Notes on Northeast Texas Archaeology, No.1 (1993) I EDITORIALBOARD
NOTES ON NORTHEAST TEXAS ARCHAEOLOGY OKLAHOMA ARKANSAS NO.1, 1993 Notes on Northeast Texas Archaeology, No.1 (1993) i EDITORIALBOARD TIMOTHY K. PERTTULA, 10101 Woodhaven Dr., Austin, TX 78753 BO NELSON, Rt. 4, Box 259 B-1, Pittsburg, TX 75686 TOM MIDDLEBROOK, 4218 Mystic Lane, Nacogdoches, TX 75961 BOB D. SKll..ES, 211 Feazell, Nacogdoches, TX 75961 Our first purpose is to publish original papers, notes, and comments on all aspects of the archaeology of Northeast Texas, from Paleoindian times to the historic nineteenth century occupation of the region. We strongly encourage all those interested in the archaeology of Northeast Texas to contribute manuscripts, to provide comments, and to subscribe. Subscriptions are $10 a year; subscription monies (check made out to NNTA) should be sent to Bo Nelson at the address given above. The editors will work with the authors to put manuscripts and illustrations in publication form, and we will be soliciting papers on important sites and topics in Northeast Texas. Notes on Northeast Texas Archaeology will be published twice a year. We encourage the submission of photographs and drafted illustrations with the manuscripts. Send two hard copies of your manuscript to any of the four members of the Editorial Board- it can be hand-written, typed, or computer word-processed, whichever is most convenient If computer-processed, manuscripts on Microsoft Word, or in ASCII, and on 3 1/2" double-sided medium density disks will be appreciated along with the hard copy, but this is not essential. Notes on Northeast Texas Archaeology, No.1 (1993) n TABLE OF CONTENTS o Panel Discussion: Diminishing Caddoan Resources in East Texas The Problem of Site Looting in East Texas 2 by Timothy K.
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