Iowa Outdoors 2009 V68 N02.Pdf

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Iowa Outdoors 2009 V68 N02.Pdf April 24-- 26, 2009 There are those who enjoy the outdoors. And then there are those who are compelled to conserve the outdoors The College of Agnculture and L1fe Sc1ences at Iowa State Un1vers1ty offers majors that take an 1nterd1sciplmary approach to study1ng the complex interactions in the env1ronment. Our resources help students gain mva luable real-l1fe expenences that enhance their learnmg and the1r resume So the1r pass1ons and the1r future career f1.nlma\\o<.W can be the same thmg. 610\09'1 roresH'I IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY ,..g" ronom'l ta\ Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences !!:t1!~~~~:~ t.nvironmen 515-294-2766 I NATURE AND HUMANS • l fiND JHEIR OWN GAIT AT THE NATURAl GAIT CABIN FEVER If in the Yellow River State Forest is too chilly this time of yeor then the nearby "A lot of the time, when man comes in, he Natural GaH resort is your place1 for a cozy destroys the very tning he come to see," weekend that is oil about you. Howard Bright soys. "That didn't happen Owners Howard and Donna Bright bought around here." a chunk of land along the Yellow River more Atypical fall morning ot the Natural Go it unfolds than 20 years ago. 11For the Woodland people, atop o high ridge, in ocabin overlooking farmland this was holy land," Bright says simply, and streambeds. The sky will turn pink, and then spreading his hands to indicate the forested P.Urple, ond so on, until ofull electric blue ridgeline where most of his co bins sit, and the illuminates the bright beauty of foil. dear trout stream below, where ofishing line This is the kind of doy that'll convince you how looks big os boling wire. important it is to get grounded in the land before Standing on nearly 400 acres, the resort you hove to entertain oil those relatives ot is horse-friendly, like most of this oreo, Thanksgiving, ond then, seemingly minutes lofer, ond includes the Brights' wildflower seed at Christmas. company, lon Exchange. The co bins So whether it is before the holidays or if you aren't t~e light version found in most need o rest aherwords, get out there, if only resorts, either. Their thick timbers, to hunker down in ocabin , its chinks lined by thick wood·burning stoves ond reclaimed lumber roP.e so the drohs can't diminish the efforts of ond barn P.ieces ore os comfortable os they othick , popping fire in the stove. ore beautiful, juttin9 from a lovely landscape Hove ogood time with your friends or oquiet , in owoy that 6egs for steaming coffee on the relaxing, more intimate time with that special porch, or orowdy round of cords ot night. person in Y.OUr life. Dip into the treasure chest If you stoy ot the Ion Inn, the original of nature that Allomakee County offers. lodging next to the Brights' house, you con Cook up ofew trout with chanterelles on the woke u~ , cross the grovel rood ond start side, relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings fishing first thing in the morning. ond enjoy the holidays. -- - - - - --- -- - - --- - - -- --- ---- -- - - ---- - ~.. The Natural Gait's --------> Pa_y it forward Program--------> 9t~erfiJUdme;tdmfs and LJOtH lt~!f si1UJ1i... Because we all love to surp~se our famil_y and friends ... ~~1U R4/ G We are ~ving _you a 50% oH- certificate good ONLY for them!! ~~ '-<~/' (that's not to sa9 9ou can't tag along! ©) _ ' / ').. Good for an_y first-timers to The Natural Gait, Sunda_y-Thursda_y night lod~ng Name: __________ lfJtt Uwg_nf Wtslalf~1~! Email:. __________ W\ Caii8JJ-776-ll08 to redeem ~o!iit vqy time! ..,... ' . ... •' (Based on availability, please inform us you have this certificate when making y our reservation) ORS BILL K LEIN \\as MARCH I APRIL 2009 • VOLUME 68 · ISSUE 2 born and ra1sed in (formerly the Iowa ConservatiOniSt) Ill's ;\Joines, gradu· atl·d from Dowling STAFF High ':>c hoot and Kevm Bask1ns- BUREAU CHIEF '' orked bnell~ for Brian Button- EDITOR·IN CHIEF 1.001-. \ l agazinc Alan Foster- MANAGING EDITOR in Des \ 1omes Jacob Zweibohmer- ART DIRECTOR A life-long hunter, lowell Washburn, Joe Wilkinson - WRITER / PHOTOGRAPHER his work has Clay Smith- PHOTOGRAPHER appt'cllt'd in Outdoor A1m·rica magazine and Julie Tack MARKETING AND PUBLICITY many hunting and ronst>rvation magazines. He livt•s in Still\\ alt·r, :'\linn. STATE PRESERVES ADVISORY BOARD R Kim FranCISCO. Lucas Cynthia Peterson CHAIR, Cedar Rap1ds Tamm1 K1rcher Keokuk LARRY STONE IS Stephen Drnsmore, Ames ENVIRONMENTAL Armando Rosales. Atlantic " lreclanct.: \Hiler PROTECTION COMMISSION Deborah Lewis, Ames and photographer Henry Marquard - CHAIR Muscatine Carl Kurtz St. Anthony Jh·ing m Elkader. Charlotte Hubbell VICE CHAIR, Des Momes Richard Leopold Des Moines His book •LI..,tt•n Suzanne Morrow SECRETARY, Storm Lake Gall Brown, Mason City to the Land." is a Paul Johnson Decorah collection of nature NATURAL RESOURCE COMMISSION Dav1d Petty Eldora articles and photo.., W1llram B1rd CHAIR, Lehigh Shearon Elderkrn Cedar Rapids from his 2'>-year Gregory Drees VICE CHAIR, Arnolds Park Susan Heathcote, Des Mo1nes Martrn St1mson Cedar Rap1ds career as outdoor Janelle Rett1g SECRETARY, Iowa City El1zabeth Garst Coon Rap1ds Gene VerSt eeg, Inwood \\ riter with the De.., ~l oines Rlglster ':,tone Carol Kramer, Newton and coauthor jon Stravers wrote "S\h:an T. Runkl'l lltlzt·n of the Natural World" in SUBSCRIBER SERVICES • 800.361.8072 200:~. and currently an· '~orking on a biogra­ ADVERTISING OFFICE ph) of (,Jad~s Black. "Iowa's Bird Lady." Larson Enterprises, ) 1 a r '3t 515.440.2810 l r LARSON6@MCHSI CO M [email protected] DNR EXECUTIVE STAFF R1chard Leopold- DIRECTOR • Pat Boddy DEPUTY DIRECTOR RON HUELSE of Knoxville has spt•nt DIVISION ADMINISTRATORS six years photo­ Sally Jag nandan - (Int erim) MANAGEMENT SERVICES graphing \\ ildlife. Ken Herrrng CONSERVATION AND RECREATION • Wayne G1eselman ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES insect-- and bird.., DNR Central Office 515.281.5918 • TIY users cont act Relay Iowa 800.735.2942 near Lake Red R()(:k when not A SUBSCRIPTION RATES S 12 FOR ONE YEAR SIB FOR TWO YEARS AND $24 FOR THREE YEARS PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE cycling. hiking POSTMASTER or ,·olunteering. An avid paddler. Jw also lwlp ... find ... ponsors to reintroduce osprey locally and rai ... es awareness of siltation issues at the rcsevoir. He's a recent rl'tin'l' with "more hobb1es than I have lime for" DNR MISSION SHOW YOUR SUPPORT rn COJl,t·rv,• .tncl t•nh.llln our IMtUr,tJ rl',OUrCt"~ in l"OOJ)eta· Tht> DNR '\aturt· ':>ton oiler ••l'l'·lrt·l .md 1-:llh linn w11h mchv1Ciu.lls .tnd or,llantlitlions to tmprovt· cht• quality with prolil s lor ,1.11<· p.trks. Ord<·r onhnt· ac J ENNIFER WILSON ol hit· fur '""·'"'.mel •·rt-uo<· .tlt·R<KY for fucure !(eneration». '" \\ w tu'" ,m,Jturt .. ton.· .(.·om is a travel and SU BSCRIBER SERVICES features writer EDITOR IAL MISSION \\t• slnw cu Ul><'nlh• door co lilt' b<·aucy and umqueness To subsrnbt•, or lor .tnv .ubsl'riptinn '""'''or based in Des uf lm•;~'s n·<uun·t''· m•p•n· pt"ople to gel out'Ide qucslllllh l'.JIIl·BOO 361 80721\lnntl.t~ lhrouRh Fnday Momes. Her works and •·xpt·nenn· lu"'' .md tu nwtivat<· outdoor-minded from 7 a.m tu It p m or \H·ckt·ntls t! 1m In Ci p 111 rtlw·ns co unclt-r~t.mel .mel <·lr<' lor our natural rt'sourn·s Fur t"a..,t' 10 proet."''utt:. plt•a..,t· h,JH' ,m 1-.,ue \\llh appear in /llatwnal •• mailtn~ l.tbd .tv.ul.lblt• .tllllllt' ol ····" ro purdta'"' Geograpluc MAKE A DIFFERENCE d ''".Ill" l'O(l)' lor $:1 50 < •ll 515 2l' 1 5!11 S nu Kt't'l>t'IS ollht 1 tnd prujiram macrh~s vnlunlt't'r'> Trat'eler. Frommer's \\lth rt''jOUflt• 'l r\Kt' ntTd' ... l.alt:\\id£" LEARN MORE Budget Trarcl, (,'"' b u ~ cu '""·''s Iantis. "att·r-. and -.k'"' Our "'·bpagt•, "''" ''"" nr r O\ load"d wtth mrurmatwn for .t11 as:t' uno nt'c us ku\ h(t nse-s, n .. ~{'r\t• .\Iid u·est Linng laii515-:!Sl 0~7/i Co n~otld• ynur tntt·re't' \\llh n..-.,ds or \I •'-"V ' tt per t Uhdh lorg camp,ate' or )~.un tnorc .tbout our en\lronmenl onhn(l' ancl Fsqutrr. rlwugh not an avid birder, HOW TO DONATE ... he• clop.., 0\\ n two wren hous(•s hand-turned t hamablt n •I I.•~ I. untl' 111 l.:nod' and by H.tnc' Jc·ck of tht Amana Colonie ... st rVltt'S ,grt-all) t·nllanet s. ]o,,a' outdoor hvtng ' [email protected] l unlace lh•n• h111l Shl\'\o·r, al '>l'>Jiil·b"31l 4 IOWA OUTDOORS· MARCH I APRIL 2009 ------------------------------------ --- - ___. eems we have a trend developing that is taking us full Scircle on how we think of rivers and streams. Iowans are rediscovering their "river address." Prior to European settlement, before railroads, highways, and airports, Iowans identified their address in relationship to running waterways "Go north on the Des Moines, take the South Skunk fork, and we're about half-a-mile up Squaw Creek." People divided the land by waterways and geographic features. Water was the center of commerce and community life. Mills ground our grain and dams provided what limited power we needed beyond horses and oxen. Then, the industrial revolution. Road builders divided the landscape for our vehicles, steam-driven backhoes tiled and drained our soils for production agriculture and the trend started toward urbanization.
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