Systematic Review

A systematic review of postcoital and risk of

Mark Shapley, Joanne Jordan and Peter R Croft

INTRODUCTION ABSTRACT GPs have been criticised for both too few and too many urgent referrals of patients with symptoms of Background Postcoital bleeding may be a symptom of cervical possible cancer. This has given rise to debate cancer. Guidance to aid a GP in determining whom to concerning the reasons for the referral rates, and investigate or refer exists but recommendations vary. how the prognosis in patients with malignancy may Women need to be involved in decisions about their be improved.1–7 There is agreement that research on care and this involves communicating risk and an 8 exploration of the implications of the risk. Risk common symptoms in primary care is lacking, that estimates of postcoital bleeding for cervical cancer are primary care clinicians have difficulty identifying not available. people most at risk of cancer,7 and that the research Aim base for published guidelines lies within secondary To provide an estimate of the positive predictive values care.1 Cancer research is difficult within primary of postcoital bleeding for cervical cancer to aid decision making in primary care about whom to care due to the rarity with which the disease investigate for cervical cancer. presents. In contrast the symptoms of possible Design of study cancer are often common.9 This produces a difficult A systematic review. decision for the primary care clinician about whom Setting to investigate. Community, primary and secondary care. For the symptom of postcoital bleeding, guidance Method has been produced to identify those women whom Six electronic databases were searched from the beginning of each of their time frames. Inclusion GPs should refer for investigation. The content of criteria were that the study was published in English this guidance varies, and includes recommending and reported or contained enough data to calculate the referral for all women,10,11 or women with non- prevalence or incidence of postcoital bleeding within defined ‘persistent’12,13 or ‘repeated’ postcoital the study population. No studies were excluded on 14 issues of methodological quality. bleeding, or postcoital bleeding that ‘persists for Results more than 4 weeks in women over 35 years of The search strategy identified 910 unique articles. The age’.14 Some recommendations have also point prevalence of postcoital bleeding in the combined the symptom of postcoital bleeding with community ranged from 0.7 to 9% among women. One specific abnormal cervical cytology.12,13 study reported an annual cumulative incidence of 6% of menstruating women. The prevalence of postcoital Patients have the right to accept or refuse bleeding in women with cervical cancer ranged from whatever is proposed and in taking a decision as to 0.7 to 39%. Calculation of risk that a woman in the whether or not to investigate for underlying community developing postcoital bleeding has cervical malignancy, informed consent is required.15 The cancer ranges from 1 in 44 000 at age 20–24 years to 1 in 2 400 aged 45–54 years. There was no information General Medical Council states that two of the allowing the direct calculation of risk in women presenting to primary care. M Shapley, DM, FRCGP, GP and research fellow; J Jordan, Conclusion MSc, MA, research assistant: systematic reviews; PR Croft, The evidence base for management strategies of MD, MRCGP, professor of epidemiology, Primary Care postcoital bleeding and calculations of risk for cervical Sciences Research Centre, Keele University, Staffordshire. cancer in women with postcoital bleeding are poor. Recommendations for clinical practice are made on the Address for correspondence current evidence. Dr Mark Shapley, Primary Care Sciences Research Centre Keywords Keele University, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG. cervical cancer; postcoital bleeding; uterine E-mail: [email protected] neoplasms. Submitted: 9 February 2005; Editor’s response: 1 July 2005; final acceptance: 9 November 2005. ©British Journal of General Practice 2006; 56: 453–460.

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risk, should allow the patient to make an informed Potentially relevant papers identified decision. For cardiovascular disease it is known and screened for retrieval (n = 910) that the risks patients and doctors are prepared to take differ.18,19 Effective risk communication and shared decision making are dependent on several Papers excluded (n = 842) due to: factors and include the style of the consultation, Treatment or treatment complications (n = 311) which may vary from doctor-centred to patient- Diagnostic or screening techniques (n = 55) 20 21 Unusual tumours or disease and case series of <15 (n = 176) centred, and the constraints of time. A number of Cancer in (n = 19) aids and strategies are available which may No original data (n = 94) promote shared decision making.22 Non-English language (n = 145) Non-gynaecological (n = 42) The purpose of this study is to gain an estimate of positive predictive values of postcoital bleeding for cervical cancer to aid decision making in primary Papers retrieved for more detailed care about whom to investigate for cervical cancer. evaluation (n = 68) The method used was a systematic review of the literature on postcoital bleeding in women in the community, in primary and secondary care and in Papers excluded (n = 37) due to: Insufficient data to circulate prevalence or incidence of women with cervical cancer. By combining incidence postcoital bleeding (n = 32) rates of the symptom with the incidence of cervical Duplicate or report using data published in an earlier cancer derived from national data, predictive values study (n =5) can be calculated.23

Papers providing data on prevalence METHOD or incidence rate of postcoital Searching strategy bleeding (n = 31) Six databases were searched from the start of each of their time frames to 11 August 2005. The Further 15 papers retrieved for more databases, search strategy and terms used are given detailed evaluation from reference lists in Box 1. of those initially retrieved (n = 46) Inclusion and exclusion criteria Papers exluded (n = 8) due to: Studies of any design were included in the Insufficient data to calculate prevalence or incidence of systematic review if they had been published in postcoital bleeding English in peer-reviewed journals. The article had to report or contain enough data to calculate the Papers providing data on prevalence prevalence or incidence of postcoital bleeding within or incidence rate of postcoital bleeding (n = 38) the study population. The purpose of the review was to provide predictive values for use in community populations or in general practice consultation, and Figure 1. Flow diagram of duties of a doctor are to ‘give patients information so studies on treatment or treatment complications, inclusion process. in a way they can understand’ and ‘respect the diagnostic and screening techniques, unusual types rights of patients to be fully involved in decisions of cervical cancer (that is, not squamous or about their care’.16 Predictive values, expressed as adenocarcinoma) and cancer in pregnancy were natural frequencies, are the foundation for excluded. Studies were also excluded if they were of communicating risk17 and, used in conjunction with less than 15 cases or non-gynaecological studies an adequate exploration of the implications of the (such as cervical spine). Box 1. Search terms and strategy. How this fits in Ǡ Databases Postcoital bleeding may be a symptom of cervical Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, British Nursing Index, AMED and PsycINFO cancer. We do not know how useful this symptom Ǡ Postcoital bleeding search terms is for predicting the presence of the disease. Text words: ((postcoital OR coital) NEXT bleeding) OR (bleeding NEXT intercourse) Systematic review evidence is gathered to calculate Ǡ Cervical cancer and postcoital bleeding search terms predictive values of postcoital bleeding in the Subject heading: (Cervical cancer OR neoplasms OR uterine neoplasms) community for cervical cancer. Recommendations AND Text word: bleed$ OR Text word: ((Cancer AND (cervix OR cervical)) AND for clinical practice are made on the current bleed$) OR ((carcinoma AND (cervix OR cervical)) AND bleed$) evidence.

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The results of the electronic searches were population studies on the Finnish mass cervical reviewed by reading the titles and abstracts. Papers cytology screening programme27,33 and a study in were retrieved if they contained information on Belgium concerning screening for chlamydia35 symptoms of postcoital or coital bleeding or found a prevalence of coital bleeding of around symptoms prior to diagnosis in patients with 1%. In contrast the two studies performed in squamous cell or adenocarcinoma of the cervix. England28,31 on smaller populations and a Nigerian Reference lists of all articles retrieved were searched study in a hospital cytology clinic34 found a for additional articles. prevalence of around 5%. The disparities may be due to differences in definition of postcoital Assessment of methodological quality bleeding relating to time period covered (bleeding No studies were excluded on the basis of an in the past month,36 2 months,27,33 3 months35 or assessment of methodological quality. Some early 6 months31), frequency (ever in the time frame27,31,33 studies failed to report response or recruitment or frequently35), study populations (such as age, rates24,25 or only reported proportions26,27 but had the sexual activity, use of hormones, infection) and the advantage of involving large populations. Later effects of temporal trends.27 One study reported an studies, which also failed to give this information, annual cumulative incidence in menstruating were included in the review as they were more likely women which was 6%.31 to reflect current clinical activity.28–30 Only one study31 There were no studies of women consulting determined the prevalence or incidence of postcoital primary care. The proportion of women in the bleeding as the primary objective. community with postcoital bleeding who consult primary care is not known. Data extraction and analysis Relevant data was extracted from retrieved hard The prevalence and incidence of postcoital copies of eligible studies. Details were recorded of bleeding in secondary care the study design and participants, definition of There was only one study reporting rates in postcoital bleeding or cases, and the number or secondary care. A group in Holland performed proportion of women reporting the symptom, with chlamydial screening in new patients attending a cancer and histological subtype. Summary hospital obstetrics and outpatients prevalences were determined by summation of the department. Of the 1300 women responding ‘yes’ original data from the studies and calculating the or ‘no’ on a questionnaire, the prevalence of proportion with postcoital bleeding in the total study ‘postcoital bleeding’ was 5% with 68 classified as populations. Post-test probabilities (positive ‘unknown’.37 predictive values) were calculated as the estimated The proportion of women presenting to primary number of women who developed cervical cancer care with postcoital bleeding who are referred to and presented with postcoital bleeding, expressed secondary care was not reported in any of the as a proportion of all women who developed studies found. Neither was there any indication of postcoital bleeding. the proportion of women attending secondary care QUORUM guidelines for reporting systematic with a predominant symptom such as menorrhagia reviews and meta-analyses were followed wherever who also had postcoital bleeding. possible.32 The prevalence and incidence of postcoital RESULTS bleeding in other specific populations In total 910 unique articles were identified of which Four studies38–41 were identified which gave the 38 reported or allowed the calculation of prevalence of postcoital bleeding among prevalence or incidence rates of postcoital populations who were HIV positive or at increased bleeding in women in the community, women in risk of HIV. The prevalence of postcoital bleeding primary or secondary care populations or women ranged from 539 to 32%41 with three of the with cervical cancer as illustrated in Figure 1. studies38,40,41 showing an association between HIV and postcoital bleeding. The prevalence and incidence of postcoital A community study in Egypt and Jordan was bleeding in the community and primary care identified which found a prevalence of postcoital In total eight studies were identified in which rates bleeding in women with genital prolapse of 3%.42 of postcoital bleeding in the community were reported or could be calculated (Supplementary The proportion of women with cervical cancer Table 1). The range in the point prevalence of who report postcoital bleeding postcoital bleeding was 0.7–9%. The large Sixteen studies were identified that reported, or

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allowed the calculation of, the prevalence of appears that even in secondary care postcoital postcoital bleeding among women with cervical bleeding is a poor predictor of cervical cancer. In the cancer (Supplementary Table 2). The range of largest English study of women with postcoital prevalence of postcoital bleeding in women with bleeding13 only 4% were diagnosed as having cervical cancer is 0.7–39%. invasive cancer (including vaginal and endometrial). There has been a temporal change in developed The hospital clinic accepted referrals countries with more women now presenting from both primary and secondary care and reported asymptomatically due to the widespread use of that only 0.6% of women attending with postcoital cervical screening30,45,55 and a temporal change in the bleeding, and having a normal smear and cervix, had histological type of tumour with an increase in the invasive cancer of the cervix. In the studies in proportion of women presenting with secondary care that report the number of women adenocarcinoma as opposed to squamous cell with postcoital bleeding13,61–63 the summary figure for carcinoma.30,52,56 Some authors feel that the proportion with cervical cancer is 2% and adenocarcinoma is less likely to cause bleeding than gynaecological malignancy 3%. squamous cell carcinoma.27 There is a large There are no studies determining the proportion of geographical variation in the rate of cervical cancer women presenting to primary care with postcoital with Indian districts and African countries having bleeding in whom a diagnosis of cervical cancer is higher rates than developed countries57 because of made. variations in the aetiology of the disease and the presence or absence of screening programmes. We Non-malignant causes of postcoital bleeding calculated an estimate relevant to a British general Few studies were identified concerning the many practice population, by using studies from developed other postulated causes of postcoital bleeding. countries which did not select by tumour histology; Cervical erosion is often given as a cause of this gave a summary prevalence of postcoital postcoital bleeding but Goldacre et al28 found no bleeding in women with cervical cancer of association. Hospital studies reporting causes of 11%.24,30,43,45,49 postcoital bleeding give cervical polyps,13,63 endometrial polyps63 and cervical ectopy63 as The proportion of women with postcoital diagnoses but the studies lack controls to measure bleeding who on screening or investigation any association and suffer from selection bias. Some have cancer studies have shown an association between Only one community-based study was identified that postcoital bleeding and HIV or risk of HIV38,40,41 and allowed the calculation of a positive predictive value of postcoital bleeding and chlamydial infection.35–37 postcoital bleeding in the community for cervical Cervical dyskaryosis and cervical intraepithelial cancer. The study on the Finnish mass-screening neoplasia are felt to be asymptomatic64,65 although programme identified 2648 women with coital Rosenthal et al13 found a statistically non-significant bleeding of whom 12 had invasive cervical cancer33 at association with postcoital bleeding. Selo-Ojeme et baseline, giving a positive predictive value on cross- al63 in their series reported that 5% of women with sectional analysis of 0.5%. The relative risk for postcoital bleeding had cervical intraepithelial invasive carcinoma was 6.3 for bleeding on sexual neoplasia, suggesting an association, although the intercourse compared to those without the symptom. study was in a selected population with no control A subsequent follow-up study58 on the same cohort, group. Analysis of the data presented by Hakama et after the first smear, showed that women with coital al33 on the Finnish screening programme gives an bleeding and a negative screen had up to a 15-fold odds ratio for women with coital bleeding for risk of late invasive cervical cancer compared to those histological cervical dysplasia (including carcinoma without bleeding symptoms, although 93% of all in situ) of 2.0 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.3 to cervical cancers in the cohort were in those without 3.0) compared to women without. There is some coital bleeding. A subsequent study by Viikki et al,27 evidence for an association between a cervix that again in Finland and using the same methodology, bleeds on touch and cytological cervical dysplasia.66 reported that this risk had fallen over the intervening There are no studies determining the proportion of 23 years to threefold. The authors concluded this was women presenting to primary care with postcoital due to changes in the prevalence of symptoms and bleeding in whom a specific diagnosis is made. incidence of cancer, although the data on which this statement was based was not presented. The incidence of cervical cancer Eight studies in secondary care concerning the In England carcinoma of the cervix is rare below the investigation of women with postcoital bleeding for age of 20 years.67 In 2001 the incidence ranged from cancer were identified (Supplementary Table 3). It a rate of 2.6 per 100 000 population per year in the

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age 20–24 years to plateau in the age group women from the total female population who are 30–49 years with a peak of 16.3 in the age group sexually active and therefore at risk of developing the 40–44 years. It was 10.6 in the age group symptom. Unlike the situation for other possible 55–59 years, with a peak of 18.5 in the age group symptoms of cancer, the total female population, in 75–79 years. The incidence of the disease fell by the case of postcoital bleeding and cervical cancer, 42% in England and Wales between 1988 and 199768 is at risk of the disease but not all are at risk of probably as a consequence of the National Cervical developing the symptom. When a clinician is Screening Programme.69,70 presented with the symptom of postcoital bleeding, the woman is by definition sexually active. Using the The predictive value of postcoital bleeding for incidence of postcoital bleeding in all women to cervical cancer calculate the conditional probabilities of postcoital The study on the Finnish mass-screening bleeding for cervical cancer will overestimate the risk programme33 gave a positive predictive value of 1 in while using the prevalence in all women with cervical 220 of postcoital bleeding for cervical cancer. cancer who present with postcoital bleeding will However, in the intervening 30 years the underestimate the risk. epidemiology of postcoital bleeding and cervical The prevalence of sexual activity varies between cancer has changed. Bleeding symptoms have populations. Few studies indicate the proportion of become more frequent27 and the incidence of cervical women studied who are at risk of developing cancer lower68 altering the conditional probabilities. postcoital bleeding. The exceptions have been Using the annual incidence figures for postcoital studies involving screening sexually active women bleeding by age bands given by Shapley et al,31 and for chlamydia35,36 and studies concerning postcoital combining them with the annual incidence of cervical bleeding and HIV.38–40 Two studies have been in cancer by age bands in England for the year 2001,67 community contraception clinics28,29 where most, and an estimate that 11%24,30,43,45,49 of women with but not all women are sexually active.29 cervical cancer will present with postcoital bleeding, In studies on women in the community there is risks can be calculated as given in Table 1. also an additional inconsistency in the definition of Direct estimates of predictive values in primary the denominator population as some studies use all and secondary care populations cannot be women and others menstruating women calculated due to the absence of information (Supplementary Table 1). concerning the incidence of postcoital bleeding in primary care and referred populations. Setting The predictive value of a symptom for a disease DISCUSSION varies with the prevalence of the symptom and Methodological issues disease within the populations studied. This is in A number of methodological problems need to be contrast to sensitivity and specificity, which are considered before attempting to use the derived independent of the prevalence of disease. There are predictive values in the community and primary care. three populations outside hospital where interventions may take place to promote the early Definition of denominator population detection of cancer. These populations represent the The conditional probabilities of predictive values, target groups for health education programmes, for sensitivity and specificity depend on definition of opportunistic intervention and for decisions to symptom, disease and denominator population. investigate for possible malignancy. These settings Women with postcoital bleeding are a subgroup of are, respectively, people within the community,

Table 1. The probability that a woman developing postcoital bleeding in the community has cervical cancer.

Annual cumulative Women with Annual incidence Probability that a woman incidence of cervical cancer of cervical cancer in developing postcoital postcoital bleeding who present with England per bleeding in the community Age (years) per 100 women31 postcoital bleeding (%) 100 000 women67 has cervical cancer 20–24 12.6 11 2.6 1 in 44 000 25–34 7.2 11 11.7 1 in 5600 35–44 4.8 11 15.8 1 in 2800 45–54 3.4 11 12.7 1 in 2400

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people who consult primary care with an unrelated Strengths and limitations of the calculated symptom, about an administrative issue or for a probability screening procedure (such as cervical cytology), and The positive predictive value for the diagnosis of patients who consult with a symptom of possible cervical cancer in women with coital bleeding in the cancer. Selection as women move up this iceberg of Finnish mass screening programme33 is 10 times symptoms and illness23,71,72 on to secondary care higher than that calculated using contemporary data. alters the prevalence of disease within the This may be due to changes in the definition of populations and hence predictive values. coital/postcoital bleeding (time frame of 2 months versus 6 months), an increase in the incidence of Definition of the symptom of postcoital postcoital bleeding (such as due to infection, use of bleeding hormones or sexual activity), differences in age, the Definitions of postcoital bleeding vary between falling incidence of cervical cancer and the effect of studies (Supplementary Tables 1 and 2) and may lack the screening programme. detail on certain characteristics (such as frequency The study used to determine the incidence of or quantity). In studies on women with cervical postcoital bleeding was based in an urban cancer, symptoms are often not sub-divided (such as population within a single town in England.31 There ‘abnormal bleeding’) and thus postcoital bleeding is a geographical variation in the incidence of may cluster within a symptom group, such as postcoital bleeding and the estimate of incidence postmenopausal bleeding. This is in sharp contrast may not be applicable to other populations. The to the detail given of the morphology and histology of incidence is expressed in terms of all menstruating tumours.73 Only the studies concerning HIV women and it is not known if the incidence is the specifically report vaginal postcoital bleeding.38–40 same in women who are amenorrhoeic. It was not determined if the women were sexually active and Measurement of the symptom of postcoital therefore at risk of the symptom. bleeding The risk estimates are not individualised and true The methodology used in most studies on women risk will depend on the presence or absence of with cervical cancer is a retrospective review of other risk factors such as smoking and human hospital records of women who have been papilloma virus infection.74 diagnosed as having cervical cancer. In one study a The risk estimates only apply to women in the review of records and telephone interview with community and do not apply to women who consult survivors was used.30 Only one study was primary care and present with postcoital bleeding prospective in which women were asked to complete or women in whom the symptom is discovered a questionnaire prior to screening for cervical opportunistically. With regard to overt blood loss cancer.43 Methodology using a review of medical per rectum and colorectal malignancy, risk records is subject to recall bias by the women at the estimates increase at least 20-fold as the time of presentation to secondary care, and observer calculation moves its denominator from community bias, both at the time of recording the symptom and to primary care.23 when extracting information from the records. None of the studies concerning symptoms in women with Conclusion and implications carcinoma of the cervix appeared to conceal patient Evidence for the predictive value of postcoital identity during data extraction from medical records bleeding for cervical cancer is poor but this should or interview. Recall bias may be in favour of the be considered against the background of the symptom (such as knowledge about the classical difficulties of undertaking research in primary care presentation of the disease or prompting by on the relationship between symptoms and clinicians) or against it (such as embarrassment or comparatively rare outcomes such as cancer. It is guilt about not presenting earlier). Recall bias is also unlikely that better evidence will be available in the an issue in studies using population surveys.23 The near future. Given the high prevalence and studies concerning women with cervical cancer do incidence of postcoital bleeding27–29,33–36 and the not always state if the reported symptoms are at physical, psychological and economic cost of presentation or diagnosis. In some studies multiple colposcopy, it would appear to be inappropriate to symptoms for individuals are reported, while in investigate all women with postcoital bleeding for others only one appears (Supplementary Table 2). cervical cancer. The need for colposcopy in women There is a time delay between presentation from who present to primary care cannot be determined primary to secondary care and thus symptoms at precisely as there are no studies concerning the secondary care may not have been present at initial prevalence of postcoital bleeding in populations consultation with primary care. consulting primary care.

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There is evidence of the need for a cervical smear 2. Eccersley AJ, Wilson EM, Makris A, Novell JR. Referral guidelines for colorectal cancer — do they work? Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2003; to be performed at the recommended times 85: 107–110. 33 according to the national screening programme 3. Pengiran Tengah DSNA, Byrne PO, Wills AJ. Urgent 2-week although there is no evidence for a role for cervical referrals for CNS/Brain tumours: a retrospective audit. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol) 2003; 15: 7–9. cytology in the assessment of a woman with 4. Morrison J, Gillespie S, MacKenzie IZ. ‘Two week wait’ standards postcoital bleeding if a cervical smear is not due. for suspected gynaecological malignancy. On target but missing There is no evidence on the value of visual and the point? Journal of the British Society 2003; December: 170–172. manual inspection of the cervix in women with 5. Jiwa M and Hamilton W. 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Management of intermenstrual and clinician, should decide on the need for referral to postcoital bleeding, and an appreciation of the issues arising out of 15 the recent case of O’Shea versus Sullivan and Macquarie secondary care for investigation and treatment. This Pathology. Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 1996; 36: 67–73. should take place if the woman requests it, if the 13. Rosenthal AN, Panoskaltsis, Smith T, Soutter WP. The frequency of cervix is clinically suspicious of cancer, if the smear significant pathology in women attending a general gynaecology service for postcoital bleeding. BJOG 2001; 108: 103–106. shows cervical dyskaryosis12,13 or if symptoms persist 14. NHS Executive. Referral guidelines for suspected cancer. London: and interfere with the woman’s life in the broadest Department of Health, 2000. sense, including psychological distress. 15. Mazur D. Influence of the law on risk and informed consent. BMJ 2003; 327: 731–736. 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