Action Notes

Woodlands Ward Forum

7pm, Thursday 25 th September 2014

At Tile Hill Community Library, Jardine Crescent, Tile Hill CV4 9PL

Who was at the meeting?

Residents L Bell R Davidson C Marr M Bell S Fellows R Marr K Battersby T Harvey A Randle C Bulas H Johnson C Simpson T Cassidy M Johnson J Stubbs D Chattra M Keogh No of Residents: 17

Officers and Partner Agencies Name Representing Councillor Patricia Hetherton City Council – Ward Councillor Councillor Steve Thomas Coventry City Council – Ward Councillor(Chair) Councillor Julia Lepoidevin Coventry City Council – Ward Councillor Adrian West Coventry City Council – Senior Support Officer Sgt Lee Froggatt Police Inspector Suzanne Baker Andrew Walster Coventry City Council – Streetscene and Greenspace Jim Newton Coventry City Council – Planning Ann Wilson Tree Warden Network Coventry City Council: 6 Partners: 3

1. Welcome and Introductions Councillor Hetherton welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for their attendance. She apologised that she would need to leave the meeting due to another commitment and that Cllr Thomas would take the Chair.

2. Update from Local Policing Team – Inspector Suzanne Baker and Sgt Lee Froggatt Discussio n: Sergeant Froggatt reported that burglary figures for the ward are down this year. In relation to recent incidents he reported that: • the Police were still investigating damage to cars in the Eastern Green area but had not identified anyone responsible yet; Action Notes

• Stop and Search is being used when appropriate to address issues including those that are drugs related; • the cause of the explosion on Tuesday night is still being investigated but is not currently thought to be suspicious. He reported that the Travellers at Bush Close had been moved on and the information provided by residents had helped the Police achieve this. Sergeant Froggatt stressed the importance of residents continuing to report any concerns related to these or any other issues to the Police via phone or email. The Woodlands Neighbourhood Team can be contacted via Telephone: 101 ext 7933 6334 or email: woodlands@west- .

Residents raised concerns about speeding in several places on Broad Lane including opposite Jardine Crescent. Sergeant Froggatt reported that the Police had recently carried out spot checks on Hockley Lane but had not identified any significant problems. He will carry out monitoring on Broad Lane and report back. Councillors agreed to look into the possibility of siting speed activated warning signs.

Inspector Suzanne Baker explained that West Midlands Police are carrying out a consultation on the use of their buildings. The Force has a very large estate with 146 buildings in The West Midlands and nine in Coventry. There are significant financial pressures on the Police and looking at the best use of buildings is part of that. The review is being carried out across the whole Service and the final decisions will be made by the Police and Crime Commissioner.

The Tile Hill sector house, which was a caretaker’s house for the College, is one of the Coventry buildings that is not fit for purpose, costs a lot to run and has many health and safety issues which need addressing. The local neighbourhood team are now working out of Canley and Inspector Baker reported that this has improved flexibility and working with neighbouring teams. Coventry Central and Foleshill are also old, very costly to run and not fit for purpose. However, they house a lot of staff, both city and service wide and are well located.

Inspector Baker asked everyone to complete the feedback forms and say what they felt the impact of the proposals would be, the role of buildings in engaging the public and how the public can engage with the Police more effectively in the future. The Police would also like views on central and city wife issues, not just Woodlands Ward.

The consultation will run from September to November and the outcomes will be submitted to the West Midlands Police Command Team and the Police and Crime Commissioner in December. Action Notes

Action Lead Deadline Carry out speed monitoring on Broad Sergeant Froggatt Report back at next meeting Lane Review the possibility of installing Ward Councillors Report back at next meeting speed activated warning signs on Broad Lane Reply to consultation on Police All Residents November Buildings

3. Coventry Wardens Network – Ann Wilson Discussion: Coventry Tree Wardens Ann Wilson talked about the Coventry Tree Warden Network and the work being done to protect and promote trees In the City. They are developing a network of wardens who are undertaking a wide range of activities. The network has the opportunity to bid for funds that public sector organisations like the Council cannot access. Forms to register were available at the meeting for anyone wishing to join the Network and more information is available on their website at:

Action Lead Deadline n/a n/a n/a

4. Wheeled Bins on Pavements – Andrew Walster Discussion: Andrew Walster, Assistant Director Streetscene and Greenspace attended the meeting to discuss some of the issues that have been raised about problems with wheeled bins being left on pavements.

He explained that where there are problems, the service is keen to work with communities to find solution. Bins being left out are usually a symptom of other problems e.g. blocked back alleyways - so we have helped residents clear these. Some residents associations have worked with local people to solve local problems together. The ultimate power available to the Council is a fixed penalty notice but this would be a last resort.

Bin collection takes place between 7.00 am and 4.30 pm, but the Council accepts that some people will need to put bins out the night before and may not be able to bring them in until later in the evening.

Residents raised a number of concerns: • Bushberry/Tile Hill Lane where the flats have purpose built bin stores but bins are often left on the pavements. • Flats at Sutherland Court and throughout Mount Nod. Andrew acknowledged that there are different access arrangements for the Action Notes

flats and the Council is working to resolve problems there. • Westwood Court - bins left by the crews after collection block the pavement causing problems for people with visual impairments. • James Green Road where several bins are being left out.

Andrew asked that any areas of concern should be raised by contacting Coventry Direct on 024 7683 4333. He reminded residents to report any problems where parked cars could limit bin lorry access. Where cars are parked on double yellow lines the Council can enforce. If cars are causing an obstruction or safety problems, the Police will enforce.

Action Lead Deadline Look into issues raised regarding bins Andrew Walster As soon as possible

5. Feedback on recent Community Events Discussion: The meeting acknowledged the success of recent community events including: • Green May Day Fun Day (5 May) • Tile Hill Community Day (11 July) • Bannerbrook Park Community Day (12 July) • St Oswald’s Summer School (11-15 August)

There are two events coming up this weekend to which all are welcome: • Tile Hill’s Got Talent on Saturday • Fresh Air is Free Festival on Sunday

Action Lead Deadline n/a n/a n/a

6. Coventry City Council and Having your say Discussion: Andrew Walster explained that between 2010 and 2016 the Council’s government funding will have been cut by nearly a half. The number of people working for the Council has reduced by 1500 and more posts will be cut. This makes it even more important that we use officer time and Council money as effectively as possible. Reviews are taking place across the Council to achieve this.

This includes reviewing the effectiveness of the ways the Council engages with residents, including ward forums to make the best use of dwindling resources. The review will examine the how many people are attending, whether they reflect the make-up of all people in the city etc. It will also include looking into which are the most cost effective ways to engage residents. No decision has been taken yet but residents were asked how they would engage with the Council if there wasn’t a ward forum. Action Notes

In the discussion that followed: • it was acknowledged that much of the Woodlands Ward is covered by active residents associations • some said they would go direct to local Ward Councillors – they have their contact numbers and already do this • there were also comments in support of the forums and the value of face to face contact – particularly that it’s not possible to have the same relationship and feedback through social media.

Action Lead Deadline Comments made at the meeting to be Adrian West asap included in the review

7. Coventry Local Plan – Jim Newton Discussion: Jim Newton from the Council’s Planning Department explained that all councils have to prepare a local plan which sets out their approach to planning and development. The plan will identify places where new homes and facilities can be built. He explained that the Plan is about growing the city to keep wealth here for the benefit of the whole city. The Plan sets out three scenarios for meeting Coventry’s housing need.

The current period of public engagement runs from 12 September to 31 October and more information and an online form for comments is available at . You can also contact the team by email [email protected] or on 024 7683 4295.

A number of comments were made including: • concerns that these kind of plans have been made before but not lead to anything; • concerns about problems associated with student accommodation is a problem. The Plan should encourage purpose built student accommodation; • the process by which sites are identified, how owners are engaged with and how sites get onto the list; • concerns about the significant impact of additional cars in the city arising from additional homes.

Action Lead Deadline n/a n/a n/a Action Notes

If you would like to find out the most up-to-date progress on the action notes above please call Adrian West (Senior Support Officer) on 024 76 83 2286 or visit www.coventry

If you wish to start/stop receiving information relating to Ward Forums, please email [email protected] call 024 7683 3079 giving your details and requesting that you are added or removed from our mailing list.

Coventry City Council is always looking at reducing the amount of paper we produce and send out. If you have an email address and would prefer to be emailed all Ward Forum Documentation, please contact me using the details above.