Differential Diagnoses Symptoms and other Useful Lists and Tables Signs For Ophthalmologists Case Presentations Kenn Freedman MD PhD Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Lubbock, Texas USA Acknowledgments and Disclaimer The differential diagnoses and lists contained herein are not meant to be exhaustive, but are to give in most cases the most common causes of many ocular / visual symptoms, signs and situations. Included also in these lists are also some less common, but serious conditions that must be “ruled-out”. These lists have been based on years of experience, and I am grateful for God’s help in developing them. I also owe gratitude to several sources* including Roy’s classic text on Ocular Differential Diagnosis. * Please see references at end of document This presentation, of course, will continue to be a work in progress and any concerns or suggestions as to errors or omissions or picture copyrights will be considered. Please feel free to contact me at
[email protected] Kenn Freedman Lubbock, Texas - October 2018 Disclaimer: The diagnostic algorithm for the diagnosis and management of Ocular or Neurological Conditions contained in this presentation is not intended to replace the independent medical or professional judgment of the physician or other health care providers in the context of individual clinical circumstances to determine a patient’s care. Use of this Presentation The lists are divided into three main areas 1. Symptoms 2. Signs from the Eight Point Eye Exam 3. Common Situations and Case Presentations The index for all of the lists is given on the following 3 pages.