Real-Time Implementation of Refractivity Retrieval: Partnership Between the University of Oklahoma, National Severe Storms Laboratory, and the Radar Operations Center
P8B.8 1 REAL-TIME IMPLEMENTATION OF REFRACTIVITY RETRIEVAL: PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA, NATIONAL SEVERE STORMS LABORATORY, AND THE RADAR OPERATIONS CENTER B. L. Cheong1 ,∗, R. D. Palmer1 , C. Curtis2 ,3 , K. Hondl3 , P. Heinselman2 ,3 , D. Zrnic3 , D. Forsyth3 , R. Murnan4 , R. Reed4 and R. Vogt4 1 School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA 2 Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA 3 NOAA/OAR National Severe Storm Laboratory, Norman, Oklahoma, USA 4 NWS NEXRAD Radar Operations Center, Norman, Oklahoma, USA ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION High-resolution, near-surface refractivity measurements Until recently, moisture measurements were normally have the potential of becoming an important tool for only possible by in situ instruments. For example, the ra- operational forecasting and general scientific studies. diosonde network across the nation with approximately Access to measured refractivity fields with high spatial 50-100 km spacing performs hourly measurements. To and temporal resolution near the surface opens a new pursue further understanding and better prediction of paradigm for understanding the convective processes convective processes, e.g., convective precipitation and within the boundary layer. It has been shown via ad- its intensification, the existing surface instruments sim- vanced physical models that surface refractivity plays ply do not provide sufficient spatial and temporal reso- an important role in convective processes and, there- lution [Weckwerth and Parsons, 2003]. Fortunately, sur- fore, is expected to be valuable for forecasting the initi- face moisture is now possible to be retrieved remotely ation and intensity of convective precipitation. For this using radar echoes from ground targets [Fabry et al., project, the refractivity field is retrieved remotely us- 1997].
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