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Informational Materials Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/24/2020 2:37:58 PM Huawei Twitter and Facebook August 18 - 23 HuaweiUSA -f> @HuaweiUSA • Aug 18 Is it hot in here, or is that just this tech? Take a look at how temperature IMWC sensing features are being embedded in Huawei devices. / There’s been a surge in consumer demand for health care tools, like pulse oximeters and thermometers. o n 2 c? is ^ n Huawei USA Retweeted Dennis Amari @dennisjamari • Aug 17 i just published Telecom Myth Buster *2: The Clean Network' i / Telecom Myth Buster #2: The "Clean Network" The U.S. State Department has apparently taken on a new diplomatic mission: to clean the United States, if not the world, of Chinese... & HuawerUSA® ?HuawelUSA Aug 18 Join ui »t Hu»w*i Connect as we »Kplor« trends md opportunities In industry dlgtaatlon. showcase advanced ICT solutions and mart best practical for digital transformation »Hu«wetConnect tinyurl com yytdxflvt NEW VALUE TOGETHER HUAWEI CONNECT 2020 • '.rail .•• mio •iw..i* i M» Jl OCT ||. MK OMtINi SAVt TMI OATS 9 U i O? A HuaweiUSA® ®Huaw#iUSA Aug 18 v Huawei plans to work with carriers & partners on leveraging tne strengths of 5 major tech domains to bu id aJI-scenano intelligent solutions for Shenihen making it the world s digital showcase •SG-pow’tred eSmartCity Rotating Chairman Guo Ping explains, ySmjjnpg 53 Received by NSD/FARA Unit 08/24/2 ■37:58 PM Received by NSD/FARA iGicoaiUnit Aug 18 08/24/2020 2:37:58 PM Join us ne.v for airs o> replying to this Tweet! Question 1 is up now *'_hGlobal e'echAA =dtsabiuties *Huawe Now =~./eetOiat A-uasveiNews *Tech STechNews TECHNOLOGY & DISABILITIES Q8.A O IT V IT Show this thread HuaweiUSAO «■'**-av.riUSA Aug *3 Who's read>’for 5T5:n~-r:33i'? Head overto • l2=zri'-~ s live answer ng your Q’S: *Arfc-_s. eiLSA TECHNOLOGY & DISABILITIES Q&A with Debra Ruh CIO oi Puli Global Impact at 2 pm ET #TKMTUfSOAVQikA U > HuMMJSA Kwwrclrrl Julia Chatterley 9 SJchatterleyCNN Aug 18 •-ua-.'.ei reaction to new U-S. restrictions. 'If we take a hit in revenue that's fine- We can bounce back as we continue to do ' gandyjurdy CSO f HuaweiUSA also says '.Vhat is dear i that tens of thousands o' American jobs are at risk.* CHINA SAYS IT FIRMLY OPPOSES U.S. ’SUPPRESSION OFHUAWEI laMondre ®LeMondre_P Aug 18 & Replying to ©RuhGlobal ®HueweiUSA end ®debrt>uh I know technoiog>' could meke life easier for elderly people Du: Isn't it too hard for them to learn how to use It? *AsHuaw*IUSA •eccestibilrty »ADA30 •disabilities »TechTuesdey •RuhGlobal ©HuaweiGSA O' U 7 Of A 0 Ruh Global IMPACT ©RuhGlobal Aug 18 •Mci •"•chTuesda, f “uaweiUSA w Q i U « C? to Show this thread U Richard Streiu ©Stra-ti Ability Aug 18 <§ Replying to ®RuhGlobal ®HueweiUSA end ®deb<aruh I sometimes hear people say voice tech helps meke things easier for persons with disabilities how does that work’ •AskHuawelUSA * accessibility •A DA JO •disabilities •RuhGlobal ®HuaweiUSA Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/24/2020 2:37:58 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/24/2020 2:37:58 PM D*v'<i Perez Rueda ©DepcrgDepcr Aug 12 Replying to ©RuhGlobal ®HudwelUSA and gdebraruh What kinds o* smart home technology would you recommend tor oersons with disabilities or the elderly that want to *Age nPlac-r and remain •independent’ •AtkHuaweiUSA ‘accessibility *ADA30 ‘disabilities •TechTuesday •RuhGlobaJ qi ns oi a 11 M-j.:ssr-JjA Reiweetec ^ Ruh Global IMPACT ® = -hGioc= Aug 13 ®TechTuesday ©HuaiveillSA Debra Rur- There’s so much worvderful technology now. smart home lechnoco^s Q • U S Shcv, tms thread tl HueweOSA Mweeleil (* Debra Ruh Sdebranjh Aug 18 *'ech and • CT must be accessible to everyone if we want real •inclusion Corporations must step up and fce part of the solutsons that allow humanity to benefit from «Tech and *A l appreciate 9HuaweiUSA & ® Huawei supporting •disenfranchised and •ruralcommunities. ‘TechTuesday .• Ruh Global IMPACT ©RuhGlobai Aug 18 Q1 Why is it important for the internet Communications and Technology (‘CT) to be accessible’ *Ask“uaweiUSA ‘accessibility •ADA30 •TechTuesday •RuhGlobai ?-uawelUSA Show this thread tl luewekJSA Rrtweetes ^ Ruh Global IMPACT ?RuhGlcoa; A.g 18 i-i'Ati Q1 Why is it important for the ntemet Communications and Technology > CT)to be accessible’‘Ask-ua> ? JSA *aceec. =AD430 •TechTuesday =RuhGicbai ®-uaweiUSA Q 7 a 9 O «0 Show this thread tl Mu»»e*JSA RMweettC ^ Ruh Global IMPACT SRuhGiooal 4ug 18 ‘TechTuesday ©HuaweiUSA Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/24/2020 2:37:58 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/24/2020 2:37:58 PM Hilton Eastwood % Ea." voc-d-i-on Aug IS Replying to ©RuhGlobal ©HuaweiUSA end ©debraruh You are working with Huawei for this twitter chat But do they really support digital inclusion? *AskHuaweiUSA #access*iiity «ADA30 Pdisabiin es •TechTuesday ‘RuhGtobai ©HuaweiUSA 9 i Us C> i A U IwawohJSAl Nabil Eid ©nabileidl Aug 18 v Replying to ©RuhGlobal and ©HuaweiUSA ©debraruh ©HuaweiUSA When talking aoout iCT accessibility means toots o that can be used successfully by people with a wide range of abilities and disabilities. 9 Oi 0 i A IT HuemaUSA Rrtvwrtoe Debra Ruh ©debraruh A.g 18 Replying to ©RuhGlobal and ©HuawaiUSA •Tech can be a great ‘equaliser for persons with ‘disabilities and other ‘aisen'ranchised parts of our communities However it must be ‘accessible for everyone to be included Thank you ©Huawei 4 ©HuaweiUSA for your •TtchAAli efforts. »AskHuaweiUSA ‘accessibility *SCGs 9 ? U i 9 J A o Ruh Global IMPACT SR.hGlobai Aug 13 a IkuwtstJSA RctweeteB Richard Strertz ©SffertzAbility Aug 18 Replying to ©RuhGlobal ©HueweiUSA and ©debraruh She.Id people be concerned about the security threats o' smai home technology? Do we really want people to become re ant on technology when it cc.ld be unsafe? «Ai>HuaweiUSA ‘accessib r. ‘ADA3C ‘disabilities ‘TechTuesday ‘RuhGIcbal ©HuaweiUSA 9 i n s oi ,1, U l*uMfUiA Rriwmni! ^ Ruh Global IMPACT ©RuhGlobal Aug 13 —JJjy ‘TechTuesday ©r-uaweiUSA ©debraruh Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/24/2020 2:37:58 PM Received byJ NSD/FARAJLegistrationRosemary Wusachio .3RoseVusachio Unit Aug08/24/2020 18 v2:37:58 PM =:..- :bal Qs: Can you share an example of technology helping students with daabifities? «As«-.e. e u 3A‘access c ity »ADA30*dis*bii'tie: STechTuesday ARuhGlobal O 1 tn O i Show this Thresh n HuaweOSA fewretcd ^ Ruh Global IMPACT ©R„hG!oba! Aug 18 jy S'echTuesday @-uaweiU5A ©debraruh / David Perez Rueda 2Depcr Aug 18 Replying to ©RuhGksbil ©HuaweiUSA and ©debraruh What dc peopie in rural communities need assistive tech and access to the internet dc if the/ do- t have good Wi-Fi? «As«-.a.-.e ‘access b t. *ADA30 ‘disabilities ‘TechTuesday *R.hG local O U • <0 * i, tl HuaraUSA Relwtetco ^ Ruh Global IMPACT SRuhGlobai Aug 18 yjtjy ‘TechTuesday ©HuaweiUSA ©debraruh tl ihiawertJSA Retweetee LaMondre ©LaMondre.P ■ Aug 18 & Replying to ©RuhGlobal ©HuaweiUSA and ©debraruh Do you have any advice 'or people with d;S3biities who are looking for careers as technologists"- . = . e JSA «a::e:: c r ‘ADA33 ‘disabilities ‘TechTuesday ‘RuhGlobal ©HuaweiUSA Q U t O 4 £, tl tfcjmehJSA Rrtweetec a Ruh Global IMPACT ©RuhC-ioba Aug 18 afSS ‘TechTuesday ©ruaweRJSA ©debraruh Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/2 2:37:58 PM Received byJ NSD/FARA RegistrationHiltorrEastwood ©Eastwoodrlilton Unit Aug 1308/24/2020 2:37:58v PM Rep , ng to ©RuhG total ©H.a.v*i'„SA and ©debraruh What do you think is the firs: step to developing a more inclusive accessible des gn approach to technology? AAscHua-. e -’SA =acce:: t r, AA.DA30 *oisabilities ^TechTuesday ARuhGlobal ©HuaweiUSA n v > tlt* ItiaxevUSA Rer*eetcE Nabil Eid @nabil»d1 Aug 13 O ©RuhGloba! ©DebraRuh ©HuaweiUSA Never assume disabled people can t enter a particular ca-eer ST. and CT emtrg-ng techs - you name it - there are pecple with disabl ities working in every imaginable field =Teoh’jesc= *As<H.,a« eiLSA *RuhGlcfcal O Qi V « ill tl Ifciswc-USA Retweetec Debra Ruh ©debraruh A.g 18 Replying to ©RuhGlobal and ©HuaweiUSA The world *as moved to #tech. We must assure a I people haie access to it That means we also need Aconnecti • ity via = CT *5G has great potential for helping persons virth disabilities and othe' =d se—^n; - ;ed persons like *-efugees & supports ?bl. efforts to implement =EOGs Q 1H V* & tl IklMeUSA Ruh Global IMPACT ©RuhGtobal Aug 13 ATeohTuesday ©HuaweillSA ©debraruh 3 r * 11 created two companies, Tech Access and then Ruh Gtobal impact i * ' tl IkMMjU I Rosemary Mutachko JRoseMusachio Aug 18 Q10: We often discuss the digital divide <n terms of wealth but Is there a similar divide between people with and without disabilities? •AskHuaweiUSA eaccessibility *ADA30 •disabilities »TechTueiday •RuhGiobai Q U i V i A tl ifejwrtJSA Aefamtnd ^ Ruh Global IMPACT ©RuhGiobai Aug 18 gyyfr A'echTuesday ©—uaweiUSA ©debraruh * V. Debra Ruh: There, what is re *irst Step? Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/24/2020 2:37:58 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/24/2020 2:37:58 PM Rkhard Strain }>StreicAbility Aug 18 Replying to ®RuhGlobal ®HuawelUSA and ®dabraruh Why do you think th«r« na mil to many barriers to antry tor paopia with disabilitiai in tha US Workforce’ »Aik-uawelUSA •accawbility aADA30 •disabilities •TechTuesdey *RuhGlobal OHuawalUSA n 7 o tl Ainwwtni | Ruh Global IMPACT $RuhGiooj! Aug 13 •TechTuesdey 9HuawalUSA $debraruh 1 -* • tl »Kjavsf*-JSA ftawertec David Perez Rueda ®Cepcr Aug 13 Replying to gRuhGIcbal SHuaweiUSA and Sdefcraruh V* Is there a partic.lar technology that exists right now that
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