Hesperia Awards Four Trophies
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Theta Tops Scholastic Race, Rocky A&W Average Hits Recent Low with Mountain Callegian a Theta, average of 2.66, A close Alpha fourth was house to take jßffLdout Cn <>P aigma Kappa’s 2.63. scholastic race iMfconors in the I he traditional according to com- Win quarter, dumbo-cup goes “ Pl " Uelta the Theta »i,h RfL? made by registrar's aA«d bottom Vol. LXIV Robert of foRT through average J.97. Collins, Colorado Friday, February 25, 1955 and released No. 20 of students. >! dean T'V omen’s group body average Name of student group Membership Ave. tin lowest average to Kappa Alpha Theta __ 67 9«- 1953. Women tJW 1,11 00perativc house ‘8 quaitei r>5 286 Awards Four Delta Delia H® Hesperia Delta Trophies 65 t! e.t stholasfit super. Sigma Kappa ?"5® 41 Delta a 2.55 aver- Gamma hi Phi men with Beta ~?V Zeta, Sigma . 60 Ep- Sorority women Pi to 2.31 for men, 400 silon, Beta ■. $6O Phi, and Lamb- ...pared All women I0ion ;?? da pi Beta Phi Chi were :RL- alive house was .;i Alpha awarded U - Coopt I : in with women trophies for first in second in scholarship placing Student die ol 2 sn. High fraternity body annual e ...... 3685 Hesperia Sing j^ErJg Kappa Delta wit It ■' 2.73 average. 67 £36 Sunday, announces Pat Wil- division jn the lraternity Men’s liams, group president. with a 2.ti2 Name of Delta group Sigma Membership Ave Pi. Beta Phi won the wom- 2.j2. Farm House Liainbda Clin s 53 by en s division Pill Sigma Delta a ‘Med- 9 singing division the women's Lambda Chi Alpha ley from Hans Christian Anderson. l^Hj r(i in . _ 77 o'?, * i*™ Chl a 8I Delta Delta with an 2AO Lambda Chi | Alpha, “Steal Delta Alpha Gammaf Rho 7, Vi singing . 45 and Phi Kappa Tan Away" “All Hail to Lambda _ 34 237 Sigma Phi Epsilon 7,' 115 Ghi," won first place in the men’s Alpha Tau Omega % 59 division. lirst Place Placing in the mixed Fraternity men 810 935 Sigma divison were platers Alpha 9 Delta Zeta and Epsilon 104 34 Sigma 1 I en -—— 2674 Phi x-* ? 2.31 Epsilon who sang "Soon Ah Non-fraternity men ____ 1864 (???) DU Contest 990 Will Be Sigma Nu Done.” CONGRATULATING 63 g2B HESPERIA SING WINNERS is Pat Williams, lau Kappa Epsilon „ Second winners included 28 , r place of the women’s ■ A M Acacia president junior honorary the ■Lvado v Spcechmakers 37 JS group. Accepting first-place Delta, women’s division, who third lli' i.i C lii Kappa trophy for Lambda Chi is Dave while R] second and a place, 39 213 Alpha Roberts, Virginia Gordon American Commons With the club 23 oik sang "Surrey Fringe on an«l Louise West look won three Mary on. directed Pi Bet Phi „ne ilcbau series Phi Delta Theta Virginia to top f [Hj,, 43 Top” and “Body and Soul;” Sigma the Denver place in the division, and the for ■ot live debates at sorority Mary accepted trophy Delta last Zeta and Sigma Phi who first in the mixed division. Kfo ,jtv speech tournament A&M Epsilon won H and Saiunl.iN, reports Dr. Boasts 8 Prexies Since '79 Phi men’s who who Epsilon, division, Omega sang "All the Things H Nelson, asvxiate of professor by Barbara “The Lake” Schultz lege athletics and discouraged their sang Sleeping and You cere.” while in office. President "Donovan Song;” Kappa Dr. E. E. Mohr, divirion of Ministers, teachers, land promotion Alpha forest Theta and Lambda HLt! Lam.iv. junior in man Edwards held his from Chi music, Colorado State ol commissioners and position Alpha, college ond in oral inter- college mixed division, who “Wunder- Education was se< 1879 to 1882. sang at Greeley; Mr. Max are i’lu senior presidents typical profes- bar.” and j ones lps, Another president, who prior to Dijulio, assistant professor of sions held rook third by the eight office had in the music, Loretto in arts, place m presi- been a minister, was Third-place recognition Heights college dents Colorado A women’s division Gamma A team composed of Lela & M has Barton Aylesworth, the fourth went to Denver; and Mrs. Louis J. Ramsey, Smvth boasted Phi Beta who choir director of i and Shirley won since 1879. Aggie president. Dr. Aylesworth sang “Christopher the First Metho- Robin is his dist out ol live rounds oi debate. interested in die im- Saying Prayers.” In church of Fort Collins, The first president, Elijah Ed- was showing judged the men’s division, Acacia the annual of A & M to the placed sing. ili ges partic ipan-d wards, a Methodist minister, served portance college third with “Cool citizens of Colorado. Water” and were on over all Hpit tournament. in the Civil War. He disliked col- Groups judged “Sweetheart of Acacia.” Third tone The second Aggie prexy was C. presentation, quality, enuncia- in the place mixed division went tion of words, choice of and A. Ingersoll. During his nine year songs, Pi four to Beta Phi and Alpha Tau of the (???) Plans Annual Program term, new buildings were appearance group. added, others enlarged, and plants annual Oi diesis club pro- sition,” will be demonstrated by Bjlie were completed for two additional British Ambassador ai with i Inn done Carole Settele and Colleen Ghees- to eography ones. Speak Mrs. Ellen Wollc, will The of the dance sponsor, brough. setting Newspapers Attack President Sir Pierson Dixon, British Am- and also attended all war-time 1 lun sd.c\ at 8 in is in an art where two old Alton dip- p.m. gallery Dr. Aylesworth’s successor, bassador to the United Nations, will lomatic conferences of Hjuni'ir I auditorium. maids are any signifi high showing, through dance, Ellis, had formerly been president on “Peace of cance. After club, speak . Security” the war, he was made having worked up an their reactions to the various pic- of Ohio During his university. at 7:30 in the Ambassador to i Tuesday pan. Large Czechoslovakia n ei el ta m.ell the observe. j. i i i i t, tures seven year term lie received a ballroom of the Student Union, where he served from 1918-50. H begin the Orebesis '55 show while "Time for Everything,” a cartoon $6000 yearly salary the aver- announces Warren Jackson, a called "invitation j. pres- greeting danced Carole Settele, Colleen of instructors was $2000. his return from ■ by age pay ident of International Relations Upon Prague, he BSI'C Dance.” Kendal Andrews and This caused the to at- became Under of Cheesbrough, newspapers club. Deputy secretary will in, aide sue h numbers different and in 1899 the State Arloa Litsey portrays the tack him, State, first for political and later “Besides of Britian’s f.eorv being one lango" by Ander of modern life such as Board of did not re- for paces sleep, Agriculture economic affairs in the Foreign best known out ■ Miniver Cluevv" Edwin work, fast anti elect him. diplomats,” points by a slow pace, a pace, office. Sir Dixon has also served the war Si- Dixon l( "i "during Robiiison term of held Jackson, and “fhe love, a soft, The longest office ■>S melancholy rhythm. in the United Etates in official uil(1 was to Britian’s which series of the private secretary ■^ i The choir from the Reading 'Continued on page 2, col. 1) Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden. capacities. Negro spiMiu.ils "Go Tell it drama department will do a reading R; Mount. on." ' E/ekial Saw for Miniver Cheevy and Spoon l,(' ■' tl aiit! Were You l herc." Death Takes a Holiday’ Is Presented ( J Tonight nie. 10, col. M f I’,, mrcs ant! Expo (Continued on page 2) drama by Shirley Hutchinson The play is a moving and fan- failed to materialize in the tastic tale of select first the dress rehearsal. a group of act at It Death Take a Holiday Italian nobles who host to was not until wel’ into the second by Alberta Casella play death! Death assumes a mortal act that the reached the Cast of characters in order of play dramatic their appearance guise and comes as a guest to Duke proportions for which it ( Mary Frances Tucker intended. ora Lambert’s home, which is ironically was The play then budt fedclc Rutland Mollenberg called villa. He seeks to steadily to an electric climax at the Duke Lambert Bill Gunther happiness find the of human* end of' the second (Ida Sylvia Doyle meaning emo- act when the Duchess Stephanie Shirley Smith three villa tions. During his day stay on guests at happiness discover Princess of San Luca Barbara Olsen earth, he discovers the of that the in their Baron Cesarea Alan Schmale meaning fascinating stranger Rhoda Fenton Margaret Wilcox love and learns why mortals fear midst is death. Eric Fenton Forrest Delfer him. He also shows the mortals Settles in Death Role < on-ado Bob Payne Gratia 11a/el Grable involved tlie of death and meaning George Settles was well cast in Sirki George Settles Prime life the role of death. His beyond. appearance Major Whitread Jack Rothrock has Abstract Nature and voice made him Directed by Ruth Jocelyn Wattles Play magnetic a The is death indeed. His Technical director Richard Hapkins play a distinguished one; fascinating per- with and formance of the difficult role was Thursday night the curtain a fantasy deep powerful meaning. Because of its abstract unusually well done.