Dermatology Reports 2017; volume 9:7116 Photoepilation and skin damage to pigmented structures, cells, and photorejuvenation: an update organelles in vivo with suitably brief pulses Correspondence: Mauro Raichi, of selectively absorbed radiation over- E-mail:
[email protected] comes the need of precise aiming because 1 2 Alessandro Martella, Mauro Raichi inherent optical and thermal properties pro- Key words: Photoepilation; photorejuvena- 1Former Senior Consultant in vide target selectivity.1 tion; intense pulsed light; dermal remodeling. Dermatology, University of Modena and Proper selection of wavelength in the Sponsor: Novavision Group S.p.A., Misinto recommended visible to near-infrared Reggio Emilia Medical School, Tiggiano (MB), Italy. (LE); 2Clinical Pharmacology and region up to about 1100-1200 nanometers Biophysics Consultant, Milan, Italy (nm), pulse duration, and the energy density Conflict of interest: the authors declare no administered over the exposure time or flu- potential conflict of interest. ence are the three paramount parameters. Compromise among these three parameters Received for publication: 6 March 2017. is crucial to ensure deep dermal penetration, Accepted for publication: 2 May 2017. Abstract maximum thermal damage to the melanin This work is licensed under a Creative The effectiveness of intense pulsed light chromophore, and minimum absorption by oxyhemoglobin and water.2,3 Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (IPL) and laser devices is widely accepted International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). in aesthetic dermatology for unwanted hair The second landmark date was 1996. In removal and treatment of a variety of cuta- that year the American Food and Drug ©Copyright A. Martella and M. Raichi 2017 neous conditions.