Safe Cycling Network Developing a system for assessing the safety of cycling infrastructure R-2014-14E Safe Cycling Network Developing a system for assessing the safety of cycling infrastructure R-2014-14E Dr G.J. Wijlhuizen, Dr A. Dijkstra & J.W.H. van Petegem, MSc The Hague, 2014 SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, The Netherlands Report documentation Number: R-2014-14E Title: Safe Cycling Network Subtitle: Developing a system for assessing the safety of cycling infrastructure Author(s): Dr G.J. Wijlhuizen, Dr A. Dijkstra & J.W.H. van Petegem, MSc Project leader: G.J. Wijlhuizen Project number SWOV: C09.15 Projectcode Contractor: ALB/FT/svk/2014-034 Contractor: Royal Dutch Touring Club ANWB Keywords: Cycling, cyclist, cycle track, road network, layout, network (transp), safety, evaluation (assessment), indicator, accident prevention, measurement, benchmarking, Netherland. Contents of the project: ANWB has taken the initiative to develop an expert system that helps road authorities assess the cycling infrastructure and, consequently, bicycle safety. This enables unsafe cycling infrastructure to be analysed and tackled. This report presents the scientific justification of the project. Number of pages: 86 + 46 Published by: SWOV, The Hague, 2014 This publication contains public information. Reproduction is only permitted with due acknowledgement. All rights in relation with the Safe Cycling Network (including the methodology, associated instrument and this publication) are held by ANWB BV. Nothing in this publication, the methodology and/or associated instrument may be distributed or reproduced without the written permission of ANWB. SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research P.O. Box 93113 2509 AC Den Haag The Netherlands Telephone +31 70 317 33 33 Telefax +31 70 320 12 61 E-mail
[email protected] Internet Summary ANWB has initiated a project to improve the safety of the cycling infrastructure in the Netherlands – and, in the longer term, also in other countries: the Safe Cycling Network project.