...... , .

. .. 25 CEliT Ken Hamblin has said his ,. - 'share of Hail Marys' KOA talk show host has known adversity By Patricia Hillyer Register S tall With an 1mm1table s tyle of intelligent rhetoric c-om­ bmed with live ly banter. the ''kid from IJrooklvn h,1, invaded the airways of · For several hours each dav. 43-vear-old Kl'n Hamblin educates. challenges. cajoles· and ·charms thousand'< of lis teners on two popular K OA talk radio s howi. His growing core of fans eall him arl1C'ulate. warm bright a nd " the best talk show host around · llamblin's skyrocketini,: popula rity 1s . m part due to his ability to relate to lis teners " When I s tep into that radio booth, I'm not reallv there." he said candidly. ·Tm m cars with people dnvin~ through Lhe trarric . I'm with the housewife in her kite-hen I ' m with the lruckdnvcr on the dark lonl'IY road. I try to feel what the callers a re going through. the~ I can talk to them easilv : · 'Big Apple' • A native of the " Big Apple," Hambhn's kaleidoscope - . of life experie nces has blazed an intriguing pathway to the broadca st booth at KOA . With roots extend mg bac-k to the Barbados. he is a firs t-generation Ameru-an And fie rcely defends the freedoms or lh1s c-ountry 1Cont1nv•d on P..19• lJ K of C values . ... on center stage Vice Presiden·t Bush addresses Knights' Denver convention

By Julie Asher the economy. about foreign policy, and about the return of certain values - the Register Statt The Knights or Columbus and the Reagan values. as it happens , or the Knights of administration share common values - the Columbus - to center stage in American values or family, faith, and neighborhood, politics.·· Vice President George Bush told the capac­ Bush repeatedly cited Reagan's views on I - • tuH.ion tax credits, anti-<:ommunis m , for­ I ity crowd gathered in the grand ballroom or Denver's Hilton Hotel Aug. 8. eign policy, the economy, school prayer, Bush's address, which came on the sec­ and other i.uues while criticizinl hd Demo­ ond day or the Knights or Columbus· 102nd cratic opponents for their opposing views. ··We' ve s tood for a right-to-life amend­ See pages 4 and 5 for more stories on the ment to the Constitution, .. he added, hilting convention. on the theme of the Knights' conve ntion. "The Gift of Life, God ' ■ Precioua Gift." He annual meeting, held Aug. 7-9 was e n­ praised the late Cardinal Terrence Cooke or thusiastically received by the Knights who ew York for his belief in " the gift of life." were told by the vice president that their By citing the some $53 million and 13 values are America's values. million hours Knights gave in 1983 " to the .. I want to talk to you today about things service of those in need ... Bush lauded the .. . that, campaign or no campaign. are impor­ fraternal organization's dedication lo tant to us as Americans.;· Bus h said, " about " neighbor helping neighbor ." ( Contonu.d o n Pa~ ~.,_ •> Vice President George 8ueh ...... P- 2 ·_ T he Denver Catholic ~ egister. Wed .• August 15, 198-4 Paul Ryan is retiring as • (Ca AACP head after 14 years 1 S IT th, • lb, Nearly $20 million raised in his tenure le~ lOC I " The Church or Denver owes a ~bt or gratitude Lo Paul Anderson. who has worked with Paul R yan since 1970. joined as Ryan for the faithf ul service he has so generously given 11 •· the tribute say1ng. " I 'm proud or what he has done ...a nd I 'm fiv s.11d Archbishop James Ca~ey in a tribute to the develop­ proud or his leadership He bas done an excellent job ... ment dIreelor for the ar<'hdlOCf'Se who 1s reuring Aug 2.4 'Thank God for him' # cl~ after 14 years or he.iding l hf' Archb1shop·s Annual Campaign Father Anderson said that the have always held for Progress t AACP , stc Ryan " in b1gb est~m .He worked well wtth them. We thank we He has bttn extremely dependable and very loyal,·· the Cod f or him .. mE archbishop continued 'The AACP IS recognized as one of The 68-year-old Ryan, an Ohio native. ts a !P'aduate of lor the more succes.dul development programs in the country Kent State University with post-graduate studies at Case as We w ill mass him and we will remember him with real School or Appl.Jed Science and Ohio State University _ M, gratitude .. After severat years in business as a public relations ~ lhE O\inng Ryan's lenur~ from 1971 to 1964, the campaign director. advertising promolion director and a consu.Jlanl. - hel ra1~ nt>arly S20 m1llJon which was used to fund a vanety or Ryan began his work w1t;1 the archdiocese in 1970. i programs through lhl" y ears Member of NCSC - C; } S 1 m illion raieed He has been a member or the executive board of the j ~ Ca l nder Ry an s dtrec-torshlp, the fund raised over I I National Catholics StewardshJp Council a n h · Pa■I R)'H flo mE ter tra Benedictine Sisters form veI Nationwide search r io rwllonw1ct.- .warl'h will be conducted by the Oen• I ~, r .arc-hd1 N.t for • p<-r-on 1lled 1n fund raising to me new foundation in Denver an, r,-p t 't< 1•,1 ul R)an whn will retire this month Ryan . Fivr llt•n.-d1rt1nt' Sl11h'r11 from St Paul, Minn hav,, "'rv she said • l~nv,'r 11oi Jc \\'t"\ n •,p,1n_,1,, ..nd \f'•r\ d1r'N'11'd th.. Art.bbl hop , Annual Campaign ror formc."'tl a nc-w foundation in l ...•nvt>r w11h 1h1• goal of ('~I.lb 0Pt'n f"n ~ A C P fur lhr p; ~, 14 y ar.1 Wil llahin« • whollsllc spl ntuahty ce-t~ r In the near future I' atb(or J ,Jm \ndrl''.'(.•n dlrt"C: l or of the Office of ha1 1be holl ■lJc tpl rttiaaUty <'ffller Ltuit ~ IJtt'n fflvtuon A<'l'Ording lo l-ll,lf'r ( 'harloll«- Hr-dpath who Ill lhf• l'QITI '\LIJur ,1\ 111 ""Ill tor'-" .i • \AC r> Intenm director Opt munity m in1 11Lf'r l h(' Sl'lt(•r Ek-nNIIC'll.M mE m inist ry rather l h:tn 1mh111s of Sisters to break Beside 1ster Ht'dp.,th who 1-. rurr.•ruh 1,bl.,t1nll\ ~r tal away from l h<' lar1wr 1•nt1ty and lk-Kin new foundation~ rnaster ·,; deRr ef' in rounlk'ltna .,ncs 1• 4 lrt't L.nrC' ;;rt1,t 1hr - E She said that tht- group con.ldt-red five dloce.ses for Its other Sister~ a nd lhecr prNetil won. lD<'ludt' 'iutu ·1an -.. na1 nt-w location beforf' dttld l111 on Df-nvt'r K alhenne Wa,i,ers1ch, a staJf cb•pl.un al M.,. rn "1••che• l . by " W r• wimll'(l l)lJ1'1• whl·n• lht• JIP>'f' and ,1 (11urd1 -.,1, ('<>ntt•r S1stt•r nl(f'lin,• lluh(•II h•J, h11 1n lh, . r~l..SIC ► n r. COi wb,•n · we <'ould i.:I11;> lhl' most !>t•rvw,, Lh1ou1-th our 1111n as C,ilhoht• R1bhcnl : hool 'il't«•r \t.ir. 1.1 1\.1•,nt, p,,1n,-h i. I elt m1ni<;tr:1tor or St MJn 't. r .. n,h l.tlllr-tufl If!l(1SlC'rt'd nur'lt' Ha Biblical School l'lw Sisters ma\- bt• c•oo1.i1 t1'\l In , ., l11n,• !lflc• V?.. , l ha Rc111srrntIon for thl' C'11th0II(' Blblil'lll School WIii clo t> str Sept I 1'he lnl1•nsf' b1bllc.il formation provided by the lifE p,oaram b(•gins with a day or J)rayer S.-pr lt ,ind no " lud,•nts Ne l'Jn h(• lW('Cplt'd who havt• not P4rt1r1palt' \ 1•,ir for mornlnl{ t he S<'sslon., 01 All Souls' :md Sl l:>ommw ~ .,n(t ror l'\ll'nmi: Rt'IIRl,;11 o p ·, c)t, f, It I' sio sessions at Mnsl P'rt'('10Us l:Uood and St Judl' ~ Tiu,. 1:- th,• !to J o,,.phlnr ,crrrt fid, last oppor1un1ty to c-ntt•r ror those- l~atwn~ ... r>rn,rr . ("() IW%06 Jes Sl ud•'nlS who apply for S(>pteml>t'r t!IM w,11 be a ·s1gnNI A P POl', \l t-:,'TS to d1H,•n •nt IO<'nllon For rur tht•r 1nlur111at1on cnll lhc Hc-vl"rl"nd J11me1 P Wahh ,; J to bt l 'aU,>f' of !:,,u:r~'CI C'nlholir ll11l11r .,I S<·huol Sll/l ,«tt 111".. n l'arc,.h. l}(on,l'r loloraoo ""'" ti\< \ •u~I :•. 111114 Ht>,t'rt'nd Jo~~ lMit,:h s J lu bo• \1,hr11111,ira1or rm'""' ol S., rt'd Ht'.lfl l'an~h. fH'n \ ♦•t l ,,1.. 1.sJ" <'ll,,.·11"• Aui:u,I z• tllM The Denwr Catholk Register Rt'~<'f<'nd Tilom.u c.i, to, , ~....,..1•lr f'n1,,r S1 Ju~ph • l'burt"h f un l"olhn> al,o to 1M' l'h.lpt1un or t.h<' KntgblS of Columbu . l..'ounc1I 12H Fort Collons, (USPS M T-0301 Revt'rt'nd Jamt's E KIC'1nu 1nc:ardinated in the T,._ Moel Aw....o J•- \I C-,. 0 0 Pub'i..,,., An:'hd10Ct'st" of O..nvf'r eHKllvt' Augu.Sl IS 1984 .,...... fleO... Ed,fo, SCltEOlU'' J.- A.i- Auoci.,e Eo•to, L I~• RIO<)ult- regarding Ch a ng.. OI aclO! ffl subscrlp.. lion of the f0tlnd1ng or the DIOC'Csan Church in :\1onlana - · ~ c • IO ,,,. ClrcutalJon Offlc.. o.nv.. C alllolle ""°'*'.. 200 ~ •,,. s,,_ o.n.... 1020& Phone see~,, e., 210 BlSHOP GEORGI-: R. E \ AJ' Saturday. Alli 18. S 30 pm . Steamboal Spnngs. Holy Singles Help Shelter EdllOrlel ofllcea loca...s • t 200 "'-"1"-. ~ . 10206 1'a~ Church. Cc-lebrate Lht' Euchansl s..-~ $ 12 76 per ya, undAy, --'111 Ill. 8 a m • Steamboal Spnngs Holy Name Kay Cooley, left. community service chairman of the Catnohc A lumni Club of Colorado and a mem ber of St. FOt'910n oounvlN tndudtng PMIPC>lnw f.25 P« y.1 Church, Celebrate the Eucban111 R1 Rev M•""- J Smltn. Pl\ o , Founding eo11or Swida)•, AIIC Ill, 10 JO a m . Oak Crttlt Sl Marlin Cburcb. Therese s Pansh, Aurora. presents a check for $850 for Rao•- sr-..., °' C• tt,ot,c __.. ,,,,..,eeo Ce~le the EIK:tYnst the archdioceses Samaritan Shelter to Terry Sharp, d irec­ SW>day. A111. Ill, S 30 pm • Slt!i1mboa1 Spnngs. Holy :-amt' tor ol the shelter The CAC. a group of professional E- ,n o.,,.,., Co,o,•ao. Prln,_,, - ly •re.Pf,_., ,..._ 01 Church. Cc-lebratr the E:ucbAns1 0.0.mo., oy Commun1ry PuOlfCellO(I• S-.o cian "°''"~ ,..,a Cathohc singles. held a benefit garage sale for the shelter ,., o.,,..,.,, COloNld o PuOlu,,.,, or tfl• Arclld1oce.. ot o.,,.-., Monday. Aug 20 S p m Oomver S1 Ro,-e Church, SPL ''NGE, l.11urgy and Dmnt'r '" July and also included mem bers' donation In their contrib 1.tt1on For more information on the CAC write p o Bo" 61 1 1. Cherry Creek Station. Denver. Colo: 80206. · • Th&Oenver Catholic-Register, Wed .. August 15, 1984 - P- 3 ·Ken Hamblin has a 'git~ of gab'

~ i Cont,"IH'd f rom P.oge II

• s : e~led~~ ~ ss~ ce==~~;"t!s ~i:~:np~:: unul midnight every weekday everung, and the skies as an expert p1Jot . waded through from 9 a.m. until II a m in the mornmgs be Joins with sidekick. Don Friedman for an• the waters of Colorado as a fisherman. and other sho11o• tested the byway of Amenca as a mara• Lnon runner II ·s a tough schedule to follow." llambhn Hambhn's parents divorced when he was admitted candidly . " because I do a lot of 1ned homework and preparauon for mv snows I'm a small child. for cing his mother to fend for five children Hamblin reads " eVPrything I can gel my hands on" and maintains a large me of " l can remember being em barrassed as I clippings artic les and books coneernm1t a 1eld • clung to my mother's dress m the grocery myriad or subJects store as she begged for credit until the ank •I have an obligation lo my hsleners lo - welfare check could arnve. And I can re­ member having to ride the subway all night know what I'm talking about, .. h"' said i of long 'They may not always agree with me. but ase because we had no place to sleep And. they'll know that what I say is acrurnte as a man who has said my share or Ha il That takes a lot of studv and research .. ons Marys. I well remember with gra titude. Not all positive · int. ~ the packages sent from rectories that helped us through 1t all. .. Nut all of Ken Hambhn's ex~nen<'es as a Lalk host hav<' ~n pus1t1ve Although tht• - Catholic school issue or his belng black has been mostly the • A cradle-Catholic, Hamblin attended non-eldstent. there have been a few frus­ 975 ; Catholic elementary school before being trating and angering Incidents. 1fo rced to enroll in a public high school cil, " l don't think beln, black should be Im· ent because or lack of monev lmmediatelv portant to anyone one way or another. but ;c, • after graduation. he joined the service a·t some people will always ma.ke a blg deal a 11e 17 .. to help feed the fam ily." . is about ii, .. he said, recallint1 a show durln, " l met a lot of rowdies there but l also which a caller asked him point-blank tr he the met many great guys who introduced me to of was black. the riches or fine literature such as Greek "'When I L0ld her I was , all of l he hjthts on mythology and the classics. They opened up the panel went out one by on,• as listeners 1fe. a new wor ld for me... !en hunit up I had to talk fl Vl' hours by myself For ma ny years, HambHn enjoyed a t)e(•ause there we re no ca lls " n ourishing ca reer in both the print and TV " Out llamblm sa 11I that " gradually peo­ • media - reporting. photographing and in• ple began calling agarn, and now lhere s terviewing. He covered s uch media ex· always more ca lls th,tn I can handle .. travaganzas as the 1968 Democratic Con· Anolh~r night. an angry I n1ckdn vt'r vention with its Chicago-Seven. the Detroit called him " a damn nigger ." bul llamblin r iots and anti-war marches. handled ll SIi smoothly that 1111' C,lll('r It was in 1975 that Ile visited the chic apologized tn him mountain village of Vail on a s ki vacau on - a nd fell hopelessly in love with Colorado. murder ··t took one look at that black velvet sky The murder of fellow ta lk host Alan Berg with its diamond-studded stars and low­ has left deep scars on Ken lla mblln, who 1s hanging clouds, smelled the pine burning in still visibly shaken when speaking or the open fireplaces ... and l kne w tha t was for tragic incident me." he recalled " Al ri rst we were like oil and water." he The lfambhn family. wllich includes lus said, " hut as lime went on. W<' bet·ame the wife and two children. packed their belong· c-losest of friends . I don't think I will ever ~ ings and headed west settling in the moun• get over il." lain town or Dillon. lla mbhn, who sometimes receives hate For three years , Hamblin enjoyed the mail, adm1ls some fear and trepidation natural Rocky Mountain high afforded him since Berg's murder . " I have become very by high-country living. becoming an ac· " It was devastating, .. he said, ··J lost the would give him a chan"'°'°"'"--•ce as a talk host. " I careful and very watchful," he said. men• complished horseman and even signing on horizon... I had no image of m yself. .. and I was ecsta tic." he said. add in~ a hit or lmning various methods he has been forced as a deputy sher iff. keep sinking deeper and dee pe r The only philosphy : "show me a crack and I'll clinit lo adopt to guard against bodily harm The fantasy ended rathe r a bruptly as thing I had was my running ... l did 10 miles Lo it and r,ome out a winner " " Isn't It terrible to have to live in fear?" he Hamblin realized, " I was going nowhere ... a day." asked. that closed environment was a dead-end After a series of rejections from every For Hamblin, it's been good things since Takes in stride street for me and I knew I had to get on with radio and TV s tation from Cheyenne to then, as ~1is gracious " gift of gab" has But Ken Hamblin takes it all in hi s stride , life." Pueblo, Hamblin found himself across the garnered e:scaJating ratings and a growing re fusing to tel anything lessen his love of Not prepared desk from KOA ·s program director al the following. ·•1 love the job - it's a natural people or dampen his enthusias m for hfe What Hamblin was not prepared ror. was suggestion of a friend a nd the " rather for me," h,e said beaming. " I 'm the kind or And when this genial gent signs off a the ensuing six months of " total depres· strong insistence of my wife," he said grin­ guy that lo•tes people and talks to everybody radio caller with " love you, darlin' or sion, .. including unemploym ent. loss of con­ ning at the memory. - in elevan.ors , on buses, in restaurants ... I " man, you're the greatest." it's easily un• fidence, and all increasing sense or hope­ After revie wing a pilot tape Ken llad always ha\l•e something Lo say! .. derstandable why be Is swiftly capturing lessness. made. the director told him the station Hamblin now plvs bis talenti. rrrim R p m the hearts or talk show buffs everywhere. Progress, population decline not linked MEXlCO CITY (NCI - The Vatican's chief dele• ment Lo " making life more human" for all. the achievement of such targets, esµecially in terms or gate to the International Population Conference said Bishop Scbotte said that some reciommendations declines in population growth and/ orfertilily rates. will .Aug. 8 that " To see all progress as dependent on a before the conference recognize the valuE, or the fam ily, be used as a condition for economic assistance. " decline in population growth betokens shortness of but are inconsistent in their approach to the issue. Aid for development " should never be conditioned vision and a failure or nerve . and it often results in He ex-pressed serious concern over s,om e proposals on a de monstrated dechne in birth rates. nor depend on policies or initiatives that violate human dignity and regarding the family, res pect for lif,e and an in• participation in fam ily planning programs." he said. threaten the common good.•· discrimmate recourse to artificial means: of birth regu• Bishop Schon e noted that the recommendation on Bishop Jan Scholle. vice president or the Vatican's lalion. The Vatican delegation has pushedl unsuccessful· reproduction mentions " the irreplaceable role of the J ustice and Peace Commission, said. " It is a challenge ly to have recommendations which it finds objec­ family " to the global community to pursue social justice and to tionable deleted. " In some pomts the affirmation in principle is la ter find new ways to accelerate the process or develop• Bishop Schotle sajd that population and develop­ denied or contradicted," the bishop said. " The fun• ment . .. ment policies " llave to do with the well-l>Eiing of 1nd1vid· damental concept which underlies the te..'Ct 1s in reali ty Bishop Scbotte, who headed a seven-member dele­ ual persons and the common good ... He said that " socio­ marked by a Ml1ceable individualism." gation . reiterated the church's condemnation of abor• economic development is not simply a matter of eco­ Bishop S<'hotte said that " the very notion of family lion nom ic philosophy or strategies " planning 1s fa lsified when it is used and applied not just t. " Among au the human rights. the most rundamen· Development " must be an on•goin~: process that to married couples but also lo individuals and even to tat is that or the right to life itselr. .. he said respects the value and individuality or every person. unmarried adolescents .. The bishop told delegates from. over 140 countries and in which each person 1s free to take responsibility Another member of the Vatican delegation said that 11 that the Holy See wants to bring into lbe United for his or her own destiny and growth tJhe bishop said the Holy See 1s concerned that the recommendation on r );at1ons-sponsored conferenco " an ethical or moral 'The Holy See expresses its conc,ern about the reprocluruon as 1t now stands would oerm1t smgle r perspective on the human problems... He cllaractenzed setting of quant1tauve population growth targets," parenthood and als,1 c1dopt1on of children by homosex­ I. the Vatican's stand on population issues as a commit• Bis hop Scholle said. " Th ere 1s always tile danger that uals and lesbians 1 Page • · - The DeQver Catllohc. Reg1&\er Wed • August 15. 198A Knights _laud·_·::: Reagan 1n ·., resolutio·n Also express dismay with pro-choice view

Th,• " nil!hl" ol l o lumbu- \H'nl " " r('('ord iJ:S l'OmmentJ '"!! Pn• ,dent Reagan for help1nJ,? to r,•<:tore rehg1ou -moral ,alue, m public life while expressing d1Sma) V.Ttlh pubht: • Kn,ght• hotd thetr plu~ h•t• dUf'1ng the opening Mau at the con•ention. ofhc ial a nd candidates who adopt the poht1c al expediency pri of cla1m1nj! to have a JX!rsonal oppos1t1o n to abortion that - Alli hould not be 1mpo ed upon others lcn Th<• Knights a l o okayed during their 102nd annual ✓ 7. meNmg a rewluuon oppos ing enactment or the Equal R1J,?ht, \mendement in its present rorm · because or the Kn potenu.il hnka11e m the current propo al to abortion .. Cai The fraterna l society 's highest leg1slat1ve and pohcy abi boc:h thP ,;;upreme Council in adopting a resolution on - act COMPRECARE salutes n,,a11.in pr.11,ed the pre ,dent ror ht errort to sareguard of humJn hit· lO , upport tu1t1on tax c redits and voluntary , · Vk pr;;\,,, Jnd religious d1~cuss1on gro ups in pubhc schools . and the Archdiocese of Denver '" r llrh th1• ,pread or porno~aph) spe \ I thf> """' lime th<' upreme ounc 1I adopted its own hoc ,, ul11t1on •m 1bort1on '"')mg we reJecl the theory that - • Ar< for offering it's staff 1hurtwn 1, a lun.J.iml•ntal r11i:ht and e~press our dissent in • Aui a health care relationship ('(JO , O('•• t,,rm tht• dC'<'1,1un, of the l upreme Court rre- 111 ,, h.t \P prumulj!.ilt-d lhl' cont"<'pt •• .• haUnlli I tw Knr.-ht• ,J1d th,•, pl•'1th tho,e "'ho are per onally op• Ev, do, 101t p.11 w111 1, l.111011-.11111 ol 1·1Hlt11111~ ,.d111· p,n,-d t "" bt1 • ,H, pro , ho1ce \ n,,tt,, r r,...,,11111ori .-.tll,.,1 tor th..- I 5 m1lhon Knights in ( 0\1 1'1{1.( 1<1- ... 1'11111. tr \ ( , 111 J not lh• u 1.m11I,,•~ to 1, k Lh 1r I S senator and r'll\ -. 11 1, 111 ~, ... ,. Ill d 1 \I l(lp.... Closer to you for quo •" lo upp.. rt 1,,h-r.,11 lt>Rl'l,H1on for tu1t1on ta-"< • ann 1f'l.1r11111•~ l11p, rh. ,r 11 -.1111 111

..,...ed <.'On<'ern what ll ,, puhlu -.c-hoob be<·au e they lac k 4 in I 1, . 111 1, 111.11 ... "'II\\ 1111111 ,, . ,, h 'l 1 u 1 II Juul Mutually beneficial 11 t.,nt l>l·nt>llr1.il moral \'alue · and wtu relationships 11111 p,111 ll"lfl.11 Ill!' cln, 1111 ')'' I lt1lt,1, ,1,.,, lo urR'-' 1-qual J<'C'ess leg1sla­ .. 1u,t••n1, to m,-..·1 \'Ol unLanlv dunni( h111111l1·d Ill 11111111.d 1111,1 . 11 111 1ln,p11,1b., , 111tl pll. 11 111,11 l!.I, t l11u11a t111u1 ,r olunt,ir, r\'11 ~1ou-.. in,truc-uon and tog, 1111 111 11.!11l>t11 l11,nd, .,, 111, In, I>, 11\• r Ill 111111 1 11,L: '"' 1•1 1111.11\ ( .Ill Car l 111....i 111 1111111, 111 , to \\Ill I 'II\ ,11 1,111 '-,\ ,11 Ill Jlllllllol1•-. J, 1,, k , h(• ,..,. ,lu1111n, lh , , ...... , ,o ,t,•J I Wllh ,upJl()rt 1n11 all gar · 111 ,, th.ii ' 1.. flt I 1111 tll rt I P•~•nl (Ulllllllln1,11, IOllu,nn ' lrom ,preJdlOJ: I 1)111111111111'. IIIIIII 1 1111,1-.11 llt \ .111d ,ti, , ru ..... ,,,11 Chr 1Uo:l1o,ut ch, Ir,...... , IJ J'flll•NnJ,! lht: t: wbh hment o l the l 111111111111 \ Ill 111 . tltll I , 11 1 '1 11111 Hassle-free relationships \n n, n • ,rn11\ 1,.,\ .mrl c-,1lhn1t 11n members to devo te • funt p11111,11 \ I . 111 ph, ..... 1,111 .... \11111 in• J \ t ,, , h 111nntll lo l'fJ\\•r .Jnd CJ,ltnl! for the cause of apa unl\1 r Ir" , • p, 1....i111,d 111 , air Ii 1 , 111 1 rni....1tl1.1111 < ()\JPHI:< \HI. 111 ,'1111 , 111 "I ,11 ,1 hap, gar .111 ln, 1111111 1 l.111 11, 1111111.! , , , 111,,11,111• , He: I llllll'l' I II H~ lll.tll, 11,!111 ~ .111< 1·-.1.• ot Dt·nn·r Gradea 1-8, Kindergarten, Pre-School ,1/,11>11' ,11p1)(11 I ,1· n H 1·, \\' lien , 111 h,I\ ,·.• , lw.,11 h 1·,tr1· n.:l,H10 1i...h1p nt P•ren~ don't wony when chikken .,_ h .1,·,· rill ' , hem,. o l .tli p11111. 11 , 1·,1n tun ,n our_..._ •-•• 1·, 1·1·p11c1n.1I ,.1lut' CO!\IPHECAHE - . Meure enwirootnenL pll\ ,11 1.111, •l l'IO -.p1·1 1.111,, ... • EMPKAS,S ON BASIC • F~N • A ~ .. lod.,,·. do -.onu I h111~ n·.111~ AC 4 00,t,C SIIIUS .....,...... AQ£ IKIU.S 2 I lu1,p11.1l,.• 11Hl ~X) • ENRJCHED " C" OEMIC • M USIC, MUS, DfV<:.n11 1lul rl'l,tllwhhip KINDERGARTEN REG18TRATION arn 7TH A 1TH REG18TRATION - HJI HIGH SCHOOL PREPARATION re< COMPRECARE OPEN 7:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Ca ~...... --. CALL to ..... kClpfl.d 1iDr '°' 771-3110 ·F COi Fell 1100 E. ■ellewie. . - . '{ l . The Denver Catholic Register, Wed .• August 15. 1984 - P...-1 ~d· ·• All have 'duty, · ~privilege' ·-10 promote life

. .~ Archbishop Casey ay .tells Knights to ~w • J icontinue good works mmenti s-morai BJ Julie Miler Reglalef Staff 1 publil.' • ed1encv • Every believer in Christ bas '' the obligation and the 10n that . privilege"' to insist 4a the face of all opposition " that each - and every human being born into this life is entitled to ; love and respect," Archbishop James V. Cuey said Aug. annual • 7. Equal or the • In welcoming remarks on the opening day of the I. Knights of Columbus 102nd annual meeting. Archbishop policy • Casey_ emphasized the 's stand against Lion on abortJon and lauded the Knig)Jts' support of pro-life - activities. He addressed the Knights' theme of " The Gift 'eguard of Life. God's Precious Gift." luntary , · Vice President ■uah >Is . and The Knights also heard Vice President George Bush - speak Aug. 8 on the values of " family, faith and neighbor­ its own hood" that he said linked them and President Reagan. ry that - Archbishop Bernard F . Law urged the fraternal society sent in _ Aug . 7 to " mobilize for that inseparable triad of our · Court freedom - the rights to life , liberty and the pursuJt of . happiness.•· port lo • The convention drew about 2,500 delegates from the e right • • United Stales. Canada, Mexico, the Philippines, Puerto 1auves Rico, and Guatemala to sessions Aug. 7•9 at Denver's • 1• • Hilton Hotel to explore the issues of cementing family ificials j life . rostering vocations to the priesthood and Religious to life • .. life. and assisting the handicapped and the needy . lly op• Every child Archbishop James V. Casey. " Every child is born with the message that God has ihts in _, not despaired of man.·· the archbishop told the assembly. rs and quoting a poet " The smile of a newly boro infant on tax • announces the beginning of an mtensely personal adven­ ren to ture , un1que and di ffe rent from that of a ny human being • brought into this world ihat 11 " ln contrast there is the quiet pride and inner peace y lack • • in the hearts of the elderly that n ows from a wisdom ·· and which comes only from the cumulative experiences. the ig,s la­ Joys a nd sorrows of lile ... lunng The archbishop said that the young and old are bound >n and together by the " fragtle threads .. of what Chicago Cardinal Joseph Bernardin has called "'the seamless ng all garment " of human lire ·admg Like the garment worn by Christ to His crucifixion, enl ot the archbishop said. " the continuum of human life is a levote fundamental unity. Part of the fabric may not be tom Jse of apa r t from the garment without destroying the garment .. Heart of faith Belief m the sacredness of human life does not come from " a cold. rational process of thinking·· but from the heart of faith. Archbis hop Casey added. ts! The Knights represent a powerful presence in the s. struggle to defend the sacredness of human life, he said, pra1s m~ the Knights' witness to the conviction that Suprem e Knight Virgil Dechant greets Vice Knights in their full dress stand at attention during a convention Mau. CC on1tnved on Page 11 President George Bush. Photo• by J•mee a-. 'Slaughter of innocents cannot be dismissed' Archbishop Law of Boston urges amendment banning abortion ,, ByJulieAaher Among these social issues, Archbishop Law said, and the pursuit of happiness." Register Staff priority was given to the right to life and the issue or 'Slaughter of innocents' nuclear a nns control. While both life-related issues call "'The s laughter or our innocents cannot be dismissed, The " spiraling nuclear arms race"' makes a nuclear for urgent a tte.ntion, be said, tbe right to life comes first. forgotten. or turned away from. As citizens of this great holocaust a frightening possibility, but the " holocaust of " Our Declaration of Independence proclaimed as nation, as well as Catholics. we cannot be deaf to the cry abortion is a present and crue l reality and fact." self-evident truths that all men are endowed by their or our young, .. he said. Archbishop Bernard F . Law told about 2,000 Knights of creator 'with certain inalienable rights, that among these The archbishop argued that the right to lire " is not a Columbus at their States Dinner . Aug . 7. a re life . liberty and the pursuit or happiness· ... he ex­ 'one Issue· tenet or our lnstltullons ... The founding Boston·s archbishop linked !tis message to recent plained. fa thers who drafted the Declaration of Independence. he anniversary observances of the atomic bombings of " The unborn child whOlle right to life is taken ot,­ said. did not use a Catholic religious tenet to give life first Hiroshima and N agasaki, Japan, and also to testimony viously can never enjoy the right to liberty. The unborn _priority among their " self-evident truths.·· recently given on 14 public policy issues by the U.S. child whose right to life is taken is cruelly barred forever Catholic Conference, the public policy arm or the bishops. from the pursuit of happiness in this world.·· 'The founders. in an overwhelming major ity, belonged to other religious faiths " to both the Democratic and Repubbcan party platform He urged the Knights to " mobilize for that rn• commHtees. separable triad or our freedom - the nghts to hfe. liberty ., IC ot C, Reagan - 'share values' ] . C ceo ccefttlf'\.,.d ....m -ltO,. # ab I Vt> h~rd -50mt> ~It> m r<'<"l"nl ~ear:o. «'.inn do ""n SUI America saytnR Lhal w e Am ni-an, arr hll!'d with ,_. de pa,r and that w e , ufft"r from a rTl.ll.i1!><' he re­ • I mark!'d \\'t>II pt"Opl ""ho bf-ht"\t" Lhal ~ould com" and Kr! pend a day at tht" ('On1,,ent1on of tht> J.-rgt"$l C alhoh< . pn fral<.'rnal 'IOC1ety tn Lhe world and th<>n I Cl hkt" lt> " adl 'A h.11 l hc>v think . •Jc Bu h then dt>lved into how ftt>.;R.in tul"ll('(j aroond lhf' ,uppo,f'dly hop{-1"3, f'<•onom, that fa<"f'd him v.hvn he - Sht mo-.1'(1 into th<' Ovlil Ofhc·t> 1n 1980 ha· I don l nN'd lo lPII ,ou v.hal th N'()nom) 'A,.\ doin11: wa 111 m,h -Ah<-n 'A t' r .;mf' into 11U1<"l" Taxt> Jnd mfl.itton r.. pe, 'Ai>rP 1.innl( The inrom th<• Amc>n<"an work mR or a lE r.irn,I" dropp(>d during t•ven H•Jr ,n otr,c·t' or the> ad1nin ., I l\ lr,il1on th.it prN ('(led (>U~ Bu h ,..,d It v. a, m WO ,n hJrdn .ind hJrcJpr for f.im1hf> 1<1 ,w,,;(• lntt•r, t rJlt' by lhf' end of lhl'lr IC Jrl('r \ fond.ii•• • lt'rm 'A t•rt" ..,, ht~h - ne: of thJt rnortgaiw money d 1-...ppe.irrd •• I of In tv.o )l'U tht> N·onomv turn..J around tw<-.iu,f' lhl" ' ea, n ea11an adm1n1,tn1t1on r ut t.oic r awnl added that low<•r taxe .ind ., for , tron N--onomv -,rt> JU'lt l'A O art'a in wh1r h we tOt>d a n1 rur the fam1lv the- c- la t four )t"Jr'> You kno w olhf'n. COi ln fore,n alfaln the admlniatraUoa bu a1ao 1t.ood lih for v.ilut"> 1W' "-'Id for the vilUM of frf'edo m ,1nd Re dt' Ill(}(' r a C) lfr c·r1t11N1 l>emocrat1c pr~1dent1al nomlnff ~ ,lt("r f Mondale- for oppo•11ng Ht>agan pohc,,. ,n ,caragua - gn ga, 'Aht<'h Bu,h ~ •d art' aunt'd at bnn1mg frttdom and "d, dt•moen,c-y to that rounlry and to mttl the commun, t threat lht>re Sandiniamo Our opponc-nts say lh("y ISand1n11t.a I ar(" lt'f llst Wt' uy Uley are Maniat-1 _.,,,._" ._. wrMd "Mr ~ -a. the head of lhoee Sandlnlltu, Mid, 'Marslll· Leninism ll lM ,ulde to Sandlnluno Without Marsllt• """' f • Lenlnl1m tkn' It no Sandinltmo • ·· ...... ~- . . . U+W11 I Bush had w1U1 him • comffl4'moraUv(" tamp from -~- "l1ca ra,ru bt"aru-.i lht' 1magt' of Karl Marx and lhe Bu h said the l n1tNI <;LatM h,u , 11•Jd for u~'"'" Commun, l Ma nift"SlO whic h ~ said I addt'd proof or frt'Nloms t>IR• ht>r(" 1nc-luct1na c:rrn.i,1.11 aftd l',,WAJ ' 1car.1~ s 1dfOlotQ wht"rt' pohltcal pn-r •t'rt' rN mlh r" ,-,-M'(I 1u • I Y(" alway fel t lh.lt tf yoot -Aa lk hke a duck and ,ou rt'Sult 8u$b rl.111'1'1('d of l ', uni-11nn, • ,mast lM n, Ketty Mc:M-,_,'• .,.., end Jerry McMahon'• hat quack Ilk«' duc k you r4' a du<"k M Qld to round of emment t~re a a bo..e ~ent ..... pins lheJ ,-n,ed from•••••... applau'!f' Famtl) faith and nr1,chbof-holid •t hofflr ...-.. •• ltle conwenhOft They etteoded from San Lorwo, 1)04> ~ 1Mondalr1 for1et that Just two .-ttb ago frN'dom and d4-mocrac, 1n t.ht- • wld llv.t.b uld c .... lh<' lfol Falh("r stood on lhe baleony OVt'rloo«ln,t St ''T'ht" an.- V11lut> the adrrunatrauon h.t l ..id f or ,~ Pelrr ~ Squart' and said lhat lhf' Sand1n1 la 1ovt>mmt'nl past four vears JU'll u tht" Kn1aht or C'.c1lum~• tw,.- fur Th N'\lmrn1i- I ,roup handed 001 flyers contrasting ,~ oppr('. mg and .. uemptm(! · to aboh"h lhe Church m un ye.. r-s • Bu ft I t,.,rlaon ,,1.;nd to • ccordmg lo lh group his -.:,c.iragwa~· tlu h add.-d m.1II ronttnat"Ot o f protMtt'~ thn ~ h f"!l pr \•or ,. c,n n~r'> ,. ,:.;~ budgf'l cub for the poor. lhe Ion« w,lh , ou, rrn1dent Rt>agan and I w,11 not Chrt'l. ltan for Puc-t" - •th JllSllN' 'I.lo,~ 1ft 11ml • I II \1:\ n1, ~~ " ,rw1 I , 1n•oh,emen1 1n Centr al Americ a foqwt W(" stand together for lrttdom of worshi p, frN­ nt'3r thf' Hilton a 8u h pa w;J b, 1)1\ l\j • a• 1!\hl l l Pro hft' u pro a ll h ft' a poke man for the group • dom or pN'<'h and tht" prt" frN'dom or asM."mbly and hot<'I for dt>m racy 1n N1cara1tua Your child doesn't stand a chance r if he can't read.

ABBEY SCHOOL \ o••" c-oacff9NI • 11111 )Out rtt,ld' , Pf'oS~• ae wltool. \ 0 11 I.no • af )Out d1iJd dOftn"I 1rup Ilk b ■o• , haMaoe5) men and women of prac tically all religious . u y O prOm O e I e He told the Knights of Columbus that they fa1UtS. the unborn ctuld was never treated d t t t I should not be deterred from engaging 1n as a mere ltung Tite sanctity or b1unan hfe • pubhc debate oo issues involving the ngbt was not. and 1s not a dftiom1nalional issue. 1eont•nue0 trom Pee-51 10 hfe " by the incessant repel1tion or the although unhappily those who wish to treat 1 abortion 1s ··.- human ,ssue·· through their low citizens through a wide vanety or cban- sbibboletl!l that you are. thereby. invoh·ed in the unborn child as a disposable ·res· or a support of pro-hfe activities and family- uble works .. an effort to 1mpo54.' your religious conv1c- legal nonentity would hke to make it s u<-h ·· ,_,.. ,,"fi r~mc ... ca.unled' hons on others •· 'AbcN1ion is death' He acknowledget lhe ume and money of Supreme Knight Virgil C. Dechant . who DiemiNed claiffl8 Stating that a JIOl!•llon against abortion 1s Knights in the Denver archdiocese given to has held the top office or the world's largest n,e Boston prelate dismissed frequent not a question of " simply defenchng one • programs for developmentally d.asabled Catholic fraternal association s ince Janu- claims Uiat the pracllce or abortion does opinion against another:· Archbishop Law adults and children ary 1m. told the Knights that the 1.4 mil- violence lo nobody' s conscience " since each quoted John Paul II b declanng lbal • •Jo,tully aNUtned' hon members or the K or C must " stand up person t s left free to follow his own " abor tion 1s death It 1i- the k1 llmtt or an " Our Knights 1n the image or the Good and be counted" on political issues with j udgment while being enJ01ned rrom 1mpos- innocent crea1urt• .. • - Shepherd. on the national and local level. moral overtones. ,ng hi,; on•n view on others .. Poinlm,t to the fa.:t that clavery m lht> have joyfully assumed lhe respons1b1hty of He llSted the pohllcal-moral issues con- To the contrary. he told the assembly. United Slates had been upported by " un- - watc hing over and protecting these pec1al fronting S society as the sanctity or "no one 1mav invoke freedom or thought as lortunalt> construc11ons or tht> ronst11uuon · _ people whose very existence 1s hardly toler- human hfe. educational justice for parents a Justification for attacking the ritthts of until " evidence. lo,t1c . and experience · aled m segments or our modem society ·· who send their children to pnvate schools . others . e!ipeciallv the right to lire .. proved 11 unsound. he staled " Ir lhe aboh- He urged the Knights to conunue their the right to voluntary prayer and religious According &o the archbishop. " Blackstone lion or "lavery and lhe a -curanee of c1v1l works and thanked them ror their w1lhng- d 1scuss1on groups m the pubhc schools . and wrote III his great commentary on the com - rights for every American c111zt>n rould - ness " lo gras p with me lhe rod and the staff freedom from pornography mon law of t::ngland centuries a,to ' Life 1s onlv ht.' guaranteed bv J ronst11ut1onal of the Good Shepherd. We do so 1n defense " It has been prov1dent1al. over lhe last the ,mme'qual determmauon and saenl1<'e . we musl each one of us." have had the benefit or a chief execuhve in c;v,hz.atic•n. ,ts Jurisprudence . and among 11re lessh• slnve .. As the convention got underway. the the person or Ronald Reagan," Dechant Knights received a videotaped message said. ··who has been ac tively s upportive of • from Pope John Paul II. who praised them issues which fall into the catagories . tuition _ for " their impressive record or generosity tax c redits. pr~hre . prayer in schools. and service... Tite Pope asked for their equal access. anti-pornography .. INVEST IN HER FUTURE _ continued support in the fight for human Also during the convention the Knights life. honored Frederick and Mane Winner and Reagan's greeting• their 13 children as the Knights of Columbus President Reagan also sent a message or F amily or the Year The Winne r family. greetings to the Catholic fraternal or- from Ca ta lg1a . N C' . 1s involved m church ganization and paid tribute to the K of C's work a nd lhe Columbian Squa res. Lhe 'deep concern ror Lhe welfare or the ir fel- Knights youth group -■ How to be ALL SOULS a star The Vannoy Talenl gen­ SCHOOL ey ha annoull<'ed an UJ)<'Om 4951 So. Pennsylvania ing benefit for the Denver serving Englewood, Littleton. Cherry C reek International Film Soe1e1v entitled S t ars a nd is now accepting S1.armakcrs · R EGISTRATION A cast of some of Moll\• .... wood " mnst noted pPr'-nn­ ..... for Kindergarten thru 8th grade lft&O, fo r the 1984-85 school year. <1 ht1e'- will bl· 1n Denver on \ul,! IR and 19 J I noon al 1'11 call 719-2155 HJm.,ctJ Renaissance llotel sting Wilham Moore, Princip al, for details. T11"kl'li; Jre 1:14 50 101 , . his A.ti Soul• does no l d1scr,m1na1e on tn e bas,, e1lhC'r Saturdav or Sunda, . the o f race r et,g 1on se• na1,ooaJ Of' ethn•c orig in and .ire availabk at Oatat1't ca ScMot Office la Open Daifr outlC't, Call 98/J-671 2 or 1:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. tf'OUP _ llnl-7777 t,;ir morlc' 1nlorma - 11nn Personal Development Center - ADOLESCENTS, INC. You have given her years lets you give her 323 1 Teller Street everything, but have you the advantage. W ith lo w Wheat Ridge. CO 80033 mad e the most Impor­ student/ teacher ratios Marycrest assures you .. (303) 238-123 I tant investment in your life and hers? Mary­ of personal, individ­ cres1t, a private fully­ ualized attention. What's Family Focused accredited secondary more, 90% of Marycrest Treatment of Adolescent school, serving the Den­ graduates go on to col­ Addictive Disorders ver area for twenty five lege. Drug I Alcohol/ Eating . .- 1-' . Parent's Survival Group Marycrest High School Residential /Day Care/Outpatient SPACE IS LIMITED! 1 PHONE: f55-8123 FO R INFORMATION I Alex Panio Ir., Ph.D. Edra Weiss. M .D. PROVIDING SOUND ED UCATION IN TH E CATHOLIC TRADITION ·~. Program Director Medical Direc to r THE FUTURE IS YOURS TO GIVE: r.. Fully Licensed And Accredited GIVE HER THE FUTURE - GIVE H ER MARYCAEST T-. I P~- ~ - The Denver Catl"lol!c Register. Wed .. August 15. 19~ Jesuit will conduct formation retreats

Jesuit Father Annand N11rro, professor of theology al Father Nigro wiU al~ conduct the annual retreat for the pray tofether. and to share the Lord with one another. We Gonzaga Umver 1ly Spokane. Wash will conduc t a relre.al archdiocesan serrun.anans at El Pomar Retreat Center. are fortunate this year in th.at Michael Schlut. our theol

.., r' ~we, Denounces violence rep • abc art against homosexuals T pee SAN FRANCISCO ( Cl - Archbishop John R . Quinn of • tba San FranclSCO has denounced violence against homosexuals tWE as " not the way of Lhe Olurch. ·· mo In a letter to deans or the three-county archdiocese. Archbishop Qu1M asked them to communicate to prie~ts and • 1~ abc others " the utter mcompatibility or such acts or violence _ tiot with a witness to the Gospel nat ·•Nolhmg can Justify these attacks on homosexual per- • ! , Cejl sons and the Church must clear ly repudiate all such acts... . i' . he sa,d Deans are priests who coordinate clusters of 15 to 20 panshe m the arc hdiocese ,. • Inf, --v iolence 1s not the way of the Gospel. Violence 1s not the wav of the Church. Violence 1s not the way or Christ ... - 8 cle. the letter conu nued Archb, .hop Quinn called oo the deans to notify all lbe , rea priests ,n their area lo try lo reduce tension between ace homo e xual., and those who might persecute them to I The lt>tlPr dmmed that uch efforts might put priests b _ per a dtfhrult po 1llon or protecting Church teaching, which offE rnndi>mn, hom~e ,cual acts while recognmng there is noth- - - Goe 1n;t immora l in a homo exual cond,uon The designer look for your girls, etru Thu~ " f' p,cpcnenC'e the constant tension between our - or 1 rn fall's fashionable layers! roll• ~• ti-.ir.h.-r and our role as pastor The d1Htculty. of c~our ,. It 1n t>em fatlhful to both the letter said. • I• bee veh Liz Claiborn er~ F11th,>r \ 1afc-s n HnPn Rtlev archdiocesan information t1lr• tur , 1d JiOOlt' Pf'Ople 1nd udmg Catholics. mistakenly • • mo, bt'hrH• that lht• B1blr trarhe, th.It a homo exual condition is • /\r 1d layPr1nq 1~ pr .ic !IC,JI IOI> 4 mo, .- ••n To ho• a . \ man or a jl.l) 'A oman 1s not s mru1.·· the tor tt10 u11prr' c1ay, or ~nr • wuJ B ods d\JII II llrl (.,or iceberg The man died , J 4ue ,tr p, •cj •,tw t<; , Jri • tops trn ~r ho«JI 1lh r 4 111ou~• f tc·.-n ~f'r~ r t>porledl~ pushed him against a Val or N1'f'kr>nd w!•,u Ancj 11 thP curt, nd r;,u,Nt him to tall Wf', Jth1., C hang0s ..,hi' II k,•,·r n , ltuer "" •' h , 1wJ t" u d.i) before the man s death. or r " • Juit "" illnt to IT\J.kP ure no Catholic groups a re • 4 lhe w,un, 111 th(> SWPalt•1 \/PSI 0 1 tht> tA\t1n >' p.in 1n lh • t.-iu, 1or It I a fu ndamentalist m,sread- a s­ fl ·v1 ·rs1IJIP c orc1uroy Khaki jcK k P I ,n of thr te <1 r bm , or lhf' &nptures and or the Church ... • - • will I- aU\t-r llllf'' s.1d , mt:,. •<.;11 cloth<''> to r o irls v• Cln1t>0rn1• • -\1Thb1Jbop 10n ,uued pastoral statements on Ir with cornlur1 ancj c olor to r hC'r hum ..~ina lll\ 10 ISl90 and 1983 noting the amorality or the • lhe , 111d tong wPanng cjurab11ity and tt.,m,>k,cu.al • cond1t1on wh1le m..ntatrung that homosexual aru •~ sinful f-' ather Riley said lluit despite those exborta- - t1.isy car for you I 10111 our lions threat.sand preuures •gatnst homo9exuals continue to rotlt>C't1o n 1n sag chamois. rust mount gir1s· sizes It s • bl( problem Mre It 1s the bomoeexual capital or .incl g r ' n 7 14 the world Father Riley said " l ltnow It seems unusual to - $?!) $47 the rest of th~ C'OWllry, but for us. It's every day." Children s World, Ch rry Creek. Southwest Plaza. Aurora South­ glPnn. se1ec11on van s by store NATIVITY OF OUR LOAD SCHOOL 900 W Midway Blvd. Broomfleld . Colo . 80020

488-4177 ~ ,"".-.c... Grades 1-8 F CHRIST - CENTERED CHILD - CENTERED > HIGH A CADEMIC STAN DAROS COMPREHENSIVE CURRICULUM DAILY RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION WEEKLY CHILDREN'S LITURGIES l COMMUNITY ATMOSPHERE MUSIC & PE PROGRAMS f-l • COMPUTERS .. l . EXTRACURRICULARS I_., JUNIOR PAROCHIAL LEAGUE I SPORTS PARTICIPATION IN ARCHDIOCESAN COMPETITIONS HIGHLY PROFESSIONAL STAFF ~ , The Denver Catholic· Regist er. W ~ .. August 15. 1984 _ Page t ~Natural birth regulation fo1r justifiable ,er. We olotian .. for his _~reasons is OK, says Pope John Paul II join his VATICAN CITY (NCI - Pope John Paul The the!Ol<>gy of the body, the Pope said Before returning by helicopter to the ror the said Aug. 8 that natural methods of birth • a during tbie audience. is based on Christian papal viUa at Castelgandolfo. 15 miles south oln the . rerulatlon a re " morally correct," but using revelatiou. especially the Gospel, and of Rome. the Pope greeted a group of f • them without valid reason " constitutes a " alms at revealing the true good of the Italian Catholics from Cosenza who plan to ~ _ separate ethical problem. " human petn10n." travel to Toronto. Canada. to meet par­ the I The Pope made comment during his ishioners at the Church of St. Thomas • ~ weekly general audience at which be also " 'Rumanae Vitae' correspo.nds to this Aquinas . The Pope plans to v1s1t Canada :e repeated the Church's teaching against theology t1f the body and points out the true Sept. 9-20 • abortion. sterilization and the use of good of tllle human person by highlighting " Thanlt you for this ,nitiatJve. which was 11s artificia l means or birth control. the dignit:y which a man and a woman enjoy planned m v1ew of my upcoming pastoral The Pope. spealung to several thousand as creatures o ( God who jom together In visit lo that nation," the Pope said. " I hope people in St . Peter·s Square, emphasized uinnof marned llove. a love which must always that in your two panshes in Italy and m • Lhat the Church clearly di.stinguishes be­ leXWllS remain ~pen to the transrrussion of new Canada. Christian fa1lh and the spml or tween methods or birth regulation that are life,'' the Pope said. love contmue to grow " the Pope said iocese. morally acceptable a.nd those that are not. • -# " The Church excludes the latter. namely. sts and • abortion. direct sterilization. and any ac- 1olence - lion wh.ich seeks, through the use of un~ ,,. natural or artificlal means. to make con­ al per- • .,I , f.. acLS," ception impossible." the Pope said, refer­ r10g to the encycbca l " Humanae Vitae·· tOf Human Life l . _THE ) to 20 .- •• ~ Infertile periods i 1s not brist:· - But he added that the encyclical makes 1t clear that couples who have a justifiable llNCKEDIBLE all the ~ reason to regulate births can take into ~tween account natural biological rhythms in order to have sexual intercourse during infertile 1 periods. COLORADO ests in which " In this way, births are regulated without s noth- - oHending the moral order established by - God.'' he said. He said there is an essential ethical difference between natural methods lHOMEKUSH en our lty. or of birth regulation and artificial methods . because artificial methods " impede the de­ ·.v elopment of natural processes." nauon approval of such natural methods when 1:s ALMOST HERE! akenly ''The natura l regulation of fertility is involving a couple's decision " made for 1tion is morally correct. and contraception is not grave motives. to avoid for the time be10g, 1.·· the I, .. morally correct." the Pope sa1d. or even for an indeterminate period. a new Besides the moral question of the meth- birth." ~r-old ods used 10 regulating birth, he added. is the The talk was the fi fth in a series of you CAN OWN~ n died ~ ; ~uesuon or the couple's motivation weekly audiences dedicated to a review or unst a Valid reasons the encyclical. " Humanae Vitae," issued 'Couples who turn to natural regulation by Pope Paul VJ 10 1968. In tbe talks. Pope THIS HOME! death. of fertility could be without valid reasons," John Paul has reviewed teachings on birth ~s are f 4 lhe Pope said . " This. however. conslltutes control and human sexuality in light of what sread­ a separate ethical problem. having to do he bas called the " theology of the body ." ~rch,'" · 1· • with the moral sense of responsible pater­ The term as used by the Pope refers to the • nity and matermty." couple's attraction to lhe goodness and ts on Jn tus previous Wednesday audience talk. dignity of each olher as expressed through of the • the Pope had referred to the encvclirar~ the body . !M!XIUI !°ue": : f ital of A LITTLE BS 1ual to • NEVER HURT AN RN! ~;•• ~ ~~ 1l:?i ""'lc::'t'- .....-1".:!r

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23rd died and has lived with thr~ Popes 11nce Could I ' . name a Pope who died five years bf-fore I was born" Don' t ask l . But a_s s tartling as the idea was that my son didn't know the 11gmficance of r ope J ohn was the reahi.at1on i • that 11 has been 21 years since he died the period of time between birth and lqal maturity -L I real1z.«• that many of today's young parents don't ( remember John 23rd either or the impact he had upon our . J Church and lhf> world, evf'n though they hved m h111 lJme E Hut I believe 1t I important to unp('r or che lungdom aff('<'lS u 1gmr1cantly today C C II would be II mlst.ike lo believe that <>veryone i! remt'mlx-r'I Pope John a<1 fondly 3!1 I do lit> ha!> hef>n 'r~ rt•Vllt'(f for rolling th(• · ond \ 'a11c•Jn <: ounc-11 whlrll 1n a turn l'l frt'qut•nlly bl,11111't.l for the dt•.tlh of th,• tnw ~ J 4 ('hurr·h lnd1•1"1 , lher1• :in• man} Ca1hnl1<·<, who 1n,h Ill lh('rl' had nrvcr bec•n J I 'ope John 23rd C Th11w too young 10 rem mtx•r Y,m •unw~ lw.;r tlH"t' g c-ompl,unl, .ind .isk Wh,1t did ht' do th,ll " u, .,o c·on ~ j ~ s, lrov,•r-,1,11 ~ \\twn Juhn 2.'lnl C'Jtn{' In lhr Jhlp,IC \ V.(' h.i(l u d1(h•rrn1 Churrh \~1• l)C'h('\,('(f , Im t'lt,1mpl(• ltldl nnl\ ii Calhoht·~ b<'IOlli(<"d to lhl' Ir ue ~·hurC'h I and rould 1(0 In 0 heaven,, th,11 1•1111ng 11w,11 on Frida~ and murd.-r " <"rr :L a equal mortal sin l ror wh1r h one we nt to hell I and that all him lo c-hange lhr ~lJto, quo Hut h◄ h it. •• • ttnill •nl th ,. nd h,; I to br ,t.•,111 v. 1th 11 Pt'Qple "'ert! lo have a ti other fa1lhs wer(' SUSJM'<'l figures 1n Cod's h1 stor) re<- n1-M-u Owl 01 tot'lJ n~ I.I We hved tn a highly C'lenC'al Churc-h w1Lh hlllt' lay , hun:h "'hi h n • 1 lh! Ill ,,.i, of th,•1r times Jnd spokt! to 'let m CalhOh<"S "'<'rt' bfogmmn., tu qu~ lion h,o,.,. .bf! H·n llu-111 r -n.o h lnvnh,1•menl Mass wa said in Lalin with lhr 's wa reserved for u when we kn<'"' 1o0 m.:an, 111 th hlft'd 1r1 J• 1• I in 1 1.,mo1,1, Im• m .innounc-mg the Council bac-k 10 lht' Pf'Ople Censorship was routine nnd dissent other denomination Cacholu , tu, vmtn~ mor1' t :.h•• • tor "'h l "II' lu tollu" \\ e musl s hake off minimal If ont' d1sagre<'d w1lh Church law or aulhont} . Nlucated, began t.o que lion lhe < hur , Mnp1non o( Ut,­ 1 I! he u!lually ten the Church tt. • 11r1r,. r1.1 Ju • th.ti h." j!,1thnt>d on the throne of E human c1ences hke p ychol ) .ind '

Saving something for the child ren E

■r Father Leonerd Urban C I love the park more than any place m Colorado J-' or Chere. and speak.s m assuranc:e or what God hath wrought. I made my a nnual camping trek into Rock.y Mountain any number of reasons F'1rsl , 11 belong t.o me and you, There I a story or tv,;o about how greedy men in to us, to some of us 11,,ho count 11 our sole poS!>e s1on m a alionat Park This l1me w1lh two young boys, I~ and 17. llmes past wanted all lhat land for themselves. One man terms of taod under our tender feet n. prod1g1ous consumers or tr:ul mu, and Heath bars It C'OMl\ed to occup~ ll JUSl for his private bunting ground I love 1l IM'cause I've met so many wonderful peoplt.> ~ ramt'd so much we thought we were m Oregon But no But thanks to other more generous folks, he was unsuc­ matter, 1t was, as always, a llm<' to relish and remember, there. ,;o fev. grumps Lhe)' re- hardly worth countmit cessful It s a lesson not too tale for the learning that good T lime t.o carefully store for <'Omfortable reflec:LJon on should triumph and that the land came before fences. or ,vmter rughu 'YI those unmerciful signs Lhal promise prosecution to those This lime they talked about bears when we received g. who enter d our permit- Watch out for them and don't try Lo get near After a too-short stay. we had to come home. for Foolish advice mdeed Lo this coward who can anv da, run several reasons. the least important of which was tha t we le faster than a bear m post haste aruuety Eve~ when a ran out of trail mix and Heath bars By far the more bear is n't lhere ~=-sView u important was that I was scheduled 10 teach a Baptism h. W e saw only the normal rendition of animals . and class lhe evening of lhe second dav glad enough for 1t There were deer, one of which was so \' 1, 1Lors are at lhe1r be.st because they are at play \I, hen everal couples arrived, baby m hand or friendly we thought 1l might have been trame-d b)' the nothmg more serious than getung lhe right photo or bassmeu e . I began thinking fond thoughts of hope· Forest Serv1C't' for the dehghc of out or staters She ('yf.'d restmg half wa) up a s teep trail First that their parents would leach them about God us and c-ame so clOSt' we c-ould SN' her tw1tc-h :ind blinl,. I lo,·e the park because 111s m, be t praver 4. 11 those mounwms the sl.ip and tumblt! ur a lh.ousand httle and that an effecuve place to start and continue an sucb Fe A frr&ndf11ther marmot resented our intrusion and ~tr..-.1m, trees lhat bov. and pa:-t for the nev. e~t , i,;nor pursuits might be whe re we had Just been, a sanctuary -l" a' from so murh tha· becomes ummportant • Ee strode stolidly under a rock onl) afcer an arrogJnt ~ut not tu be.• ta ·c-n to :- ;:rant ,J protest that II got lhC'rt' first I SUSp('C'I ll " 8S lhJt , en \nd sec-vlll:.,, , : lounJ m),,e:! hopme lhat 1t would al: A · dtm 1heolog1c-al rt>C ollfi::,on dt?;.c-nbes prJht m Ju sull t•o? ther~ tnldCl 1or them, a henLage that would nev<>r briga nd who stole ""<' of my CJl't'full) apprehenJe-d broo~ t<'rm s of fonnal a"ld mforma: Formal we P\t' h\ word.: se, trout under thC' furtive CO\'er of rught From Ol) J.iun anJ i-:es1ure,- Informal "'h1~•h mu.:tt L,rn out to be t!le be takt":i .i .loJ:,' becai; e v. e need more timber or oil o~ diced view I beg-rudged the rob~') but o;e111t"J 111r mor<- O{)u-,,e~ tor Ulo,e who c.i~ aifnrd them Or wor"t or belier kmd 1s "'hat creauon ;:1,t'.... J.i:.t O) bemi: no Ch sharing, smce those ( 1tllfut animal:, (,!Uard lhe land when .ill that V. l' Y.ould destroy ., 11 that heaUl} in the rldme of con:.C'IOU).nes:. and cerurnl~ nut lOn1n,t>J Tht> p.a:-i.. 1~ Ille an I'm not there ;,upremely generous m gi, llil: g10D rn Goo b~ Just bt.'m,!: Fattier U·bal'\ ,s :>as10, :,• S. Scho astica s Ene he . . .~ vtewpoints__ _ _ ·LWhat about a funeral when body is cremated? By Father John Dietzen l - 0. Five years ago the first of my two sisters d ied. At Q . I would greatly appreciate your help. Can a 39- . . her reQuest she was cremated without a vleWing. The year-old woman, who was d ivorced and whose mar­ ashes were not allowed to enter the church duri ng Question riage was annulled by the Church and she also has a Mass Why should this be? T'he soul is not present In 19-year- old. self-supporting child . enter a cor111ent and body or ashes; both are "remains." become a Sister? (Delaware) .. Last week my other sister d ied. Because I wanted a Corner Mass o f the Resurrection for her, I had her body camed ;\. IL surely 1s possible Your obhgat1ons to your child Into the church and delayed her reQuested cremation Theoretically . I suppose you are nghl about the ashes and to anvone else. of course, would need to be taken mto being present at lhe funeral Mass ll seems to me. until later People attending the Mass were confused consideration. But manv women tn C'lrcumstan('('S S l ffil• because our cars left without waiting for the hearse. however. that lhe church suggesl5 the ashes not be lar to yours have entered the Rehgious lire Wouldn't it ha11e been permissible to explain from present for very good r·easons. In our culture at least. a F'rom your letter I know you are mlerested m specific cup of ashes representmg t he " body " or the deceased the altar that interment would not occur today because communities. Write lo them and ask them what steps the body was being taken to the crematorium? person rould easily appear bizarre and even a htlle would be necessary in their own community or in others Can you explain the Church·s otticial position o n ridiculous. if not outright offensive to the friends and these actions? (New Jersey) relat ives who are there. It's simply. I presume. a m atter or sens1t1v1ty lo A. F'irst . may I correct your terminology. In spite of feehn,zs (Because of the volume of mall It la generally rather wide usage otherwise. there is. perhaps apart H the fact that the body will be cremated 1s not 1mposal ble f<>< Father Dietzen to reapond peraonally. from Easter. no such thing m our liturgy as a " Mass or ,zenerally known to the mourners. 1t certainly would be Questions for this column should be Nnt to Father the Resurrection ... T he proper designation £or a funeral appropriate to indicate this at the t·omm1ttal prayer.­ Dietzen. Holy Trinity Pariah. 704 N. Main St., Blooming­ M ass is .. the Mass of Christian buria I. .. after the funeral M ass ton, Ill. 61701.) Coverage of the Central American scene Editor: As a balance to the letter from Dr. Joseph Cassidy Bouquet of pra,.,. for Pope J • (8/ 1/ 84 issue) in which he takes except.ion lo the Register Editor : coverage of the Central American scene. I w ish to As a special gift to Pope John Paul II during his trip comm end the Register for its fearless reporting of these paeadel's lo North America in September, 1984 we plan to give him issues. Forunt a spiritual bouquet of prayers. works and sacrifices from The secular press provides one side only. ordinarily. au over the United States and Canada . and we need the sort of things pri nted in the Register if We are aski ng lay people, as well as priest s, sisters, we are to have a true picture of what is happening in som e so-called Christians joined forces with him does not and children, to participate and express their support of Central America and the United States· relation to the on­ mean that the Catholic Church and othe.r Christian our spiritual leader. Pope John Paul II. who has so much going unrest. oppression and war there. churches have to stand by and take the blame for what responsibility and many important decisions to make. Also, the secular press has a way of lumping together the Nazis did to the Jews. The participants may choose one day of the month to so many happenings and ideologies and people and label­ Nobody will ever know the persecution Christians keep him in their prayers. This may consist of offering ing them " leftist .. or " communist" or " liberation theol· have endured for centuries and as far as I 'm concerned, Holy Mass or the Ro!lary or 15 minutes of special prayer ogy·· that the reader needs a Catholic Press to help sort God is our persecutors' only judge. time that day for his intention. ( For eumple: . For one all these things out. Plallomeaa Haas vear on the fifth day of each month I will say the Rosary Perhaps an issue of the Register devoted lo liberation Deliver f or you... ) Or if one chooses. he or she may write his own theology would help readers like Dr. Cassidy. spiritual pledge of daily prayer s or sacrifices. (For Sl1&er Mariall Cowu, C.S.J . Father Urban eumple : I will say one Ou.r Father each day for ont! year S&. LNls Editor: for you .•. ) unC' 1I It's good, so very good. to have Father Leonard The promises of prayer should be written in a person­ e orr Saving Father Urban Urban back, and I think other Register readers will feel al note addressed directly to Hi.s Holiness. Pope John 1e or Editor: as I do. Paul n. and indicate what form of prayer will be offered. Thank you for allowing Father Lfflnard Urban's I have enjoyed so much your article in the July 13 Anyone intetesled in participating in lbls spiritual IS Up column to return to the OCR. We've been clipping and issue, " Living tom orrow before it comes." This is so true gift that will be presented to Pope John Paul II in 1at IS saving his columns since 1980. and fits many of us. I will refer to it often - for a daily Winnepeg, Manitoba. Canada. on September 16, 1984 also Kay ud Ed PerriD upbuilding, and also prayers of thanksgivi ng. f or life each should address their envelope to : Spiritual Bouquet, 1013 Tampa. Fla. day. North First Street, Fargo, ND 58102. The deadline for Thank you. Father Urban. writing is Sept . 5. Man ud Nuey Emmel, Any nincompoop Mn. Mayme R. Blada \' ■ma Farp, ND Edjtor: I read with great interest the letter of Dr. Joseph E . Cassidy on Aug. 1. ught. I agree with hi m HIO%. Any nincompoop... should be an in able to see that given the present trend in Nicaragua the man nation will end up completely sovietized and i ts citizens ,und enslaved. ilSUC· I am reminded of Herbert Matthews of the New Y ork good T i mes in 1952 acclaiming F idel Castro as the George :s. or l . Washington of Cuba. For over 20 years now Castro bas .hose gained the dubious fame of being one of the most brutal L dictators in history. for It is my conviction that the Denver Catholic Register 1t w e ~ t too often proinotes the American Catholic Church rather nore than the Roman Catholic Church. It only raises m y tism • • • hackles. Kindly remove m y name from your mailing list. Father John W. ScaanelJ f or San Diego. Calif. God 1 such ! F06'9iYeneu and Holocau•t uary I_ . Editor: I disliked the statement made by Jack Jones in your d al: June 27. 1984, issue when he said that Chr istians should seek forgiveness for the Holocaust. ,..· Our historv books don·t tell us about the many. many Christians and Catholics who helped Jews i n Germany 1,· or , .. and who died needlessly. And those Jews who died are not here to tell us about I.hem either 'I. ' So. just because Hitler called hjmseH a Catholic and 'I ... 12 - The Denver Catholic Reglete,, Wed., Auguet t5. 19S.C

Paul VI a great teacher Caring is being Foster Parents!

CASTELGANOOLro. Italy rNCJ - Pope John Paul 11 Pope John Paul ba.s in recent •eeks de-voted his general Call Catholic Community Services. praued the late Pope Paul VI Aug S, descnbanc ham u a audience talks t.o " Humanae Vitae'' iOf Human Llfel. the 388 4411 v-t teacher •ho had equal love for the Church and for encychcal wntten by Pope Paul tbat spelled out the humanity Church s t.eachJngs against the use of art1hcal means of Speakanc on the eve of the uuh amaversary or Pope birth control. In what the Pope has called a • re-readtng.·· be Paul'• death, Pope John Paul aoo noted that the date ltas stroo,ly defended the theological reasoning of the marked 2IO years since the pubhcat1on of Pope Paul's first encyclical encyclical. " Eccles1am Suam f Hi, Church 1 'The Pope ended the Afllelus talk by urging those present A Creative~ .. " T'tw! Pope left t.o the Church and t.o the world a precious Lo " intensify the work sanctifying Sunday. the day of the School for •~ratanc:e or example, and teadunp We should always be Lord · TIie Pope referred to a N!<:ent pastoral note by aware of this, and grateful," the Pope said during hJs noon ltahan bishops ,urned at U)Creas1nc attendance at Sunday Gifted Children ( Ancelu blessing al Castelgandolfo, the papal summer res1• Ma m Italy A report by the bishops m May sajd only 20 Kindergarten thru Jr. High (. de.nee 15 mtles 50Uth of Rome Seve_ral hundred people percent of Italian Catholics attend Sunday Mafl regularly . attended the service The Vatican announced later on Aug 5 that Pope John ;. " He loved the Church mtenMly, and with no less mlens1• Paul has named CardanaJ Franz Kon.ig. archbishop of Vaen• ty he loved. eYalted and defended man He loved and na, as his special fflVoy to lhe Nauonal Croauan Eucharistic esteemed his age. and ardentJy wanted to announct' to H the Congress m Yugoslavia Sept 8-9 The meellng will take ?a!4.,{?.~•G•i•fted------••J message of Chnst ... the Pope said place at the M.inan sanctuary or M.a.nJa B1strica in the A nd Creattve Children (" On Aug 6, the Pope celebrated Mass tn the pansh Zagreb Archd~ Our School Is f church 1n Castelgandolfo for the I.ale ponllH, who was 81 Open To Girted Srudents Regardless To Race, Cardinal Konig. 79. 1s former president or the Valican • I .; s when he died at the ummer residence 1n 1~11 Allenchng the Secretanat for Non•Behevers He has been a Churc.b spe­ Cr-d Or N11t1on11I Orig in. r Mau were hundreds of area res~ts and several Cuna cialist 1n East•West relallons, and a close observer of Maroea Peterson, D irector - a ofhclals who have servf'd under both Popes ,ommunis m m Eastern European countries 4101 E Hampden <; ( at corner ol Col0tado & Hampdenl • 1 ' E The Catholic Herald new Springs paper ~ (303) 795-9185 1be Catholic Herald 11 the the Pikes Peak edllloo of the of Catholic parilhes ln the received tJckets to the forth• name of the new Colorado Denver Catholic Register new di~. coming Colorado Springs r~: Sprtnp dJoceun ne-..paper The C.thoUc Herald will Sympbooy Rf'1es c.lled The k that wUI make lu first ap­ The new d.locesan paper have about 12,000 paid sub­ Gates Showtlme .. . s pearance Seot. 5 will reflect Bllhop Hanifen's a scribers. - J. 111e prtoclpal writen and vlew1 Ol'I Cburclt Issues, It The new paper WIii be pub­ ti editors are John and J oanne will Include national Calho­ Al Tucci WU the wlnner of lished monthly, With SU[ spe­ - J - L Pun1nc. who for the pail llc writers, special features a compeUUon t.o name the cial edJtaons, for a Lot.al of 18 a.l.x Y"rJJ wrote and edllfd on local Catholics and news new paper He and his w1fe 1.uuet a year L 1 - t, MUSIC tor -.. ~ K INDEAMUS IK MUNCHKINS A ges 4 - 6 \II Ages 3 - 4 ·r n PERSONAL GROWTH llfRO Aurora and Englewood y,

• • J &ko6 WOHLER MUSIC STUDIO . I , 344-8332 r ◄ Education in the Cathoiic T radibon

Our ~ ol L011des prowtdn a ~ opportunity fo, ~ and ....-.., ~owet, INOugh .I _· Cachok educ~ ~ and challenglng ~ cenng ~ and WUC)lnnO ~ A ~~hetpf'«1'chlld~_.,conftd,e,~aod•wn•olr~aillh~-' he4J, them cope men~ Wllh I.her WOf1d throughoul "-..._ w~ ~ great

EDUCATION K-3dnwsMh~onthe~ degree Oroupand~~ Dedicaed and highly quaWled ~s Compu1e- ct.ws of Smell C'lllMft Wllh en eiicdetlC ..lo~ IHC'herallo SllCCes& • For wdl over a century, rewarding career, the expe­ ENRI04"ENT Sunt Mary Collcec has rience and spirit of Saint Ntltl Sct.ol EJlrictln1«11l and cJua m:d women for suc­ Mary College will open ~ ""9••.. ~ CCS6 tn ltfc ..,, Che wo,tung ~ in mond many !\CW opportunities Mf• • Samt Mary graduat\5 tO you. 0.-CU>s s•icoecd because our c:oUcgc • Fi.na.ncial.assistantt is Mus.c: and drama ~- in succeeds, Lt sucCl:leds ava.ilahlc. and ~ om help Beg Broche/ Beg s-« Programs givmg you individual ~andgirts.-....:S you with your Anancial Studrnl pubMhed "'illl!-:w-~....,­ attention and in raising planning. R-.t-• Thon and llLF your acadcrnic abilities to Sertoma their highest ;cvds ....,._;ble.. • Our ~ in Leaven- .-- wonh, Kansas is less than • Saint Mary succeeds in 30 mil from Kansas Ci -ftlr.:-- ~ 11- fun - wt'th es ·ty. • Loceted on • parll Ilka ca.mpu1 Our lady Of Lourdee ...u,_ ■ ..,. , NCUre and friendly environment •• ...... "' ...... _ Plan soon to visit our Co.me vlllt 1.11 at 2200 S Logan 0t e■JI 1n-7US, -....a? °' 771-MN for mo,e lnlormauon a full schedule of rccna- beautiful ~ with oonal. social and cultural your family and lcam activities. And locs of more about us. REGISTRATION TUES., AUG. 21st o<>ppom.uutyping leadership foe dcvd- skills • Just wntt-. oc call: 9 A.M. to 12 Noon (or by appointment) · ii: i' Director of Admis-- . ·1 • • Whether you go • sions, Saint Mary . . OUR LADY OF LOURDES SCHOOL on tO graduate Collq,c. Leaven~ 2200 South Logan Street sch I o r graduatc sa1r.Jt: worth, KS 66048 Den-,. Colorado 80210 chrcctly tntO a c ~lmR.)' (913) 68~5151 L lEAVENWoRTii. KANSAs 1.

I. ' ·············-·························· ' " . . .. Archdiocesan school ces. l . T . ,L officials optimistic , By Julie Asher enjoy a modern gym audi tonum fact..lity this Reg,ster Staff vear· when the old church Is converted .. The forcast for the 40 Catholic gr ade • R e!!IS High School 1s antIcIpat m!! the • chools and six high chools m the Den,·er completion of a construction proJect which arc-h'110C'Pflfuhon-'- ,. er r ecent development is an archdiocesan • Non1nt~1es.1 t>e~,,ng n••• n~,.:. • ne•,."G' t.ilra nc• a I b d year 2 Sec;u,itiei (h om S.c-r,~oute RC 8 ) a beg1nn1ng t ow ard j ust w ages Jfor 2 3 r-ed l"•ill tv~:. &-Ohl a no .$.PC-..ot•~• ov,c.F\.a-it.•O yn(lt"• . p,eement& to •e-~eu Presentation of Our Lady "s students will ar c- hd1ocesan educators ·· 3 4 l OA"IS • ~ le a!.~ hnil~+nQ re t.t"t 'lll'.A bt_., ) • - J • Loans, a nd •t"a~e1, f'Wtt ot unt>a,nt.to ,ncof"t•t: thom Sch ectule RCCt D l ( SS Alto.,.•~fl to • to a" a no tnt.,-~! •• i~•.._.. 4 b 10 c LESS A lloe• tf!'d 1,a "+1ler 115,~ ,w1-erv·,- - I d Lc,an• ancs ••a.u•• ne l of unea " "t'd tf'\C.ome •• a llowr. .t"Cft • n d , ft..,,f" N t (,, ..,,, 4 • m+'lu!i 41 ti • nd 4 Cl • a . r .. !I A1s.eu , h e10 u'l a,ao,no a rtoun1~ ~~.. II & P• ~m♦~,.s a nd t ru ,a aa.M"tr. f•nctudtng , ,..Pflilhtttd 1ea :se5,, 6 7 Oth~f t eal ttM IIIP o w n ed -.r::.. 1 cu 8 l n veslme nta tn unc.ot,a.Ol10•lecl a nd compa n uu Suba.•d•a n ~• a,,.O(UU~O .,~,_ ti 9 Cuslome ,\ h at>1h1, 10 trut b a n • on a<.cec>t• nc.e~ ov1,.11ina+no ,. 9 10 lnta ng lble - ~$Pt~ ,.. . •o I.· 11 0H'l@I e S5f'IS tf,om su,eaul~ RC r') -,.·- II FOOTBALL 12 l o1a, a sseta. 1sum ot 11em~ \ l ntougn 11, ,. . ,, U .. Btlll o[ S @ 13 0t-P0"1I S. A ,,., OC;'T,e ~l•t. C,lh(p bunt c.f lOl•j~ C)t r c.ih.,ff"•hlt /. .,.a c. h Orr-1 Sc"e-'dul.. RC £• ( II N on1n1Ptf'~• bt ,i11ng I' C?1 1n,~tt:•1 ~ ..,, no COACH BILL McCARTNEY INVITES YOU u In tore gr, o u 1ce~ £ Ogt" •~ AQ•LHn" nt ~ult~•01•,1e• 1nd 1Qr .t. flt N on,n1e 1it•1 bt:t1t1ng TO JOIN THE 1984 BUFFALOES IN (11 lntt.•f'M bt!• •,ng , .. reo t=-, ... h.,i nO• o v•ct . .., ,.0 a ,,o ~• l"'ffl. ,. 1-0fO Untlt:f a o,, t:''11 ..0 11, IO II Pu•Chiil~,,. .l i . I !) O(>n,.aiio nOlf'-S ·~· ueo I C! I OP u ~ he-a,ur, . . IG 01ne, bOno... • o mone y 17 Mo no .. Q< •nclt>blt>O~~s. al\d ot>1tga11ons uncs... , c._. pOahz,.o te...,\fl" ,. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY 18 Ban • 6- h .)C,.lltJ Of'• aL~pt• n(.,.. ,,, ... tuh O a nd OUl '"llal'\d•no .,-,.,.·,.­ ·cxpc- )9 N o tes ana att.efl.1ure-~ !oubo,a;t1at ~O to dt"PoSUt .,, amt 20 O1he r ha b1fi11e , 0•om Sc.ht!'Cl',,le ~c G, N,..­ ,1 l o t.at l1at,1hl•f'~ (~vm o t ••~rr,.._ 1) t h oug-h ,0 ';.: II ,en 2'2 Lam,teo h it p,, ,,.,,f>(J ~•Ut• ities (OUITY C M 'IIAl ~ 1 3 P1.1t~tu,1 Cff ~ ,~,,,..d ~,c,c .. ~ 23 24 Common -itoc.~ -·~ ,. I! is '5 S41,p11.1, {.,_:" ;,:, ,help CONFERENCE 26 Una,.,,o~cr cuolth a nd c..ap1ta1 ,,.~, .rt-s I L7 C u mula Hvtt to,e,on cut1er\cy Hal'\sla t,on aOJuSlt'he " t• :ial 28 l o laf e qutty c.apll a1 h ,urn Of llema :1l ll'HOVOh , ,, P• 28 29 To 1a1 f1a blfn1e,i hmned hfe p,eftrr1ea • toe ► 8-qVIIJ' c • pOa1 ($un-, ot U1tm~ 7 1 a no 28 1 -....,- ano :n -- :19 :::aven- NAME ______than HOMe 9CHEDULi • PRICE TOTAL rt.ii• r;,.-..., Ot'"'C•f#l,fJ -. "",..,.• ..,..rw .. "'H o .. ~q,,.,.-1,0,,, °"t.tt-9,, 0 r. 8.i;i... ,, . t (..., , ..,,,.,~, ,, ,,.,., i ....,., .. 1 Rf! .tt,... -;.,,,,.m Sept. I MICHIGAN STATE ___ • 12.IO ___ ADOAESS ______,_,,,,,. ,.1.. t"~ n • >qA!.if"<,r,1,Arwl 1,el(,lr,,ae,,.-,, .,,.. ,_., Mf 1:ll;)f" ;t,nfJl)t•l f"f s City. • llept.29 UCLA ---• 12.50 ___ CITY ____ ST_ ZIP ____ W@ lhe l,l'l(ht£t>QfMlod d.llKtOt, . u.... , '°' ,,,. < •>ff--Cf"WIS <,I lf'H1 R600"'1 ·~· Cc:M'WJ•I~ ana tl~l• t• ,,,_. , 11 " • • °"-" . .... ,,,.~ r 1>7 t.,S 411 00 •o '""" Oll''II ~ · ~ • no.,1.. (J ~ 4 1'0 0. .•, J'HU tM,tf1 Dt•Cl-41..0 '" .Qf'l•o,tNIMlt "'''" ,,,.. ♦J\ &HwCOOna :Hued Dr tne r Oct. 13 IOWA STATE __ • 12.50 f'., ,, ) , • ~t- & .. ,-, , .f .. ", ,,."" t .- ,,.,., J.-11 PHONE: II _____ I> ----- r,- • 1,, I 9.,., '/"'I ,_,Jt' ~nrJ.,,.. lh•• • t'G f.Of'fK1 h Oct. 20 NEBRASKA• ___ C!' 11.00 0 find chedl encloMCI - 1 t ' Nov. 3 KANSAS __ @ 12.50 ... payable lo Unlw. ot Col«ado ( Nov. 10 OKLAHOMA _ C!' 12.50 0 VISA 1984 SEASON TICKET __ • 75.00 ill: MASTERCARD ,,. .. HANDLING 1.50 PEA GAME D mis- L.y TOTAL ary Acct. No. E,cplrn Call or Write: 11 en~ TICKETS TO: Colorado rnidenla 4 AVAILABLE Unlwenlty of Colo,ec,o C.U. Alumni I i048 S-n Tlcllet Holdera A911911c 11c:Mt Office 12e. Boa 372 1130/ U L51 L s~ c-..,. r....• °""'"""'""er..11.,r;t, "- ,, ~ ..., .. I •LJMIT 10 tic:tleta per famlly Boulder, co I0309 w- ... v CJ ~ (303) 492-5111 14 MAIL ORDERS AND COUNTER SALES ONLY P ubhSl>e O AU\j0$1 1~ 1984 Oen ~er Catr,01,c Reg,ster I. - I fl'... "'4 -'the 0.rfYer CathOlk: ~egta-. Wed~.•A ugust '5. 198-' Confirmation should not be automatic

BJ Joeeph Mertoe I Wh.at 1s I.he n gbl age for Conf1rmat1on" Thf're I n l any I . At least not 1n the sense of a single be,t year 1n the hfe of yoonit Calhohcs when they 'ou«hl to be confirmed In the earliest day o( the Churc h the ronf1rmallon• ano1nllng was the la l part of the baptismal «remony And IIK"t' pagan could become Chnst1an at any lime tn their lives there wa no 'proper agt' for Confirmation From about lhe fourth c-enturv on"'•ard however lhe ronf1rmauon anointing l>f-<'ame sepan1Led from Lhe bap­ t1!mal wa hmic and wa performed by a buhop some lime An opinion piece Jftt'r th Baptl\m ... a don b~ a pn t (_.radualh the t""o ntf"I be<-am<· w paralf'd that 11 wa ~ears !>-fore lh t,aptm>d "" t'rf' confirmed Thi I v.here the que,t1on or the proper aiie ror m<• ll1Jt'f'1 ho..,1•H•r ( onhrm.. t1on •~ po tponed until the tu11h• "·ho.-11 vt>ar'I Y. hen udole'K'enu or adulh are bapt11<>d Lhe> nf•l,t, Hite of ('hno;t1an ln1tiauon ..u11 1w L'I thJt thev be c·onfirmed 1mmed1.itely J'- p.;rt of th!' m c·eremony The prJc·t1c-t• of a wpJrJtP "i.lnamf'nt of Conf1rmal1on v.h1th has Ix-en pJrt of the C alhoht' hent.agf' for over 15 rrntum•~ nJturolly ra1 e que<1t1ons about the mcamn,t or thJt nh' Trud111onally C'onf1rm.ition h.i been i.a1d lo bt> .i ~•Rn or ( hrn,uan l'omm1tmf'nl and maturity a a r newed , trl'nj(lhenin bv th<> lloh, pint l'rr,onallv I find th, vi VJl(Ut' and gennal a to b(> almo,t m an,nglf' \ Othen .il(n't' In h1~ popular book A i t•w Look .it lhf' Sac­ ramt•nl!>, Father Wi lham llaU!lc h romments on thf' torrent fldulthood But does th1 realh happen" ,\1ore o h,•n th.in not fh1• c· tho h trad1t1on t(•a c- hc•, thJt , Jcraments a re effective <1tJlt• of c-onlu ion 11bou1 tht' mean1n11 of Confirmation b, I am afraid 11 doe!. not And th.it lac k of J r< ,11 , don t 1h.-1 1h4-1r hH' .1r1 .iffN ted b, the "l.aC'rament when they r,mwnt " "'hat doe 11 really mean in prattict>" Not too r xpeneoce .in, p1ntu.il tn~n then1n Uwt Ulr\ c:-,1n put UH n t•h, ,.1mo1 ~ ..,h.. 1 effe< t II ha,; o n their hfe mul'h 11 ,('em1 Too often Cathuh t.'S mu,ter troop of young lh('lr finger o n and other '" lhf> ( hurc-h l'.;O l ( th.ii lh• \ "'h.;at ind~ ol , I h"' ( j _.m l thinking of" I am lhmkmg i,eople into the> C'onrirmat1on hne and tell tht>m, sincerely Jr<' an) morf' maturt' ,1ftf'r Conhrm.uwn wn Iott tltl\11 1 , rff•'<'L' \fo hKh fin.., from romrrutment and re pon• but vaguPly. that through lh1 C.'hurc:h ritual the) will be l bel11:w• that If C'on f1 nnallon 1, lo~ INI\ 1mp,,r-l.llnl ti ~ 111, n ,,, rn.i, not h.1H· 10 I)(> dr.;maL1C' but they do have 1tren11thened b) the llol . pint and enter into Chn t1an mu t 1gnal a s1gn1f1c.Jnt , h.inflt> in lht' ..,,. of • I n~t1 ,n c ..., ""~Cl 0" F>.a~ ISi

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,01... I .¥AIR FORCE ACADEMY,FALCONSY -_.. ___ __ .. Cfrt ., .... ______..,AA. .,,.~ The CLASS of 84 ".:. .•~- --­ -I ... j ' 1 'l'he Denver CathoOc' Reglster. Wed., Avguat 15. 1984 - P ... 11 Foster Parents Needed. Share your home. Confirmation Call Catholic Community Services. ,c_.,,,_ •••m ~ ... ••• As you can see, this approach c.haniges the focus from the 3~11 I - to be notjceable and real. Let me s-.c,est a few examples. right age for Confirmation to the rijpt moment for Con­ Confirmed Oui1ti.lns oqht to be active, not passive. rirmation. People ought to be confirmed as Christians when J members of the Cburdl. By ,eeking ConfinnatJoa they they are ready for it, not when the pairish has geared up its I consciously acknowledge that they have received lbe Holy Confirmation program. Tbe right monnent for Confirmation Spirit in Baptism. and now they sbould declatt their inten­ is whenner Christi.Ins are willing and able to take an tion to grow in the spiritu.al life. Concretely this means lbat important next step in their spiritual maturing. as indivichaals they wiU study and meditate on the Scrip­ Just as surely. the right moment for Confirmation bas tures. engage regularly in private and liturgical prayer. and not arrived until parishes can provide opportunities for seek spiritual direction and pastoral guidance. But this also personal growth and active ministry to all who seek Con­ means lbat as a local community the Church must actively firmation in the C11ristian life. Those ci'l)pOrtunities can vary provide the support lbat confirmed Christians need to grow greatly from parish to parish. from dicx:ese to diocese, even DR. DALLAS C. HIATT in these directions. Boots on the shelf and cassettes in the from country lo country. but they absolutely must be there & ASSOCIATES drawer are not enough; there must be program in each if this sacrament is to have a real effiect on people·s lives. community which invite and expect partic ipation from In this age of pluralism Christians could live with this 207 CLAYTON. (CHERRY CREEK) 355-7042 confirmed Christians. kind of deliberate diversity in the Church. For some. an DENVER. COLORADO Active members of the Church also serve others. Con­ important moment of decision and con~mitment could come firmation should therefore mean mall.ing a commitment to fairly early in their lives. say in early adolesce.n<:t!. For serviet!. takint responsibility lo minister to others in some others, this moment might not come ut1lil later in adulthood. Children Deserve A Bright Future way. It could be a liturgical mwstry such as helping out at And for some. this moment may neve1r come. the altar or slnging In the choir. It could be a service I urge. therefore. that we leave thie age of Confirmation ministry such as working with the poor, the handicapped. or l I lbe ' I quit.e open. Much more crucial than a1ie are ( willing­ Guardian Angels the elderly. It could be an educational ministry such as ness or baptized Christians to mall.e a ~,tronger commitment K-8 I. teaching or assisting in religion pro,rams. It could be a to Christ and to lbe Church, and 12) t:he readiness of local social ministry such as working for labor rights. working lo communities to support lbat commitment with frequent lndlvldually Guided Education (I.G .E.) defend the unborn. or working to prevent nuclear war. programs or personal development and service to others" 1M3 W. 52nd Avenue L Denver. Colorado 80221 Nicaraguan government ilsked 480-9005 ·/- . - to stop abusing the Chur~ch ec- t1 ve paper. L'Osservatore Ro­ bishops· statement came af­ c harg:ed a Nicaragua n y It IS •r Agoetino Bono mano. ter they met July 30 to dis­ priest. F'ather Luis Amado 1llv - VATICAN CITY INC) Nicaragua's bishops have The bishops called for an cuss church-state tensions Pena. with vlolaHng public 1 they asked the Nicaraguan gov­ end to " insults against the following the expulsion or JO securiliy and illegal associa­ person of Archbishop Miguel tion with anti-government inking ernment to s top abusing the foreign priests July 9. Obando Bravo (of Managua I In an action related to the rebels. according to the ~spon­ Churc h. a ccording to a statement in the Aug. 5 edi­ a nd or other bishops. priests c hurc h-state confict . the Washington Post. The gov­ ' have tion or the Vatican news- and Catholic faithful ... The government f o rmally ernme1nt said Father Pena ag. ISi would be tried in a special court. according to the story. Archbishop Obando Bravo You Can Stop or Managua bas been the PRE-ASPEN SALE leading Church critic of the Sandin1ista government, For o ver 35 years . Baldwin has s upplied fa­ which lhe bas described as Looking. mous artists. p laying at the A spen Music Festi­ " hostile~ to the Church: · The val. with its finest pianos. Four truckloads of JO priei;ts were expelled af­ ter the archbishop led a pro­ pianos will be returning from this year's A s pen R test march in defense ol Music Festival 1n a few w eeks IT'S HERE Father Pena, who was ac­ A unique opportunity cused 01f subversive activity by govE:rnment officials dur­ for those who want to ing a June 20 press con­ We need make a d ifference in ference. The priest was sub­ to make today's churc h. sequently confined to a sem­ room in our inary outside of Managua Factory oHers RECEP (Regis while the government con­ s Career Education Program), an ac ­ sidered his case. Showroom•! celerated certiftc ale and degree pro­ FathE:r Pena has denied gram for people just like you. the cha1rges and said the gov­ Come hear our quality and see the beauty of ernment tr icked him into ap­ these pianos to belleve our savings. • Our 5-week sessions meet once pearing to work with rebels weekly in the evenings. Archbishop Obando Bravo has alS<1 accused the govern­ • Experience education that is tai lored ment of fabr1catmg evidence Hurryin! to the special needs of adults. Learn in the case So 11 you 11e from i n st ructors who know the day to The pro-government press day realities of ministry. been wanting I .. has called Archbishop Oban­ a piano. NOW do Bra~•o a tool of gue rrillas • You can acquire credits toward your 1s the time .L trying to overthrow the gov­ to buy degree from prior college work. life ernment. t. learning experience, military, and The bishops' s ta tement H credit by exam. July 30 also reit.erat.ed the ~ I_ hierarcloy·s willingness to For details about the RECEP Pro­ mediate between the gov­ Baldw'in gram. c all Denis Murray al 458-3530. ernment and US -backed ------guernll.as. "Only 81 B•ld.,,,/n F•cfory O.,,,n.a Sfo,..a do Yov get E11,,.,-t Arwlc•" The government has re­ fused to negotiate with the Aurora Mall . _ ...... _...... 343-7630 Name ______Address ______guerril11as , saying they a re Cinderella City . • ..•...... 762- 1720 Southwest Plaza ...... •...••... pop­ 973- 9250 City, State, Zip ______unrepresentative of the Westm,nster Mall ...... 427- 1892 ulation. It says the rebellion Oown to wn-1623 Calttorn,a . _ .•...... 629-6975 Phone(Day) ______(Night) ------1s led lby followers of ex· Retuu, to Reg ,s College dictator Anastasio Somoza. "' ois O e~ REC EP We~I 501h Aver>ue ano Low e ll B l vo who was overthrown by the 1 .. Re ~ C ll ~ Oen , e r Colora

NEW YORK l !'ri c· ullural Labor Rela­ o·co l!t rumt'd b\ l'op1 Jo.'ln •1 •n Aoard from 1975 to . ll'he 1 from the kitchen "'hen "'e fol ks \\ ho \tiorkl'd h1rd 10 rh1~•• J• I II J11h l:? u t1t•~ , ,,;,. aom1n1stering the Lion • choose ccommodal ions for fmonnal 1nd,·pt•nd1•n, , ~, 1( n oc Ul l'nnt1hc-illl tat••~ form labor act which grani UK)fl • ~ JU1ol ,.ll4 prlt\ 11J,-d for union elections , when \\t' .. vi 1tors havt.' gursts vou rf' ll11<1nc"lh \l't ur "' u : l.lil,t \ prtl lhe b1~hop pro­ • heah conveni nt parking garage for wu to rnn,1dttr fourr ,•n IH-t ro 1 t,•.. 1 1-.t .i -;upreme Court de­ into 1 1 the car. and even shullle servic • Plan, for ,our ,,.... n h1izh , lul' r1 ~wn allo"'1ng weeping •· ,n-he, of fa ctories. saying - .C ard for ·" hen \\t• don't reel li ke 1ak111g quallt~-hf tvlt• rttirrm,•01 par1• 11 ,... ,,uld make Hispanics anm, the car And or course 1hr Oonr pbn-. 1,1r~1·1~ or d1 cnm1nat1on Jibe g ment \\ 1th a d01en funds pcacc of mind or knowing Fourteen we kn°"' ,ou II find a rnmfortabtt • ployr r worken. Humaruties and Sciences. l•oll!!g(' leads™" CJfll} I•> a or Loretto Heights' innovative lifestylr apartments at Fourtt•en mun pulf1t.,1>~ 1Uttr but limversity Without Walls. ul~) ,,, 0 mcx,• t "'1/UQb(I' QUOl//'11 Detroit Place near downtown ul Mt• You will beg,n an investment m yourself which you can Denver - a wonderful idea of the fOf 65 years. Loreuo Heights never lose-an education finnly College has cxccll~ al provid­ grounded in Loretto Heights' Catholic Archdiocese of Den\'er. ,,,, ing a tradlll-On or quahty m value-based libet-al arts- Please fourteen Detroit Place will let liberal arts educat10n and mail the coupon below indicat­ selected proles6ional programs ing your program interest. us celebrate what we call to ColoradAns and students from around the country And "Seniors' Independence." in a Fourteen an --.1w clement of that . lORETTO tasteful. high-quaJity apMtment excdlcnce is a commitment to supeno,- tcadlmg A ·HEIGHTS that wiJI let us enjoy the good Detroit £.xrer,r,onol teodll(VJ ,s the first pr,omy 01 /..Qrfflo Hara. ..1111.JCOUEGE things of retirement life. Small classes ond per'J('N)O ~r,1 ..___ •.., .... ,..,,,,. .... • 0..-,. O'J --•Olll---1 Ot JH We're scheduled to mOYe into onenJKNr ore rt!C'Of!".aed os our "'-...... ___.,__...... ___ Place rrodrOOIID/ strengths. Fourteen Detroit Place in the fall At its striking Denver cam­ Quality lifestyle apartments pus ovcdoolcing the Rocky Mountains, you will choose by the Archdiocese of Denver your de&ttt rumculum h-om FOR A BROCHURE AND MORE INFORMATION ON FOURTEEN DETROn PUCE. PUASE CALL OR six baccal.lure.te ~ WRffE FATHER JOHN V. ANDERSON. ARCHDIOC£SE OF DENVER, 200 JOSEPHINE ST., SUffE 515. DENVER, CO 80206, {30J) 388-UI/, EXT. 113. ,. The Denver Catholic Register, Wed., A ug ust 15. 198~ - Page 17 n ~Bishops testify on F1ootloose and lS not lid be Fiancy Free... gainst _·Republican platform Aurora Parks ' DALLAS (;',IC) - The U.S. Catholic Con- related issues, applauding our actions on iJ he ' /erence, public action agency or the l'ia­ one and opposing our views on the other," Lhohc uonal Conference of Catholic Bishops. told the bishops said in the liSCC testimony to & Recreation, gs on ~ the Republican Party platform committee both parties. Aug 13 that the bishops regard protection " We see as clear ly as anyone that they That's for me! since • or life from abortion and nuclear war as a re two issues- we know that each presents New questions of human survival itseU. a different set of problems requiring dif­ Aurora Parks & Recreation new Fall brochure :h 19. • The testimony. scheduled for presenta­ ferent soluuons But it 1s clear to us that the features: rview tion by Auxiliary Bis hop John E. McCarthy sancutv - indeed. the survival - of human ·or Galveston-Houston at a hearing in Dal­ life is at stake in both, .. the testimony said. fhng football, Christmas crafts, aerobic fitness & f irst aid, i. for las. site of the Republican National Conven- ca1nning & sourdough cooking, h iking colorful Colorado, gners . Lion Aug. 20-23, was identical to testimony " It is likewise c lear that in both cases our pc,ttery, sw im lessons, archery. racquetball, ghost town ·, not presented earlier to the Democrats. nation faces grave problems which cry out ately The USCC said that the ·•fundamental for a redirection of public policy," the ex,ploration. gymnastics & dance. fall color photo trip s and ssue, .tnsight .. or Catholic social teaching is " the testimony added. m 1ore! yam dignity of the human person" and expressed The testimony addressed 12 other tSSues For you r cop y of the Aurora Pants & Recreation Fall b roch ure ce . ~articular concern about nuclear war and as well, including civil rights, criminal jus­ call 695-7200 to da y . Classes beg in: Septe mber 4. abort.Jon. tice, employment, food and agriculture, 'rade "' ' "Some wrongly regard abortion and nu• housing, immigration and regional conflict 1sked clear was as altogether separate and un- d , " I in the world. •------•------~-:--:----:-----, . still Open House • Spid4~r-Man • Open House • Spider-Man 1shop ' l do Cardinal Cooke's r an 1vor- ·canonization sought Ulng NEW YORK (NC) - Archbishop John J . O'Connor of - New York has appointed Capuchin Father Benedjct J . . but Groeschel as " postulator and promoter" for the cause of "bnonization of the late Cardinal Terence Cooke, with the preliminary step or beatification as the immediate goal. • The appointment was announced at a press conference hohc . Aug. 6 by Father Peter Finn. comunications director of the was archdiocese. Father Groeschel said he was already prepar- ,rnia • mg a biography of Cardinal Cooke when Archbishop lela- O'Connor asked lum to take lhe assignment as postulator 5 to ll'he cardinal's writings must be examined. and documenta­ the tion will be gathered on reports of miracles and other favors h1ch granted through the late cardinal's intercession. ~ous ions According t.o Father Groeschel, some reports of possible pro- .. • healing miracles had come m. one a case or cancer that went de­ into remission with ,10 apparent medical cause. ping To assist in promoting that cause of sainthood, a yrng Cardinal Cooke Guild will be established Oct 6, the first ntCS - 'annive rsary or his death. Falher Groeschel, who will head .£,he guild. said 11 will be open to non-Catholic· and will raise funds to pay expenses for lhe cause. including the em- • ployment of staff. Father Groeschel noted that a formal approach to the • Vatican's Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints, headed by Cardinal Pietro Palazzini. could not begin until •five years after Cardinal Cooke·s death, approximately the time he expected to finish the biography. On Us. Open H ealthWatch House. h as a new w ay ou're W elcome. o f medical car e. No appointments. Sunday. Augu1,t 19. o long lines. No high prices. 1 p.m . - 5 p.m , ST. R cfrc- shment s. l• Just dependable Bc1lluons. Surprise-~. s. care. When you e BERNADETTE need it. M •t•I ·nt Spider-Man Family health And benefit the Jy care. Emergencies. Kempe Natio nal Cente r W o m en's health e for the Preven tion of ll· care. Podiatry. Grades K-8 C hild Abuse and Neglect. Physical therapy. f o r ever y children 's Bus Service W e want to be -) 1 $16 physical until Aug. 31. your family docto r. SI W e'll donate $1 E; to the Kempe Center. I I ., The ne~rt best thing to house calls. i Upham St. 'j 1100 i Lakewood, Co. 80215 lrlealthWatch I 237-0401 Medical Center , 1401 H,1u111a • Auror.i. CO 80010 • 361-9288 OPEN: 8 to 8-Everyday. No appointment necessary. h er. ~ I A Special Page~--- _·s

.. an Religion and politics c.. im .,-'-r/~-... too rar tn the other d1recllon. g1v1n, Catholic voters such Ms F'erraro·s Catholicism and her views_on a bortion bu. N C N- ~ a long lilt of poliuc.J aaua to addraa that he " effec­ alone would be enough to make the Calbollc Church a ad Controver y over religion .and pol1l1cs, wh1r h hu tively muzzles and h.andc uffs Catholic- voters" by " mm- contanuang focus of campaign contro~ersies. . already played .a 111gn1f1cant role 1n the 11184 presldenual 1m1zang · lhe aborllon 1.SSue as claimed by the con• Hut even if there were no Cathohc an contention for inc . lhe Cbyrch would ti.ave been guaranteed more campalcn, received a new boost m.id, way between the rvauve Calhohc .vttkly The Wanderer" rr tee o ice, bee O r the inc reas- Ot'mocrauc and Republican nallonaJ conveouons Arter Cuomo crallcLZed Archbishop O'Connor an a v151b1l11y 1n this year's campaign ause • br In early August ew York Gov Mano Cuomo, a ew York Times interview publLshed Aug 3. thE' 1ng act1vtsm or the bishops since 1980 on maJor pu ic an Slu Catholic and a Ot'mocrat, s.a,d the issue w a., already out archbishop said he does oot intend to evaluate 1ndiv1dual pohcy issues besides abortion - most nota~ly on the U.S. there but h.ad been " co-opted by a single kind of rtltg1ous a ndldatet or parties on luuet or morality and public role in Central America and the morahty of nuclear group •· He u id Democnu &hould lake lhe inJt1at1ve and policy. but would leave 1t up to voters to det.ennine dete= ~~icative or the growing debate over the pla~ "' p npand lhe debate beyond a tew IUIH" into Ult' whole whether the poelllOnll or candidates are in accord with r.angf.' of quesuons over rt>h«1ou.1 vallH"ll and public- polir y Cburch Leachi111. or rehg1on in politics was the fact that t.!'e U.S ~ lholic Conference. public policy arm of ~e bishops, issued a Vigo,oua debate (Stt r e la ted s tory on P ase II. I .: c1 V11orous deba~ already h.ad bffn J011'M'd on quite a new statement addressing the question. (See 1tateme-at T few spec1r1c lu UH In the current amp;ugn A week earlier. howe-ver . lhe St Louis Archdiocesan bt-low. l Ma • Is Ot'mocraltc vice pres1ck-nllal nomulee ~raldlne Pro-Lafe Committee held a press corderfl!Ce specifacal!Y Personal moralitJ . wil ror the sa_ke of " caullonang voters" aboUt the Democratic t cal t-·uniro a "good Cathol"' • •~ SM supporu lrgaJ,zrd Issued in the name of the sec executive ~mrrultee abortion, u a r,,porter asked her on tM lm~t day or IW'r J)latform on abortion by Bis hop James Malone of VOUJ111town. ~~ - U~ Ha, rampa1,pi" 'Moral dilemma' preiudent, the s tatement reje~ted the .,m pl!ed .. T • ~ l'res1dt'nt Hea,:an a " lfood <.:hnstaan when he Bishop Elck-n F Curtiss of Helena, Mont wrotr J uly d1cbotumy· between personal morality and public policy - bell pre!IM'lil for social pohc1ei1 that are 'terribly unf,ur" lo 25 that Catholics face a " ~nous moral dilemma over as .. not logaca lly tenable " ...... De, ttw- pnor, as Ms Ferraro u ktd m her responw to thr the Oemocratac u cket 's pro-abortion poe1t1on oo the one It also repudiated the tnJecllon or rehg1?" 1~l0 a • Cer rt'port~r·a question., hand, and the Republican adm1ms trat1on s pohcu•-s oo political campaign through appeals to candidates re­ a nc • Art' the Democrats agnorln,i Lht' view of POJ)" John nuclear arm!!, Central America and domf'~t,c- po,·,.rty on ll1t1ou aUthauons and commitments ... - Abt Paul 11 when he ~•Ju ag111nst Ille upuh11on of prtesl!J the other TtN? tatement ins 1.sled that the bl.Shops have a right f from Nlcarairua by that N>Untry's Sand1nLSla irovem­ The Reil,tan campa.1,pi b.ad bt',:un earlv lO • o" b.a rd tu addr~ s pubh<' polacy issues m order to establ_ish " a ment. as rres,deot Rt"agan and Vice Pre adent George C.er lnr Catholic votes fn1mf>work or moral guidance·· for people lo consider In . gen Bllilh ~ve SUlflt'l!ted" On July 211, an one of h1 '11 f1r,t otf1r1al r amp..1 mali. 1n politic.a l dt"<:"1s1ons • Or lll It the ~ bhcans who have l,nored rellcaous cal a~ aranCt'S. the Prt'Sldf'nl illlt'ndelll••· rbal ho14 C\er c.hould not be understood as " political var <'one-ems at>out ro~l,n pohry, such H the ~ath! or or St Ann's Parash in Hut>oan1 -.; J .-nd made -• t'n l p.irtaan.,h1p by lhe bishops or an endorsement or denun­ vic1 American nuns In t,;1 Salvador or the campaigns aga1n,t rehl(IOUSly ,rounded app.-al~ for LhC' l<("pUb hc- " II f"I ci.auon of p,arucular candidates. the statement added. church leaden In South Arr1ca . as (;uumo churned In the T He cited Oemocrallc ~,.1t1on w hl c-.. m p.u in for gra 0.-ITIO('ntll(' Nau~I ·onvenuun krynotc- ~pe«h that put \I 1-' ctrr.irn qu~llort~ the bishop · opposition to tu1uon t.u credats and volunuary prav~r 1n pubhr v-hool~ ' frOI him Into the national limt'hlht' and h1 oppos1uon to aooruon ~ro1lln pe-rwn.il murahh and public policy Through • Did Art'hb11d1op John O'Connor of New York ao too On abort1un he u kC"d wh\ lbnv • ti.> d .i1rn tr, .. n .. ,~ \he Qld I am a.ma.zed at how limes have far .1n ~ll•f\C t:alhollcs huw to vote. tl(.'('()rdln« to :Uomo, rt•pr«-wnt the- party or rom~ 100 IN-I C'OmpaJ.SJf n r h.l t'l1 Tw-enty ,e.,n ago people were afr aid John ., •hen ttM- archbi1hc)p u ad. " I don't ~ how a C'Athohc In wh,HSm of lh<> l'c'P(' WOii I • Or did Archb11ohop Jafnff Hickey ur Wallhin1ton ,ro than the claims of • c-on1mun15t r hQu.• 4C on1r,t>uuno 10 1'11s sto ry wu Liz S . Armstrong.) USCC statement on politics and religion

WAS HINGTON (NC) - Following 11 the text of a Jnyone who w111ht's lo know wtwr«- • «- .:Land c H ti r1 1'11,s • l tx,rni• ..nd mt-.a,ure toreagn policy by human statement Issued Aug 9 by Bishop James w M•tone of The pohucal ~pon<11h1l1t \ ,1~,t ~ f'II Utll r-.. th.. Youngstown. Ohio . pres1den1 of the U S Cathollc Con­ hes and 0lMr to ln\uh th("n\kl\.~ an lhf p.,1,11 al " ' bu n1tf'n.a " r ttk to oo so m terms all people can ference (USCC). on Polltlcs and re llg lon. r,up • nd , upport pl'O<'t'SS It also !M"L"1 forth • l)C'("l ftC' ' " '"' "" h ( h u b1shups have a... ken on ,-.,ue• l'h1"1' fll\jlt fro111 ~ LN"t Pohc:y proposals Ali an a,iell('y of the Cll thohr bishops of the• l 'nile's , th.- I} S C'atholw ('on/eren<'t' speak:! on public 11u..1rd1n1t hum n life trom tht d,.,...... l ..t mn ol nu Ir .,, .. .,, tllt'rt-forr "'P r~ nm • at the 54me tsme the need to join J)()h <"Y 183ues. but It do(, not t.akr pus11tt>n5 for or against lht>\' ext~nd tu the <-nh,mrrmf'nt " ' h f, thruu hp moun1 llu- pubhr pol1t ·• debatE> 1n a -A ay wh1ch a ltempts to Polll1cal cand1datrs Tl\1 Point needs empha wn,i lest In hum.in 111,?hts .and <\.lall,f~ 1n h UOl,J I\ ~'d... h~,. nutrition tht• pr("!l.-nl J)()hll<'a l N ntrxt, even whJt we :sav about rvn\ lll<·, uthN , nl the rightness of our positions. As the <'dur ation hou 1ng and ht'Jlth , Jrr for th,· poM Th l".ith<>ltC r onlt>r n~ -.eeks to observe this prescription •~ut's be perce1vt'd :,,c an expr<-s ,on of poht1('al p;1rt l• pl tform lt"•l1mony expl.11n oor v1e llf M lht> \ntt>rdt·p..•n sansh1p 1L~H w 11 urges 01.her par t1<'1pants m I.he policy deba Le ' di-nC'e or tht'se 1,tsues and why bl'11{•f In lh«- un1qu d1i,rn11, Bishop tire 1e.1ehe rs In regard to pubhr 1.ssues thf')' tll do thr $.lll\e It would be regrettable if religion as such of the huma n perc.on leads lhr b1 <-ontent uf them .ill, with particular ,~mph,, ~1\ upon .1bortince the ir pohcy decisions . the implied tht• t .ilh1•ht· mvrJI 1r ..d1twn \\ 1th reg.ard lo man) I ~Ul'' " 8 pr(':lC'hlnjl I.ht> trutJ1 ol lhe Gt.,j~· ,md !iht'emt'nt b, 1mpl1ed dichotomy - between persona l morality and ltl(ht on .,II ,lrt•J ur hum;in ;ict1Y lt v throu11h hc-r lt.ieh1n t ,1ttw,11c-, ;inct otht>r.., \'l ho "-h.ue our moral com1c-tions anJ lhe oamph• of th faithful the r hurch show~ rt'spcct publtl· poltc} - 1s simply not log1cally L1ma ble in any • over ho" moral princ iples should be applied LO tht> adequate view or both This pos1llon would be as unaccep­ for the pohttcnl rree direct t.ak ang of lnl"IO('ent human ficeholder who pointed Lo Ms or her personal commit­ jud,:emt'nt.s, even on matters touchmg tht> Politica l order. llfo te g . by abortion or by cia rect attacks on non• whc!never ba!lac ~ rsonal nghts or the salvutaon of souls ments as quahflcallon for public office, without propo- combat.ants in ware. our views :ire not simply policy m.ak..-s such Jud,ments ll4.'<'f.'l!S.\lry " 1 Gaud111m e-t Spes. 1ng to take practica l steps lo translate these into policies , 76 1 s t.,temenL~ or a parllcular Catholic organization, the and prac tical programs. This is true of all candidates of l' niled States Catholic Conference They are a direct all par ties ,.. Moral dimenaione .imrmauon of lhe const.ant moral teaching of the Catho­ It 1s our hope m short , that the political debate in lhe In view of the bi hops· leaching role, the Catholic hC' Chun'h. t>nuncsated repeatedly over lhe centuries as ., ConfereftCf.' rocu..~s Its allf'llt1on on pobcy issues invoh•• months ahead will 1ll um ana te pohcy approaches. Policy in our day. by the highes t teaching authority of the proposals should be eva luated from a moral perspective; mi s1gnaf1c.nnt moral dimem11ons By analyung and l.lk· church we have done lhas and wall rontanue to do so. We en­ mg pos1lloos on such 1!'llues. the ronlerence 94't'1ls to We seek. however. not onlv to address Catholics and coura ge others to do the same establish a framework of moral guidance for ~ by others who shar·e our moral conv1cu ons. but to make a Catholics and other persotu of good wall in maklnl! lhe1r reltg1ously anlormed contnbuuon to the public pohey dttis aons on political cand1dat('!J and parlle-s. d~te m our plurahsl1c society When we oppose abor­ The USCC ott,cers. besides Bishop Ma lone. who ..., 1bt' conference·s views on man~v current issues are tion in lhal forum , we do so becau5e a fundamental au1hon zed the stateme nt were Archbishop John L Ma y spelled out an $UC'h documents as the statement on human right 1s at stake - the nght to life or the unborn o l St LOUIS, uscc VICe president; Archbishop John L. PoUtical responsibility issued earher thl! year by the child When we oppose any such deterreoce policies as May or S t. Louis. USCC vice president: Archbishop USCC Admlnistratlve Bo.lrd and USCC's testimony to the­ would d1rec 1ly target Cl\•1lta n centers or 1nfh<'l Thomas C. Ke lly of Lou1sv111e . Ky., USCC secretary: platfonn committees or the two maJor parltes Tiiese are c:atastr()l)h1c damage-. we do so because human ••alues Archbishop Edmund C. Szol(a or Detroit, USCC treas­ public documents. wbictl I commend lo the attention or urer a nd Archbishop Berna rd F. Law, at large member ; lli'0Uld be vaolated 1n such an attack \\''hen we s upport of the USCC executive committee The· Denver Catholld.Regl's1er, Wed.', ·Au-gus't ,s:1984 - Patle"li · Lourdes School offers All Souls plans religion classes _· personal, spiritual growth Reg1strauon for all 1984-.85 religious education classes-preschool through adult- wtll be held Aug 26. .. F or kindergarten through eighth grade students livtng in school's announcement 7 30-1 30 p m in the school cafetena die 90Utb are.a or Dem·er. Our Lady or Lourdes School ofrers Other programs offered students include the annual art The classes include preparation for the recepuon or ~ an apportun1ty ror personal and spiritual growth through fair. classroom clubs music and drama, Big Brother Big the sacraments or Reconc1hatton rlrSt Eucharist and Catbohc educauon Sister interaction. boy and gul athletics, a student-published Confirmation. Adult t'lass~ already scheduled mdude Through challenging activities, caring teachers. and new paper. a read-a-thon. and Sertoma. r1rst-year study in the archd1oce an Catholic B1bhcal lmpirlng spiritual guidance. the children are assisted in An added advantage for working parents ts the After School a nd a fl\·e-week 1>tud, of Church h1 torv abortion building sell-amf1denoe and a sense or respons1biHty a School Ennchment and Recreation Program designed lo An)one w1s h1~ mfonnauon on the c-las«eS v.h1C'h Cburcb a 9Cboel announcement says assure after-school care ror those desmng that add1uonal bef;in the v.eek or S<-pt II. -mould rail ·he1la ~hyamoto Classes emphasize i.he basics through both group and erv1ce. at the Religious Education Offl<'e. i89 1620. Monda\ ;ntion ror • indiYiduahzed instruction. but also keep abreast or modem Located on a park-hke campus. Our Lad~ of Lourdes through Friday 9 a m •3 p m \II : uls ( hurch 1s at 4900 ed more tedlnol by conducting computer classes. School orrers a sare. secure and rnendlv environment Logan Engle\liood • increas­ Qualified and dedicated teachers and small classes with Pro pect1ve tudents and their parents are invited tu or public an excellent student teacher ratio are benefits afforded qsll the S<'hool at 2200 Logan t or to c-all 722.;525 for 1 the U.S. students at Our Lady or Lourdes School. according to the more information nuclear cu in Denver. the place ~ Preventing Catholic Dance Aug.18 The Un1vers1ty of Colorado at Denver offers you the issued a ~ child abuse chance to advance your career goals through high tatemnt ~ for singles quality un1vers1ty educauon The Amazing p,der-Man. Bethlehem Convenient downtown location • Reasonable tuition • Marvel Corrucs super-hero. Day or night classes • Bachelor's. master·• . doctoral will visit Health Watch Medi• Mile H1 Catholic angles degrees. or professional Improvemen t classes. Invest ommittee ~ cal center in Aurora. 1401 Activities invite all singles 21 and over In your future. For application Information, Contact do. USCC _ Havana, on Aug 19. to the dance Saturday, Aug CU-Denver (303) 629-2523 Fall registration begins 18 at the heraton Airport. August 20 " implied The day's acuv1t1es are Special training se ions for retreat numsters. ex­ ,lie policy 3535 Quebec WALDO - beinl planned t.o benefit perienced OF beginners. will be oHered at the Bethlehem Denver's Kempe National WHITE will be providmg the Center Sept. 1 and 2. music Dancing will begin a t n " into a • Center for the Prevention The topic for Sept. I will be bosp1tahty as een in the 9 00 lasung ull l 00 a m I.ates· re- and Treatment of Child light of b1bhcal ho pitalny. expounding the many faces or - Abuse and Neglect. Price or adm1s ion S5 Ca'-h this gift of the Holy Spirit as applied to retreat acuv1ty bar F'or further 1nformat1on ve a right HeallhWatch Medic a l Activities will begin at 9 a.m a nd continue throughout call Connie at 935-1592 ablisb " a Centers are a chain of emer- the day ending with an evening spiritual experience >ns1der in • gency and family care med1• The topic on Sunday will be publicity Ba ed on prin­ cal rac11iues t.o provide a ciples or publicity in the scriptures. It will in p1re the guesll .. political variety of health care ser­ to become witnesses or the Lord's Word starting at 9 a m . ordenun• vices. and ending with the Sunday liturgy al l ·30 p.m : added. Tbe open house and auto- F'or reservations and information call the Bethlehem MACHEBEUF HIGH SCHOOL >sit1on to • graph session will occur Center at 451-1371 from I p m . lo 5 p m Co-educational Grades 9-12 Through There will be a number of presenters for this workshop nes have -exerting Catholic influence aid John n htS de- on community by opening arra1d I J ..------DEBBIE REYNOLDS the way toward rong.) In concert - Vic Glaz.er, Conductor with comedian Shecky Greene

>Y human !'Opie can

Leaching Ni lo Join a~) ! mpts to s . As the ~~ I scription ·y debai.e ' A benefit for n as such, 1 appeals Rose Medical Center utments. require­ • Saturday, September 8 • Value-oriented .al views education 1mphed • 9 P.M . ons. the 11Jtv and • Boettcher Concert • Spiritual growth e ..n any • ,_ Hall • A cademic excellence unaccep- ~ Tickets: le or of­ • Creative expression commit- $35.00 per person for 1t propo- reserved concert seating • Soundness of body 1 policies , id.ates of - tax deductible ... • Communityresponsibility 9'"'"' 1te in the ,. Policy For reservations call: pective: We en- 320-2000 ~

For fnlor matlOn contact ne. who., Major credit cards ac~ted rrtlclpal • L May Group sal~ available on requ~t MICIIINlf Hl11t Scllool John L. 'lb1shop 1958 El■ St cretary: Rose Rose Medical Center 1s a o,.. ., . Colo. 80220 ::: treas­ nonprofit organiu11on 322-1819 nember ,.. fWttC~I r P-'20 - fhe Denveit Catholtc Aeg,s~. Wed Au¢,s1' s 1984 Annual pilgrimage Regis College plans El Pomar for Legion of Mary annual Golf Outing The Le.:1on ol \laf".' will hold its annual pilgrimage to Activities \I111her f'abnm ~ hnne on Sunda, .\ul! 21i Ht v•&c ..11 ..,z, · v.111 h•1lrl ,1 .!O•h .. nnu.. t (;oil IJulrn,z Redemptom1st Father Frank Knsk, ,pmtual director on \1onda, \ulZ 20 .,1 ll1v.Jn c ,,un1r, I lub m E,er· Mini-education workshop o f thP l1en,er Com1uum will begm the e,ent with :\lass at jlrf't•n Cdlech,sls h lurg,cal man,ste~ and directors or re­ I:! 30 pm m the l·hapel. followed by .. roast beef luncheon ThP ,.,,,n1 v·hedulrd ,,, bt•111n .,1 -; " m and r-cm l11t11,u <-dur·.ilmn ..re offert"d d m,m-f'du< atic,n "'•1rlt'-hop "' 1•0,tme 5 ..nd Ro!'an procession to the grouo tmue thrnuizh th<' ,-w•niniz v. 111 1nflod•• p•,11 tf'nn,... El 1•,,m.ir ( enter \ut,1 22·2.J l)1r!'l ted b, ,,,tPr Ro,ern.. nt \ 1h;,nce re«ervauons are ne<.'e.sary and can be made by .,..., 1mmm>1 .., bulfr• Jun< h , oc k1.,,1, Jnd ., n.. r t>f-<1u•· <,rr•r n, '-'I Pueblo dtQ<·e,.,n direc-tor ol r"'llf,!111.1, l-duc.;uc,n ph,mm~ 455.;,5; bu, tran'-portdllon cannot be provided 'lt(•dk dmnu K\\.C, , f hdOOl'I 2 Sp<>rl~(J,IPr J,m !"lor ..il ... Call Catholic Community Services . Bowl 2045 Sheridan Blvd on Friday nights al 9 p m l111 , ( olh•11• 4'.11 .1.,4•, 388-4411 \n orF(anizat1onal meetmg w,11 be held ept i at the bov. lmj.! alle, and the league will begm Sept 14 The season " 'll be ,pht 1n10 tv.o shorter •about IB weeks I leagues Tho,{' mterested m Jom1ng or m further mformat1on. ,t,uuld i·all Shern <;i1more 1333-1 482 Dwavne Ka iser 7 14 10,.1 1 ♦ r Cnnn,e l\.i,,cr 9~5-la921 · ... Vatican Backs Jesuit order to Father Cardenal cdl·hr,111• , h, gr.ind n~ ·nmg u f "-ou,h \ \ 1 II \' I I f'i '< 1·ompat1ble wllh the prie'-lly n,•nq•r N.,,i,m.il B.mk .rnJ J1,\("'-'r th.. • I tu \ ;,lK..tn ,,ud \ UII 10 rr11.,,wn. · ll added h,111kmg u ·n tl·r 111 "111th Dc11 , ,·r. th.ol ii , .... k ... the .Je,u1t de The \ 'a t1 can s a id the 111.,n,I 11,,.t J-Jlh• r h ·rn.. mJ11 ,,,·.,raRuan Jesu,rs com ­ 1 ,rcJ,•n,il r1-..11,1n h,, r,o-t a'­ mt•nt, e1rc ulated a few '\ 1, ..ir,,i,'U,, , ,'11Ut ,llltln 1111"· i.l,n•~ after· th<' Julv 16 ,,t• r ,t,nem«nt from Jes uit Supe­ Tiu \ .,1u ,,n ,.;111 ,t "'.,, nur Ct>neral Father Peter­ r, .ii tin,: tu pr,•" rql< rt, H..in, Kolvenbach ordering QUO\ln• f ,,ltH'I I .irdt>OJI ·" I- ..ilher Cardenal to decline th1 uHH 1• th, !!<>vernment post be­ • •111"'"1 •fl ' .,u,,• ll wa" 1nco mpauble ", th•• ,.. 1th ha, role .is a Jes uit .,. n ' ,~1" 1 r hi, The \ .;llc..in Statement , ,,1d I Jnon law proh1b1ts a .11 ~,.. , , •. , •·nt l'- ~u, r,rn•,1 rrnm holdm.R pubI 1 c , nd 1l •111>'l ,n ull11,• .,nd II bat·k ed the .. -.;.ud ti• \ ,t11 ,.r1 l,·,u11 ,upenor·s s tatement thl(',lll'ntOR Father Cardenal - I ' I,, ,, 11,, v. 1•h p.11nru1 c·o n se­ ,n,I 11,, nth, r qu,•m e, unles;. he com p hed n 1 , r .;, 111, 11 in l'h1• J ..,u,t statement was l f••,t• 1n 1,11 I 111.,d, "II h the tOla I agree­ rl, c lh th , l th, llll'OI 111 lhe lloly See a nd 11 trmr11\ h.._. , b<-..•n n•nttnue, to ha,.e its full ,upr,ort sa,d the Vatican • 1 • • , t ,tJl<.'ml'nt

Rely on Meyer Care for home health care. ~ . . \ '1,,t ~outh ()l•11,,·r ;--..' .1t 10n.1I B.ml... \\.hcn \ nu n p..·n ., 11,· \\ ,,I\ 1r1~, .1,, ,,unt . - \\ ._•J11.,,I.I\ 1hr1•u)!h l'nJ,1,. l\ul,!u,t .:?.:!. - .:!. 4 . ,ll '-outh n,•n, ,·r :--..111nn.1l B.rnl... - ,,r .,JJ . , .,nd ,,111 111,1\ ,un .1 trip t,,r '"'' tn \ .1nu,11,,•r, ... l\.)1,.) Ill ,111 l'"'l1ni: ,,I\ HlJ!' ,l,"IUl\l .:,·t .l Br111, h l'nlumb,., ,,nJ II\< J.I\, .H th<. B." Br.,JI,·, p..· n . f h.ll rut, 1h,· hn1,h111~ n1.1rl.. ,,n _,. ,. S h 11n · Inn. l ) r, ,,,u 111,1\ "111 ., tnf' 1,,r t " <' t" ., i:rl',1l h.,nl...ini: 1Jc.1 . -Y , I -, ~ . .... S .,n l· r,11wi,.:,, ,mJ Ii,•· J.", ,ll the H o liJ,I\ People who care, when you need it most. Inn . l 111i,111 S l.)11,1r•·· S imph n.:µ1,ta m th<.· 111 .,in h.111 1.. l,,hh, lw t"<'<.'11 9 .1. m .•inJ ; p. m . ~ou can rely on Meyer Ca re for Hom e Hea lth services .,nJ it ,,,11IJ h._· ,,,ur, . J oin in thl' gnmd op,•,11 nsi c dt.'brurw11 n1oy the comfort and ,nd e penoence o f ·emaming '" you~ ~ n home during an ,ltness or your sen10°r years Our k in d Thc fir, t thn..·,· h un.lr.·, 1 p,·o pk in th<.· - und :St.'f! u ·h:- 0 111 h l>t·m t'r :'\urio,wl 1311111.. tn:e~!~~te e~ployees are quahhed, bonded. i,;sured and h rh.· boc:s St Er>g tewooc Co 80110 nn:d 1,,. 762-8444 Serving the e ntire Denver area. The Denver C atholic Regl8'er, Wed .. Auguat 15. 1984 - •-11 ,• • Native Americans are bei1ng transformed Through journey of hope and pilgrima.ge of faith and love director PHOENIX. Ariz. (NCI - Native Americans are being He said the procession helped " transform the hall 1 '.\la:- .it tranilformed throup a journey of hope and a pilgrima,e of which we gathered anto a sacred temple or worship .. luncheon faith and love. said Archbishop Robert F. Sanchez of Santa " As we walked along our hearts beat m unison to one Fe. .M.. in his keynote address at the Tek.akwilha Con­ drum, .. he said. made b~ ference in Phoenix. 1be opening ceremonies also mcluded the traditional :>rovtded That transformation, he told the over 1.500 Native blessing of fire. the blessing of water and the bless11\g of • Le~1on- American CalboUcs and missionaries at the conference Aug. place and people, traditions Archblshop Sanchez said should 1-5, is making Native Americans a symbol of new IUe for be preserved as ways or making man·s hre Journey .sacred. everyone Arcbbishop Sanchez also noted prayers for a miracle " The word ' transformed' is essential to every Christian that will permit Blessed Katen to be declared a saint. But he person... (because ill Is a sign of hope that we can leave lhat pc>tnled oul that perhaps her greatest m iracle has been the which we were and become that which we must,•· he said conference named for her and the spmtuahty it bas inspired L ily of the Mohawka m participants. The conference for Catholic North American Indians ....,orec1 pride and those who minister to Lhern is named for Kateri " Why can we not look for the miracle of the trans­ Tekakwilha, the 17th-century Mohawk •lt'Oman whom Pope formation of heart and mjnd and souls" A miracle that has John Paul U beatified an 1980. Blessed IC.aten, the " Uly of g-.ven new hope to a people in our nallon. a miracle lhat has ls lO JOtn the Mohawks." defied members of her tribe by living the life restored pride and goodness to our own hves," he said tn Lake " of a Christian virgin. 1be conference. founded in l ffl, was orifinally a sup­ m She was the first Native America1n to be beatlfiled. pc>rt group for mJsslonaries workina with Native Americans 7 at the ~ Archbishop Sanchez said lhat her leadership i.s belplng ira the OioceN of Fargo. N.O. I& as now open to all Natave 1e sea"on Native American Catholics to penevetre on their sacred American Catbolics. 2ue Journey. • Attendance at the annual confft'mee has been growing ,rmauon ( Recalllfll the conference's openin11 procession. the every year. according to it.s director. C.pucbln Father ~ Kaiser archbishop said that the marchers. who repraenled native Gilbert Hemauer. This year's conference. the largest yet, tribes and nations from every part of Nol1h America. "were featured a variety of worubops, aU of them directed toward followi111 the leadership of Tekakwilba. · · the conference's central emphuls on evan,elization. :ler Tinnitus • prte"th· group -· Good Shepherd Catholic School is a parish a id the The Denver Area Tinnitus school located at 10th Avenue and Fillmore t ' !' com- Self-Help Group will meet a few Aug. Z2, at 7:30 p.m . at 4280 Street in the quiet urban neighborhood of Con­ J uly 16 Hale Pkwy. Call m -1871 . gress Park. The school offers a well rounded Utt Supe- the Center for Hearing. curriculum of academic and religious education !r Peter­ Speech and Language. for from Pre-Sc hool through Eighth grade. The pro­ ordering • • more information. > decline fessional staff is composed of religious and lay 'P0"-1 be­ teachers ded icated to excellenc e in the educa­ mpallble .... tion of the Individual c hild. Good Shepherd e ,u1t .,. Catholic School offers your child ren a Catholic tJtcmenl c,=• school environment at a moderate cost. oh1b11, a 1g publtc .. Special features of the school include an ex­ •ked the Absolutely >· tended day Kindergarten and a before and after tatem ent C'Jrdcnal - -0 school Enrichm ent Program . These features of­ t· nn,e­ the ~. fer you a unique oppo rtunity for a full day o f ·omphcd academic developm ent for the child. nenl wa~ ClJ• .ii .igre~­ .r:.: Hours of Operation .ee a nd 11 • best Grades 1 thru 8 8:20 to 2:45 11 , full CL. Vatican • (IJI Kindergarten 8:20 to 1 :30 -'=.'. Pre-School 8:20 to 11 :30 and 12:00 to 2:45 ...... UJ1 Enrichment Program 7:00 to 8: 15 and 1: 30 to 6:00 - - FOR INFORMATION CON TA C T: ~----- The School at 377-8018 ~ ...... -- o, or August 20th thru 24th Sister Alice at 973-1638 .. 0 or .. C, PTO President at 333- 2640 20°/o - 75°/o OFF Good Shepherd Catholic School is conveniently \\-'ill absolutely include: Q) located for easy access while being removed C rystal Figurine ~ from high traffic streets. Proximity to downtown. Bar ware & Accessories Cherry Creek and hospital area makes it ideal t. as for you to d eliver and pick-up your child when Porcelain & Orie ntal pieces traveling to and from w ork. -v1ces ::E n your Salad bowls & serving piece~ r k ind . ,d a n d Perfu me deca nters & va se 1s yo u Ashtray & candleholder

Colfa x •ty ... and more! 'IICE r ,)J G@@

,IJ 1.-..r -. r , ':, • : ,-I­ p- 22 - The o.m,e, Catholic Regiet8r. Wed .. August 15. 19M 'Weeping' statue in Chicago shot . ... BJ NC Newe ..,,,_ llhno1s Stale Psycluatn c Department. said Cmdr John Police have charged Ronald O Nell, 23, ••th lhe July 25 St1b1c h of Chicago's Detective D1v1s1on Area 3. Subich said hooung of a s talue of the Blessed V1rJ1n al St John or God th.al o •Ne1I caused disturbances at two other churches. St (,'hu.rch 1n Oucago The stalue bad gau~ notoriety and Stephen's Church 1n Chicago and St. Bernadette's Church m brought add1t1onal worshippers to the church after w1tnes nearby Evergreen Park. Ill • 4 said 1l cried on four occasions ,n May St1b1ch said o ·Ne,I was orde red to receive a psychiatric Unusual visitor A gu.nm.in fired three shots al the statue July 25, hitting evaJu.ition and a beanng on the case was scheduled for Aug the the 1t once W1tneMeS said tbe gunman la~ as he ned 22 I had an unusual visitor in office other day - Pohce arrested O Neil Aug 3 m Ch1caco He ha.s a There have been no reJ)Orts of the s tatue weeping since Precious Blood Sister Marcellina Walter . . history of mental problems a nd was being treated by the May Sister Marcellina was secretary for the late Archbishop Urban J Vehr. from 1936 to 1939 and then from 11167 to 1968, when be retired and was getting his papers and otber official business in order. The Precious Blood nun vis­ "S•HOW WE NEVER FOUND TIME TO DISCUSS IT' ited the archivist in tbe Catho­ lic Pastoral Ce nter. Sister Ann Walter lno relation). whale in Denver for tbe wed­ ding of a mece. Julia Gumper. One of Sister Marcellina's responsibil1t1es while she worked for Archbishop Vehr wa5 to maintain a series of albums that contain news­ paper clippmgs, pictures and similar memorabilia about the archbishop's public ac­ uv1t1e5 Whale on her visit here from Dayton, Sister Marcellina also v1s1ted Archbishop Vehr's former residence at m Pearl St along with Sister Ann The residence now houses a number of offices. but the occupants we re very kind in ~howmg the two nuns around the building. Sister MarcelliDa, I m told recognized all the areas . whe re the chapel and en.sty were. and her rooms on the third noor . Sister also had the opportunity to meet and talk with Archbishop James • \ Ca t-\ and with Bishop George Evans '-' ht'n I Joluniily asked Sisle r Marcellina to tell us what ArC"hb1shop \'t-hr was really hke . s he replied in earnest: " Be 14 , ~ tht> perfKI ho l fl was s uc h a pleasure to work for hnn A nice card ',t, " rf'ttlved i very n1~ card the other day from a man from M mot Aar f orce Base m North Dakota. It was a('('Offlpenled by a check for a year's sublcription to tbe Dtovu Catholic Reli-9ler Sbe first read the ftecister In f 1t..u.1mons '1ed1cal ~ ler, arteT 1t wu ,tven to ber by a lay euc-ba n 1ti c ma nitte r ~ wrote that she had " really been moved. eapecially by lhe arUcle by Fat.her Leonard Urban... Tbank you for pubh~•na uch a good Chnallan CathoUc paper."

PRE-N EED FUN E RAL PLAN ST. CATHERINE'S SCHOOL "\W C pleased to announce that full funeral a nd mortuary servu:es are ava,lablt" to 4200 Federal Boulevard W ;:-:1 Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Denver , Colorado 80211 CONSIDER THIS ... GRADES: Kinder_j_ar_!en thru E~hth.

The Christian Philoeopby of life bas always contained a realistic attitude towa rd dealh The RELIGIOUS TMININI a Christian knows that one of his most important tasks in life Is to prepare well for death A SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION whole lifetime Is spent preparin1 for that moment when we will ente r into ete rnity In Is em phasized w ith a solid ~Ilion to this 8:beolut.ely euential process of s piritual preparation, there a re some important practical details wblcb m ust be arranged. ICADOIC CIIRICll.lll 1mplemented with EXTIIA-CURRICUW Programs: lf you would like to have complete and factual infonnation regarding our Pre- ttd F'uneral Trust P lan please hll out the COUPON and mail loday The mfonnallon will be provided to • Math Tournaments you walhout any obhgaUon whatsoever. • Science Fair • W its Clash Your decision to pre-arrange your funeral will be greaUy appreciated by your family and wall • Junior Great Books also give you t.he confidence that your neecu and desires will be strictly .observed. • Sports (boys & girls) for students DIRECTOR O F M EMO RIAL COUN SELING ST. CATIIIIINFS Mt 0 1,ve1 Cemetery ano Mausoleum We Offer; 12801 West 441n Avenue EXTDID DAY CAR£ 3:00-6:00 PM Wheot R,dge Cotoraoo 80033 (for parents that wor k late afternoons) Phone 4 24 -7785 W ithout obligatio n. please provide me add itional information pertaining to you r P re. Need Funeral Trust P lan. SPECIALIZED CARE & CLASSES • Computer • Karate • Sewing • Ballet • Tap • Soccer Print N ame • Piano • Sign Language Address • Art • and MORE Students may also do their homewo rk ity or individualized reading. Telephone umber For Further Information Please Call: 477-8035 or 455-IOIO

...2C - The Denver Catholfc Register. Wed .. August 15, 1984 ...... Sts. Peter and Paul's extended day program Retreats planned Sts Peter and Paul's School has added an extended day at St. Walburga's pr01ram The school year will begin on Aug 22, w1lh classes beginning at 8 10 a m Two retreats 1n a monastic setting are being orrered at The prunary purpose of lhe extended day pr01ram 1s to lhe Convent or St Walburga. Boulder. . , provide lhe parent.s and students of Su Peter and Pauls Sept 7-11 Father Lawrence H. St Peter. archdJocesan w1lh a creative acadf!m1c and recre.auonal environment It Vicar for Pru~st.s. on " Alive W1lh Jesus." .. will be offered everyday that school u 1n session. including Sept 14-16 Jesuit f'a~r Walter Harns. on themes minimal days from lhe "Sp1ntual EurctSeS' of St lgn.auus of Loyola The hours or lhe program will be from 6 30 t.o 8 a m and For mform.auon and reservations. call the retreat coor­ from 2 35 t.o 6 pm ror from II 30 am to 6 pm on m1111mal d1na t.or at lhe Convent of St Walburga. 494-~733 The convent ... days) 1s at 6717 S Boulder Road . Boulr1" r Por more 1nformat1on cont.act the ~hool a t 424-0402 Couple chosen for Mau BOB ANI> \1AllY COOK who both worked for Cathf'ltf' Clergy Conference Youth Serv1c-e, o,<'r a yrar ,,go h,1\1> been picked tn Hospital classes trpre-.ent lht> l>ion-..4' of CalR,ffV m Albl>rta ( ;;n.ida at a planned Sept. 10-14 M,,.,, lob(• rt>lebr-,lt'(l hV l'opt> John PJul II ;md "' Ill wke up for parenting thP EuchJrt'>ll<' fltlh dur1ni;t lhP ()ffnton at the ourduor The 1984 nauonal Clergy Conference in Estes Park Sept. 1().14 will offer priests. , and Brothers an opportunity \1•"' 1n hdmonL<,n ",,•pl 17 1111• \1a,, " PJrt of the Pop,. , 15 ., EnJOVlnR Your Child f,' rom 3 to 11 Year, the to explore the theme " Fathering the Family of God." ,., h<'dUI!' 11llrlllll hl'I 11 d,n ,.,,,11 to ( ,tn,Hl,i twr.tinn1nf,! "'Ill 9 "iUbJe<'l of a sene of da,;se being sponsored b, tbe ThP ( ook, ,1n• workmlt fur llw 4 Jth11li< \ outh ~rvlC'f" The ronrerence will be held at the YMCA Conference Y. om<>n,. l'.iv1hon at St J~ph, Hospital ac-c-o~dini;? Center or the Rockies It Is sponsored by Spiritual Renewal lor th,• I"'"'''" 111 ( •• ,~.ir, 'A hN• \hlllh 1111n1'ltr\ ,,. 1n II~ to Lura Kondrat V. omen ~ Pavilion educ-auon c-oord1· lfll,tnl'V nator Serv1c-es The dasses will m~t on h\'e ron ..cut1,e \lon­ The conference leaders this vear are Franciscan Falher Richard Rohr and Sister Agnes Cunningham. S.S.C.M. , Pa dJV'I ¼>pt 10 (kt 8, from 7 ltt 9 p m an the ('('ond floor C'l.i,,niom at the ho p1tal Be111-1trauon 1 $25 '- T £> we BAL llAIIILE Father Richard Rohr 1s an mtemationally respected - 8 . The in•aruC'tor 1 \l1noAm v. e1-. J N>rllhl-d tc•Jrh• ,;pmtual leader and preacher well known to orth American ma ('r ,ind pd rent educ-a tor 1o1, ho help, deH•lup <·om mun 11, z DENVER MARBLE rlerir, He c;pea ks at numerous clergy and religious educa- .,.,..u da.,.,e., in child dev<'lopment .ind .idolt>-.ren< c ,he 1o1, 111 111in C't>nferent't'~ and h1-i audio and video cassettes as well CONTltA CTO"S co. addre,., lop1r, ,uch J'I the f.1rrt"' th Jnd d , 1 lc,p11wn1 of me SINC E lltf TABLE TOPS, VANITY TOPS the old r rhlld parent, a~ ,e>. ,-dur.. tor- ind It ;,rnwi: 1, h1• 1rt1de" have gamed him a wide audience. by COMMUtCIAL • ftll810(NTIAL c·ommuniC'JII0n -.Jll ll with th1• olckr ,h111l '-•"ttr \~ne,; runmngham 1s also internationally re- the ...,..Lil ,:o,- ALL .,u,..,o,rs To rejl1,ter rail '-l Ju,q,h " llo,r11tal 11.,; ~7« 0'•"' n,-d hr her lheolol(1cal work an the areas or prayer, am 0O111: STIC & IMPO,tT(D MAit.Li a SLATf "' um,•m,m .1nd Church h1storv - ver REPAIRING & RfPOLISHING Th(' ronft•rrnct' ,,..111 treat issue" or masculine identity lat, 31 IO I "l•lte ,_, __, Dr " 1lhm m,m... tn 1n tht> Church and the tensions and dil­ sec lne...._., c o,e eo110 711-1158 hrulw, ,·,p< rienced both on .i personal and ministerial Ho "'" I ,nd -,.11.11 1l mt>Jns U! be a " father" m the image of ten C:, od lh•· t',1 th••r Sci t or m• tt mformat1on and a conference brochure, write . HIG I REASONS r (", II ,r,1r1t.1.1 Rf'M'A al

~ wa•-• WI P:u9f...... , Tnal .._. _.,,.. AllalDNICf.SECITAIIUTY c ...... ,..., ...... ___,. _ _...... _,...... _ ... ck_...,._.._., If you want NCUr9CI J'OUf , •• lnOOffle,., Vie,... °' T-.-• ...... llol d r I •----- ■-, Ctwtlable Gift Annutty····-"·Ula - p,O'Wtde you ...,. w rz Nortllc.9•--- Alllerla-, Pr.. ■ 1'11■1 . u...... a,,":-lrd__■..,.. _._...... ,,co .... ua 1111 1 . A guaranteed non-fluctuating income as long as 'C...... llt IE 0111f you live. 2. Immediate Income Tax Deduction and a signifi­ cant portion of your annual Income will be tax ., exempt.

3. Peace of mind - your Investment is professionally managed. Your annuity helps the Archdiocese of Denver fulfill Its m ission to the people o f God in Northern Colorado. FRANK POMPONIO COlll'ID■ffLU. Den ver 's nicest salesman at Denver's nicest dealership F...... v. -... -.. DirHl■ r,llajorClhlfte ask s ... IOOJ11 ■,hltteatreat Deftwr, CeloredolOIN "Have you driven a Sill TerHar DNr Fetfter And9raon: YN. I am lnterNted In additional Information about the Archdiocesan Ford lately? You'r e invited!" Gift Annutty. I understand I am under no obligation. I am con1lderlng • poalble g ift of S1.O. ___ $5,000. 110.000. --$25,000, --- ~ ------N1am,ii______Add,r_.______

c11y ______State ____ Zip ___ Telephone______Home ____ W ork _____ SILL-TERHAR FORD Oat11 of B irth______M onth Oare __ v.. , _ _ _ 120th & Wadsworth• 469- 1801 - ... The Denver C atholic Register, Wed., August 15, 1984 - Page 25 Laity Alive! Dance-a-Thon at conference St. Jude's Aug. 24

The t Jude Youth Center will );p<>nsor a Oant't'-a on Sept. 8, 9 Thon from 7 pm Friday. Aug 24. until 7 a m Saturda..­ Aug 25. The proreeds w1U go to the Muscular Dystrophy Spiritual Renewal er- gym 18th Ave and Fa1rfa..'IC, Assoc1at1on and the Jerr~ Le10.•1s Telethon 0Vt'r lhc vices 1SRS1 will present 1LS Denverl and will begin with Labor Dav weekend annual lay conference-Lail~ registration at 8: 15 a m and Pe r«ons interested m part1c1patmg. either as a Alive' '84-for the Denver conclude at 6 p m . includ•nf! dancer or as a donator. should call Sherwood Owens ...... archdiocese Sept 8 and 9 a Eucharistic celebration 988-9366 or 988-6435 The danc-e will be open to the pubhc­ Thi year's speakers are On Sept. 9, the conference from 7 to II p rn. on Fnday , Aug. 24. at a cost of $1. Franciscan Father Richard will be at St J ude's Church which also w1JI be doMted to the telethon Rohr and Ka thy Hurley . as­ t Flo rida and Garrison . sociate director of SRS Lakewood I and will begin Both are nallonally recog­ with registration a t I 30 nized speakers . p.m . and conclude at 9 pm l Sept. The theme or the con­ f no Eucharistic celebration ference 1s " The Church. The on undayl ~!unity Glorv of God." taken from For more information a nd erence St Paul"s prayer for lhe to register for the con­ enewal Church of Ephesus recorded ference write or call Spiritu­ Golden wedding anniversary 1n his Letter t o the al Renewal Services . 1204 Father Ephesians. chapter 3. verses Wadsworth Blvd.. Denver. Francis and Agnes Tanko, members of St. Catherine's 14-21. " Glory be to him Colo. 80215: phone 234- 1244 Mal"VLOUMcGurren S.C.M. , Parish. Denver, for 4 5 years, celebrated their golden who e power. working in us. wedding anniversary Aug. 12 by renewing their vows at the peeled - can do mf1mtely more than Is a busy real esta le ~ 8 a.m. Mass at Holy Rosary Church. where they were we can a sk or imagine ·· pro fess,onol not 1er-ican married SO years ago. 13 201, bu t educa~ The Mass was followed by breakfast with the im­ The speakers will amplify 100 busy to help w ith lS well mediate family. The day culminated with a reception given lhat theme. All topics taken yo ur real esta te needs by their children Darlene Fabiano and Patricia Meiers. and from various phrase!- and lly re­ their grandchildren. Rocco and Joan Fabiano and Rick 1dC'as conta ined within • l >rayer . and Susan Fabiano. Francis Tanko retired from the Den- Paul prayer will be tau~ht (St Tnomea M ore P11rlsh} - ver Police Departm ent 1n 1968 after 20 years' service. and 1n relal1onsh1p to how the O tfice 795-1 ooo denUty later from the United Ban k of Denver. where he was a Church 1s strengthened and nd dif. Hom e 795-7432 security guard. Agnes was active In St Catherine s and the ram1h or Goo I!> built 7355 S Lotoyet1 e East islerial Hoty Family school organ1zat1ons while her chlldren at­ through spmtua hty C'irc lo 1age of tended those schools. The couple attended Garden Place Topics Sept 8 will be W(' School. Denver. Agnes was graduated from Sacred H eart Pray Kneeling Before thl' :. write High School and Barnes Business School. Francis was fathe r . ·· ·Build,nR the Michael Shinn & A ssociates ~z, Blvd .. graduated from North High. family Spmtual and =--:atu ­ 661 •Jftj J1r1111t-.'W!V fk\4.111f\V.: Y 1I ral." .. Awakening Our Hid­ u tt••'" a.rf"'Kt.J hU1}1 REOCARPET' den Self." and " Chrm Lives Kathy Hurley Through Faith · Topics ·- Create Your Own Sept. 9 will be " Planted in Love and Built on Love: · Home Gallery " With All the Saints .. " F1lled With the Fullness of Goo:· and " God Can L>o In­ finitely More " RFG1S - Conference events will be JESUIT HIGH SCHOOL held al d ifferent locallom, Reg1slrat1on for each day 1s $10. People will provide 5232 NO. LOWELL ILVD. meals for themselves On Sept 8 the c.-onference will be a t Christ the King

After Boy Scout Damaged Photos Copied, Restored. Reproduced flea market Aegis High School is a private, Catholic, Jesuit and or Hand Colored college-preparatory school for 660 young men In Notre Dame Boy Scout 1-"in.,,.t lla 11d t:raf t..d (Juolity Troop l25 will hold its an­ grades nine through twelve. Custom Matting & Framlng nual flea m arket in the park­ The solid academic curriculum Is complemented mg lot at Sheridan and by a full range of religious, social and athletic activities ROOTS & BRANCHES Evans on Aug 18 from 8 including 20 organizations and 10 varsity sports. a .m to 4 p m All donated Hours Tuesday thru Friday 9-6 Saturday 9-3 items will be welcomed "1st For further informatwn «u W. Ave. 477-13'0 call Shirley lle1m 988-0576 Help•ng Aegis H ig h students make educaUon al, valu atlve and .,. career c holc~s 1s a dedicated !ac­ uity of 15 Jesuits and 28 lay per­ sons. Ne w facJ11t1es are now com­ INSULATE NOW AND SAVE plete tor the 19~-85 school year Regis High School al!mlts QU8 fl­ lled students regardless or race, creed, color, nauon ar or ethnic Of'l­ 20% DISCOUNT gin, or other legally 1m perm1sslble with this ad r easons Tuition assistance Is avallable to fam llles w ho cannot ALUMINUM, STEEL, afforel lull costs or VINYL STORM WINDOWS and Gutters All Bran ds Available For lutthe, mlormar,on, contact

Ho ..,_ agent Of' Repreaentative will Call THE "'8ICIPAl'S OFFICE ...,. Hltll ScllNI, 5232 lltr1II lNIII IIN. ALIMNUM SINNG & Wl•W S Roots Diner. CellrlN I0221. PIINI (303) 451-1133 . .. CALL 232-1596 JESUIT HIGH SCHOOL '"20 Y•rs E1t:perience" ••~ • - The Denver C.thotie Register, Wed. . August 15, 1INM Great Western not traditional eatery

a, Qleftda Keller in tbe food bu.s1nec.s lor People who Join them for I Although lrad1t1onal many ve.-rs and using old lunch are able lo select from • i American, MH1can and Ital­ fam1I recipes have de­ an equally substantial menu ian dlllhes are still ravon tn velopN! a menu that ~ M any deh sandwiches cold --~tv among many. Greek rood lS C.rttk. Ament'an. M e111can plate ulads. Me111 can ' com1nc of age Peoplf' 1n the ilnd Jt.ahan meals lh;,,l are plates and the morr trad1• We'll Feature Your Denver metro area are be­ all bo~m.ide llonal Amenc.tn and Greek g1nn1111 t.o venture out and sandw1dies a re plentiful try new and d1rrerent food!! Dec1din,: lhat Littleton A me.11 for two could cost Favorite Restaurant in Fo r Uu"I rea~>n OM of our and the ~rroundin,t area under 110 ea<1al)' The dinner ravor1te re~tauran ha .-x IM"i'dt'd a restaurant that menu s l.iru orr with uch our Dining Out Column. pandt'd 1lli menu lo -c·rom­ ftl\t""i ~tom n a t"bo1ce o f appt-t1ztrs a Jumbo , u1 i.ine modate t host> 111,h() w1 h to and ho ur-. tht­ mu hroom caps stuHt'd with t ry ometh1ng a h U le llaralampopoulos kttp the QU agt> and baked 112 ~• or Tell Us Who! Gr~k .. llrwter MW m.1n (,re,11 V. e tern open from 6 C, reek dulmades ground ag~nt. the <:real We«lern J m ~ning all or ,our la bl't'I r1 r c- and 11 p1ce s Trading rompan, Hf'<1t..u Yori te brealcfa,t item, ,. rappt'd 1n vine lea" and For Information Phone rant at 1603 v. l:k-llttv,.-w 1n l 'nrtMI ranite from the- d.111\ "4'ned li'1th lemon s.1uce for <1Pf'('1al or t.,o t'llR anv 275 Lit tie to n h.1'I 'IUC't t•edt>d 13 ~ Glenda at 388-44 11 , Ext. n1ct'IV 'II\ It• with hJ"lhbrown .ind The <>ven1ng we wert' I0J"lt for S2 to a high o f M ~ ther for dinner we found Femilr leYori... <;pe for thf' Great Wel"H' and mus hrooms farming day gone by ac• llu1t a re surf' to pleaw Uoth rvt'd with hJ'lhbro- n'I and GOLDEN n •nt the brick walls and the lleetauut brother hJvt> ~n 1nvolvf'd IOJ'\t deep brown or the wood• A w o rk The b ooths and IAmp HAVE YOU READ r Jrpet1n1t are b o th o r VEST .-arthtone colors makin,: for ANY GREAT MENUS a \l('r\ rf'laxing atmo pherf' ()unli t, l)i 11 i t1!l It R ea !fonable Price LATELY?______Au.tier steak t--- -INTRODUCTORY OFFER --- 7 o,,, Onf' t•nl rf'f' c bo1< t- ,. J ~ lht­ I lompllmuuin •~ carafr or Vo' lne cper couple with I '\t•"' Yorkrr Hu-.th•r tr.i d• l,LJI t i l I dtnr, r , nt-d Jftcr 8 P~! with C'oupon I I 111 0 9!'1 1 "'h1 c h 110> ,1 , 'tt\. u 'lf < t lU1·r t , ahd 'iund.1-. m.1rin,1INI 1n , 1 <1pc>r1;;I I t ,pirt.>'- \ept 15 1984 ''" I 1t•ri~.1k1 ry f'OOd and CLOSEO SUIOO A'l'S .. n •n ampl<'

Spaghetti The b11,t ,urpn ,;e or the ,., c-nmj,! WJ~ t.he c-h1 ldrt'n'" efe '2!JfYestre/( por1,on or paf!h tt1 ,er') large planer or paghellt l 4aG~ CatCOlfaa) toppt'd w1lh a thick tomato :w~10 Lm, ID 10 p ,m. ncaar a s...-, 10 Lm. ID , Lffl. QU~ nC'h WIUI Spl<'.'es and mushroo~ proved to be enough to rN'd an army An VELLA'S PIZZERIA a RESTAURANT F•fWfltfl Slcl.. 8t,le Coobt9 adult would havr .i hard n Specie,,, OPEN 7 lime eating all 11 For the c.,..,.. • or M0e ■- DAYS f "n11wrrc trad1t1Qtta/ Jnor11r< mere price or Sl 75 11 1s truly HH ,,.,.:.---ahd.(-- ,._ ...... n,. 7711 JOSS a. ~- lld.. LONGIIONT _,__ and ltal,an Sp«1ul11r a barg~in eSQ AUIIOAA IN-40N pm W. &4ttlet~ WNUTIIIOU ~ 10 am to 1 T li'·o ,rttk pastne!I were -.ampled for dessert c--- Kouramb1ede and d1ples FULL SERVICE CATERINI AVAllMLE wen!' ,·en cast\' and made a G IRALDl 'S '----,.,o s-,.,_, c--·- hit with "'> IX •>ear-old Be fl AllAN DELI & C ATERING WEDDINGS. .. i-.-, ,.,_ c- s.---. - • i,ure and \'I 1t soon for a ht• PARTYTRAYS - r' ,---of'-"..,_,--~._..,,._ tie more than the trad1- ..,it~-421-1141 DINNERS, LUNCHES. ETC. t1onal Set I 304 30 • Sun -<:'-

Jo Fo r re.,enat,ons call i95-:!i08 Hours are 6 a m to 2 am d.11 ly ''The De~'Catt-H,Jie ~tet';1 Wlkf.: A<.tguSf 15, •196,f'-~~----17 ■lock party planned TV series planned The Williams Street Cen- block party Aug. 18 111' Community Corrections EW YORK (NC) - A five-.part television series to fltogram a nd the Thomas F The party will provide an stimulate interest in the development of the l l S bishops · , .C.nnole Senior Ci tizens opportunity for res idents pastoral letter on the American economy is be.ing pro­ Apa.rtments. two agencies m and family members of both duced by a gTOUp of Catholic media organizations headed • 1700 block or Williams programs . neighborhood by the Oblate Media and Communications Corporation llreet serving very different residents. and invited guests " Search for Justice Chnsllamty and the American 1 ' e!!e_Ulauons. will co-host a lo enjoy food and fun. Economy" will be moderated by John J Gilllgan. a former governor o ( Ohio. now a professor and special assist.ant to the president at the University o( 'otre Dame Murray said the Cathohc TelecommumcaL1ons etwork or America has agreed to distribute the series to its diocesan affahates m earh• March 1985 Each of the five programs will be one hour an length. the first half g1vmg a general antroductaon to a topic treated by the fi rst draft of the pastoral. and the econd cons isting oI a panel discuss ion. The pastoral ts tentatively scheduled for final ap­ Tig« Ha,nee proval m ovember 1985 New musical will close Elitch season I ONE FREE §• " Talung My Turn," a new nang. • Other cnt,cs round THE musical that opened to rave t he s how " exhubera nt," s DINNER ~ r~views m New York a year " joyfully touching," " a mu· .. MEMORIES .. ·~·--.. ago, will close the regular sical of hope and joy .. r1c-h CONNECTI ON .~ , , - I' The ,.. : •!~P!~~!.":i two or summer subscription series and lovely." I more dinners w ill b e deducted at the Elitch Theatre. Aug t Off., H P,-S.pt 2/tll>, 111114 ;i " Taking My Tum " was ~ o r VALID.,,,,,. A "!_'f O THC,, OI SCOUN r ~ - OGIIAIIII 20-Sept. I. written by Obie Award win• " '_,p:t...., .,____ • COCtHAllS • Ma rgaret Whiting, Sheila ners Gary William Fried­ W• • cc•pt cash only w,111 111,s coupon Smith, and Tiger Haynes, all man. Will Holt, and Robert • I Al tO Suf\Ct.1w ' " ' " Ft1d•~ o'°'lf#O T ~ A l ID O N H 0llOA 'l$ 2 IIOUIS - ·f tl 5 J0,-. 1000,_ from the or iginal prod­ H Livingston, who created s...y ...... 10 .,. • uction. will lead a stellar the long-running " The Me WEDDING ,------ANO------~ cast o r eight veteran That Nobody Knows" from lroupers who " show what poem s and stories by chil· -, Off Total Lunch Bill performance excellence is dren. PHOTOGRAPHY 25 % As­ I Mon.-Frl. 11:00 am-3 :30 pm cash only all about." accord mg to For " Taking My Tum" I se>clated Press critic Jay they chose writing from and BASTIEN'S ROTUNDA Sharbutt. 3.000 contr ibutions sub­ I 3503 E. COLFAX A VE. New York critics bailed mitted by real people in ::: _1. DENVER. C OLO. " Taking My Tum" as " ir­ their prime for diaries, con­ VIDEO a••-~ repressibly young at heart, a ve rsations, remembrances. joyful entertainment . a life poems. and one-liners about The Gift of a Lifetime e n hancing m usica l e ve- living and agi.ng . For ticket information, 5 call the main box om ce, 458-8801. E litch Theatre is at 499 C omplete! 4620 W. 38th Avenue in • .i E litch Gardens . 1 Performances a re Monday - The Professionals-6 through Saturday. 8:30p.m.: r !h. Wednesday and Saturday ·~~!~~t!licschool for boys VIDEO MEMORl.:S MERIASH STUDIO 1 matinees. 2: 15 p.m . Playing Owned and operated by through Aug. 18 at Elitch the Christian Brothers theatre is "Snacks," star­ ring Linda Purl and Thomas 691-9100 321-3224 Accredited by_ the North Calabro. Central Association and the State of Colorado l_./ -- g 5897 ~ ~ULLEN IS • Concerned w i th the growth of the individual -- through rel i g i ous, academic, social and ath­ Presenting: letic programs A primarily college pre­ SLIM & TRIM paratory high school, THE 5 DAY FUN WAY .1=.:M~ grades 9 to 12 LOSE UP TO 10 LBS. While You Enjoy a 5 Day Vacation No need to spend $ 1,000 In California. Just come to 135000 Scenic City for 5 days o r slimming & Relaxation. a.._.,, tor• ,ele.1ung 5 deya• LOM up to 10 lbs,,ANO 1eern how 10 continue toeing lhoN unwenled pOunds ~ULLEN IS SLIM & TRIM · THE 5 DA Y FUN WAY Package lnclude8: Deluxe Room • Delicio us Food • Nutrition, Behavio r M odification & Stress Manage ment Classes • Structured Exercise Optional . No ••lfllit nat oee1, Unlim ited.,_ of glasaed In Garden Room • Spa,kllng, naturel • -1 ...... _...... m ineral water hot tubs and outdoof hot mlnefal _..,. pool • Viall IO-Royal Gotge, u ev■Hable. • ~~I l■Ni, raa...... DI ..A,_ F« "'""';~~om ..

PHONE ...... da ■■I-■ "'- •~ A... -,l 761 •1764 L ..... IN ...... CW. Cllf. Cul _.. a,a,a -~------~------___.L-~., ~ _____ ...;...a...._.,.______D••• _ ~-n - The Dem,w Cath<>Mc A9g._,, Wed., Auguat 15 , 19M Concert to benefit Mother Cabrini Shrine J erry Adler. a well•known hour c:'OClttrt Will 10 Lo the college conc:e.rts throughout c:nuse ships. 935-414.3: M. lacino. 42$-6474 • barmollk:a vtrtuoeo, and bu proJect Tlc:keu are t lO the United States w1UI bis He has recently returned E . Laskowsk i. 740-8772: bend will perform a benefit Adler, wbo t.cu hu mu,­ most rttent one-m.an con­ from a highly acclaimed Four Wilads Hotel, ~ ' CODC'fft 5-day, Aut 211, at sac.al career at a,e 13 by c:e.rt perfomwmce at Schoen­ concert tour ol Australia. The concert will raise only tb e G r ee n C e n te r wmrunc first prize an a state­ berg Rall for the UCLA Cen· Tickets for Adler 's con­ part of the money the Sis­ Auditorium at tbe Cok>rado wide contest ~ by ler for Ille Performing Arts. cert can be obtained by call­ ter's need for the road re­ Sdlaol ol Mina an Golden The <unott Sun, bu re­ He bas performed one-m.an mg one of the followinl num­ pair. but they are boping the TIie performance WIii bqlJI ~wed rave~ of tus concerts as a guest en&er· bers: Mother Ca bri ni even t will make people at 7 p.m. talent OVff tbe years tamer aboard Royal Vik.in(. Shrine, SJl..0758: J. Builes, aware of Uleir need. TIie cioacert wtU benefit a A ftu c:omple t1 n1 b11 S1lm.ar and Holw:id America 455~6761; D . Ru11er io. The Sisters depend on the education at City project to raurface the road BaltJmore 1enerosity ol benefactors Pot lead ln1 to tlle Motller Col~e. Adler toured ma,or and tourists and other vis­ .. Au, Cabnni Slanne TIie Siswrs vaudeville Uaeaters and itors to mainwn the shrine. a t the llhrine are try1111 Lo n11htc:l ubs Uarouchout the For more information call ' .. a \'a ra&M tl00,000 but may need United States He was •n• Radio, I.he shrine at 526-0758. The . _ _ r,~ more tun that amount Lo v1ted to appear at the Lon• address of the shrine ls returlatt the road which don Palladium and that led Route 3. Box 75, Golden, CO • , pe, hu eroded ~r the last to offen from theaters and 80401. TVLog rMtl three winters nt,ihtc:lubs tllrvu,hout Eu• - tn t The proceeds of 1M tw~ r~ and Asia Jerry Adler RADIO AU tlmes are oa Saaday , thft He bu been a futored uleH otJaerwi.e aotecl .. IEL ■II perf~r appt>arlftl w1UI J ust Than.It Catholic Reh11ou.s News. KHOW, Denver, .. Ar st.an h lte Fran.It Stnatn, 630, 5 a m . KNAB. Burlington. 1140 9 a m .. Ci Council of Churches ews, 7 .05 a m , KOA 850. ■Ill IUIIS $ teve Allen, Glen Campbell, pc)S4 Dtnab Shore, and the late Ed Sacred Heart Program KOOL. Boulder, 1490 6:4.5 pul Sullivan and Jack Benny a m . KVO . Grttley, I.SO AM, 9·30 a.m .; KGRE. Spu 1 Among h1 many mot,oo Greeley, 92 5 FM. 9 30 p m w. picture and TV c:reclilll. as La Hora Guadalupana, with Father Thomas Fraile. ~ pm harmomc:a 50101st , M has KBN O 11%20 khzl. Saturday. 7 am . Sunday, 7 30 a.m . 1FF scored such well-known Commuruty Bible Program. How God Sees Rela• 55-.nu1111& .... tMmn as "Shane." " The lion.ships with Oea<'On Antonio and Mrs Maud Sandoval, Alamo," 'The Jame!! Dean KLTT 1800 lthz1 unday Ip m YUTICILS ..••...... H\ IFF Story," " The Juggler." and Manan flour Radio Rosary Log. KNAB. Burlington. 111110 •• 1uan ... 111. IFF many more 1140 9 30 a m KIA YD-F\f < olorado pnng 9 30 a m • In I he rttewecl a J)("- KQXI DenH•r An.Ida 1550 3 45 pm rr ·~ ~ Young Man t-·roo ~LOn ~ ffa,p~ff-·- lh;,n I\HOI. 14!, \I )I J ;;i m nd I\H\ I. 94 7 ... ,, at a lA,uL the lale John t-' Kf'n ·1 ~ . -t>hnd, nt'dv "'hlrh atred followin ffl1n1 \01u•POM 11 IO P•()Yode a 1,uo,e< or eoucatilOn w •th•n ,,.. II (O'>te.. 1 ol e C • tno4•C Sc!W>OI ln- 10,mahO'I abOut enrollmen, 1s SPECIAL ... ••• aote trom Iha school o tllce ~r,'1 Ur lni • t ST. PIUS X ANNOUNCEMENT f ur tar, , < 1AM I :t,; Trtnl h t- tlhn SCH001 Jl>hfl fl, JI • m 13680 E. 14111 P'lace < hll luanlt\ nd th<· I' lltbu ,1 .., h;i, I \1Jn FOR ,:.-c1u. A1rera, Celt. 8001 1 nan ~ 11h • , ~• J. n , 1 .. ru h, 1 ti;,,nn, I !'Ii a p m ,_.. 364-6515 SENIORS • I Tak,, I Ire - Conaumer Report (June 1984) sa id ... R,,!li,-.1,,r for YOU SET THE DATE 'I "Among the commercial pol,cles, the one that did best AND WE'LL MASS I in our Ratings was the Medicare Counterpart V, issued ( ;ood , ·eu·.~ I by United Amer,c;an lnsurana. Co ol Dallas. Texas." YOUR WEDDING RBCBPDON I I ConaoHdated lneurance Group Is your place to get the A DAY TO RD1D111Ba "top of the line" Medicare Supplement-United A meric an Insurance Co. Medicare Counterpart v. SLATTERY • Pays A ll Hospital Deductlble & COMPANY • Pays Doctor BIiis. Medicare Approved, & High Perc entage Neitlnllical Contractors of Non- Approved Portion REHEARSAL DINNERS • Pays Hosp ital & Skilled Nursing Facility Coin surance Up to 35 People • Polley Guaranteed for Life (Company Cannot Cancel Your • Polley) Full Service • No Company Claim Forms Needed to be FIiied Out AIR WEDDING RECEPTION • Only 2-Month Waiting Period for Pre-Existing Condition Up to 150 People One Low Price For All Agea (84111 a Up) o,.,n •nd seww CINnlng CALL 384-7509 2 4-HOUR SERVICE Major Hoepital Policy tor Non-Qualified Medicare Robeft F Coonor. Sr. Per_.,. - AN Agee p~ Robeft F Connor. Jr Medicare Supplement tor Dlubled Penona Under Age 15 VlOt P.....a.,,1 To See Consumer Report Artic le on Medical Polic ies Call the Above Num ber 744-6311 Ho Vallejo ra1 181 Cc 3 .- ... , • • i• •• t The Denve'r Catholic"Register. Wed. . August 15.' 1984 ...::. Page·.29~

~ 4' St. Rocco festival 25-6474; 'U.S. Intervention 10-877% ; t3-CJIOO. -,.. on August 18, 19 ise only and Nuclear Policy' The F"eaM nt '-l Htl('('O .,.. 111 bl" ·n•lebraled ,,1 north the Sis­ , - Ueml.'r tor l he 9~1h ('HOl'e<"UII\'.' \t'JI -\UI! Ill :ind Jlj oad re­ , ✓ Prt>,-l"nl(' 1n t•unJunc-twn \.\ 1th Our \ 1·11111t•n'lll ,. t•nl•lh'tl I ~ l11t.•n,•n111111 ••nd \ ud1•.11 ~ing the Lach ol \h C.irml'I t'hurc-h 111,, n'(,,brat 11,n 1nduup, J l 'ohn 1 h,· l~•.1dh t ,1no,·, 1,11n "•II h•• ht'l,I S.••uql,1, people ' .. pron •,,111n 1n " ·h1C'h 1he pn\'llek!,• ,111·Jr~mc rite ,1,11u,, 11 ._, :--,•r• II ••• ' 111\l•r,-.•I\ l '.111. \1,•lh•~h, t t ' h111<·h , '.!1111• ~ HO('l'" h •l\hlrtl"(l lht> h•ehe,1 h1Jd1•1 l nl\1•r,•I\ B l\11 lr11111 !l .1 nt ... • .Ill,. 111 I on the Sld,llng JI, pm Aue IR th(• ft>,-11\dl "•" th' h.-111 un the I- , •.1111r1ni.: ., \ ,In,•l\ 111 ' I"'·''-•·•, 1•.•nl'I, .ind "°' "'""I" tfactors Poce n,...i Lodge l!rHUnd, 1'4j"' \\ :IB111 \\e Jntl 1·t 111dudc> lht• ,,,....,11,n, \\Ill .-,• • mm,• lh,· .111 ,•,·1 ltnl. h,.-1,,,-.,n nul\1•11 ier vis­ ' AU, I~ JI h p nl lollu\\·ln#!, tht• proi· c♦ ,s1un 111111,, 1 .,r111, "ll .., w II.ind .•nd 1111,•n,•111111111,111 11111 nur-11•,11 shrine. ~ ~ 11,.lt.rn ....iU:.dl!e -.a ndw•rhe, w11 h tr.... h pepper, w•II h<• ,11111, ,•-..·.1l.•t11m .m,t '"" Id ,·.••••.. t111ph1· 11n tlw 111 11,·1 ion call a\·atlabll." ,11,mg \.\ llh hill dlll!' UrJII IWt'r j!amt•, 11.iltan 11 \I • II ·•''" ,•1nph.1,1.,,• \ •I'\\ 1111: •111 ,••, c•n1 •"m"n inti !;8_ The _, _ f(iod ,tutted an•mal~ ,md murh more n1h·h•.. • r \\.II e, ., t n,n,n,,n l'-"ttu· .uut ult,.. , ,1, .... t,•1!1,•, lnr rine is T h,• lt•J.. I honor, a l:llh-(·c>ntu n 1-'rPn<•h n11blenld11 who llrl(Jnt7ln~ an .,n •1111 I ll m.,.... . t'l\.tnt,t,•,- •n I i- 1111 ··•..:n ·•HI JOO n11111,1rv ~lhc- 1,•i. len, CO _ , pent mn,1 of hi.. hi e tn ll.ih "'•lh lhe ..:1,•I. poor Ht• i.. 1h1· oatrun , ,ttnl 111 th,• l'o1t•n1d Lod u • .m 11re,m11,•l•nn l1111n11l,.f 1 ·u nll-1 ,•m, "'' '-f>< m,,,,, Im h•••• 1,..- 111 htl••~ ,•,,m In, 1n 189!1 b~ lldll\l'~ ul J>n tt>n1a Ital\ and n,1\\ (•11nttnul•O tor 11,·1• .1nd I '.-J1•1• ol I ll't' ! ·m n,•r.. l ttn1• 111,• 11 t• .incl I 't•.11·,• I Pnt, •1 thetT de-:cendanti. dlHI f',9' I 'h• ,._. • tll Het,t.-. I t•li.•~1• ~ 1•111111, .11 ,· 1, ,l\'Jtl,,hh• 11,-..• 111 f'h.111:,· ii r,,.. ,,, , .• 111m,- ••••• Arvada church plans concert 111.,dt• I), ,\uj!. :II l '.11l w•p,1nt,-. ,111 • ,r,-1.t'tl lit hrtnl( •• ,,wk .. lunl'I• or t•JI .•I rw.•rll\ n•,1,1ur.1n1, H,•, ,•r,1t,t1·.. wi ll h,• Ch r1st1an s inger and com· H is album. --i n lhe Begin• rro, •d,•it poser Ron Gnrren will ap­ ning.' is receiving airpl:iy ( ·.,,, Ill lht• t·unl1•1 ,•m ·t• .,. 5 , Intl II .-; •lf'!t•n lo l ht• ptthht pear in concert Aug. 26 at on top contemporary radio ~ •lwl• • r-.h •pi. ••n• dV.t•l.•hlP Spirit of Chnst Church. 7400 stations across the nation l- 111 lur•ht•r mlnrr1•••'•on (·,tll :mll 4411 •··"' 15i ~ W. 80th Ave.. Arvada, at 8 The Ron Grirren concert is pm. free and open lo lhe public Her 85th birthday

Sister Petronilla Triolo. M .S.C .. abo11e1. celebrated her ... 85th birthday Aug 14 She entered the M issionary Sisters or the Sacred Heart In 1916. In her 68 years ol Religious ELCAR FENCE hie In the mst•tute founded by Mother Cabrini. Srster 0£NVE.R wEs'fERN~LLS taught for three years In West Park. ~tY., at the or­ NURSING HOME phanage; al a Dobb Ferry private school toor three years. in the Brooklyn paroch•al sc hools tor lour ye,ars; six months QuaQtt~ Calle 601t SpeciaQ C/)eopQe in Ph1ladelph•a. Pa.. and tor 21 years In Burbank. Calif .. at CWeeco.. e lo CWesteu gJiees! the Sisters· school. In addition to teaching In those places. she spent 23 years teaching and taking ca1re or children at 755-5211 We offer a penonalized treatment the Queen of Heaven Orphanage m Denver. She has been plan with aupport in a home-like at the Mother Cabrini Shrine during the rest of those 68 . atmoephere. years. CALL FOR FREE PINae Stop By For A Tour/ Auto maintenance for seniors T-,a ettw 5:00 PM, COURTEOUS grada end on SefVrdey by eppotnrm.nt. Clements Community Center will pn~sent a t wo-day 1v,de a workshop for seniors on .. Preventive Main• enanc·P for Your 1625 Carr Lakewood. CO 80215 un tne 232-6881 \uto I 1<·1 I .tn(I 2 ,ll 1h11 1·1•ntt>r l:il!O Y:irru\.\ . l..:1 k,•wotxJ ESTIMATE ool ln­ ~en1 1• L'all !iai-i860 Lo register or for more information office ~ Peace h Wltt, You SEftYIC£ , I ,_ ,,.., " .,. C "'•""•"'O ., ,, . . l ~"""_..,.I ,,ill V• <"\IWr'n hH• lo, --,~~!~.!~.'e"'t- • ~ ·~ • ~ t il!M'I ...,_ ·.,,~U:::~ , .. ., ----,.,.,.. :;·;~ ;:;~-.~--. t37,0I05 :e ,.,,.,,,_~ Uc:--~ •.O A .OftdeO 11 5 Does Your House Need ... PIIOFESSIONAL SIDtH TATES TREE SERVICE Lunberg Home • Rt,alrs R•odtlhll Decorating l111orov... 1s BUTTER I IIOOFIN& lfflP,f'OWemetlla 6 done In Denver Metro • Topping • Pruning Repair Service Co. Al,ll11ca AINHlons Carpet DICis area. Quality w ork. • Trimming • Removals "No Job too small" c...,...,ry llseatats Lleol1t111 Enclosures SEAAFINO'S GUTTEFI • Shrubs Shaped Drywall Batllroo,11 Mirrors flllCU • Bsmta. • Pa11oa • Baths a, ROOFING COMPANY Licensed - Insured • Carpor~ • Plumt>lng • Painting COlcrtll Painters El1Ctrlcl1111 landsca,111 431-2315 REFERENCES - 16 YRS EXP & Elect f'll■Nrl 611'1111 Wallpa,.,..,.. M11Hry Show 1t1ie eel tor 10% off FREE ESTIMATES 239-9350 M aio, l'louoeno•a _A_p_p t -Repair IINflrs KHcllllls Wl1dows Patios 429- HOlt Call G a H PAINTING . PLASTl!RINQ UPHOt.STERY & lfTERIORS HOUSE OF a • QUALITY WORK • AL'S ELECTRIC Interior a Exterior SOFAS - CHAIRS - AUTOS CORRECTIONS 30 Yrs. Experience SERVICE A Free Referral Service ,a~ FREE Eatlmate C:all 20% OFF L ,censedl lnsured Monday- Saturday ...~~ \ 422-5759 LABOR WITH OUR FABRIC 30 Years Experience 10am-7pm WE DO MOST ALL REMODELING FREE In HomB Es11m9r9s, f ·r,,,, f .." ti"' flt,,_,. 935-7171 We Wne,proof a P!Ntef P ick -up , & DBhvery ._...... ,_ed FERGUSON'S • 238-4079 980-0275 QUALITY SERAFINO'S INTERIORS ELECTRICAL, SOLAR ROOM ADDITIONS PUfTINC I DECORATING Bathrooms. kitchens Service chang4ts ROOFING AND REMODELING & family rooms. We flemodelirtg do it all from RESIDENTIAL start to fln lsh. COMMERCIAL Charles No ;ob FREE estimates. too sm•II Commercial & 430-1524 431-2395 MARK 938-3398 Residential f"- ..._ Take the hassle out of ..., n j, spring clear11ng LAWN CHAIR CENTRAL • . ':'.'.(~ INTRODUCTORY REPAIR COIIITMTIOI IPECW.TIEI Upgrade Your Home -r- ~ OFFER Transform your 010 a1um•num lawn • Solar RMS • Enclosure 1s And Taite Advantage .....~ -l- 4 Ho■rs Oliy S25.00 cna,r ,n10 a bea u111u1 n ew one • Patio C overs• Decks Of Tax Cred•LS ' 1 Cusn,oos tor campers a e1c H ourly. Weekly, and Mon thly • S id ing • Gutters Cell lor a - afip-on co- today. r ates • W i ndows • Doors 1-HI-.I-. 1-.,1"/\I 1·11-., Call now tor FREE estimates 428-5149 Fr•• E•tlmet•• Senk Flna nc-Jn g 11121 343-3248 • 387-2583 Fitted cover■ for picnic tablee. 424-7135 WESTERN SUN CONSTRUCTION 465-1222 ~ - ,. Page 30 - The Denver Cathohc Register. Wed• • Augu st 15. 1984 . Sundays ~ ' Ct \ , Pilgrim Virgin statues or 7360 Winona Cl • Wtsl· Gospel Our Lady of r auma pon, min ter. ASS MPTI OS , sored by the Ambassadon. or Wdby : Jer ry Mont.oya. 444-2 Sl Paul Sl Denver T . f )!ary, Wlll be m the follow• 20th Sunday of the Year - Matthew 15:21-28 ·, mg places lhe week or Aug TH O MA MOR E ' . 18·25 E n1le •ood : Mrs Dea in lhe title The son of David who suc ceeded him on the ... T . J OAS OF ARC's , 8 runo, 64611 S Gallup Lil• BJ Father John Krenzke t.hrone was Solomon and lhal man ~as no~ed £or. his wisdom An-• da: Tom Heuer 758 tlcton N OTRE DAM E . Oom1n,can Preaefler One of Lhe aspects of wisdom m a ncient times was a Cook St • Denver M T ~ nver M rs Leona ShrnMld v .. n Sprybrock 3118 Ave 0<:nv1•r • T LOLI ", one of these in ,dents respond 10 Lhe woman. That seems to be the only time I Louisville: fJ:imel (;.irc,a 'i C:r.onby V. ay Aurora Somehow this Canaanite 1Cenl1le I woman has re<-o~­ narrated m the Gospels that J esus seemingly ignored some­ ntL(-<.l aboul ,houung u<: a profound truth - persevera nce before a good but E. Share your hom e with a foster child! 11vt '-ht• J l.ll.l rt>'-'l'' Hirn.,, ~'" of 1>.,, 1d Jnd I.hat '" dear!~ a "'mellmt'<: delayed re ponse from lhe Saviour .. \lt•,,1 nw lllh• hN :ipproJ1 h ,, dearh o nt• 11[ IJtlh The woman does persevere in crying out - so much so Rt ' Call Catholic Community Services. 0 I . Although lhl' Mes 1ah wa,; lO be the ,;on of David 1n that the d1sc1ples asked to acknowledge ber need and get nd 388-4411 tt•rrrl~ or phv 1cal de cent ther <' 1s also a d~per 1mpltcallon uf her before a crowd gathers. Jesus· eventual response indicates tha t He sees Himself . 4l as one sent to give help to the lost s heep of Israel. It seems hke a refusal The woman throws herself before Him . He must either push her aside or grant her need. E ven lhen His re~ponse I a further delay ll 1,; not fa ir." he .says. " to take the children·s fls­ rael , bread I God's gifts. that is, anything God gives to ,u,t,11n ltfe , and throw it lo the dogs (Gentiles were dt•I!'- 1 h was <'UStomary m Jesus· time to give to the - , hnu~c rlo11 the leftovers of scraps J,-.- ,~h w1 dom was often expressed in the form of wit .ll-su, 1,1kr'- ht>re an ordinary fact of daLly Ufe but gives it a dt·••pt·r 0 11•J nin11 The woman re ponds with wit a lso. In fact I he /1.0f' Him one better' He speaks of bread and she speaks t of ~ r11 p, lie speaks of dogs and she speaks of puppies . ' 1: II, t , "' 11.,1 h1• .... ant... the power to hea l - and s he ... 111 ,._ • ,, , Ihm 110 unlll lie it"·es her the 'scraps " she aski- 1 rui,1 •~ llw """ m.. t.1nC(' tn the (.,os pels where someone 1111 tw , J~, in "I'\ t>t h \\ 1th a ll their c lever words never havt· ! 11.11 ,,, , ~ h, ·1 n ,1hl,1 111 ha\ e the final wo rd in a dialogue "' u J, u,. ll ,,. J "'"m"1n and Gent.lie at that - who get• DB.IVECAB. ... "'1 rmh ttl• L,~1 .,. urtl but rt'<'t'1\es all s he ask ror • t, •l t:, 1 ,II our pr o\••r, L>o we h ten persever mgh ... 'Al•'llll• t.:, i., v. 1th11, SCHOOL'S 0 J F, , •., ,,. 1 ..... 11 • 1.,, .. , .- n • 9',.-.-,, , -,ur .,.,,... o•• th,. l.. u t• - .,.,.•u• ••H t•'r tH' ot I -itMlr-f'• Business Digest thf" m . lu•t non.. , .. H ...,.,,. , o u r n--.,...,n• t lu ltt, fu,r fl' • •• t u n♦ • .,th.- r r n4~r h • 1raffi4~ ""•ulat.nn .. tt• •n•l • ro un•I -...-huol L.,,-. .. ._ I or 1hr, ~ rl,i\, 1•,1rh fall and Re presentative Frank 1111, "' , ... , ...... " '•010 U "' 1:01«1'-n 1.1 ..:1·, t,n u German Def ilippo J.W. BREWER TIIIE COMPANIES flll\01 -.. h1·n t'\l'l"\0nC' In On Salu rday t.he fesu v1t1e< ALAMEDA SHOE L• .-o r, •t. hriih'" che annual 2200 W Alame d a 935 -43 13 DOWNTOWN DENVER will begin a t 11 a.m. and end Ml 2300 A rapahoe S t 295-~ 4 4 ,,. •l•n Cl Loberft· l to be at m 1dn1ghl , a nd on Sunda) hdd \{,pl 14 16 th1~ year act1vit1es will be from II I AMERICAN LEGION POST # 193 ARVADA Th, r,•l<"br.won orflclally am till 6 p.m. 5110 M orriso n Ro ad 9 36-9853 All T)I 44 15 Ward Ro a d 42 1-3300 ht• in, .tl p m on Friday, Woo 'w•pl 14 v. hen 8111 Coors. A majority of the events Sh R.N . FENTON NORTHEA■T r h,, irmJ n and r h1er ex­ will be held in the Fest Tenl & 5303 E Evens Ave f 200 759-36 22 4901 E. 60th Ave. 2 87-9655 t'f.•ut, ,.. e otr,r er or Adolph at 1015 10th Street in Golden < oor<: l ompany. laps lhe on Washington Avenue. Gen· • Co• • Rel IE )E:\:\'ER BOULDER first ltei of beer 111 the Fest eral admission to the Fest 'l't I Pl~ r 1603 Walnut 4«- 1200 Tent He w ill be assisted by Tent is Sl and for chi ldren 6 50 15th S tree t 8 20- 1243 (;olden ,; \ 1:lyor Ruth Mauer under 12 it is free. ■TEAMBOAT ■PAINQS VALMONT AUTO PARTS 40 170 W. Hwy. 40 874-4225 Mel 494? Valmont Road 4 43-3560 REI • litct ...Calli • c.. FINI' --call - ..... 1..-= .. \. ,. MASS AT MT. OLIVET A Mass will be celebrated in the Intern­ ment Chapel every First Friday of the I month at 7 P.M. fo r all those buried at Mt. - -1. Olivet C em etery By: ~ Father Harley Schmitt pastor ~ Our Lady of Fatima Church Mt. Olivet Cemetery BERN West 44th at Youngfield ~) .JN 424-7785 . 1 LEE ' . The Denver Catholic Register. Wed'., August 15, 19M - P ... 31 ST. JOHN ... S FIIII UISIIC S NOME FOi Sill! ~ • Coaacll·a Bar•••• Cor•• EVANGELIST Lowaland. Colo. ... Kindlrgar1,ln • 11h G,adl ,_ ,_ ...... na•an Catholic Effllirorwnent S.. I "• • M LOY114y 2 bedroom + 434 Wright St. - Suite 107 Drapery 2 in full F1n1shed fabric ! Value On-,,i.ct .. Ed ucatlOn ,.., .,_. f- Celllial MIDWl!STl!RN Basement . shower 115-1370 BUILDIHQ A - laund ry room - \ botto m High Academic I -··--­ • ShakN • Composition office - small shop. pric es S._nderO. ..._.,.,.._.. l!NGINl!l£RINQ 1730 12th Street t,...... _ Fen c e d a lley • • Bulld-up • TIie • 430-01177 Ranch - Residential l ovtwld. Co. 80537 • Slate • Aabeatoa 28 YN ra E1t1,."-tce • Retired leaving ... OIi 9 • , For Information Call All wor1l done wtthk'I 7 to 10 deya f 1516 Erne.non Sl • Denver. CO I01ll • St9el Siding • Roofing state . 65.000 cash. Prl~pal p G 13031 832-4744 Tu"1otl ~ble 800Y 8Q8 • Insulating •• Gutters PM Call only (303) F,.. EatJma,- • Windows " Solar 667-4726 . 1 on the , .______ll•t- 1 C-.1 et J..,. •-. 0..vtt Sen- --1,__;,_.;.;,_;..;.....;;.;;...;;..--1------,., MJ-1141 , 499-0037 wisdom was a TONY·s COIIPlETE FOR ALL YOU R JOHN E. FITZOIBBO~IS cm nE 11 Jesu'I WllEIIIOOfllG ROOFING NEEDS Law,er FREE E&AFEED heal' PAINTING • nd TV SERVIC£ did not I c-.tEit CO. DUKE'S Consumer debt. domestic relations, 15 yrs . Ex­ 1ly time business, tr affic, wills and oth,er legal CONCERT perience on all SERVICE Leaking Basement. FERTILIZER -d some­ ROOFING pro blems. m a kes TVs . .eachmg FrH Walls & Floors OUallly lert1hzers 01 HAS YOU • Hrvlng m ldd,_ V .C . R .s - B i g ood but Repaired • n.xib,. hours peat Honest yardage Estimates pick Screens All Types ot COVERED! • lrH parking America RON GRIFFEN Oehvered or vou up at open 7 days a Week much so Reasonable Concr•t• Work ,.,., Clrtlllll 700am -7 pm :i get nd Prices 427-9128 5IIO Nlf'l1ul SI...... Slrlll Ofllcl IIMle, 1901 hln St ..., 'c,., ... 17N W. Cetfaa tllit ll H1msell 455-8159 762-0169 FREE ESTIM A TES Anra 80010: 388-2253 296-1045 232-1082 It eems SNAY -t,m He All Maktts HELP WA"ITEDI AUGUST 25TH BACK CAIIPET STEAM then H1 LIST IY TO 01,\~~~iA Storm Doors HOUIECLEAIIIII I PM Cl.EMIII SCHOOL L,.,.ng r oom end Hall ! n's I ts­ •- L .-..c_.;. , •FISE Windows a Spirit of a.rist $ 30 00 L rv,ng room. Hell g1"es to Good 0epe,ndeble BARGAINS .. Manr Sen,icfl Offered After 11 yra. ScrNns ■no o,.,1ng room, 135 00 es were a Help Needed tor Te• m Church GOOd Used , To Member9 Including: Selling Out Cl•■nlng Residential .... Patio Doon. Clothi ng for ·e to the Homes. 7400 10th , ~_ 1000'• of ll9ma w. ... • Savings • Checking All Ages. Trw:11 ---. MUST 00 ...... E xperienced Super ­ Lunch Palls , _ 0,,.,. n of wit • Loans • C.O.'s ---a.... Arvada. o..- c...... visors N..Oecl Aleo. & Notebooks. !IVeS It a • IAA's ,..._.,. C.r a Mull W•~ Ne­ Yl• f-,Huie, for 8AKALA'8 In fact C''lll tor Inform ation .. ,. ■• I goll•bte MORE LESS Tlli5 TalttltN I F­ nrtft .. 81ft c.. ,e speaks , ..So . ..,_._., NBIIIY SAWICKI Cal 7...... 7R-1UI (l Ofl9ll'O'll) '\ M ain Offic• 922-8375 Y-c lllllicia I Sac«- Mil ..., ._., ..,._ 4t7-IH2 <~1 ,pies. 1275 le. F...i ltft., ..... Cl •11 4?9-2911 FM 4"MintnMftl. 134-9"7 and shl 7131102 411-Un IHoml>!. • he ask, WATEI-WIIE ~om eonl' TIIIIIKS TO GOD GAR/DEN Mltllcln1 ll010DBJIII ...... _. ver h.iv1 TN( IPIIIIII.EII ,,,_ .. LET UI NBP YOU ...... ,,, IT I dialogue ROOFING ..A S LOW A S ---c...... • who gel• AID ...... ,.. •v SPIRIT SIDING ...... Tho10 - ,,,..,..be< of All Soul• ,..... a \ ~su v1ue, HIS AILE ATTORNEY CALL Southglenn M all NO 81MMll:KS. DANGERI and end - McCormick Hartz A le•dong autnority on , unda~ SPIRIT OF Untv•sny at mpahOe Aoao NO STORIES the subject 01 Criminal JAMES D. EVANS Formal Lfffleton. COio, lido Just fair honest prices from Abduction ol children ll Roofing CHRSST Boutique 795-74 10 on steel, vinyl or alum. tells how to teach your 388-1448 All Types of Shingles, ~ • /An ol!oca,1 Pi ec•ous MO, siding. sotfit. facla. c hild sell-protecuon Gener~ Pli11JC11Ce ..,th Emphisi• in IM FollOwitlQ lllleilS .... men1s Collector C• n• A u<110-Cessene $6.95 Woodshakes. Wood HOTLINE gutters, wi ndows ...... ,.,._ • A complete hne ol ,_y. (one. Tax) 11'91 Elllll/c.r,.nlltl&/...... Law e event~ Shingles. Tar & day and SQSONI g,Hllll!I ooors. 100~ financing ·est Ten• Gravel Roofs. 422-7078 ...... c:a,cls avail lie . bonded, In­ Busine99 Trllll_, .,,_.. soec;ialtlfllO In n II Life·s Problems • Gofls a.no d-atO! items sured. Insulation For Products Inc...... I WIiia / Q...... Golde• ffaternat 0ltS J ewelry - 200 Silver State Savings Building the F est For You to Handle 45a-0577 Plaqoes owned & operated by Denver. CO 80219 10333 East Colfax. Aurora. Colorado childrer 24-hours a day • ftanc,s - l>ullfSlltP Don & Lmda Rodr iguez. 937-9170 • God S KtdS ~ia1i.s 1 11'1 ~c Memt,er ol St Michael the Archangel ot Aur0r1c. Sl 17 '>O 344-5391 • Upholstered \tack t.-.ets New Of Salary negotiable. Medical Co11 panlo■ Crypt REFERENCES charr w11h arms • Room Additions llfilished Duties: Find locatlon, organize progra m. $36 67 • Kitchens & Baths train volunteers. raise funds, & operate Profession ...... _ • Stngle pedestal des~ •Claler lo,s.Sillb. Eye Level • Roofing the shelter. Call or send inquiries to : S191 00 • Cabinets & Counter Po: F ces. Tile & St. Joseph's Walk Bette Pollock. St. Vincent de Paul Socle • A ca reer in Respirato ry The,·apy Tops fllSinc ty. 1443 Emporia Street. Aurora. CO 1s rewardin g. o ffers good pay. S3,500.00 Enclewood Press • Ceramic & Ouarry Tile • Ooors & Windows call After 5 p.m 80010 . security, a nd service to ot hers 3085 S Broadway 922-3555 • Concrete • Drive-ways 313-1514 or 217-7517 781-7250 M-.-a.Lt-1 138-4344 • 0dly& I"' n•"''-lr d :tf•.. • r ..J S11ft't_-o Evening s

&P0 ,-1 'm,i,.$ r ,..,.J__, µ • ',..,,,~ ,)..rs PIANO .,., .., • ~ i ,._ µnl "-!i'!tl'ilctr ( ,. BACON la BASEMENT T SCHRAMM tern­ e

GRILLED FISH STEAKS FIiiets, steab and whole fish -. delicious barbecued. Steaks and whole fish may be placed on • wefl greaed, binged wwe Outdoor rack. Fish ~n also be placed on a wefl greaMd piece of foH, ,t~•'••· -,,,~, fttl( • fbP W t1.. tlUt tOd pobn, . , ! I"() ~ seasoned, and/or stuffed and wrapped Wk• a pactcage. (The f IQ f'W <.bl• ,.,..,,. '""" I tt.M' fllJfflOft ,_ ft cook i ng time will lncre•- w ith the foll.) , •-w or-..-oi 'lb!IC)' '•flli5.hcc,.t .., Cooking ' "" c.~ ~ rNt ffq.,,.., n1, f'• ef'4 lhfll , t.h ,._.. ,..,.. I Pl¥• ,...... ti.,, • .,,. ... 04h.,., pouc, ~ ma,.!\a()t 0-..... ,~ .....,l"a",. "· !.!-- • ~ .... f'IOl,I' ,~ .> • FRESH FRESH LARGE , ~ (~,· • h(~ ,w,•~ '9U'C ~ IW'\I nq Ott.a~y A(.cJfC! . ,.,.... c.oc . .. t""4 .. ,o """"'.,,.... ""'' ioA(_t ~ hi(• c.,1•~ • ~~ ,.,.. ~... , "~""' ( llek.~ aunERFISH SEA SCALLOPS FILLETS lbS288 lbS699 FRESH SEAFOOD SCROD COD SECTIONS


NEW YORK VEAL STEAK CHOPS Lo,,,_ Rb • I / . lb_s559 lb$769 , er • CHECK OUR LARGE VARIETY OF FRESH RAFOOO· Liv ec..t Geo -,.:..~ -- ) =.:r•b. freati monlitlsh fillets, treah lemon sole f1Dets •,r--. ~ Ul71 ·- · sbe ~ fre.11 =kallopa , fresh Ny ccalDpa, tr-,. ~ • • StaJ ..,_ftah~= treati fresh frestl anappe, ffllets, tuna, trout, fNell ._._ · pompano fllleta, ancl many _,e to cttoo.e from. spir ....fo& AMUUC.A'S Gilli fA\,tOIUTE /.::'" fOODS10ll£ foar • eadl