REPORT OF THE OFFICERS, COMMITTEES, AND DIVISIONS for the SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics June 8–11, 2015 Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa | Costa Mesa, CA SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, INC. 7 School Street, Bethel, Connecticut 06801 USA (203) 790-6373 | Fax (203) 790-4472 | |
[email protected] SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS, INC. SEM 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics June 8-11, 2015 | The Hilton Orange County | Costa Mesa, CA SEM acknowledges the following council, committee and division chairs completing their terms as of June 11, 2015. President Sottos and the entire Executive Board thank these individuals for their generous contribution of time and effort on behalf of the Society. EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES COUNCIL Carlos Ventura, Past President G. Ravichandran, Chair, TAC Eric Brown, Member Christopher Niezrecki, Member C. Korach, Chair, Biological Systems & Materials Robert Rowlands, Member C. Ralph, Chair, Composite, Hybrid, and Multifunctional Materials Linda Hanagan, Member D. Casem, Chair, Dynamic Behavior of Materials M. Keller, Chair, Education Committee COUNCIL CHAIRS A. Zehnder, Chair, Fracture & Fatigue Emmanuel Gdoutos, Chair, Administrative Council M. Sasso, Chair, Inverse Problems Methodology Pete Avitabile, Chair, National Meetings Council S. Yoshida, Chair, Optical Methods J. Wang, Chair, Research Committee P. Reynolds, Chair, Applications ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL B. Antoun, Chair, Time Dependent Materials Peter Ifju, Chair, Honors and Nominating Committees J. Caicedo, Chair, Dynamics of Civil Structures B. Prorok, Chair, MEMS and Nanotechnology M. Benedetti, Chair, Residual Stress EDITORIAL COUNCIL R. Rowlands, Chair, Thermomechanics & Infrared Imaging Carlos Ventura, Chair, Editorial Council S.