31St October 1968
THE AUSTRALIAN THE A UST RALIA CHURCH Captain John Dewdney, who has The Rev. A. T. E. DallIng, rector of been esponsible for editorial and pub- St. James', Wickham (Newcastle). has RECORD lication work for the Church Army in been appointed a chaplain to the Mis- England since 1954, has been appointed sion for Seamen, Melbourne. The paper for Church of CHURCH RECORD Dominion Director of the Church Army Rev. Raymond W. Gregor'', chaplain England people — Catholic, THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND NEWSPAPER—EIGHTY NINTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION in New Zealand. He succeeds Captain of Brighton Grammar School since Gwilt who bas been appointed director 1967, has been appointed dean of Apostolic, Protestant and Captain Dewdney will Printed by John Fairfax and in Australia. Trinity College, Melbourne, from Feb- Reformed Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post Price 10 cents takes up his post in Auckland early in ruary 1 next. Sons Lid., Broadway, Sydney. 1969. Subscription $2.50 per year. No. 1425—October 31, 1968 as a newspaper. Deaconess M. 1. Spry has been ap- Editorial and Business: 511 Dr W. E. Shewell-Cooper, World pointed to the Mission of St, James' Clans' Chief of The Campaigners, an and St. John, Melbourne, from October Kent St., Sydney. Phone: Anglican youth movement will visit 1st. Australia this month while on a world 61-2975. Office hours: 10 tour. In Tasmania he will meet a Miss Joy Wedge, formerly of C.M.S., a.m. to 4 p.m. Issued fort- Campaign Chief who hopes to become West Pakistan, has been appointed to nightly, on alternate Thurs- TWO NEW Hon.
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