ @ Þ MN 16m2 M N 6  Equations (20) and (22) are not independent, of course; the 1 g @Kð@Þ2@ @ @ h divergence of (20) can be shown to be proportional to (22) 2 MN K M N 5 after using the bulk momentum constraint equation. As a ð h r r Þ 3=2 nontrivial check on our junction conditions, we have eval- gMN 5 M N e ; (18) uated (20) and (22) in a gauge in which the brane is at fixed position (y ¼ 0) and the bulk metric is time-dependent, where G is the 5D Einstein tensor. The third line is and have shown that the result agrees with the boundary MN conditions obtained by integrating the bulk equations (18) typical of scalar-tensor theories and arises from the non- ¼ minimal coupling of to gravity. Varying with respect to and (19) across the delta-function sources at y 0 (see the , meanwhile, gives Appendix).

V. THE COSMOLOGICAL EVOLUTION ON THE 4 ðh Þ2 ðr @ Þ2 RMN@ @ ¼ m2e3=2R ; BRANE 5 M N M N 9 6 5 (19) The study of brane-world cosmology requires us to use our equations of motion to obtain a Friedmann equation on the brane, assuming homogeneity and isotropy along the 3 þ 1 world-volume dimensions. The junction conditions where RMN is the 5D Ricci tensor and R5 is the Ricci scalar. Remarkably, even though the cubic interaction in (20) and (22) do not form a closed system of equations for (17) has four derivatives, all higher-derivative terms cancel q, hence deriving an induced Friedmann equation re- in the variation, yielding a second-order equation of mo- quires knowledge of the bulk geometry [39]. tion for . This is a nontrivial and important property of the Because of the bulk scalar field, there is no Birkhoff’s DGP Lagrangian [10]. In the decoupling limit of Fierz- theorem to ensure that the bulk solutions are necessarily Pauli massive gravity, by contrast, the Lagrangian takes static under the assumption of homogeneity and isotropy an analogous form, but its equation of motion is higher on the brane—the most general bulk geometry depends on order—there is a ghost mode propagating at the nonlinear both the extra-dimensional coordinate and time. For con- level [25,48–50]. See [51,52] for an interesting recent creteness, however, we focus here on a static warped proposal of a nonlinear completion of Fierz-Pauli gravity geometry with Poincare´-invariant slices, that seemingly avoids these pitfalls. ds2 ¼ a2ðyÞðd2 þ dx~2Þþdy2: (23) Next we obtain the junction conditions at the brane bulk position by setting to zero the boundary contributions to While admittedly restrictive, we view this ansatz as a the variation of (17). Assuming a Z2-symmetry, variation tractable first step in exploring cascading cosmology. with respect to the metric yields the Israel junction condi- And, as we will see, the resulting phenomenology is al- tion ready surprisingly rich.

084020-5 AGARWAL et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 084020 (2010) sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi yðtÞ 0   The brane motion is governed by two functions, and a dy 2 ðtÞ, describing the embedding, where t is proper time on Ki ¼ 1 þ i ; j a dt j the brane. The induced metric is of the Friedmann- sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (29) ¼     Robertson-Walker (FRW) form, with spatially flat (k 1 d dy 2 0) constant-time hypersurfaces, K0 ¼ a 1 þ ; 0 a dy dt 2 ¼ 2 þ 2ð Þ 2 dsbrane dt a y dx~ ; (24) and sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  where, by virtue of t being the proper time, 0 dy 2 L n ¼ 1 þ : (30)     dt dt 2 dy 2 ¼ a2 : (25) For the stress energy on the brane, we assume a collection d d ðiÞ of (noninteracting) perfect fluids with energy densities m ðiÞ Given a solution aðyÞ to the bulk equations (18) and (19), and pressures Pm , obeying the standard continuity equa- the covariant junction conditions (20) and (22) allow us to tions solve for the embedding (yðtÞ, ðtÞ), and hence the cosmol- ðiÞ dm ðiÞ ðiÞ ogy induced by brane motion through the warped bulk. þ 3Hðm þ Pm Þ¼0; (31) dt A. A dynamic brane in a static background where H d lna=dt is the Hubble parameter on the brane. With the static ansatz (23), the bulk equations (18) and These components may include baryonic matter, dark mat- (19) take on a form reminiscent of cosmological equations, ter, radiation, and a cosmological constant . Equation with aðyÞ acting as a scale factor as a function of time y.In (31) is consistent with the picture that matter is not allowed to flow into the bulk and is confined to the brane. particular, the (5, 5) component yields a Friedmann-like ð Þ equation It is clear, therefore, that given a bulk solution a y ,a single junction condition is sufficient to solve for the  0 0   cosmological evolution on the brane. Indeed, although a 2 a 9 ¼ 0 3=2 02 þ (20) and (22) yield three equations, two of these follow 2 e 1 ; (26) a a 8m6 from the bulk Hamiltonian and momentum constraints, which are automatically satisfied given a solution aðyÞ. whereas the (, ) components yield Since we are interested in the Friedmann equation on the brane, the natural choice is the (0, 0) component of (20). 00  0 a a 2 9 Noting that @ ¼ 0dy=dt and dy=dt ¼ aH=a0, we can þ ¼ e3=20200 0 2 write the resulting equation as the standard Friedmann a a 16m6  0 0  equation with an additional effective energy density 1 3 a 02 3 00 : (27) resulting from the field, 2 2 a X 2 2 ¼ ðiÞ þ 3H M4 m ; (32) Meanwhile, the equation of motion for can be written as i         where d a0 a00 2 4 a0 2 a00 02 þ ¼ 2 3=2 þ      4 m6e 3 2 : pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 03 dy a a 9 a a 3 02 2 2 9 aH M a þ a H 2 0 1 0 (28) 5 8m2 a a  6 0 1 3=2 As usual, the Bianchi identity guarantees that only two of 6e 0 ; (33) 2a a these equations are independent. Finding exact solutions to these equations requires a numerical approach, which we encoding all the complexity and new physics of our model. will perform in Sec. VD. To offer analytical guidance, Given a solution aðyÞ, ðyÞ to the bulk equations, we may however, we seek approximate solutions to (26)–(28)in invert this relation to obtain yðaÞ, and use this to express all the so-called strong- (Sec. VB) and weak-coupling y-dependent terms in as functions of a. Equation (32), (Sec. VC) regimes in which the nonlinear terms in together with the continuity equations (31), then form a respectively dominate or are negligible in these equations. closed system for the brane scale factor aðtÞ. The brane embedding (yðtÞ, ðtÞ) is determined by the Before moving on to explicit solutions, we note in pass- junction conditions, which involve the extrinsic curvature ing that is not positive definite. When combined with , tensor and the Lie derivative of . Using (25) the relevant this can lead to an effective equation of state parameter quantities are w<1 for the effective dark energy component. This

084020-6 CASCADING COSMOLOGY PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 084020 (2010)  sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  phantom behavior already occurs in the normal branch of H2 m 2 M3 2 a24=5 þ 5 H2 þ 6 ; (36) the standard DGP model [53–55], a phenomenon that can 5 2 12=5 be understood in the decoupling limit as arising from m6 a nonminimal coupling of the brane-bending mode to brane and (32) reduces to gravity [34]. (It is well-known that w<1 can be  sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  achieved in scalar-tensor theories when working in the X 2 2 2 1 ðiÞ 2 H 24=5 5 2 m6 H m þ m a þ H þ ; Jordan frame [56–59].) Similarly here, the scalar is 3M2 5 3 m2 3 a12=5 kinetically mixed with the brane graviton, which can lead 4 i 6 to phantom behavior for dark energy. (37)

where m5 is defined in (2). Combined with the matter fluid B. The strong-coupling regime equation (31), this effective Friedmann equation com- By analogy with the Vainshtein screening mechanism pletely describes the evolution of the Universe in the around astrophysical sources, we expect that at early times, strong-coupling regime. when the energy density in the Universe is high, should In contrast with the standard DGP Friedmann equation, 2 ¼ 2 be strongly coupled and cause small deviations from stan- H =3M4 2m5H, where the departure from 4D dard 4D Friedmann cosmology. In other words, the non- gravity is set by H=m5, here the relative importance of 12=5 linear terms in dominate, but as a result is negligible also depends on a time-dependent scale m6=a .In compared to matter and radiation. Moreover, since the total particular, for a fixed initial value of a, the magnitude of variation in is expected to be small in this regime the modification can be set arbitrarily by a suitable choice j j 3=2 of m . This freedom reflects the choice of initial condition ( 1), by rescaling M5 we can assume that e 6 1. for the brane motion in the bulk—because the bulk is Consider (26) and (27) in the regime in which the non- warped, different initial locations of the brane yield differ- linear terms in dominate: ent expansion histories. In the standard DGP model, on the   other hand, the bulk is flat Minkowski space, and hence all 0 9 a00 a0 2 9 a ¼ 03 þ ¼ 02 00 initial conditions (within the same branch of solutions) are 2 ; 2 : (34) a 8m6 a a 16m6 related by the Poincare´ group. To proceed, we consider two limiting cases: These admit scaling solutions, given by (i) If H m =a12=5, then the modification to the sffiffiffi 6     Friedmann equation further reduces to 12 5=12 5 2=3 aðyÞ¼ m jyj ;ðyÞ¼ m jyj ; (35) 6 6 a24=5H3 5 4 3 2M5 2 : (38) m6 where we have a chosen a mass scale proportional to m6 in ð Þ the solution for a y . This leaves the scale factor today, a0, Assuming that the Universe is dominated by a matter to be a free parameter. It is straightforward to check that the component with general equation of state w, then above solution also satisfies the third bulk equation (28)in 3ð1þwÞ=2 3ð115wÞ=10 H a , and thus a . In terms the strong-coupling approximation. The approximation of an effective equation of state for the field, 1 implicit in (35) is therefore valid provided y defined through d ln =d lna 3ð1 þ w Þ,we 1 m6 . This defines the regime of validity of this solution. have The naked singularity at y ¼ 0—the analogue of a big bang singularity in cosmology—introduces a plethora of 11 3 w ¼ þ w: (39) complications if included as part of the bulk geometry. It is 10 2 therefore safest to exclude this part of the geometry when In particular, since w

084020-7 AGARWAL et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 084020 (2010) 2 ¼ 3 ¼ 24=5 2 with =M4 AH , and A 2a m5=m6. It is interesting to note that for a cosmological constant Differentiating (40)gives with w ¼1, the field also behaves as a cosmological ¼ 5=2 constant, w 1. Similarly, for H m6=a , 2 H_ 2 1 13 w ¼ 5 :   eff 1 2 1 2 (41) = 3 3 H 3 72 12 3 5 M m6 3 5 ; (48) 25 5 4 a For > 5=24 0:21, this gives weff < 1=3, and acceleration occurs. However, the field is unable to which behaves like a relativistic component (w ¼ 1=3) dominate the energy density and fully account for independent of the matter on the brane. the current phase of accelerated expansion, because ¼ !1 of a singularity at 2=3 for which weff . D. Numerical solutions (ii) In the opposite regime, H m =a12=5,wehave 6 To complement the analytical strong- and weak-field m 3 6 limits in Secs. VB and VC, we numerically evolve the 5M5 : (42) a12=5 full bulk and brane equations given in (26)–(28) and (31)– In this case, the component has a fixed effective (33), in the presence of matter on the brane. We assume zero spatial curvature on the brane, and include relativistic equation of state, w ¼1=5, independent of the matter on the brane. Again, this pushes the total and pressureless components consistent with the standard ¼ ¼ 4 equation of state to more negative values. cosmological model: m 0:3, r 8:5 10 .We ¼ further fix the scale factor today to be a0 1. Starting well into the radiation dominated era, with a C. The weak-coupling regime 0 1, we evolve , , y, and t forward with respect to lna: By analogy once again with the Vainshtein story in DGP, (27) and (28) combine to form an equation for 00, from at late times we expect the nonlinear terms in to be which we form an equation for d0=d lna ¼ 00=ða0=aÞ, negligible, corresponding to gravity becoming higher- dimensional. In this approximation, the bulk equations (26) and (27) reduce to 00  0  0 0  a0 a a 2 1 3 a ¼ 0; þ ¼ 02 3 00 ; a a a 2 2 a (43) which again admit a scaling solution   12 2=5 2 aðyÞ¼ m jyj ;ðyÞ¼ lnðm jyjÞ: (44) 5 6 5 6 The mass scale in the solution for aðyÞ has been chosen to be consistent with the strong-coupling solution. It is straightforward to check that this solution consistently satisfies the third bulk equation (28) in the weak-coupling limit. Substituting this solution into (33), the effective energy density in in the weak-coupling regime reduces to   sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  12 3=5 1 3 H2 24 m 2 M3 þ H2 þ 6 : 3 5 3=2 2 5=2 5 a 4 m6 25 a ¼ (45) FIG. 1. Evolution of the effective equation of state, w 1 ð1=3Þd ln=d lna, for the -dependent modifications to 5=2 In the limiting case in which H m6=a , this further the Friedmann equation (33). The numerical results are consis- reduces to tent with the analytical predictions for the large (upper panel) and small (lower panel) m6 limits in the strong- (a 1) and 9 M3 weak-coupling (a 1) regimes. Here we use the numerical 5 3 H ; (46) ¼ @ ¼ ¼ 4 1 4 m2 values (in natural units c 1): H0 2:33 10 Mpc 6 1 1 30 1 (i.e. H0 ¼ 70 km s Mpc ), (upper panel) m6 ¼ 10 Mpc ¼ 40 1 ¼ which implies that (m6 H) and m5 10 Mpc and (lower panel) m6 1015 Mpc1 (m H) and m ¼ 1030 Mpc1. The field 1 3 6 5 w ¼ þ w: (47) is a subdominant component of the total energy density at all 2 2 times, and late-time acceleration is driven by .

084020-8 CASCADING COSMOLOGY PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 084020 (2010) and (32) can be rewritten as a cubic equation in H2, which, The field has an effective ‘‘phantom’’ equation of state if a positive, real solution exists, can be used to evolve t in the matter-dominated (m6 H) regime. This opens up through dt=d lna ¼ 1=H. the apparent possibility of cosmic acceleration arising In Fig. 1, we show numerical confirmation of the ana- within cascading cosmology without the need for a cos- lytical dynamical attractor solutions for w discussed in mological constant. However, as discussed in Sec. VB, Secs. VB and VC. For scenarios with m6 H we find while it is possible to generate acceleration at late times, attractor solutions of w ¼0:6 and 1:1 in the (strongly one hits a singularity in the expansion history when ¼ 2 coupled) radiation- and matter-dominated eras, respec- 8G=3H ¼ 2=3 so that the Universe cannot smoothly tively, and 1 in the (weakly coupled) -dominated transition toward ! 1. In Fig. 2 we show a realization epoch. For m6 H, strongly and weakly coupled attrac- of such a scenario, with the onset of cosmic acceleration, tors arise with w ¼0:2 and w ¼ 1=3, respectively. and the limiting presence of the singularity. This singularity is of an unusual nature—it is not equiva- lent to the big rip scenarios in which H and a both become infinite in a finite space of time, since the Hubble parame- ter H and scale factor a remain finite while H_ diverges. Moreover, the bulk geometry is smooth at that point, and it is the brane embedding that is singular. It is possible that this singularity could be circumvented by the use of a more general metric ansatz than the static case considered here to obtain solutions on the brane, or by accounting for finite brane-thickness effects. We leave this to future investigation.

VI. CONCLUSIONS Cascading gravity is a phenomenologically rich frame- work for exploring new phenomena associated with infrared-modified gravity, and offers a promising avenue for realizing degravitation. This construction circumvents many of the technical hurdles of earlier attempts at higher- dimensional extensions of DGP: the induced propagator is free of divergences, the theory is perturbatively ghost-free, and adding a small tension on the 4D brane yields a bulk FIG. 2 (color online). Example evolution histories in which no solution which is nowhere singular and remains perturba- cosmological constant is present to drive cosmic acceleration. In tive everywhere. Because of its higher-dimensional nature, the top panel, the deviation of the expansion history from that however, extracting cosmological predictions presents a 2 ¼ derived from standard matter (for which 3H =m 1). The blue daunting challenge. (dotted) and red (solid) curves each show consistent solutions to In this paper we have considered the more tractable the modified Friedmann equation (32): one solution (red solid problem of a 5D effective brane-world setup, obtained line) recovers the standard expansion history at early times and from the full 6D cascading theory through the decoupling then undergoes accelerated expansion at late times; the other solution (blue dotted line) has an expansion history entirely limit. Strictly speaking, the decoupling limit leaves us with inconsistent with that of standard CDM, with the field an action describing a scalar and weak-field gravity, dominating the expansion at all eras, and undergoing heavily which is therefore of limited use for studying cosmology. decelerated expansion at late times. In the center panel, the But since is responsible for most of the interesting evolution of the effective fractional energy density, ¼ phenomenology of cascading gravity, we have proposed 2 8G=3H , for the two solutions discussed above. For the a fully covariant, nonlinear 5D completion of the decou- accelerating solution, the phantomlike behavior in the matter era pling theory, as a proxy for the complete 6D model. Our allows the field to dominate and drive cosmic acceleration at effective action describes 5D DGP gravity with a bulk ! late times. The model is not physical, however, since as scalar field, coupled to a 4D brane with intrinsic gravity. _ !1 2=3 one finds H and a singularity occurs. In the bottom Upon supplementing the 5D action with boundary terms panel, a comparison of the effective equation of state for the (to yield a well-posed action principle), we obtained co- expansion, weff ¼1 ð2=3Þd lnH=d lna, for the accelerating (red solid line) and fiducial CDM (black dashed line) variant junction conditions across the brane, relating the scenarios. For the driven expansion histories, we use the extrinsic curvature to delta-function sources on the brane. 4 1 numerical values H0 ¼ 2:33 10 Mpc , m6 ¼ 3:5 In order to study cosmology on the brane, we then consid- 18 1 31 1 10 Mpc and m5 ¼ 4:4 10 Mpc for which the ered a scenario in which a dynamic brane moves across a maximum singularity occurs just after a ¼ 1. static bulk, and consistently solved the bulk and brane

084020-9 AGARWAL et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 084020 (2010) equations of motion. We derived analytical solutions for and led to the 5D Einstein field equations (18) and the the induced cosmology in the strong- and weak-coupling equation of motion (19). Upon adding in contributions regimes, valid at early and late times, respectively, and from delta-function sources on the brane to the bulk confirmed these expectations with a complete numerical Einstein field equations we obtain analysis. Thanks to a cosmological Vainshtein mechanism, the  3=2 27 2 bulk scalar and the helicity-0 mode of the 4D massive e G ¼ @ð ð@Þ @ Þ MN 16m2 M N graviton both decouple at early times, resulting in an early- 6  1 universe cosmology that closely reproduces the expansion g @Kð@Þ2@ @ @ h history of the standard big bang theory. At late times, 2 MN K M N 5 however, these scalar modes effectively contribute to 3=2 ðgMNh5 rMrNÞe dark energy through a modification of the Friedmann ðyÞ equation and result in small deviations from CDM ex- þ 3ð ð4Þ 2 ð4Þ Þ MNM T M G ; (A1) pansion at late times. Although these scalars thus affect b 5 4 dark energy, a singularity in the brane embedding prevents the modification from being entirely responsible for cos- ð4Þ ð4Þ where T and G are defined in Sec. IV. The equation mic acceleration. is as before, We are currently studying the evolution of cosmological perturbations in this context. Such an analysis should also 4 shed light on the all-important question of stability. With ðh Þ2 ðr @ Þ2 RMN@ @ ¼ m2e3=2R : our branch choice, the modification to the Friedmann 5 M N M N 9 6 5 equation behaves as an effective component with positive (A2) energy density. At first sight this is worrisome, since the counterpart in standard DGP is the self-accelerated branch, We are interested in studying brane-world cosmological which is plagued with ghost instabilities. It is crucial to solutions, for which we specialize to 5D spacetime metrics investigate whether or not this is the case here too. From a of the form phenomenological perspective, we are performing a full likelihood analysis for the predictions of the model, in- 2 ¼ 2ð Þ 2 þ 2ð Þ 2 þ 2ð Þ 2 cluding both expansion and growth histories. On much dsbulk n ; y d a ; y dx~ b ; y dy ; smaller scales, we are also working to derive the conse- (A3) quences for Lunar Laser Ranging observations, thereby generalizing the analysis of [60] for DGP to the degravi- tation/cascading framework [25]. with ¼ ð; yÞ. The brane is defined by the hypersurface y ¼ 0, and we compute the junction conditions, relating 0 0 0 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the jump across the brane of a , n , and or the extrinsic curvature to delta-function sources on the brane, for this We thank Claudia de Rham, Kurt Hinterbichler, and metric. Andrew Tolley for helpful discussions. N. A., R. B., and The metric is required to be continuous across the brane M. T. are supported by NASA ATP Grant in order to have a well-defined geometry. However, its No. NNX08AH27G. N. A. and R. B.’s research is also derivatives with respect to y may be discontinuous across supported by NSF CAREER Grant No. AST0844825, y ¼ 0, and therefore the second derivatives with respect to NSF Grant No. PHY0555216, and by Research y will contain a Dirac delta function [61], so that a00 ¼ Corporation. The work of J. K. is supported in part by c00 þ½ 0 ð Þ c00 funds provided by the University of Pennsylvania. M. T. a a y , and similarly for n. Here a is the standard is also supported by NSF Grant No. PHY-0930521, and by derivative (the nondistributional part of the double deriva- ½ 0 Department of Energy Grant No. DE-FG05-95ER40893- tive of a), and a is the jump in the first derivative across ¼ A020. y 0. We similarly allow to be discontinuous across the 00 c00 0 brane and write, ¼ þ½ ðyÞ. We further impose a Z -symmetry (y $y) across the brane, and therefore APPENDIX: JUNCTION CONDITIONS FOR A 2 ½X02X0ð0þÞ for the metric and discontinuities. SPECIFIC CHOICE OF METRIC In order to obtain the junction conditions we integrate As a nontrivial check on our covariant junction condi- the (0, 0) and (i, j) components of the bulk field equations tions, in this Appendix we show that they agree with direct (A1) and the equation of motion (A2) over an infinitesi- integration of the bulk equations of motion, when speci- mal region of the extra dimension y, spanning y ¼ 0. This alized to a gauge in which the brane is at fixed coordinate picks out coefficients of ðyÞ and leads to the following position. Varying the action (17) with respect to the metric three junction conditions:

084020-10 CASCADING COSMOLOGY PHYSICAL REVIEW D 81, 084020 (2010)          0 0 02 2 0 0 0 a0 1 0 9 1 1 0 _ 0 0 3 =2 a0 n0 9 1 0 € 0 _ 0 n_ 0 a_ 0 30=2 e 0 3 þ þ þ 3 e 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 a b 2 b 16 m 3 b n b a0 n0 4 m n n n0 a0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0   6  0 0  X 2 0 02 2 0 02 1 ð Þ 1 a_ 9 1 n _ a ¼ i þ 0 ; (A4) þ 0 0 0 þ 3 0 0 ¼ 0; (A6) 3 m 2 2 8 m2 n b2 n2 a b2 6M5 i 2m5 a0n0 6 0 0 0 0 0     0 0 02 2 0 where the subscript 0 indicates that the function is eval- n 1 9 1 1 _ 30=2 0 0 0 þ 0 0 ¼ e 2 2 2 2 uated at y 0. n0b0 2 b0 16 m 3 b n b0   6 0  0  We have checked that (A4)–(A6) agree exactly with the X X 2 1 ð Þ ð Þ 1 a_ a_ n_ a€ covariant junction conditions (20) and (22) specialized to ¼ 3 P i þ 2 i 0 þ 2 0 0 2 0 ; 6M3 m m 2m n2 a2 a n a this gauge. Further, they reduce to those of the standard 5 i i 5 0 0 0 0 0 ! ! DGP model [13] in the strong-coupling limit 0, m6 (A5) 0, in which the bulk scalar decouples.

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