Ficus Subgenus Sycomorus
BLUMEA 49: 155 –200 Published on 3 May 2004 doi: 10.3767/000651904X486278 FLORA MALESIANA PRECURSOR FOR THE TREATMENT OF MORACEAE 6: FICUS SUBGENUS SYCOMORUS C.C. BERG The Norwegian Arboretum/Botanical Institute, University of Bergen, N-5259 Hjellestad, Norway; Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Universiteit Leiden branch, P.O. Box 9514, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands SUMMARY The sections of Ficus subg. Sycomorus are described and their Malesian species listed and keyed out. Six new species are described in the subgenus: Ficus albomaculata, F. biakensis, F. boanensis, F. limosa, F. manuselensis, F. morobensis, F. remifolia, F. rubrosyce, F. scopulifera; and one new subspecies: F. botryocarpa Miq. subsp. hirtella C.C. Berg. The new combinations F. botryocarpa Miq. subsp. subalbidoramea (Elmer) C.C. Berg, F. porrecta (Corner) C.C. Berg, F. trichocerasa Diels subsp. pleioclada (Diels) C.C. Berg are also made. The following new sections and subsection are proposed: Subg. Sycomorus sect. Bosscheria (Teijsm. & de Vriese) C.C. Berg, sect. Dammaropsis (Warb.) C.C. Berg, sect. Papuasyce (Corner) C.C. Berg, and subsect. Neomorphe (King) C.C. Berg. Key words: Moraceae, Ficus subg. Sycomorus, Malesia. INTRODUCTION Ficus subg. Sycomorus (Gasp.) Miq. is described and discussed in Flora Malesia precur- sor 1 (Berg, 2003). This contribution deals with the subdivision of this subgenus, the species currently recognised for the region, the new species and subspecies discovered, and provides a key to the Malesian species. The formal subdivision is limited to sections in which a number of informal groups of presumably related species are distinguished; the ranks of series and subseries are not applied.
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