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2 - RPM - Monday June 19, 1995 TheCRTC Canadian backs Association broadcaster's of Broadcasters (CAB) planswant it protected.for info Broadcastershighway say the only way to withCommissionrights athat view they intends to have examining to purchased. conduct athe publicAccordingly, feasibility proCeeding the of McCabe,informationwinnersays that onAccording the "Itall highway recent counts.means CRTCto willmore CAB make decisions and president the better consumer regarding Canadian Michael a thebig wouldn'tofdo Canadianthat effectivelyBroadcasters cost programming.taxpayers is with a better havecent. The andapplauded CABa greater initiative amountthe welcomedadvanced,distributors,implementingThe orrecommendations andnonbroadcaster's simultaneous exploringsimultaneous, options association thatsubstitution substitution." would with respect maintain further for all to Initiativebroadlydown,programs, and Thebased introduced morecompetition CRTC's on jobsthe CAB's content forat whichthe Canadian Canadian Information recommendations should talent." Programming drive Highway prices are Randytoreads,recommendation all Canadian "The commission Lennox licensees supporting recognizes of protecting programnamed the rights, the importance programsenior which distributorsseparationVP/GM ofto carriageprovide at MCA basicand content services. Canada and require all accessproducers,carriersbehearings. driven to should thoseThey into including resources.recognizecontributeCanadian broadcasters, thattheirprogramming, new share, resources should and that havemust all hasRoss announced Reynolds, thepresident appointment of MCA of Records Randy Canada,Lennox promotionsthemanagerto the sales positionLennox ofdepartment, withinMCA. ofjoined thesenior sales withMCA vice-president, team. a inconsistent 1975, Most workingrecently, series general heinof field.recognitionmorecornerstone resourcesTheThe government ofCRTCplan, program for calling hasCanadian alsorightshas for backedalready access andprogramming, a levelCAB'stoacted audiences, playing onfour fullthe - energyWhilekeywas rolevice-president I'veandAccording in salesmanship,alwaysMCA's Reynolds,ofbeenextraordinary sales. impressedhe has "Randy developed growth with has playedRandy's pattern.into one a toalsofairAccess Canadian accesspraised McCabeissue, rules private cultureordering byalso broadcasting'sJuly andnoted, the 31. vital Commission "The role hugegovernment in the contributionto reportsystem. has on nextforwardleadingbeenof the phase in best toedgethe workinginexecutives forefront itstechnology. dynamic with inof Randy theMCA'sdevelopment." I'm business. very as involvementMCA much He enters lookinghas also the in Canada'sthatWe're`Canadian a majoritypleasedA identity recent Programming the ofAndersen/Gallup on CRTCCanadians the Information Initiative.'" has noware study worried supported Highway, confirmed about ourand productbeassociatedoperations. responsible Asof the Heseniorlabels, entirewillfor VP/generalthe workto MCA areashelp closely promotefamily.of manager, sales, with marketingtheeach Lennox combined of MCA's andwill forSonyNO. their Music recent Canada1 release, ALBUM staffers Let The presented Dim Light Epic Shine. artist SoulNO. Asylum with1 Canadian HIT gold awardsEMI'sALBUM Karen for the Klug album, and PabloLiz McElheranPICK Honey. present the membersHIT of Radiohead PICK with gold 1.1IC MAE I: JACKSONMSTORYBOOn !AMMOIN MMUS. e*Z71GUM. MUM t ColumbiaPINKPulse FLOYD - 10997-J HAVE YOUBryan A&MEVER Adams REALLY 15 MICHAELImagra. Epic antsMO, Inlemi.esHISTORY - E2K JACKSON- 59000-H1rd - UNLOVED.JannA&M Arden BMG's Bob Jamiesongets royal sendoff Photo SpreadSpread Photographer Editor - Stan - KleesToni Sandler 2.1. Jamieson'sBob Jamieson biggest with hissupporters, branch managers. wife Judy and daughter Cindy. special4.3. CharlieVarga hug band Major's from members Jamieson.manager with Alan their Kates favourite came recordin from guy. Nashville gets a 6.International5. AJamieson special plaque holdingAmbassador was high presented his Award. Canadian to Jamieson Music Industry by his managementHall of Fame to7.Bendeth,staff: wishMuchMusic's Norman Jamieson Ray Miller,Valade, director good Carol Larry luck. of Wright,programming Macrae Liew and Wong, TimDenise Williams. Steven Donlon Ehrlick, dropped David by 9.Jamieson.8. RPM'sCharlie Stan Major, Klees in frominducts his Jamieson home in Ottawa,into Canadian says hisMusic farewell Industry to 11.10.Hall The Prairieof Fame. BMG Oyster's Music RussellCanada deCarle gang with and their Jamieson. boss. (Photos13.12. PrairieSam by Sniderman Oyster'sBarry Roden) Keith took Glass time andout toJamieson drop in onbreak Jamieson's into song. party. 4 - RPM - Monday June 19, 1995 6)arshys withwifeCanada's andMontreal USprime president chanteuse minister Bill JeanJulie Clinton ChretienMasse. and See his and pagewife his 12. (EC: Sounds like a job for the Photo Spread 14/95)GlobeThe Globeand had Mail's a fascinatingdid Report it again On piece Business.. on. ! MCA(JuneThe TorontoFMerstayingdead. tothat's finallyafloat (EC: been with Where'sget having aits format dance RJW a toughthat's whenstation, all radiotime but an whogreatInternationalEditor has party . taken.. the!) overBMG Ambassador as people president had of for the . Bob .RCA. Jamieson, Whatlabel in a andstandsDreamWorkssigning Jeffrey for, a 10Steven Katzenberg. -yearSKG, Spielberg, "strategicand you Entertainment knowDavid alliance" whatGeffen SKGwith needsFightingJam canhim sell . .city. a?) lot hall of albums,?Pearl but BMGClubNew York.in gang the ItwasBeaches was there, a fun area including night of Toronto. at thebranch Balmy The managers Beachwhole haveIndustrieshisCanadian dad been calls feller, reporter, ahim, fly Edgarison rubbing theHarvey Bronfman, wall. shoulders Enchin, That junior, withyoung must the aswith Elvira CapreeseTicketMasterwithoutApparentlywasbecoming concert isthe over. band's dates, (EC:tarnished. battle their What with star a intoCheckwasfriendsfrom thea across greatout andCanadian the roastadmirers the photo country,aridMusic page. froma great Industry That's asoutside tributewell Bob Hall asthe tobeing aof acompany. number greatFame inducted guy.with of It ambiguoushoy-poloycallRight 'em, on orof withHollywood. canquestion we RL call . following(EC: .'em?.! Hoy-poloyHe (EC: did an That'sget even. .it.. ?)Cana morerather we entertainmentThearelief. US animatorscompanyIt kept me conglomerate. upto nightsaremake looking .a. bid. !) forThe ... a bidding!majorWatch UK foris thatlittlebya specially Stan willmore Klees. be than-struck difficult This four International guy'syears, to match. only but he'sbeen Ambassador (EC: set in aCanadaSounds benchmark Award for like a youJacksonambiguouscan sayhave what to was claimer...!) admit,you wantgood he aboutwas television good Michael television. Jackson,...! You Butbut prowlreallycompanyexpected get again. intothat's.to bethe Why always high,North don't on becauseAmerican the they lookout thatjust market, cash letfor aais -heavy Northway on the to brown -nosing to me ...!) Primetimesomething else. Live's Surprising Diane Sawyerhow a supposedly should go hard- do AmericanThey tried run that their and North picked American the wrong operation? one .. !)(EC: y fairlyhasnosed graduated understandable newsperson from can aentertainment wimpy, be so intimidated. say figure.-nothing, His Jackson into wife, a 22ndagain.Calling annual The all Ontario golfhackers tournament. Music .. Industry.I It'sGarry that is Newman timethrowing of year has its klFebruarypublished 24th, weekly 1964,by sinceA influenceLisaawesome,scoreas well. Marie, big It's onwas the could probablyhis probablyspare HIStory have -no safestayed considered -expensealbum. to atsay home,The thatkind good video Jacksonbut of television project,the is prettyElvis will a youlunchitbeing,laid personally $135.00.down and don't dinnera calldelivered.few If in you groundand your onlythe If entry yourules,use want wantof form. theato golf to havemost Mailplay cart, dinner importantgolf,it it'llor have costand RPM MUSIC6Toronto, Brentcliffe M4GPUBLICATIONS 3Y2Ontario Road LTD. (EC:spending Never spree ... that?) will probably never be matched. requestwatch the to Janedrunks, Baldwin, it'll cost do youSaturn $60.00. Distributing, Send your 25 416-425-0257 FAX : 416-425-8629 MolsonGo country Amphitheatre go .. should.!The adjust folks their down thinking at the Bodrington(EC: What drunks Court, . Markham,.. ?) Ontario L6G 1B6. Walt PublisherGrealis O.C. fortheofandabout countrytheir USVince booking andmoney. acts,Gill it's acts. arehasCountry,catching Thegivingproven ticket particularlyon notableto here.saleshave forapopIf wide the theyAlan artists new appeal wantJackson breeda run toin hiskeptWeCharliewas wife goingeverybodydon't Major's was to domake "getting onwife,births the tender BigJayne, pretty . Countryhooks,. presented. close,"But, wonderingAwards, seeing we'll him because with doas if heit. a Editor-in-Chief/LayoutSeanRodCharts GudinoLaRose & Design Shaniaknow who Twain to book, will dojust for take a start a look . .at. !)the chart. (EC: Timmy7son, at 1:26Timothy weighed pm Aaron at 7Ottawa's lbs. Major, 2 oz. Gracehis (EC: second That's Hospital. child better on Little Junethan GeneralFeature News,Ron RogersInterviews Radio, On Tour & PacificchooserschangeWillit be haveRim. have PJ changed apparentlyA . guy.. ? who Asonce movedyou once again. were. theirworked That The sights troikawinds for to the theof TicketFightinga Big Country Network,