The Wall Street Journal/Washingtonpost.Com/Quinnipiac University Poll
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The Wall Street Journal/ University poll Colorado Survey dates: 06/17 - 06/24/08 TOTAL LIKELY VOTERS: 1,351(+/- 2.7%) LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds Unweighted Total 1351 400 399 492 562 789 1177 90 139 Margins of error 2.67 4.90 4.91 4.42 4.13 3.49 2.86 10.33 8.31 IMP ISSUE Q5...... Denvr/ Arap/ RestOf War Econ Terr Bouldr Jeff West State Unweighted Total 264 627 109 355 275 302 419 Margins of error 6.03 3.91 9.39 5.20 5.91 5.64 4.79 WHITES................................. AGE IN YRS....... NoColl College BrnAgn 18-34 35-54 55+ Degree Degree Men Wom Evngl Cath Unweighted Total 128 489 705 539 637 479 698 326 204 Margins of error 8.66 4.43 3.69 4.22 3.88 4.48 3.71 5.43 6.86 PresVt2004.. CongVt2006.. BushJobAppQ13 Bush Kerry Rep Dem App Dis Unweighted Total 622 560 417 519 404 875 Margins of error 3.93 4.14 4.80 4.30 4.88 3.31 CAND CHOICE Q1 Obama McCain Unweighted Total 665 583 Margins of error 3.80 4.06 1. If the election for President were being held today, and the candidates were Barack Obama the Democrat and John McCain the Republican, for whom would you vote?(If undecided q1) As of today, do you lean more toward Obama or McCain? This table includes "Leaners". LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds Obama 49% 9% 93% 51% 45% 53% 46% 62% 54% McCain 44 88 5 39 50 39 47 36 41 SMONE ELSE(VOL) 2 - - 3 3 1 2 - 1 WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) - - - - - - - - - DK/NA 5 3 2 8 3 7 5 2 4 IMP ISSUE Q5...... Denvr/ Arap/ RestOf War Econ Terr Bouldr Jeff West State Obama 68% 53% 8% 59% 48% 46% 42% McCain 27 39 91 35 43 47 52 SMONE ELSE(VOL) 2 2 - 2 2 2 2 WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) - - - - - - - DK/NA 3 6 1 4 7 5 4 WHITES................................. AGE IN YRS....... NoColl College BrnAgn 18-34 35-54 55+ Degree Degree Men Wom Evngl Cath Obama 53% 49% 47% 42% 52% 41% 50% 29% 38% McCain 45 42 45 50 42 52 42 65 52 SMONE ELSE(VOL) - 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) - - - - - - - - - DK/NA 2 5 7 6 5 4 7 4 8 PresVt2004.. CongVt2006.. BushJobAppQ13 Bush Kerry Rep Dem App Dis Obama 13% 90% 10% 84% 9% 72% McCain 81 5 86 12 86 21 SMONE ELSE(VOL) 1 1 1 1 2 2 WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) - - - - - - DK/NA 5 4 3 3 3 5 1a.(If candidate choice given q1)Is your mind made up, or do you think you might change your mind before the election? LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds Made up 77% 82% 86% 67% 78% 76% 78% 74% 80% Might change 21 16 13 31 20 21 20 23 20 DK/NA 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 CAND CHOICE Q1 Tot Obama McCain Made up 77% 77% 78% Might change 21 21 21 DK/NA 2 2 2 2. If the election for United States Senator were being held today, and the candidates were Mark Udall the Democrat and Bob Schaffer the Republican, for whom would you vote? (If undecided q2) As of today, do you lean more toward Udall or Schaffer? This table includes "Leaners". LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds Udall 48% 8% 89% 54% 43% 53% 47% 57% 62% Schaffer 38 82 7 27 46 32 40 34 28 SMONE ELSE(VOL) 1 - - 2 1 - 1 1 - WLDN'T VOTE(VOL) - - - 1 - - - - - DK/NA 12 9 4 17 9 14 12 8 10 3. Is your opinion of -- Barack Obama favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him? LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds Favorable 53% 25% 85% 55% 50% 56% 51% 62% 55% Unfavorable 33 62 6 28 37 28 34 25 25 Hvn't hrd enough 12 11 8 15 10 13 12 13 17 REFUSED 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 - 2 4. Is your opinion of -- John McCain favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him? LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds Favorable 53% 83% 24% 51% 55% 50% 55% 49% 50% Unfavorable 32 10 58 31 33 32 32 27 34 Hvn't hrd enough 13 7 15 15 10 15 10 22 14 REFUSED 3 1 3 3 2 3 3 1 2 5. Which of the following will be the single most important issue in your vote in the election for President this year? (READ OPTIONS) LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds Terrorism 8% 20% 2% 4% 10% 6% 8% 10% 9% The war in Iraq 19 11 28 21 19 20 20 16 19 The economy 47 40 50 51 47 46 47 46 48 Illegal immigration 9 16 3 7 10 8 9 11 11 Health care 10 7 14 10 6 14 10 11 7 SOMETHING ELSE (VOL) 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 2 3 DK/NA 3 4 1 3 3 2 3 3 3 6. If elected, John McCain would be the first person to become President at age 72. Does that make you more likely to vote for McCain, less likely to vote for McCain, or doesn't it make a difference? LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds More likely 2% 3% 2% 1% 2% 2% 1% 4% 3% Less likely 19 6 32 21 17 22 19 11 19 Doesn't make diff 78 91 65 77 81 75 78 84 77 DK/NA 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7. If elected, Barack Obama would be the first African-American President. Does that make you more likely to vote for Obama, less likely to vote for Obama, or doesn't it make a difference? LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds More likely 4% 3% 7% 4% 4% 5% 3% 9% 7% Less likely 3 5 2 3 3 3 4 5 3 Doesn't make diff 91 91 90 93 92 91 93 86 87 DK/NA 1 1 2 - 1 1 1 - 3 8. In deciding your vote for President how important is the vice-presidential candidate - Very important, somewhat important, not too important or not important at all? LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds Very important 37% 33% 38% 41% 32% 43% 37% 42% 39% Smwht important 45 51 46 40 44 46 44 47 46 Not too important 13 12 13 14 18 8 15 2 11 Not important at all 4 2 2 5 4 3 3 9 3 DK/NA 1 2 1 1 2 - 1 - 2 9. Would you like Barack Obama to pick Hillary Clinton to be his vice-presidential running mate or not? LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds Yes 29% 15% 45% 28% 23% 35% 27% 35% 33% No 54 65 43 56 58 51 56 50 57 DK/NA 17 21 12 16 19 14 17 15 10 10. If Barack Obama chooses Hillary Clinton to be his vice-presidential running mate, would that make you more likely to vote for Obama, less likely to vote for Obama, or doesn't it make a difference? LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds More likely 14% 3% 25% 15% 9% 20% 13% 20% 22% Less likely 24 43 3 26 27 22 26 15 28 Doesn't make diff 60 52 71 58 63 56 59 64 50 DK/NA 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 11. If Hillary Clinton becomes Vice-President, do you think she would enthusiastically promote Barack Obama's agenda at the expense of her own ideas or not? LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds Yes 38% 19% 60% 40% 37% 39% 38% 43% 47% No 44 65 25 39 48 40 44 44 35 DK/NA 18 16 15 21 14 21 18 13 19 12. If Hillary Clinton becomes Vice-President, do you think Bill Clinton would be a problem to the Obama administration or not? LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds Yes 44% 64% 28% 40% 47% 41% 45% 34% 36% No 50 29 66 54 49 51 50 56 58 DK/NA 6 7 6 5 4 8 5 10 5 13. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as President? LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds Approve 31% 66% 5% 23% 34% 28% 32% 31% 25% Disapprove 63 26 94 72 61 66 63 66 69 DK/NA 6 8 1 5 6 6 6 2 6 14. In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in the nation today? Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied? LIKELY VOTERS................................................. Union Tot Rep Dem Ind Men Wom Wht His HsHlds Very satisfied 3% 8% 1% 2% 5% 2% 3% 4% 1% Smwht satisfied 21 44 4 16 24 18 22 22 21 Smwht dissatisfied 30 31 23 33 31 29 31 22 32 Very dissatisfied 46 16 72 48 40 50 43 51 47 DK/NA 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 - 15.