Landmarks for Neurogeometry Jean Petitot# #Center of Mathematics (CAMS) Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Paris, France e-mail:
[email protected]. July 15, 2015 Abstract We present a historical survey of the way Neurogeometry links the modelling of the functional architectures of primary visual areas with sub-Riemannian geometry. 1 Introduction In the 1990s, we coined the expression \neurogeometry of vision" to refer to geometrical models of the functional architecture of primary visual areas. The very particular connectivity of the functional neuroanatomy of these areas explains the geometry of percepts and must therefore be implemented in the synaptic weights of the neural nets used for modelling. The term \neurogeometry" (of vision) presents two complementary aspects. 1. The geometry of (visual) perception described, but not modelled, since the times of Goethe, Helmholtz, Hering, Brentano, Poincar´e,Husserl and Gestalttheorie (von Ehrenfels, Wertheimer, Stumpf, Koffka, K¨ohler,Kl¨uver, etc.), from Kanizsa to Marr in psychology, from Evans to Pea- cocke or McDowell in philosophy of mind. We will use the expression \perceptual geometry" for its description. It must be emphasised that, until the 1960s, a relevant mathematical perceptual geometry was essentially lacking. 2. Strictly speaking the term \neurogeometry" concerns mathematical models for the neural algo- rithms processing perceptual geometry. Now, we will see that these mathematical models of neural implementation are also geometrical but in a sense deeply different from that of perceptual geometry. The difference is quite similar to that found in computer sciences between high level logic and low level λ-calculus. Neurogeometry is, so to speak, \internal", neural, and \immanent", while perceptual geometry is \external", ideal, and \transcendent".