For the attention of: lnspector: Rebecca Phillips B A (Hons) lUlSc DipM UlClttl MRTPI Coventry Local Plan Examination 2016 Hearing sessions 7 - 12 statement submission Specifically Session 8 Green Belt and Session 10 Transport Matterc From: Lilias and Peter Maddock 34 Oakford Drive Allesley Green COVENTRY CVs 7PP Tet A2476407333 Lilias@ uk
[email protected]. uk SUMMARY OF OBJEGTIONS TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF GREEN BELT LAND IN THE MERDIEN GAP (EASTERN GREEN}: 1. Conclusions of Nigel Payne - Government lnspector - May 2A1A 2. Sacrosanctity pf the Green Belt 3. Accuracy of Population assumptions 4. Road Network and Transportation (Cross Reference with Hearing 10 Transport Matters) 5. Health lnfrastructure 6. Flood Plain & Landscape 7. Social Cohesion 8. Community Facilities 9. Light Pollution 1 0. Planning Applications 11. Ecology 12. Deliverability l3.Conclusion Lilias & Peter Maddock 34 Oakford Drive Coventry CV5 7PP 25 August 2016 2 We object to the proposed development of green belt land in the Meriden Gap (Eastern Green) for either housing or commercial premises for the following reasons: 1. Conclusions of Nigel Payne - Government lnspector - May 2010 The conclusion of the Report to Coventry City Council on the Examination into the Coventry Core Strategy Development Plan Document - File Ref: 000152 - dated2T May 2010, by Nigel Payne an lnspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government remains valid. We make reference to this report within this document. The lnspector unequivocally concluded that the release of this site from the green belt was not justified by the available evidence and that it was not suitable or appropriate for identification as a reserved new housing site.