December/January 2018 Bramhope Methodist Church, Eastgate, LS16 9AA Minister: Rev Roger Smith Deacon Jenny Parnell email: [email protected] Telephone: 01943 874 735 email: [email protected] Telephone: 0113 250 9805

Dear Friends

Before moving here in the summer I lived in where, for just over a year, Jo Cox was my MP and I feel privileged to have met her. She was full of energy and enthusiasm; she combined a love of the area where she had grown up with a passionate concern for those in need around the world; she inspired children and young people; she reached out across political divides. And, of course, as we all know, her life was brutally cut short on the streets of Birstall.

Jo Cox connected with people of faith. She didn’t hold religious beliefs herself but understood the significant part faith plays in people’s lives. This made her a very effective MP in a multi-faith constituency. I heard her speak at the Friends Meeting House about her work in Israel/Palestine with . She told us about going into Gaza and meeting people longing for a better future. As an MP she was a strong voice for the suffering people of Syria.

She was also passionate about the needs of her constituency. It was one of the most poignant moments in all my time as a minister to open up Birstall Methodist Church on the day Jo Cox died so the police could use it 24/7 for rest breaks and planning their huge operation.

What connects all this with Christmas? Many of us will be looking forward to enjoying good things at Christmas, not just presents, of course, but time with family and friends, enjoying good things to eat and drink, hearing the Christmas story, singing carols, having some time to relax. Christmas can also be a stressful time, for some people it is a lonely time but I hope that, whatever your plans, some really good things come your way.

At the heart of the Christmas story is a vulnerable baby born in very difficult circumstances. That baby received some lavish gifts, was protected by love but faced real dangers. The Christmas story is not a cosy one but it does offer real hope for a troubled world.

1 Friends and family of Jo Cox have continued her work to combat loneliness with the Great Get-Together last summer and they’ve issued a challenge to make new connections with people this Christmas in #mincepiemoments. You don’t have to eat lots of mince pies (or indeed any) but all of us can look for opportunities to connect with people we might otherwise pass by. This campaign doesn’t have a religious motivation but it sounds like the real spirit of Christmas to me.

I look forward to sharing my first Christmas in Bramhope with you. I’m sure there’ll be many ‘mince pie moments’ along the way when we realise afresh what Christmas is all about.

Wishing you joy and peace this Christmas,



Our Church Mission Statement: “Together as a Church family we are aspiring to love God, the Community and each other through worship, prayer, learning, service and outreach.”

Church Weekly Notices – Please send items for the Sunday church notices by email to [email protected] or telephone 01943 467517 by Tuesday lunchtime.

Copy Deadline for the February/March Messenger is 16th January 2018 by email to [email protected] or Tel 01943 467 517

Door Stewards/Readers/Coffee Team – Spare duty Rotas are always available in the church vestibule and the vestry, or from one of the Stewards – Sue, Norman, Ben or Joan. With grateful thanks to all who serve the church by carrying out these duties.

2 Church Flower Rota December 3rd J Calvert 10th Michael Beard 17th Christmas 24th Christmas 31st Christmas

January 7th Marjorie Russell 14th Sheila Neville 21st Lynne Pearson 28th Marion Crossley

PLEASE arrange flowers in the Low Room where the vases are kept and NOT in the kitchen. Access to the church is available between 9.00 and 12.00 on Saturday BUT NOT TO THE HALL, STAGE AND KITCHEN WHERE THE DANCING GROUP meets.

Grateful thanks are extended to all who donate flowers. These are distributed weekly to our Church Members and Friends.

The Wharfedale and Aireborough Circuit Evening Services – are at 6.00pm Sunday 10th December at Bramhope Sunday 14th January at Ben Rhydding Please speak to one of the Stewards if you require transport.

We wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year

3 Church Diary Dates


Advent 3rd 8.30am Prayer Breakfast Sunday 10.00am Morning Service with Holy Communion led by Rev Keith Reed

Tuesday 5th 7.00pm Film Club: “A United Kingdom”

Wednesday 6th 10.00am Ewart’s House Group 7.30pm Bible Study at Otley

2nd Sunday 10th 10.00am Morning Service with Toy Collection for the in Advent Salvation Army led by Neil Moffoot 6.00pm Circuit Evening Service at Bramhope 7.30pm Christmas Choral Recital by Ensemble Pro Victoria

Tuesday 12th 10.00am Holy Communion in the Low Room

Thursday 14th 7.30pm Thursday Group meeting 3rd Sunday 17th 10.00am Prayers led by Joan Bosomworth in Advent 4.00pm Traditional Carol Service led by Rev Roger Smith

Wednesday 20th 10.00am Ewart’s House Group 7.30pm Bible Study at Otley

Thursday 21st 6.30pm Carol Singing at the Fox & Hounds PH

4th Sunday 24th 10.00am Morning Service led by Rev Roger Smith in Advent 11.30pm Midnight Communion led by Rev Roger Smith

Christmas 25th 10.00am Christmas Day Family Worship led by Morning Deacon Jenny Parnell

Sunday 31st 10.00am Café Worship in the Hall led by Mrs Pauline Tate

4 January

Tuesday 2nd 7.00p Film Club: “Allied”

Wednesday 3rd 10.00am Ewart’s House Group 7.30pm Bible Study at Otley

Friday 5th 10.00am Candlelighters Coffee Morning at Church

Sunday 7th 8.30am Prayer Breakfast 10.00am Morning Service with Holy Communion led by Rev Roger Smith

Tuesday 9th 10.00am Holy Communion in the Low Room Thursday 11th 6.30pm Thursday Group Meal at The Wharfedale

Sunday 14th 10.00am Morning Service led by Deacon Jenny 6.00pm Circuit Service at Ben Rhydding

Monday 15th 7.30pm Pastoral Visitors’ meeting – Low Room

Wednesday 17th 10.00am Ewart’s House Group 7.30pm Bible Study at Otley

Sunday 21st 10.00am Morning Service led by Rev Lesley Taylor 6.30pm United Evening Service with St Giles at the Methodist Church to celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Sunday 28th 10.00am Morning Service led by Viv Pitts

Wednesday 31st 7.30pm Bible Study at Otley

Fridays 10.00-10.30am Otley Church – Shoppers’ Service followed by coffee in the hall – ALL WELCOME

5 Weekly Activities at our Church

Monday 9.00-10.00 PILATES – contact Angela 07745 801438 2.00-4.00pm SEQUENCE Tea Dancing - contact Marjorie 2679802

Tuesday 10.00-12.00 COFFEE SHOP in the Hall

Wednesday 10.15-11.15 TAI CHI – organised by OPAL – 0113 261 9103 6.30-7.30pm PILATES – contact Angela 07745 801438 8.00-9.15pm YOGA – contact Polly 07850 471568

Thursday 10.30-11.30 Lower Impact ZUMBA – contact Carol 0750 3165127 2.00-4.00pm MEETING POINT – in conjunction with OPAL – conversation, refreshments and activities

Saturday 9.00-12noon DANCE Inc – dance classes for all ages and abilities – contact Emma 0770 7055491

Operation Christmas Child Thank you to everyone who recently filled a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. 49 Shoeboxes were donated and taken to the collection point. Special thanks to Margaret Fielding who organised this appeal.

Thank you to everyone who supported our first Café Church on Sunday 29th October and thank you to those who completed a Feedback Form.

The feedback was so positive and encouraging that we plan to hold our next Café Church on the fifth Sunday in December, the 31st and this will be led by Pauline Tate from Yeadon.

Food will be available from 9.45am. It will be fun and interactive as well as thought provoking. Please do come and join us – ALL WELCOME



Accounts 2017 The collections for the year to August 2017 are detailed below. 2016-17 2015-16 Envelopes, Cash and Standing Orders £26,253.06 £28,647.02

Although down by 8.3%, last year’s collections were particularly high. Compared to 2014-2015 collections were up 2.5%.

The yearend accounts show a surplus of £176.36 after major repair costs of £7,429.14, £1,000 of which was utilised from the Maintenance Reserve. Repairs included replacing the kitchen boiler, work on Church heating including replacing the water tank and work on the spire.

Again we must thank those who are so generous in their giving. As well as monetary but also with their time in providing activities which are appreciated in the village as well as providing income to our Church to assist in paying for our running costs.

This year’s Autumn Plant sales income was £2,226 resulting in a creditable surplus of £775. The last Dinner Club was held recently on the subject of teeth, it was well attended and something to get our incisors into.

Redevelopment The Fund stands at £10,435.86 with a further £10,000 receivable from District. Spend during the year included general decorations and architect fees for looking at improving the entrance.

Organ Fund This was £2,055.28 at August and now stands at £12,055.28 thanks to a generous donation in memory of Annie Markham.

Norman Sykes Honorary Treasurer


Sunday 10th December at 7.30pm A Christmas Choral Concert in aid of the Organ Restoration Fund

Toby Ward brings a group of former Cambridge Choral Scholars to Bramhope for an early celebration of Christmas

Ensemble Pro Victoria is an exciting young vocal octet comprised of former Choral Scholars from Cambridge University. Formed in 2015, EPV specialise in early music and have given period concerts with the Cambridge University Collegium Musicum in King’s College Chapel to great acclaim. EPV will deliver a programme of Christmas music through the ages, culminating in a full congregational sing-song! Tickets £12.50 from Jack 2672906 or Bernard 2678169

This concert is kindly given in support of the Bramhope Restoration and Repair Organ Fund.


Charity Coffee Morning – in the Church Hall Friday 5th January 10.00 – 12noon for the charity

Candlelighters support Yorkshire families facing children’s cancer. They get involved in all sorts of different projects to help ordinary families who face extraordinary circumstances.

Please support this coffee morning and a very special charity.

ADVANCE NOTICE Quiz Night with Pie and Peas Supper Come and pit your wits against our Quiz Master General – fabulous food and prizes Friday 9th February 2018 Tickets £8 .

9 VACANCY, VACANCY, VACANCY – can you help?

A Church Publicity Officer – it was agreed last year by Church Council that ideally a Church Publicity Officer should be appointed who would take overall responsibility for ensuring our special events, news and services are advertised as appropriate. More information from Jack or Sue

Church Council Secretary – a replacement is sought for Shula Lawrence who has recently stepped down from this role. Working with our Minister, Roger, the Secretary prepares Council meeting papers and agendas, circulating as necessary and taking notes of meetings. More information from Shula or Sue Ward.

Both these roles would use email and require access to a computer.

Please prayerfully consider whether you could help with either of these roles in our Church?

Thank you


Prayer, Worship, Study and Mission

Prayer Ministry – A Quiet Corner If you would sometimes like to spend a few quiet minutes after the Sunday morning service, you may wish to make use of our side chapel area in front of the small table and cross. Members of our prayer team are also on hand each week if you would like someone to pray with you. Or simply sit, enjoy the beautiful stained glass window and reflect quietly in the presence of God.

Our Harvest Gifts After sending our Harvest Gifts to the Salvation Army we received a lovely letter of thanks which read: “We serve a meal every Monday throughout the year and give out food parcels two days each week to those in need. The fresh produce you gave us was used for this meal and other community purposes and the tinned food will be used for food parcels. Sadly, there is a great demand for these services at present and your very kind donation was, and will be a great help in providing them.” May God bless you and the church in your ministry. Barry Cole, Community coordinator.” It would be good to continue to remember the Salvation Army and their work in our prayers Joan Bosomworth

Midweek Communion in the Low Room The second Tuesday in the month at 10.00am This midweek communion is an opportunity To listen to a passage of Scripture To hear a brief message about our faith To share in Holy Communion Coffee afterwards then provides time for conversation and fellowship. Please note there will be no Thursday evening communion during December and January.


Special Services and events during December and January:

Sunday 10th December at 10.00am – a Toy Collection Service for the Salvation Army. Please support this very worthy cause with new or second hand, good quality clean toys and books.

Sunday 10th December at 6.00pm – the Circuit Service will be held at Bramhope.

Sunday 17th December at 4.00pm – join us for a traditional Carol Service led by our Minister, Rev Roger Smith, followed by seasonal refreshments.

Thursday 21st December from 6.30pm - Carol singing at the Fox and Hounds PH – meet outside church at 6.20pm. Collection in aid of Action for Children. Please come along to sing with us – all welcome.

Sunday 24th December at 10.00am – Sunday Morning Worship and at 11.30pm Holy Communion led by our Minister, Rev Roger Smith.

Christmas Day Family Worship at 10.00am led by Deacon Jenny

Sunday 31st December – Café Church in the Hall – food from 9.45am. Service from 10.00am.

Sunday 21st January at 6.30pm a united Service with St Giles at our Church to celebrate the week of prayer for Christian Unity

12 The Word – Luke 6 v12 “At that time Jesus went up a hill to pray and spent the whole night there praying to God.”

We are in the run up to Christmas and life can often become very hectic. Sometimes we feel we don’t have a moment to spare. In the church too the calendar gets full and it is easy to lose sight of what it is all about. There seems to be no time for quiet reflection, but it is at times like these that the need for a quiet time with God becomes even more important. Jesus realised that He could not fulfil His ministry if He was out of touch with His Father. We know Jesus had a very hectic life, but He always made time for prayer.

I’m not suggesting we sit up all night, but we must not lose sight of what it’s all about, and try and make time for God. As we approach the new year thoughts turn to resolutions and I would like to suggest that at the top of our list is what we thought about at Cafe Church - Making space for God. It will always be worthwhile. Joan Bosomworth

Prayer Calendar for December and January We pray for: We ask a blessing on the Christmas cards that we have sent to MHA. All those who will receive our gifts of toys and all the work that the Salvation Army undertakes; local, national and international. We pray that those who hear us carol singing at the Fox and Hounds will be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas. All those who spend Christmas alone and those for whom it brings sad memories. All those who work with the charity Refugee Support Europe. Our friends at St Giles. A peaceful and blessed New Year with greater harmony between the nations and tolerance between religious groups. Amen


We have a number of ways of offering prayer for you, your friends and family, or for situations that touch us in the world?

❖ Prayer Book in the vestibule – please write prayer requests in on any Sunday, or mention them to one of the Stewards on duty, and they will be included during the service.

❖ Prayer Breakfast – let Joan Bosomworth (2674198) know of any requests in advance and they will be included in our prayers on the first Sunday of each month; or join us for this quiet time of prayer and meditation, followed by a time of fellowship over breakfast.

❖ Emergency Prayer Chain – when prayer is needed urgently and confidentially. Please contact Rev Roger Smith (01943 874735) or email [email protected].

Or for any of the above, please fill in the form and post in the letter box at church, addressed to the appropriate person.



Situation:______If you would like to join the Prayer Chain please contact Ewart Lewis [email protected] or Tel 0113 2678001

P Prayer opens the door for God to talk to us and R Receive his blessings A Adoration, Confession, Thanks or Supplication Y You can do it anytime, anywhere

14 Thank you to Margaret Le Beau for this article on Refugee Support Europe

Co-founder of the charity Refugee Support Europe, John Sloan, recently spoke at Burley Methodist Church about the work they do in the ‘holding camps’ which have been set up in Greece since Europe closed its Balkan borders in March 2016. John had worked previously with UNICEF and felt compelled to do something about the refugee crisis when the situation arose in Calais. He and fellow businessman Paul Hutchings gave up paid work to do what they could and founded the charity in April 2016. Entirely supported by private donations and delivered by self-funded volunteers, their aim is to deliver aid with dignity and to return a degree of normality to people who find themselves in situations of grief, chaos and uncertainty. The camps are hugely overcrowded and currently refugees arrive at the rate of 200 a day. The ground frequently floods and temperatures plummet in winter. Tents originally designed for one family now hold two, though the Government is currently working on plans to house people in goods containers fitted with bathrooms.

The charity has created welcoming environments to distribute the essentials of life in 5 refugee camps in Greece. We saw photos of the ‘food markets’ and ‘boutiques’ that make life more tolerable for the refugees. Instead of standing in line to receive food aid, families can visit the market when they want to and ‘buy’ the food they need with tokens allocated according to family size. The charity supplements staples such as bread and rice provided by the large agencies, with fruit and vegetables bought from local Greek suppliers. Similarly, instead of rummaging through bags of donated clothes, refugees can visit a ‘boutique’ where volunteers have sorted, mended and displayed clothes in good condition. Because of limited space, the boutique room stock is rotated weekly with women’s, men’s, children’s clothes and shoes.

The charity has negotiated with camp authorities to set up a community kitchen where the refugees themselves prepare and serve a daily meal. They have built two playgrounds, a school and a language school involving the refugees themselves in planning and staffing. Being a small organisation, Refugee Support Europe works closely with other agencies but can respond more quickly and more personally than large organisations. For example pregnant women needing a Caesarean section are given an appointment at a local hospital in the morning and sent back to the camp the same night. Following the death of a child, the charity has so far been able to offer respite care in hotel accommodation for 8 new born babies and their mothers.

The sheer numbers and the politics involved in the refugee crisis can feel overwhelming. But after listening to John and one of the 450 volunteers who have worked with him; and hearing the stories of individuals and families who have fled war and conflict it was heartening to know that in tragic and difficult times ordinary people continue to give their time, energy and resources to treat other human beings with dignity.

For more information visit


Church Family News

Ellie Garnett Val and Ian Garnett and family would like to thank everyone for your support, cards and messages of sympathy after our sudden and unexpected loss of Ellie. These were of great comfort to us all and very much appreciated

Also, I would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone for the support and cards and beautiful flowers which I received following my recent unexpected surgery. Your invaluable help and support has helped me through a very difficult few months. Thank you so much Val

Paul Welling, who retired on 31st May 2016 after more than 25 years’ service as Manager of the Robert Craven Hall, died recently after a short retirement. Sherryl wishes to thank all those who knew Paul for their kindness and support during his time as Manager.

David Nuttall: sadly, we report the sudden death of David Nuttall. Our thoughts and prayers are with Susan and her family and friends at this sad and difficult time. David’s funeral will be held at church on Friday 1st December at 12.45 followed by a family Act of Committal at Lawnswood Crematorium. After the service all are invited to the Britannia Hotel for refreshments.


Our Church Groups

MEETING POINT Every Thursday afternoon 2.00-4.00pm £2 entry (refreshments included) £3 for wheelchair transportation (payable to OPAL) Tea and Chat from 2.00pm and Talks from 2.30pm Meeting Point is aimed at Older people, but all ages are welcome for conversation, refreshments and companionship. Bramhope Methodist Church and OPAL (Older People’s Action in the Locality) working in partnership Contact Opal 0113 2619103 for transport

EWART’S HOUSE GROUP – ALL WELCOME The first and third Wednesdays of the month at 10.00am

All are welcome to join this ecumenical discussion group at Ewart’s House. Take your own Bible passage, queries and doubts to the meetings to discuss with other members. Everyone has the opportunity to lead a discussion of their choice if they want.

As a multi-faith group meetings start with a glass of Sherry and finish about noon with a cup of Tea and a biscuit.

Please contact Ewart on 0113 2678001 for more information

SEQUENCE TEA DANCING -Mondays 2.00-4.00pm Keep fit in a fun and friendly atmosphere You don’t need a partner, just enthusiasm Refreshments and raffle prizes to be won every week Contact Marjorie: 0113 2679802 New members always welcome and free dancing lessons are given at the start of each session.

17 MEN’S BRUNCH Monday: 18th December and 22nd January at 10.30am Good Food, Conversation and Fellowship ALL WELCOME During Brunch - Ladies are invited to meet for coffee, cake and conversation. For venue details please speak to Beryl 261 1751


Thursday 14th December – Carols, Readings and Mince Pies Thursday 11th January – New Year Meal at The Wharfedale We meet on the stage area, for interesting evenings of talks and a cup of tea with chat, on the second Thursday of the month from September to June. NEW MEMBERS ALWAYS WELCOME. For more information ring Judith Neville on 2678169.

COFFEE SHOP Every Tuesday in the Church Hall between 10.00 and 12.00 Holy Communion is usually celebrated at 10.00am on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Low Room.

WALKING GROUP - NEW WALKERS ALWAYS WELCOME Walks usually meet outside church at 9.30am for car sharing December – no walk Saturday 20th January Telephone Margaret 2673143 for details

18 Delicious Marmalade and Jams (Damson & Blackcurrant) For sale every Sunday All home made with care by Judith & Bernard

Only £2.50 a jar – all profits go to church funds