IlN'JI'lEN§JIVE AJRClffiAJEO JLOGil CAIL §11.JIB.VJEY OlF 'JI'IHIJE §JECJE§§IlONVJIJLJLJE NOIB.'JI'IHI 1I'IB.AC11'9 JfAMJE§ Il§JLAN[)) 9 CIHIAJRJLJE§'JI'ON C01IJN1I'Y §011.J'JI'IHI CAJROJLilNA CHllCOJRA RESJEAIRCJHI CON'flRllBU'fllON 195 © 2001 by Chicora Foundation, Inc. All rights reseived. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or transcribed in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otheiWise without plior permission of Chicora Foundation, Inc. except for brief quotations used in reviews. Full credit must be given to the authors, publisher, and project sponsor. llN'flENSIVE AlRCJHrAIEOLOGllCAL SUJRVEY OJF 'flHrlE SIECIESSllONVIILLIE NOJR'flHr 'flRAC'f, JAMIES IlSLAND, ClHrAlRLIES'fON COUNTY, SOU'flHr CAlROLilNA Prepared By: Michael Trinkley, Ph.D. Prepared For: Mr. Miles Martschink Martschink Realty Corporation PO Box 581 Charleston, SC 29407 CHICORA RESEARCH CONTRIBUTION 195 Chicora Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 8664 a 861 Arbutus Drive Columbia, South Carolina 29202-8664 803/787-6910 Email:
[email protected] August 16, 1996 This report is prepared on permanent, recycled paper oo AIBS'fRAC'f This study was conducted at the request of historic materials associated with the adjacent Fort Mr. Miles Martschink of Martschink Realty of Lamar earthworks, situated outside the study tract. Charleston, South Carolina. The study tract This site is also recommended as not eligible for consists of the portion of the Secessionville inclusion on the National Register. peninsula north of what is known as Fort Lamar Road (S-385), and is situated on the southern edge Archaeological site 38CH1460, which of James Island, between Seaside Creek to the represents a rather dense historic site with only a north and Secessionville Creek to the south.