Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

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Volume 1. Issue 1. January 2019 P-ISSN 2655-9110 http://ejurnal.ung.ac.id/index.php/equij

Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

Herwin Mopangga1, Fitriaty Puhi2 Faculty of Economics, Gorontalo State University Faculty of Economics, Gorontalo State University

Abstract. Tourism shows a significant contribution to foreign exchange and regional income in . Defined as a priority and leading sector in the RPJMD, tourism development in the Regencies and the Province of Gorontalo must measure the results, benefits and impacts for all stakeholders. Contribution to regional income (PAD) and the composition of internal and external factors in each of the leading destinations is needed for the purpose of determining the strategy and policy of sustainable tourism development. The study concluded that tourism sector was relatively small in its contribution to each PAD total by Regencies in Gorontalo Province. The low of PADsp is relevant to the low occupancy rate (TPK) of the hotel and the length of stay (LoS). The lack of retribution income from recreation and sports spot is relevant to the lack of activities to support the attractiveness such as art and cultural attractions and local products that can be souvenirs for tourists. Infrastructure facilities at leading tourism objects are relatively incomplete or do not meet tourism standards. The low of PAD, TPK & LoS can also explain that the increase in tourists to Gorontalo is only a transit to the other tourist objects outside of Gorontalo Province.

Keywords: Tourism, Leading Sector, Gorontalo, Income, Swot Analysis

Tourism is a leading sector second place at USD 13.57 billion after contributing to foreign exchange for the CPO was USD 15.965 billion. Even in 2017 country and regional income. Since 2013, Indonesia's foreign exchange tourism has tourism in the country has been ranked as touched USD 16.8 billion. the fourth largest contributor to foreign Locally, because of its labor exchange. In 2015, tourism foreign intensive structure, tourism is seen as a exchange amounted to USD 12.225 billion, sector that can help solve the problem of below the foreign exchange of oil and gas unemployment in disadvantaged areas and proceeds (oil and gas; USD 18.574 billion, rebuild lost competitiveness in the crude palm oil / CPO; USD 16.427 billion, agricultural sector. Tourism directly or and coal USD 14.717 billion). 2016 rose to indirectly affect other sectors such as


Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

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agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, bring in foreign exchange from foreign trade, construction, accommodation, food- tourists and increase rupiah purse from beverage, communication, banking, and domestic tourists. The existence of tourism health services due to spillover effects also fosters economic businesses that are (Bozkurt, Güler, & Bahar, 2018) and (Balli, mutually assembling and supporting their Curry, & Balli, 2015 ) activities so that they can increase people's Realizing the importance of this income. Tourism is a commodity that is sector, the regional government of needed by individuals for reasons of Gorontalo Province has determined tourism increasing creative power, eliminating to be one of the priority programs in the work saturation, relaxation, shopping, 2018-2022 RPJMD. The Gorontalo business, knowing historical heritage and Province Tourism Office then set a target of ethnic culture, sports and health and increasing the number of tourist visits, spiritualism. namely 100,000 foreign tourists and Tourism development must 900,000 domestic tourists. This target can measure the results, benefits and impacts be very very heavy, but with cooperation, for the government, business people and the synergy and collaboration of stakeholders community. With the development of and tourism observers (stakeholders), this science, technology, research and best becomes a challenge that must be overcome practices from global, national, regional by regional authorities, the private sector as and local levels, there are actually so many investors and business people as well as the ways, methods, approaches, measuring general public in general. instruments and analysis to assess the From an economic standpoint, impact of tourism on development, tourism development activities in the region government revenues and income society. can contribute to regional revenues sourced One of the easiest and fastest ways is to from taxes on accommodation services measure tourism's contribution to local (hotel), drinking meals (restaurants), revenue (PAD). The PAD component entertainment venues, parking fees, consists of taxes, levies, separated income cleanliness and security in ticket-shaped and other legitimate income. PAD sourced recreational places to the leading tourist from the tourism sector in many scientific attractions. In short tourism activities can research and publications and is popularly


Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

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classified as hotel tax, restaurant tax, draw conclusions, decisions and determine entertainment tax and retribution for the strategy and direction of the policy recreation and sports. After it is known that Objects have been determined (purposive) the tourism sector share in PAD also needs include six (6) leading tourist locations and to know the influence of internal and enter the RTRW as Gorontalo's tourism external factors in each leading tourist designation area. Otanaha Fortress in the object for the need to determine the strategy City, Pentadio Resort in Gorontalo District, and direction of sustainable tourism Olele Marine Park in Bone Bolango development policies. The composition of District, Bolihutuo Beach in Boalemo, strengths and weaknesses (internal) and Libuo Beach in Pohuwato and Saronde opportunities and challenges (external) Island in North Gorontalo. Collecting data were approached by the SWOT analysis. through observation, interviews and Indah Puspitasari et al (2017) questionnaires / questionnaires. Primary analyzed the contribution of tourism to the data is obtained from visitors, tourism PAD of Batu City in East Java; Mardianis business actors and local government in and Syartika (2018) in Kerinci District, objects / locations. Secondary data from , and Yeni Ratnawati (2016) in Kutai processed / publicized government Regency, East Kalimantan, in separate agencies. Analysis techniques in the form research concluded that tourism sector of tables, graphs, SWOT, descriptive. revenues contribute positively but not SWOT is a classic strategy planning significantly to PAD in each region. But all instrument using a framework of strengths three were optimistic as the increase in and weaknesses; opportunities and visits of domestic and foreign tourists challenges. This instrument shows a simple accompanied by several recommendations way to estimate the best way to implement for improvement, tourism sector PAD a strategy (Rangkuti, 2014). continued to increase. RESULTS METHODS Gorontalo, which is located on the This study uses a qualitative northern peninsula of Island, is descriptive approach that describes all the often dubbed The Hidden Paradise or a symptoms or circumstances that exist, to hidden paradise by guests / tourists because


Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

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of the richness and beauty of its natural development of the tourism sector is also scenery and ethnic and cultural diversity. contained in the Regional Regulation The government's partisanship to prioritize (Perda) of Gorontalo Province Number 4 of tourism development and development was 2011 concerning the Gorontalo Province revealed in the superior program point 7 Spatial Planning (RTRW) for 2010-2030. above, namely Global Tourism, then Article 59 states that: The tourism allotment followed up with the mission statement in area as referred to in Article 51 letter g is a point 1 "realizing environmentally friendly strategic tourism area that can be and sustainable tourism and natural developed. resource management". Commitment to the

Table 1: Tourism Allotment Area According to RT/RW Gorontalo Province in 2010-2030 No Object / spot Sub-district District 1 Traditional tourism Popayato Pohuwato Torosiaje 2 Libuo Beach Paguat Pouhuwato 3 Bolihutuo Beach Botumoito Boalemo 4 Ayuhulalo Waterfall Tilamuta Boalemo 5 Pentadio Resort Talaga Biru Gorontalo 6 Bilato Beach Bilato Gorontalo 7 Saronde Island Ponelo Gorontalo Utara 8 Wanano Beach Gentuma Gorontalo Utara 9 Lombongo Natural Suwawa Bone Bolango Tourism 10 Olele Nautical Tourism Bilungala Bone Bolango 11 Fort Otanaha Kota Barat Kota Gorontalo 12 Pohe Beach Kota Selatan Kota Gorontalo Source: Regional Planning and Development Agency of Gorontalo Province, 2018

Gorontalo Province recorded to fluctuate in the past six (6) years. The positive economic growth rates but tended economic growth rate of Gorontalo


Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

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Province is positive, above the national gross fixed capital formation (PMTB) average, although it tends to fluctuate. BPS 30.53%. online publication also released the 2018 The sector of providing growth rate of 6.19% in the first quarter; accommodation and drinking water which 7.45% in Quarter II; and 5.24 in Quarter III. is a representation of the tourism sector in Forestry and fisheries agriculture sector the GRDP recorded impressive growth contributes more 38% to GDP according to from 2012 to 2017, which was 6.31%; the Business Field Sector in 2017 or never 8.96%; 6.93%; 8.05%; 8.71; and 10.62%. less than 37% during 2013-2017, following This sector accounts for an average of the construction sector 11.52% and the 2.25% of the 2014-2017 GRDP. While the trade and repair sector 11.41% in 2017. information and communication sector From the side expenditure, household grew 10.57%; Financial Services 9.87% consumption accounted for 61.43% of 2017 and Trading and Repair 9.59% in 2017. GDP, following imports of 40.25% and

Figure 1 (left) and Figure 2 (right): Number of Visits by by Regency of the City in Gorontalo Province on Period 2013-2017

Gorontalo City won the most compared to other regions. The highest rate visitors in 2013-2016 but was overtaken by of growth of tourist arrivals in Indonesia in 2017. In contrast, for was recorded in 2015 by 127%, while five years consistently foreign tourists in 2016 amounted to 1130% recruited the least number of tourists or more than 11 times the increase. All


Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

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regions recorded a steady increase in the contracted very sharply in 2017 at number of domestic tourists, but tended to Pohuwato (-97%), Boalemo (-61%), North fluctuate with foreign tourists. Even the Gorontalo (-30%) and Bone Bolango (- growth rate of foreign tourist arrivals 15%).

Figure 3 (left) Growth Trend of Archipelago and Foreign Tourists in Gorontalo Province 2013-2017 , Boalemo and the lack of art, cultural, culinary and and Pohuwato are still lacking in facilities souvenirs of local production that can be and are far and difficult to access tourism sold to tourists. Gorontalo tourism is still supporting infrastructure facilities that are based on the beauty of tourist attractions so generally centralized in the City. The there is no other uniqueness that is added distance and time spent traveling to value. Even though there are not a few attractions in the three regions is a historical and cultural attractions, in discomparative advantage factor that also addition to Fort Otanaha and Kain Sulam determines the number of visitors. Other Karawo, which can be explored and have factors are poor access to medium / high economic value. Gorontalo has various quality main / arterial road transportation, kinds of drama, dance and music, typical and collector / local roads which are partly food, endemic flora and fauna and pre- damaged or under repair. The general historic heritage sites until the colonial era problems faced by tourism in Gorontalo are that spread in various regions. still around the difficulty of accessibility


Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

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Figure 4 (left) Occupancy Rate of Star Hotel Rooms, Figure 5 (right) Average Length of Stay of Travelers in Gorontalo Province 2013-2017

Gorontalo City recorded the highest health facilities. The city is also relatively TPK in 2015-2017, which was 45.03 close to transportation facilities such as compared to the average of Gorontalo airports (airport), passenger ports and Province 38.82. The lowest TPK in containers (hubport), and crossing ports. Gorontalo District, namely 8.38 in 2013 Tourism objects scattered in neighboring continued to decline to 4.33 in 2017. districts / regions are also relatively easily Whereas Bone Bolango District did not accessible from the center of Gorontalo have statistical records regarding the TPK City. of local hotels. This certainly needs special Total PAD (PADtot) of City District attention for local governments and tourism has increased steadily from 2013 to 2017 industry players in developing tourism in with the highest nominal PAD always the two regions. Gorontalo City has classy recorded by Gorontalo City over Rp. 207 tourism supporting facilities such as star billion in 2017, the lowest North Gorontalo hotels; restaurant; mall and super market; District which is only approaching Rp. 45 cinema / cineplex; recreational and sports billion. Boalemo and Pohuwato districts as facilities in the city that are cheap and easily neighboring regions, allied and even accessible; entertainment facilities such as "divided and divided" have PADtot growth karaoke, caffee / bar / pub, massage & spa; rates and trends that are similar or identical financial services such as banking, throughout 2013-2017. The highest automated teller machines (ATMs), money achievement of the PADtot growth rate changers and insurance; travel agent (travel actually occurred in 2014 where North agent); tour guide; as well as education and Gorontalo District increased 92.6%,


Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

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following Gorontalo District 75.12% and and stable PADtot growth, the largest in Gorontalo City 28.5%. Bone Bolango 2017, which was almost 39%. District recorded a relatively small, sloping

Table 2: Recapitulation of Index Value for Tourism Object Value Development in Gorontalo Province Average Criteria Saronde Olele Libuo Pensort Otanaha Bolihutuo Ket Prov Tourist attraction 86.67 80.00 83.3 83.3 83.3 83.3 85.56 Worthy Accessibility 95.45 95.45 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 98.48 Worthy Conditions 80.56 83.33 75.0 75.0 86.1 75.0 79.17 Worthy Around the Area Management & 83.33 50.00 66.7 75.0 91.7 66.7 72.22 Worthy Services Not Accommodation 33.33 33.33 33.3 66.7 100.0 66.7 55.56 eligible Supporting 83.33 66.67 83.3 83.3 75.0 91.7 80.56 Worthy facilities Availability of 66.67 86.67 86.7 93.3 80.0 80.0 82.22 Worthy Clean Water 75.62 70.78 75.48 82.38 88.02 80.48 78.79 Feasibility Level Worthy Worthy Worthy Worthy Worthy Worthy Worthy Source: Data processed Being in Quadrant II, the strategy about the importance of creating and and direction of the policy that needs to be maintaining cleanliness. carried out by the government and managers of Pentadio Resort include 1) optimizing the potential and vehicles Otanaha, Saronde, Olele, Libuo, currently owned and adding a variety of Botutonuo tourism activities to make visitors more impressed; 2) utilize and continue to Pentadio Resort explore the uniqueness of Pensort to become a family / group tourist icon so that it attracts and increases the number of tourists, and 3) provides understanding to Figure 6: Position of Featured Tourism the surrounding population and visitors Objects in a SWOT Diagram


Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

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While the strategies and policy (88.02) is worthy of being Gorontalo directions that need to be carried out by the tourism branding. Gorontalo City Tourism five leading tourism objects in Kuadaran I Office then needs to determine the target include 1) utilizing the existence of objects market segment & positioning of similar that have been included in the RIPPDA to objects in the Gorontalo region. Fort develop facilities, infrastructure and Otanaha deserves to be burdened with a variations in tourism activities; 2) utilizing high revenue levy target. the area by adding variety of tourism Olele is the best spot dive but activities (attractions) so that visitors have accommodation, management and service various alternatives; 3) make special as well as supporting facilities are weak. If tourism events / packages involving there is no serious improvement, it is very universities or other forms of cooperation; possible that the economic impact to the 4) empowering local communities to government and the community will produce products (souvenirs) for visitors; continue to decline along with the quality of and 5) utilizing the friendliness of the staff the coral reef / diving object. International and the surrounding community and standard hotels that spread in Gorontalo supporting road access and communication City and not owned by five (5) other to attract visitors to stay longer or increase districts so that the province's average the frequency of visits. accommodation index is low (55.6) which means it is not feasible. District DISCUSSION governments need to provide incentives for The weak index of accommodation investors to build star hotels. Nevertheless, around hotels in Saronde, Olele and Libuo it is necessary to strengthen tourism is relevant and can explain the low PADsp experience where foreigners tend to like in North Gorontalo, Bone Bolango and outdoor activities with various difficulties Pohuwato. The strength of the and challenges (back to nature). accommodation index and accessibility (100) towards the Fort Otanaha object is relevant and can explain the relatively high PADsp of Gorontalo City. Fort Otanaha with the highest total index achievement


Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

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CONCLUSION means of information and 1. Taxes on hotels, restaurants, communication (internet network). entertainment venues and retribution 4. The low PADsp in line with the low for recreation and sports are sources of TPK & LoS can also explain that the tourism sector PAD (PADsp) where the increase of tourists to Gorontalo is only share is relatively small against the total a transit to the leading tourist objects PAD (PADtot) of City Districts in outside Gorontalo Province namely Gorontalo Province. Togean in Central Sulawesi, Wakatobi 2. The highest share of PADsp against in Southeast Sulawesi and Bunaken in PADtot in 2017 was reached by North Sulawesi. Gorontalo City 35.86% following North Gorontalo 8.05%. The smallest SUGGESTION district of Gorontalo is 1.51% but has 1. Remindset. The tourism sector is increased dramatically to 3.19% in echoed as a leading sector and priority 2018. in the development of Gorontalo 3. Relatively low PADsp is relevant to the Province through the 2018-2022 low level of hotel TPK and length of RPJMD or only in the second period of stay (LoS). The low income of the the NKRI government, therefore there RTRO is relevant to the lack of needs to be cognitive and awareness activities supporting the attraction of reinforcement to the ranks of the tourism objects; attractions of cultural government bureaucracy sub-districts arts, music, dance, literature, local and villages) so that they can mobilize unique and unique MSE products that all their resources, improve synergy and can be souvenirs for tourists, collaboration for the development of infrastructure facilities in leading sustainable tourism throughout the tourist attractions in the area are Gorontalo Province. relatively incomplete or do not meet 2. Tourism Awareness Movement. As tourism standards such as road access long as the community is ignorant, (arteries and collectors), facilities passive and apathetic, the policies and sanitation (MCK), clean water and budgets to develop tourism do not produce multiplier effects for the


Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

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economy. The growth of tourism and experienced in tourism without the involvement of local development. City Regencies which are communities has the potential to disrupt classified as new players who favor the the balance of ecosystems and the tourism sector are also rampant in environment, import lifestyles that boosting revenue from this sector. damage local culture and wisdom as Policy Recommendations well as the emergence of economic 1. Community Empowerment and Human leakage (economic leakage). The Capacity Building existence of Tourism Awareness In the context of empowerment and Groups (Pokdarwis) in City Districts community engagement, the role of needs to be evaluated on the results, Tourism Awareness Groups benefits and performance impacts for (Pokdarwis) is needed. The "tourism the development of local tourism. awareness movement" to raise 3. Branding, Segmentation and awareness, involvement and Positioning. Kabupaten Kota has put community empowerment towards tourism as the leading sector in addition regional tourism development must be to agriculture and fisheries, but the programmed, scheduled, supported by program, the agenda of activities is budgets and government agencies, relatively not focused because the tourism industry, perguran high and government is still confused and media / press people. This conscious ambiguous in determining branding. tourism movement is packaged Even though branding is very important creatively, educatively, productively to decide which market segments to go and generate (income) for the parties to such as national origin, age, upper involved (stakeholders). The tourism class (luxury), middle class (high class) conscious movement is carried out with or middle income class (middle income the aim of improving the cognition, class), tourism development in each affection and psychomotor of the local Regency City and Gorontalo Province community, meaning that there is an must pay attention to aspects this is the improvement in knowledge and truth. it has been implemented by understanding, awareness, and practical several regions that are well established skills in supporting regional tourism


Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

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development. The tourism conscious many advantages and uniqueness but movement in each region (city district) have not been explored by other can be different from one another provinces. For example, West Nusa according to geographical, social, Tenggara with the island of Lombok as cultural and local economic a halal tourism icon rely on marine characteristics but should be able to tourism objects. West Kalimantan relies synergize with other regions. For on the City of Singkawang as a main example Gorontalo and Bone Bolango gate and attractiveness because it relies districts focus on developing agro- on cultural and historical attractions tourism; Boalemo and Pohuwato in with the traditions of Chinese life and marine-tourism, Gorontalo City on the Cap Go Meh Ceremony. East Java cultural and heritage-tourism; all of this relies on art attractions and tourism can be done collaboratively. In the supporting creative industries. East context of the Human Capacity Nusa Tenggara with geopark tourism Building; strengthening local tourism relies on Komodo National Park and human resources through special Labuhan Bajo. With this condition, City training programs (training), Regencies in Gorontalo Province must certification, standardization of tour determine their BSP from the outset and guides, hotel restaurant workers & other efforts that must be made to strengthen entertainment venues, snorkeling the BSP. With a variety of potential and diving instructors etc. tourism sector diversity of resources, Gorontalo can jobs. choose agro-tourism, marine tourism or 2. Branding, Segmentation and cultural and heritage-tourism. Public Positioning (BSP) Private Partnership, partnerships built Tourism development as a superior and between national private parties in the priority program in the city districts and form of business entities or individuals Gorontalo Province should focus more and or foreign private parties with the on establishing branding, segmentation government for the construction of and positioning (BSP). Targets and tourism supporting infrastructure. targets in the field of tourism whose BUMN and BUMD are also strongly resources exist and are abundant, have recommended to play an active role and


Gorontalo Province Tourism: Leading Sector In The Middle Of Weakness And Challenge

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