00a_working cover_bottom:Cover.qxd 12/10/2010 2:57 Pm Page 2 SUNSTONE MORMON EXPERIENCE,, SCHOLARSHIP, ISSUUEESS,, ANDD ARTT written by the the by by written written fingerfinger ofof God?God? Claims and Controversies of Book of Mormon Translation Translation by Don Bradley december 2010—$7.50 uTahuTah eugeneeugene inTerviewinTerview TheThe FamilyFamily CounTy’sCounTy’s england’sengland’s withwith TheThe LonelyLonely Forum:Forum: dreamdream minemine byby CalCulaTedCalCulaTed PolygamistPolygamist authorauthor AA New New ColumNColumN kevinkevin CanteraCantera riskrisk byby BradyBrady udalludall byby michaelmichael (p.31)(p.31) CharlotteCharlotte (p.66)(p.66) FarnworthFarnworth (p.57)(p.57) hansenhansen (p.38)(p.38) 00b_inside cover:cover.qxd 12/2/2010 11:18 pm page 1 Your year-end Our Loyal donation To: Thanks he ers makes all t subscrib difference. SUNSTONE invites writers to enter the 2011 Eugene England Memorial Personal Essay Contest, made possible by the Eugene and Charlotte England Education Fund. In the spirit of Gene’s writings, entries should relate to Latter-day Saint experience, theology, or worldview. Essays, without author identification, will be judged by noted Mormon authors and professors of literature. Winners will be announced by 31 May 2011 on Sunstone’s website, SUNSTONEMAGAZINE.COM. Winners only will be notified by mail. After the announcement, all other entrants will be free to submit their stories elsewhere. PRIZES: A total of $450 will be shared among the winning entries. RULES: 1. Up to three entries may be submitted by any one author. Send manuscript in PDF or Word format to
[email protected] by 28 FEBRUARY 2011. 2.