The Research Activities at the Museo Delle Scienze Report 2014-2015 the Research Activities at the Museo Delle Scienze Report 2014-2015 MUSE - Museo Delle Scienze

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The Research Activities at the Museo Delle Scienze Report 2014-2015 the Research Activities at the Museo Delle Scienze Report 2014-2015 MUSE - Museo Delle Scienze The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze Report 2014-2015 The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze Report 2014-2015 MUSE - Museo delle Scienze President Marco Andreatta Director Michele Lanzinger MUSE Research Report 2014-2015 © 2016 Museo delle Scienze, Corso del Lavoro e della Scienza 3, 38122 Trento, Italy Managing editor Valeria Lencioni Editorial committee Marco Avanzini, Costantino Bonomi, Marco Cantonati, Giampaolo Dalmeri, Valeria Lencioni, Paolo Pedrini, Francesco Rovero Editorial assistant Karol Tabarelli de Fatis Cover and layout design BigFive Cover photos © Museo delle Scienze and Karol Tabarelli de Fatis (Alpine Newt, Ichthyosaura alpestris) Printing Publistampa Arti grafiche, Pergine Valsugana (TN, Italy) ISBN 978-88-531-0029-0 THE RESEARCH ACTIVITIES AT THE MUSEO DELLE SCIENZE REPORT 2014-2015 4 Preface Part 1 7 1. The MUSE 11 2. The research programmes 14 Macroarea Biodiversity and Ecology 15 Macroarea Earth Sciences and Lanscape 19 3. The research staff and activities 25 4. The scientific collections 29 5. The main results and projects Part 2 57 Appendix 1: The staff of the scientific sections 85 Appendix 2: The staff of the science communicators 93 Appendix 3: Research projects, high education and teaching 119 Appendix 4: Publications 145 Appendix 5: Collaborations: the research national network 151 Appendix 6: Collaborations: the research international network The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2014-2015 MUSE - Museo delle Scienze/Science Mu- extraordinary venue for cultural tourism from seum has been inaugurated on 27th July all over the world. 2013 and visited to December 2015 from over The forecast scenarios and the development 1,200,000 people. Opening the new museum programmes promoted by the European completed a transition process that lasted al- Union within the framework of the Europe most 10 years and that involved all the staff, 2020 programme have identified three main with the research area taking a leading role axes, i.e. economy, environment and society, in defining the scientific contents of the new along which to build the idea of the future of museum. MUSE is the first museum in Italy our continent. MUSE is aligned with these th- that harmoniously blends nature, science and ree pillars, as it has elected as primary feature technology. of its philosophy the dialectic and constructive relationship between development and envi- The building’s outline, designed by the world- ronmental sustainability in connection with the famous architect Renzo Piano, recalls the pro- contemporary society. file of the surrounding mountains, with a finely To learn how our environment has changed balanced contrast between empty and full spa- since the beginning of history to our present ces that adds charm and prestige to the entire times means to understand a journey of over exhibition venue. Built on eco-compatible crite- 200,000 years, which involves the joint evolu- ria, MUSE is a model that sets the standard for tion of humanity’s technological skills and its a green economy and for energy saving. relationship with nature and the landscape. This is one of the strongest and most inno- MUSE combines characteristics from both tra- vative conceptual focuses of MUSE. In this ditional natural science museums and modern respect the exhibition floor dedicated to pre- science centres in a very innovative way. This history with its succession of themes and ex- brand-new layout is enriched by a strong so- periences that are totally new to the interna- cial characteristic that underpins its vocation tional museum scene, presents a refreshingly as a meeting place providing dialogue with simple and direct viewpoint. visitors. To enhance local background and Reflection, experimentation, a cue for the vi- knowledge, acting as a social venue where sitor to return and acquire new educational people can discuss issues of global importan- experience and informal knowledge: MUSE ce is the cultural objective of MUSE. targets a very wide range of visitors by cho- osing not to focus on a specific age group. MUSE is a big open space where scientific and MUSE supports tourism by attracting visitors technological knowledge are the means used who wish to discover the thousands of rela- to study the relationship between man and the tions between the MUSE’s themes and the environment, and at the same time to provide Alpine territory, and in particular curious and updated information on the available choices attentive families, that are a must in the mu- for sustainable development. Multi-media exhi- seum’s tradition, and school groups that find bits, interactive games, hands-on experiments an extraordinary good educational tool in the and the practical mixing of culture with DIY are many exhibitions and workshops offered. the informal educational tools with which visi- All this will help understand the paths to tors can join the scientific debate about impor- be followed in the fields of energy and of tant local and global issues. Specimens and respect and conscious use of natural re- objects exhibited outside glass boxes (“objects sources, widening the view of individuals to at hand”) represent one of the innovative muse- encompass what new technology and bio- ology designs chosen to solicit visitors’ curiosity technology we could develop in the future, and empathic feelings. so as to take steps towards a harmonious symbiosis between mankind and the envi- The ultimate aim of the new museum is to be ronment. This is where the investment in fu- a centre of cultural interpretation at the servi- ture generations begins. ce of society, dedicated to nature and to the promotion of sustainability, science and inno- MUSE manages, in addition to the main mu- vation. MUSE addresses local population by seum in Trento, a whole network of centres for inspiring citizens but it is at the same time an scientific dissemination, established during the 4 Preface last 70 years. In Trentino there are six Satellite Research, Museum Territorial branches, Ge- Branches (Alpine Botanical Garden, Astronomi- neral Services. Each area manages different cal observatory "Terrazza delle stelle", Geologi- departments as shown in the picture. cal Museum of the Dolomites, “Gianni Caproni” Aeronautical Museum, Pile-dwelling Museum of The MUSE has grown and evolved over time, Lake Ledro, Lake Tovel Limnological Centre). and specifically it comprises about 90 em- In addition the MUSE has special agreement ployees, of which 24 in the research staff, in locations (Arco Arboretum, Centre for Studies addition to more than 150 collaborators with Adamello "Julius Payer", The Garibaldi Bezzec- different non-permanent contract types. ca Historical Museum, Visitor Centre "Monsi- The seven research sections (= Research gnor Ferrari"). In Tanzania, MUSE manages the Units) - Botany, Limnology and Phycology, Udzungwa Ecological Monitoring Centre, a field Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology, Verte- station annexed to a national park of outstan- brate Zoology, Tropical Biodiversity, Geology, ding biodiversity importance. Prehistory, carry out the traditional natural science disciplinary research activities, both basic and applied, in the field of the envi- The research area ronment, however they are commonly dedi- MUSE is organized in four Areas managed by cated to the issue of biodiversity and ecology the General Directorate and the Administrati- of mountain ecosystems. Our research in this ve Directorate: Cultural mediation, naturalistic area concerns the documentation and mo- Administration Technical Services General Services The network General Research Satellite Branches Directorate Botany Alpine Botanical Garden, Viote di Monte Bondone Limnology and Phycology Astronomical observatory "Terrazza delle stelle", Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology Viote di Monte Bondone Administrative Vertebrate Zoology Geological Museum of the Dolomites, Predazzo Directorate Tropical Biodiversity Gianni Caproni Aeronautical Museum, Trento Geology Pile-dwelling Museum of Lake Ledro, Ledro Prehistory Cultural Mediation Lake Tovel Limnological Centre, Ville d’Anaunia Collections Udzungwa Ecological Monitoring Centre (Tanzania) Publishing Special agreement locations Public Programs Arco Arboretum, Arco Library Centre for Studies Adamello "Julius Payer", Spiazzo International & External Affairs The Garibaldi Bezzecca Historical Museum, Ledro Educational Programs Visitor Centre "Monsignor M. Ferrari", Ledro New Projects Development Science and Society 5 The research activities at the Museo delle Scienze: Report 2014-2015 nitoring of species and communities that are institutes especially with the Edmund Mach sensitive to environmental and climate chan- Foundation, the Kessler Foundation and the ge as key components of biodiversity in the University of Trento in response to the Trento mountains (alpine, tropical and sub-tropical). Province’s request to enhance cooperation on In the realm of Earth and Landscape Sciences, common research topics. the museum explores the geology, morpho- The national and international collaborations logy, and hydrology of the Alpine region in or- with other museums and research institu- der to document and reconstruct its evolution; tes has also increased, with the boosting of it analyses the aspects related to the evolution large-scale research programmes in Europe of living organisms (vertebrate and invertebra- and Africa in the fields of biodiversity as- te fossils) over geological time and studies the sessment, sustainable
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