. ... .. , . .. 25 CEliT Ken Hamblin has said his ,. - 'share of Hail Marys' KOA talk show host has known adversity By Patricia Hillyer Register S tall With an 1mm1table s tyle of intelligent rhetoric c-om­ bmed with live ly banter. the ''kid from IJrooklvn h,1, invaded the airways of Denver · For several hours each dav. 43-vear-old Kl'n Hamblin educates. challenges. cajoles· and ·charms thousand'< of lis teners on two popular K OA talk radio s howi. His growing core of fans eall him arl1C'ulate. warm bright a nd " the best talk show host around · llamblin's skyrocketini,: popula rity 1s . m part due to his ability to relate to lis teners " When I s tep into that radio booth, I'm not reallv there." he said candidly. ·Tm m cars with people dnvin~ through Lhe trarric . I'm with the housewife in her kite-hen I ' m with the lruckdnvcr on the dark lonl'IY road. I try to feel what the callers a re going through. the~ I can talk to them easilv : · 'Big Apple' • A native of the " Big Apple," Hambhn's kaleidoscope - . of life experie nces has blazed an intriguing pathway to the broadca st booth at KOA . With roots extend mg bac-k to the Barbados. he is a firs t-generation Ameru-an And fie rcely defends the freedoms or lh1s c-ountry 1Cont1nv•d on P..19• lJ K of C values . ... on center stage Vice Presiden·t Bush addresses Knights' Denver convention By Julie Asher the economy. about foreign policy, and about the return of certain values - the Register Statt The Knights or Columbus and the Reagan values. as it happens , or the Knights of administration share common values - the Columbus - to center stage in American values or family, faith, and neighborhood, politics.·· Vice President George Bush told the capac­ Bush repeatedly cited Reagan's views on I - • tuH.ion tax credits, anti-<:ommunis m , for­ I ity crowd gathered in the grand ballroom or Denver's Hilton Hotel Aug. 8. eign policy, the economy, school prayer, Bush's address, which came on the sec­ and other i.uues while criticizinl hd Demo­ ond day or the Knights or Columbus· 102nd cratic opponents for their opposing views. ··We' ve s tood for a right-to-life amend­ See pages 4 and 5 for more stories on the ment to the Constitution, .. he added, hilting convention. on the theme of the Knights' conve ntion. "The Gift of Life, God ' ■ Precioua Gift." He annual meeting, held Aug. 7-9 was e n­ praised the late Cardinal Terrence Cooke or thusiastically received by the Knights who ew York for his belief in " the gift of life." were told by the vice president that their By citing the some $53 million and 13 values are America's values. million hours Knights gave in 1983 " to the .. I want to talk to you today about things service of those in need ... Bush lauded the .. that, campaign or no campaign. are impor­ fraternal organization's dedication lo tant to us as Americans.;· Bus h said, " about " neighbor helping neighbor ." ( Contonu.d o n Pa~ ~.,_ •> Vice President George 8ueh ....... ... P- 2 ·_ T he Denver Catholic ~ egister. Wed .• August 15, 198-4 Paul Ryan is retiring as • (Ca AACP head after 14 years 1 S IT th, • lb, Nearly $20 million raised in his tenure le~ lOC I " The Church or Denver owes a ~bt or gratitude Lo Paul Anderson. who has worked with Paul R yan since 1970. joined as Ryan for the faithf ul service he has so generously given 11 •· the tribute say1ng. " I 'm proud or what he has done ...a nd I 'm fiv s.11d Archbishop James Ca~ey in a tribute to the develop­ proud or his leadership He bas done an excellent job ... ment dIreelor for the ar<'hdlOCf'Se who 1s reuring Aug 2.4 'Thank God for him' # cl~ after 14 years or he.iding l hf' Archb1shop·s Annual Campaign Father Anderson said that the priests have always held for Progress t AACP , stc Ryan " in b1gb est~m .He worked well wtth them. We thank we He has bttn extremely dependable and very loyal,·· the Cod f or him .. mE archbishop continued 'The AACP IS recognized as one of The 68-year-old Ryan, an Ohio native. ts a !P'aduate of lor the more succes.dul development programs in the country Kent State University with post-graduate studies at Case as We w ill mass him and we will remember him with real School or Appl.Jed Science and Ohio State University _M , gratitude .. After severat years in business as a public relations ~ lhE O\inng Ryan's lenur~ from 1971 to 1964, the campaign director. advertising promolion director and a consu.Jlanl. - hel ra1~ nt>arly S20 m1llJon which was used to fund a vanety or Ryan began his work w1t;1 the archdiocese in 1970. i programs through lhl" y ears Member of NCSC - C; } S 1 m illion raieed He has been a member or the executive board of the j ~ Ca l nder Ry an s dtrec-torshlp, the fund raised over I I National Catholics StewardshJp Council <NCSC J since 1975 million the fir t year of its e.uslence This year. nearly 12 - the fl.rst layman to be elected president of the council, for be, mtllloo wu pledged servmg from 1977 to 1981. He was named the 1982 recipient Working closely with the cler,y h.as bttn an important of the Falhe.r Paul Kaletta Award. the top honor of NCSC. aft aR• part of the AACP and ~gr Edward Dinan. who ts the The Kalett.a award. named for the rounder of NCSC. is .. rurrent AACP clergy ctu11rman, praised Ryan " excep• given annually to the person selected a£ havi ng served the me tIonal eU1c1ency and cap.ib1ilt1es He has always been w1ll- Olurch with unique d1sunct1on and ability in the area of 1ng to work to improve lhe AACP:· lhe moru11gnor s.1Id · He the promoting total stewardship m y made whatever cha.nies were ne-ce sary to make the pro­ Ryan 1s m.arrled and the father of rive He and his wire. gram better He w ill certainly be missed • a n c;t'nc. re 1de 1n Aurora. where thev are a member of Queen I The director of the Ofr1Cf! or M aJor CIVlnlf. f 'atht•r John of f'e.t<'<' J>a n h · Pa■I R)'H flo mE ter tra Benedictine Sisters form veI Nationwide search r io rwllonw1ct.- .warl'h will be conducted by the Oen• I ~, r .arc-hd1 N.t for • p<-r-on 1lled 1n fund raising to me new foundation in Denver an, r,-p t 't< 1•,1 ul R)an whn will retire this month Ryan . Fivr llt•n.-d1rt1nt' Sl11h'r11 from St Paul, Minn hav,, "'rv she said • l~nv,'r 11oi Jc \\'t"\ n •,p,1n_,1,, ..nd \f'•r\ d1r'N'11'd th.. Art.bbl hop , Annual Campaign ror formc."'tl a nc-w foundation in l ...•nvt>r w11h 1h1• goal of ('~I.lb 0Pt'n f"n ~ A C P fur lhr p; ~, 14 y ar.1 Wil llahin« • whollsllc spl ntuahty ce-t~ r In the near future I' atb(or J ,Jm \ndrl''.'(.•n dlrt"C: l or of the Office of ha1 1be holl ■lJc tpl rttiaaUty <'ffller Ltuit ~ IJtt'n fflvtuon A<'l'Ording lo l-ll,lf'r ( 'harloll«- Hr-dpath who Ill lhf• l'QITI '\LIJur ,1\ 111 ""Ill tor'-" .i • \AC r> Intenm director Opt munity m in1 11Lf'r l h(' Sl'lt(•r<I ohJ{'<'I Ill(' ... Ont• of l'Qrpvr.1h• will dul with tM "whole p.non u lttfl ln \b4> Ek-nNIIC'll.M mE m inist ry rather l h:tn 1mh111<Jual mrn1'<trw~. olthoul(h Lht•v un• tr adlUon - tplrit, mind, body, and bean lff n pl.tl!Mld 1 1•11 rrr•nlly cngag1'<l in I11(J1vIdual pur-cuIh Tile ronununity hot)(', 10 int nioUt < lh II u.n1qu,• cvnr .-pl WII Sisler ltr'<lpal h expl:.1m'(f 1h111 It h a norrnal pr0t•t•~.s In within l he rwxt y('ar ... i n!!! t ht• lk•ncdiC'llnc or <Jt-r fnr s mall .irou1>s of Sisters to break Beside 1ster Ht'dp.,th who 1-. rurr.•ruh 1,bl.,t1nll\ ~r tal away from l h<' lar1wr 1•nt1ty and lk-Kin new foundation~ rnaster ·,; deRr ef' in rounlk'ltna .,ncs 1• 4 lrt't L.nrC' ;;rt1,t 1hr - E She said that tht- group con.ldt-red five dloce.ses for Its other Sister~ a nd lhecr prNetil won. lD<'ludt' 'iutu ·1an -.. na1 nt-w location beforf' dttld l111 on Df-nvt'r K alhenne Wa,i,ers1ch, a staJf cb•pl.un al M.,. rn "1••che• l . by " W r• wimll'(l l)lJ1'1• whl·n• lht• JIP>'f' and ,1 (11urd1 -.,1, ('<>ntt•r S1stt•r nl(f'lin,• lluh(•II h•J, h11 1n lh, . r~l..SIC ► n r. COi wb,•n · we <'ould i.:I11;> lhl' most !>t•rvw,, Lh1ou1-th our 1111n as C,ilhoht• R1bhcnl : hool 'il't«•r \t.ir. 1.1 1\.1•,nt, p,,1n,-h i. I elt m1ni<;tr:1tor or St MJn 't. r .. n,h l.tlllr-tufl If!<! ••,, .
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