,pmrnchester drr City Centre Map Manchester City Centre Map (1967) This report has been digitised by Joe Blakey and Martin Dodge from the Department of Geography, University of Manchester. The digitisation was supported by the Manchester Statistical Society’s Campion Fund. Permission to digitise and release the report under Creative Commons license was kindly granted by Manchester Libraries, Information and Archives, Manchester City Council. (Email:
[email protected]) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. 20 July 2013. City and County Borough of Manchester City Centre Map 1967 J S Millar B Arch M-TPI ARIBA City Planning Officer Town Hall Manchester 2 061-CEN 3377 Contents Foreword Introduction 1.Historical and Regional Context 5 2.City Centre Uses 13 3.Circulation and Communications 27 4.Environmental Standards and Objectives 39 5.Comprehensive Planning Proposals 55 6. Implementation 73 7.Summary 81 Appendices Maps Acknowledgements Foreword 1, The City Centre Map, br~ng~ngtogether Inany separate hut ~nter-relatedpolicies and proposals, is to form the bas~sfor further consultations with those interested In the plannlng of the Central Area of Manchester. 2. The principal contents of this report have already been the subject of consultation over a long period with the various Chief Officers and Departments of the Corporation, wit11 the City Engineer of Salford, and with a wide range of organisations, including the Chambers of Trade and Comrnerce . Valuable advice and assistance has also been given by the regional representatives of the Millistries concerned with land use and transportation problems, 3.