Volume 12 Number 3 March 2015

“The end result of mission must not be a better church. The end result of mission must be a changed community.”

What’s Going on at St. James?

Mark Your Calendar

March 4 Lenten Soup Supper 5:30pm

March 5 Retiree’s Luncheon 11:30am

March 11 Lenten Soup Supper 5:30pm

March 14 DOK 10:00am

March 17 Vestry 4:30pm

March 18 Lenten Soup Supper 5:30pm

March 20 Book Club 10:30am

March 23 Garden Guild 10:00am

March 25 Lenten Soup Supper 5:30pm

2 The Ruminations of the Rector

“Which is easier to say, ...your sins eat it. It is my brothers wound that has are forgiven...or rise take up your mat and caused all the trouble, has it not? I am the walk. (Mk. 2:9) This question penetrates innocent one. “But,” says Jesus, “...when to the heart of the Gospel. you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister In Matthew, Jesus instructs his has something against you, leave your gift disciples that “Truly I tell you, whatever at the altar and go; first be reconciled to you bind on earth will be bound in your brother or sister and then come and heaven, and whatever you loose on earth offer your gift.” Or, if you will, “forgive us will be loosed in heaven.” (Mt. 18:18) It our sins as we forgive those who sin was Barbara Frye, the wife of Bishop against us.” William Frye then of Colorado, who meditated on that idea for me and helped So which is easier, to chuck the me to understand that we do have the resentment or pray for the healing of a power to bind up things on earth to such paralytic who is perhaps your worst an extent that we prevent the activity of enemy? In order for God to show us how God. There is an AA phrase “Let go and forgiveness works he had to die on the let God” which gets to the heart of things cross. Is there a message here? Is there like this. I am thinking I am not the only an insight into Lent for us to grab a hold person in the world who gets himself of? I Challenge you to consider your worst paralyzed into inactivity by my sins. My enemy in the world, that person you had brother wounds me, and resentment is no use for whatsoever, and then make a born in me that I will not let go of and the choice. Forgive the sin or pray for healing. relationship deteriorates from there. One of you with an honest heart might Thus, Jesus’ question to the scribes say, “It would have to be healing for me, I becomes a penetrating question for me. am definitely not ready to forgive.” Good Which is easier Hall, he asks, to give up for you. That is a start. To see and the resentment or to pray for the release understand the problem is 80% of the of the paralysis you have manufactured task of finding the solution. The trick, of for yourself and your brother. Yes, I know course, now is to find four friends who are we are not talking about physical willing to dig a hole in the roof of the paralysis here. But in truth, allowed to go church and drop you down on the altar. unchecked that resentment in my heart And contrary to what you’re thinking, I am can become just as destructive to my not being facetious. With God, of course, physical life as it has already become to Continued on following page my spiritual life. How do we eat crow gracefully when it is not us who needs to

3 Continued from previous page all things are possible. But it is in the spiritual companionship of other wounded healers that God is more than likely to have the freedom he needs to heal you. What we bind on earth is bound in heaven. What good friends can do is unbind us. They can help us sort it out. Indeed provide the means to get past our limiting paralysis to get to Jesus for the healing that we need.

When the paralytic arrived he received from Jesus what he needed. The scribes, of course, missed the point and went after Jesus’ credentials for saying what he did. The physical healing then became the sign of what Jesus had the power to do. Even so it shall be for us. It is one thing to know that Jesus forgives us for our sins; it is something entirely different to believe that. Like the scribes and the paralytic, however, the sign of our forgiveness will indeed be the end of our paralysis and our birth to a new freedom to take up our cross and follow him. That is our work for Lent.

4 Senior Warden—Bill Bomar

The year 2015 is off to a fast and excellent start, if only the weather will cooperate. I love the beauty of the ice crystals glistening on the trees at the top of the Rabun County mountains around us, but like many of you, I am ready for warm weather and the beauty of our gardens and the mountains showing their glory in full bloom. This year’s Flower & Liturgical Arts Festival theme of “Count Your Blessings” is perfect.

Your two new Vestry Members are Terri Manoogian and John Ingram. Thanks to both of them for their willingness and enthusiasm to serve. John will also serve as your Junior Warden this year and I am honored to serve another year as your Senior Warden. Thanks go to Nannette Curran and Rocky Ford on the completion of their service on your Vestry for the last three years. Please contact John or me, or your other Vestry members, anytime you have questions, comments or concerns. The areas of Vestry assignments for 2015 are Fr. Hall, Worship; Deacon Sgro, Lay Support; Walt Henderson, Buildings & Grounds; Terri Manoogian, Christian Formation; Evelyne Sheats, Administration and Betsy Elsas, Parish Life. These areas, the Committees under each area on which many of you participate, and the Committee Chairs are listed on our website at www.stjamesclayton.org under the Parish Leadership section. I encourage you to visit this and the many other rich Sections of the St. James website. We have one of the best and most informative websites in the Diocese of Atlanta.

Last, we have received excellent response to the Long Range Planning questionnaire at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/StjamesLRP that we have asked each Member and Friend of St. James to complete. If you have not done so yet, there is still time to participate, and the Long Range Planning Committee needs your feedback. It only takes a few minutes to respond. DEADLINE IS MARCH 1, 2015.

As a part of your Lenten discipline, please make plans to attend St. James often and bring your family and friends. There are many offerings each week that will inspire and challenge you.

5 Vestry Actions — Linda Barden

The Vestry met on February 17, 2015.

In addition to addressing a number of administrative matters, the Vestry took the following actions:

 approved the motion to accept Father Steve’s recommendation of John Ingram to serve as Junior Warden;

 approved a motion to appoint Linda Barden to continue to serve as Vestry Clerk, and to appoint David Tatum to continue to serve as Treasurer;

 approved a motion to authorize Peggy Melton to offer Don Melton’s house, which he had left to St. James in his will, to the interested person at the appraised value of $190,000, and to coordinate negotiations with him;

 approved a motion to set up financial accounts as David Tatum, Treasurer, recommended (St. James Flower Fund, Daughters of the King, and Altar Guild be closed and the funds in those accounts be included in the operating account and tracked as Designated Funds with those groups requesting disbursements from the Operating Account; create Community Outreach Designated Fund for all donations designated as “Outreach” with initial entry to create that account be the unspent 2014 donations for that purpose);

 approved a motion to place surplus funds from 2014 in the Capital Maintenance Account (8911);

 approved motion that the balance in the Building Fund checking account as of 12/31/2014, together with all Capital Campaign pledge donations beginning 1/1/2015, will be used only to pay the interest and principle of the load outstanding to Rabun County Bank, and further, a principal payment of $55,000 will be made in February;

 approved a motion to form an ad hoc committee to review all parish insurance coverage (Betsy, David, Bill, John appointed);

 approved a motion for vestry members to move to Executive Session to review the content of the letter required under Title III, Canon 9, to be sent on behalf of the Vestry to the Bishop concerning the annual renewal of Father Steve’s tenure as Rector of St. James for another year beginning June 1, 2015.

Complete vestry minutes can be found on the website: www.stjamesclayton.org. Click on Vestry Tab on the left side.

The next meeting of the Vestry is scheduled for March 17, 2015, at 4:30pm.

6 Parish Nurse — Kathy Booker, RN, FCN

7 8 Parish Committees

Outreach — Peggy Melton

The St. James Outreach Committee is working with a family that the man needs guidance and funds to get his expired drivers license renewed so he can get to work. We are also working with a woman that is trying to relocate. The Outreach Committee paid for temporary housing for a mother and child for two nights and provided help to several families with rent and utilities.

The Outreach Committee will be arranging a visit to the Power House in Toccoa.

Flower Festival — John Templeton

Liturgical Arts and Flower Festival 2015 “Count Your Blessings”

What is a blessing? According to the dictionary, one meaning for “blessing” is a favor or a gift from God.

The mountains that surround us….the lakes upon which we live….the streams that flow…..the sunrise and the sunset….the laughter of children…..the hymns we sing…our visitors in the summer…..our solitude in the winter…..the picnic at Tiger Mountain….and the Shrimp Boil on St. James Day….the gifts of talent that others share with us and we with them….These are but a few of the blessings that all of us share .

“Count Your Blessings” has been chosen as the theme for the 2015 Liturgical Arts and Flower Festival. Think of ways that you are blessed and share those thoughts with a member of the planning committee.

There will be tables in sanctuary and in the parish hall.

Our Festival will be June 12th and 13th, with a parish preview and reception on June 11th. Make your plans now to attend and to invite your friends and neighbors.

9 Garden Guild — Kathy Booker

Stewardship—Nannette Curran & Ginny Heckel

St. James Episcopal Church - Stewardship- Faith and Works

Every Sunday at the end of the service and as part of the final prayer we say," And now , Father, send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord." During the Lenten Season this sentence can hold special meaning when we reflect on how we approach our " work" assignment, or stewardship, while holding close to our hearts Jesus' example of how to love and how to serve .

We believe that God is the source of all gifts, spiritual and material, and our faithful response is to be givers and creators ourselves. As we live and work and worship and play, we resolve to be mindful of our commitment as Christians to use these gifts accordingly, knowing that we live from abundance and in grace. We will give joyfully and generously! St. James Vestry Stewardship Statement

10 Book Club — Mary Thornton

The St. James Book Club will meet on March 20, 2015. The book for discussion is All The Light we Cannot See by Anthony Doerr.

The meeting will be at 10:30 a.m. at Father Steve's home. All are welcome! Any questions may be directed to Mary Thornton at 706 490 5050.

Choir — Grat Rosazza

As we enter this phase of our Christian year, our choir is in the process of preparing music we hope will enhance your spiritual journey. Most of this music will be quiet and contemplative. Several of our members will be singing appropriate solos along with the choir. We hope our efforts will be a part of keeping you along your journey in this very important season. Musically, Grat

Daughters of the King — Mary Flanigen

The St. James chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King will hold this month’s gathering on Saturday, March 14, 10:00 a.m., beginning in the nave with a celebration of the Eucharist. A short business meeting and fellowship will follow the service downstairs.

We invite anyone (male or female) who would like to learn more about our Order, or simply join us each month in worship, study and fellowship, to attend our gatherings and other events. The St. James Chapter is open for membership to all women who are communicants of St. James Church. Each Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service, and evangelism dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of the parish.

11 Hunger Walk/Run — Jan Nash

A REMINDER: Join the St. James Hunger Walk Team!

Take an active role in feeding the hungry in Georgia. Each March St. James joins congregations and other organizations around Georgia to raise funds for hunger relief by participating in and sponsoring those who walk and run in the Fun Run held in downtown Atlanta. This event raises THOUSANDS supporting Episcopal Charities Foundation and the Atlanta Community Food Bank (serving all of North Georgia). This email is to encourage you to join our team in representing St. James Clayton in Atlanta on Sunday, March 15, 2015.

There are two ways to show your support:

1. As an active participant you are pledging to actively solicit money from friends, family, and co-workers.

If you have two working legs, you enjoy chatting with your other walking friends, and can stroll for an hour or more you got this!! We’ve had three year olds who have nailed this, so you can too!

How to sign up to be an active team member: http://engage.acfb.org/site/TR/HungerWalkEpiscopalCharitiesFoundation/ HungerWalk/1061985694?pg=team&fr_id=1661&team_id=28795

By joining right away, and we can start getting you supporters which means more funds to those in need. You sign up, (you can either pay immediately your $25/walker or $35/runner entry fee or if you wish to sign up wait to pay I’ll have more information on this soon, but please email to let me know). If you think you are free, please don’t hesitate to sign up. If for some reason you can’t join us in Atlanta, don’t worry! As long as you work toward asking for supporters that is truly the important.

RGNS folks, please take note that this is the last Sunday of Spring Break, so you might be worn out by your vacation, but you should be free!

2.DONATE: Anyway you want to do this we will gladly welcome your support.

Write checks out to St. James and clearly include HUNGER WALK in the memo. Or go online and donate with your credit card to sponsor our walkers/team who are signed up. Follow this link and clicking the “Donate Now” button: http://engage.acfb.org/site/TR/HungerWalkEpiscopalCharitiesFoundation/ HungerWalk?team_id=28795&pg=team&fr_id=1661

Peace and Love, Jan Nash Questions? [email protected]

12 Announcements

Morning Prayer

We are celebrating Morning Prayer in the sanctuary at 7am, Monday through Saturday, concluding Saturday, April 4. The service can be led by anyone and takes approxi- mately 15 minutes. There is a sign-up sheet in the parish hall. All are welcome to attend. Please speak to Deacon Anthony Sgro if you have any questions.

Episcopal Relief & Development’s 2015 Lenten Meditations

We have received copies of ERD’s 2015 Lenten Meditations. Therein you will find a prayer/meditation focused on a scriptural passage for each day, Ash Wednesday through Easter. The authors include leaders across the Anglican Communion who have personal insights into the impact of ERD’s work around the world. As I read through them, I was inspired to see why ERD deserves our support even as we strive to meet the many needs we confront locally. Copies are available on the table in the Parish Hall. Take one home to inspire your own Lenten meditations. If we run out, we will resupply quickly. —Charles Groover (706) 782-6376.

Martha Ezzard and Maggie Hatcher will host the Episcopal Church’s live webcast, THE CLIMATE CHANGE CRISIS, on Tuesday, March 24 at 2 PM in the Parish Hall. Evan Heckel has agreed to provide technical assistance. Please arrive at 1:45 PM for this 90 minute webcast. Light refreshments will be provided and a brief discussion, to last no longer than 30 to 45 minutes, will follow.

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will present the keynote address, followed by two panels of experts, each 30 minutes long, moderated by television climatolo- gist Fritz Coleman. The first panel will focus on “Regional Impacts of Climate Change,” and the second on” Reclaiming Climate Change as a Moral Issue.”

Panelists include Bishop Marc Andrus of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, Princess Daazhrali Johnson of the Gwich’in Steering Committee, one of the oldest Indigenous non profit groups in Alaska, Dr. Lucy Jones, seismologist with the US Geological Survey, and Mary Nichols, chairman of the California Air Resources Board, which has implemented California’s pioneering legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

If you are planning to attend, please e-mail Martha Ezzard [email protected] so she and Maggie Hatcher will have an idea about seating and refreshments. (Reservations are certainly not necessary and all members and their friends are welcome, even at the last minute!)

13 Coffee Hour — Roxanne Hall

Thanks to all who have signed up for coffee hour! Try signing up with a friend it can be more fun and less work. Remember that you can turn in your receipts to the office for reimbursement if you wish.

Community Pantry Printer Cartridge Project

Remember to bring your used printer cartridges– ink jet, no laser. Put in the box in the parish hall marked COMMUNITY PANTRY PRINTER CARTRIDGE PROJECT. THANKS!

Retirees’ Luncheon

Come join us Thursday 3/5, 11:30am, at Ishy’s Grill to socialize over a tasty menu selection. Please RSVP to Bill Flanigen (706-212-2886; [email protected]).

Forward Day By Day Devotional

The February, March, April devotional booklets (large print and regular print) are now available and are located in the rack in the Parish Hall. Please pick up your copy today.

St James Shirts

Order forms for the church shirts are available in the parish hall and on line via a link on the website. You can order throughout the year . If you have any questions , please call Jane Clarke at 864-718-7835 or Katherine Grice at 706-782-7387.

14 On the first Sunday of each month, please bring your donations for the critters at Paws4Life, and leave them in the Parish Hall. The shelter needs: Adult & puppy dog food, canned & dry cat & kitten food. (Please, no Ol’ Roy brand dog food.) They always need cat litter, and appreciate the environmentally friendly wood pellets. The shelter staff and their furry residents say, Thanks!

If you are on Facebook, take a moment to “like” the St. James Episcopal, Clayton, Georgia Facebook Page and invite a friend! If you don’t have a page yourself, you still can visit to see photo albums and notices.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/St-James-Episcopal-Clayton- GA/136165709779019

Sign up for e Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta’s weekly newsletter, Connecting, the newsweekly published most Tuesday evenings; and For Faith, Bishop Rob Wright's weekly devotional published each Friday.

CTRL Click to join the weekly e-mailing list to receive both messages.

Now that we have a nice new narthex, let's develop the habit of keeping talk out of the church, so that people inside can pray. We are asking ushers to monitor the swinging doors to keep noise to a minimum in the sanctuary. Feel free to chat outside, but once we enter the sanctuary, let us respect the quiet.


Brown Bag Sunday

Thanks to all who bring in groceries once a month for Rabun Sharing and Caring. We are the only church who does this on a regular basis! Please limit the food you bring to small packages. A list of grocery needs can be picked up the 3rd Sunday of each month, and on the following Sunday (4th Sunday) return full grocery bags to the Parish Hall.

Save your Box Tops for Education. They are found on many every-day products from Betty Crocker, General Mills, to Hanes and Avery office products (and so much more). Each one you collect equals $.10 and they add up so fast!

Please collect them and drop them any time in the parish hall. Thank you so much for all who regularly collect! Jan Nash

Sign-up Calendar for Altar Flowers

Choose a Sunday during the coming year to celebrate, honor, or remember special people in your life. $30. This supports the work of the Altar Guild. Let Karen Bentley know what date you have signed up for, and provide the particulars to appear in the service leaflet on that Sunday. The sign-up calendar is on the wall in the Parish Hall, next to the outside door.

Emergency Contacts If you have an emergency while the Rector is out of town and the office is closed, please contact Father Reginald. If it is a medical situation, please call Kathy Booker 706 782 9203. If you have an email that must be distributed while the office is closed, please send it to Ginny Heckel [email protected].

16 Sunday Sermons Available Online or CD The 10:30 Sunday services are recorded each week. Call Karen Bentley to request a copy (706 782 6179).

You can listen to the sermons online at the St. James Website: www.stjamesclayton.org Click on the sermon tab on the left side of the homepage.

Parish Hall

For all who use the Parish Hall during the week, it would be helpful if you would please return the tables and chairs to the place you found them! Thank you!


Any parts of your bulletin and/or Gazette that you do not want to keep, please leave in the rear of the church following the service. They will be recycled!


This year a new Presiding Bishop will be elected, as Bishop Katharine Jefforts-Schori completes her term of seven years. Many will debate much leading up to the vote for the next presiding bishop. The former Bishop of the Diocese of Alaska, a member of the Choctaw Nation, is Chair of the Native American/Indigenous Ministries of the Episcopal Church.

He offers the following thoughts in anticipation of the discernment to come:

"Let us be the eye of the storm, whatever our varied opinions may be, whatever political causes we hold dear, let those of us who are people of faith, who embody the values of wisdom and understanding, let us lead by example, being in this coming election season an anchor of civility, a touchstone of calm discourse, without hyperbole or exaggeration, a living alternative to the rhetoric designed to divide, and instead, be a reminder that democracy means difference, relies on difference to flourish, and that our shared witness to the world, the hope we offer, is in how well we stand together, united in our freedom to disagree." The Rt. Rev. Steven Charleston, Choctaw

18 Featured Quilter Linda Holt

My father's brother Sam Dodson and his wife Tena never had children. They were my Godparents and a second family to me. A fun loving couple, they also took their responsibilities as Godparents seriously. They saw to my religious education by making sure I was in church every Sunday. I loved going and doing anything with them. My Aunt Tena was a beautiful woman from Etowah, Tennessee. She was an expert at needlework and just about all the "home arts" as they were known back then. She treasured her older sister, Helen Hayes who lived in Etowah with her own large family. Helen was gifted in painting and needlework and a master quilter. Tena took me to Etowah to visit her sister in the 1990's and see Helen's quilt collection -- her life's work. One was an exquisite white "wedding quilt" Helen had designated to be her funeral pall and then passed on to her great granddaughter as a wedding gift. They planned everything! We visited McMinn County Heritage Museum in Athens Tennessee where Helen's quilts were frequently on display.

They are both gone now and I miss them greatly. Aunt Tena left me one of Helen's quilts to remember her by. I don't know when it was made but it may have been one of her early ones. I'm so happy to share them and the quilt with you.

19 Peripatetic Worship

From Terry Wright—

I attended a Celebration of Life at Grace Bible Church on February 8 for Tom Reeder. His wife, Lorna, is a quilter friend.

From Ginny Heckel-

Recent travel to Keller, TX, for a visit with my oldest son and his family. I needed a Keller Heckel fix! Their parish, St. Martin in the Fields, has just called a new rector. It was a joy to find worship at the Saturday night service and to meet their new rector.

20 From Reginald Gunn—

On The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, Sunday February 2nd, I participated in a glorious service of Dedication of a lovely new church building for St Patrick's Church, Albany, GA. The service was absolutely uplifting and glorious - Godly worship, inspiring liturgy, heavenly music and a congregation of more than 300 souls. The Episcopal Bishop of Georgia and the ELCA Lutheran Bishop of the South- eastern US were the chief celebrants, assisted by eight other clergy who had served St Patrick’s in recent years. The Episcopalians and Lutherans share the building, with a side chapel and altar used primarily by the Lutherans. Later in the day, Evensong with the combined choirs of the Episcopal, Methodist, Lutheran and Roman churches ended the evening with sermons by the local Roman Catholic pastor and St Patrick's Rector. I was the first Rector of St Patrick's, Albany, way back in the Twentieth Century.

21 Parish Postings

From Roxanne Hall—

Sue Paulsen shopping for Paws for Life

From Roxanne Hall—

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at the Halls’

22 From Father Steve—

AARP Driver’s Ed Class

From Al Wiggers—

The Pancake Supper, scheduled for Feb. 17 had to be canceled because of the Wintry mix. Several families were able to enjoy their own "home cooked" pancakes. Thanks to everyone who had planned to attend, and especially those who had volunteered to help with the set up, decorations, and serving, including Gilda Little, Betsy Elsas, Sharon Denman, Edie Wiggers, Sara Nelms, Jackie Tatum, Mary Thornton and Father Herb Leslie. A special thanks to Joel, Megan, and the staff at The Rusty Bike Cafe for their patience and understanding.

23 From Paulette Williams—

Valentine’s Day DOK Luncheon

24 Passages

Happy Birthday Happy Anniversary

Sharon Denman 3/1 Linda & Colin Muir 3/12/1976 Roxy Dear 3/2 Sharon & Tim McCabe 3/ 30 Bill Fisch 3/4 Tom Little 3/5 Terry Wright 3/6 Gary Hill 3/7 Sue Paulsen 3/11 Emily Ann Trautman 3/12 Charles Crompton 3/13 Ken Klimasewski 3/15 Susan Staiger 3/17 Paulette Williams 3/21 Margo Pumphrey 3/21 Kay Bomgardner 3/24 Annie Westermann 3/25 Roxanne Hall 3/25 Charles Groover 3/25 Guy Gober 3/25 Jennifer Moore 3/27 Dustin Emhart 3/28

25 The Lessons appointed for use—RCL Year B


Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 22:23-31 Psalm 119:9-16 Romans 4:13-25 Hebrews 5:5-10 Mark 8:31-38 John 12:20-33


Exodus 20:1-17 LITURGY OF THE PALMS Psalm 19 Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 Mark 11:1-11 John 2:13-22

FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT LITURGY OF THE PALMS (March 15) Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 31:9-16 Numbers 21:4-9 Philippians 2:5-11 Psalm 107:1, 3, 17-22 Mark 14:1-15, 47 Ephesians 2:1-10 John 3:14-21

26 Cycle of Thanksgivings—Year B

Second Sunday in Lent March 1, 2015 St. John, Baptist – John didn’t mince words. The third chapter of Matthew makes interesting reading.

Third Sunday in Lent March 8, 2015 Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem (386) – In the 4th century being put in time-out (banishment or exile) carried somewhat more lasting consequences than time-out means today. None the less, Bishop Cyril received the honor of banishment (and sub- sequent restoration) three times. This probably says more about the authorities em- powered to impose time-out than it does the honored recipient of the punishment.

Fourth Sunday in Lent March 15, 2015 St. Matthias – As the day of Pentecost approached, the faithful community wait- ing for the coming of the Holy Spirit numbered about 120. At a meeting of the com- munity St. Peter recommended someone be selected to replace Judas Iscariot. The qualification for the job was the candidate must have been a witness to the life and res- urrection of Our Lord. At a meeting of that size perhaps a dozen or so people could be qualified for the job. Only Matthias and Barsabbas made the short list. Judging from that, many of the community must have had respect for Matthias’ witness during Our Lord’s earthly ministry. The matter was resolved by lot which fell to Matthias.

Fifth Sunday in Lent March 22, 2015 Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop and Martyr (1489- 1556) – Cranmer was fiercely loyal to the King Henry and on occasion his opinions compromised his mission of re- form. Later, Queen Mary the first found some of his opinions heretical and treasonous. Cranmer wrote two recantations of his alleged heresy. He later withdrew his recanta- tions thus ensuring conviction of heresy. It may be apocryphal but the tradition is that at his execution (burning at the stake) Cranmer put his right hand in the flame first as penance for using that hand to write the recantations that he later withdrew.

Palm Sunday March 29, 2015

William of Ockham - (born circa 1290, died circa 1349) William, known only by his given name and place of birth (Ockham, Surry, England) was an early harbinger of the Reformation. William is perhaps best known for his theory that philosophical/religious arguments are best understood if kept simple. His theory, now known as Ockham’s razor, is known today as KISS or keep it short and simple.

Thanks to Bill Flanigen for these Thanksgivings.

27 Lay Servers — Camille Day

8:00am Lector Chalice Bearer Usher

March 1 Linda Barden Ron Barden Linda Barden

March 8 Terry Thornton Colin Muir Mary Thornton

March 15 Kathy Booker Marcus Booker Kathy Booker

March 22 Linda Barden Ron Barden Linda Barden

March 29 Vicki Darrah Ginny Heckel Kim Ingram

10:30am Lector Chalice Bearers Ushers

March 1 Amelia Herb Deacon Anthony Sgro Jane Clarke Michael Clarke Gilda Little

March 8 John Ezzard Peggy Melton Bonnie Klinect Eston Melton Lynda White

March 15 Martha Ezzard Deacon Anthony Sgro Terri Mannoogian Roxanne Hall Jan Nash

March 22 India Benton Deacon Anthony Sgro Jan Bomar Charles Groover Bill Bomar

March 29 Rebecca Smith Deacon Anthony Sgro Jane Clarke Michael Clarke Dustin Emhart


March 1 Lawrence Nelms, Sandy Bessenger March 8 Lawrence Nelms, Paulette Williams March 15 Lawrence Nelms, Bob Holt March 22 Lawrence Nelms, Sandy Bessenger March 29 Lawrence Nelms, Paulette Williams

28 St. James Flower Schedule — John Templeton Saint James Flower Schedule March1—April 5, 2015

March 1 Twigs The Second Sunday of Lent- Purple Altar Hangings 8 Twigs The Third Sunday of Lent- Purple Altar Hangings 15 Twigs The Fourth Sunday of Lent- Purple Altar Hangings 22 Twigs The Fifth Sunday of Lent-Purple Altar Hangings 29 John T The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday- Red Altar Hangings

April 5 Guild The Sunday of the Resurrection, Easter Sunday, White Altar Hangings

Members John Templeton 706-212-0031 [email protected] Bev Mannes 706-782-9717 [email protected] Peggy Melton 706-782-5112 [email protected] Ann Suich 706-782-9506 [email protected] Shirley Pipkin 706-746-2326 [email protected] Reginald Gunn 706-782-5976 [email protected] Kathy Booker 706-782-9203 [email protected] Betsy Elsas 706-783-2122 [email protected] John and Kim Ingram 706-212-0640 kingram@[email protected] Karen Pietrowicz 706-782-0781 [email protected]

Please arrange your own substitute if you are unable to do the flowers for your assigned week and let Karen know by Tuesday of the week before your Sunday. I would also like to know as I am keeping the Master Schedule. All supplies are being moved during the renovation. I will try to have what you need available at St. Helena’s. Please notify me if we need oasis or other supplies. I hope all of you know how much I appreciate your hard work. Thank you so much! Flowers closest to Sept.26th are in memory of Bo Mentzer, closest to December 17th in memory of Elizabeth Murrell, and Elizabeth Williams on September 12th. These are annual requests.

29 The Rt. Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright, Bishop, Diocese of Atlanta The Rt. Rev. Keith B. Whitmore, Assistant Bishop, Diocese The Rt. Rev. Donald Wimberly, Assisting Bishop, Diocese of Atlanta of Atlanta The Rev. Stephen M. Hall, Rector The Rev. Dr. Anthony Sgro, Deacon

Vestry and Staff

Bill Bomar (Senior Warden) 706-782-1436 Karen Bentley - Parish Admin 706-782-6179

Betsy Elsas 706-782-2122 David Tatum - Treasurer 706-782-2875

Walter Henderson 706-782-7064 Grat Rosazza - Music Director 828-212-0031

John Ingram (Jr. Warden) 706-212-0640 Robin Rogers - Organist 828-837-4219

Terri Manoogian 706-092-004 Kathy Booker - Parish Nurse 706-782-9203

Evelyne Sheats 706-782-1341 Cheryl McKay - Sexton 706-970-7348

Linda Barden - Vestry Clerk 706-746-0272 Robert Bleckley - Mowing 706-782-3467

Ginny Heckel - Newsletter Editor 706-782-5686 Scheduler for Lay Ministers [email protected] Camille Day 706-212-0545

The mission of Saint James Episcopal Church is: To worship God, Renew our hearts and minds , And serve others.

St. James Episcopal Church

260 Warwoman Drive P.O. Box 69 Clayton, GA 30525 706-782-6179

[email protected]
