A Survey of Mercury Concentrations in the Cypress Creek and Upper Sabine River Basins of Northeast Texas
December 1996 AS-121/SR TNRCC A Survey of Mercury Concentrations in the Cypress Creek and Upper Sabine River Basins of Northeast Texas Field Operations Division TEXAS NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION A Survey of Mercury Concentrations in the Cypress Creek and Upper Sabine River Basins of Northeast Texas Prepared by Arthur L.Crowe AS-121/SR 1996 - TNRCC Barry R. McBee, Chairman R. B. “Ralph” Marquez, Commissioner John M. Baker, Commissioner Dan Pearson, Executive Director Authorization for use or reproduction of any original material contained in this publication, i.e., not obtained from other sources, is freely granted. The Commission would appreciate acknowledgement. Published and distributed by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Post Office Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 The TNRCC is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. The agency does not allow discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, or veteran status. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this document may be requested in alternate formats by contacting the TNRCC at (512)239-0010, Fax 239-0055. or 1-800-RELAY-TX (TDD), or by writing P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087. ii ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to assess the geographical occurrence of mercury in northeast Texas. Sediment, soil, water, and fish samples were collected during 1993-95 from two river basins in northeast Texas that had factors favorable for mercury uptake (e.g. low pH, low alkalinity, low calcium, high total organic carbon, and seasonally flooded wetlands). Mercury concentrations in water were highly variable (0.05-3.04 µg/L).
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