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Karachi, Pakistan TurkJZool 26(2002)43-46 ©TÜB‹TAK ResearchNote RangeExtensionofCaridinaweberisumatrensis DeMan,1892 (Decapoda,Caridea,Atyidae)toSindhWaters(Karachi,Pakistan) QuddusiBashirKAZMI,FerozAkhtarSIDDIQUI MarineReferenceCollection&ResourceCentre,UniversityofKarachi-75270,PAKISTAN MohammadAfzalKAZMI DepartmentofZoology,UniversityofKarachiKarachi-75270,PAKISTAN Received:25.10.2000 Abstract: AfreshwateratyidCaridinaweberisumatrensis isbeingreportedforthefirsttimefromSindhwaters.Thisreportfrom Karachiisevidentlyatthemarginofitsrange. KeyWords: freshwatershrimp,Atyidae,Sindh,Pakistan SindhSular›(Karaçi,Pakistan)‹çinBir‹lkKay›t: Caridinaweberisumatrensis DeMan,1982 (Decapoda,Caridea,Atyidae) Özet: Birtatl›suatyid’i Caridinaweberisumatrensis Sindhsular›ndanilkkezraporedilmektedir.Karaçi’denyap›lanbukay›ttürün da¤›l›malan›n›nkenar›ndad›r. AnahtarSözcükler: Tatl›sukaridesi,Atyidae,Sindh,Pakistan Introduction approximately160speciesandsubspeciesthatare TherangeofthefamilyAtyidaedeHaan,is currentlyrecognizedinthisgenus. throughoutthetropicsandmosttemperateregionsof Thepresentsubspeciesdiffersfromthetypicalspecies theworld-theadultsarealmostexclusivelyconfinedto inhavingdorsalteethonthecarapace,posteriorto freshwater.Thisisalargefamilywith35genera,divided orbitalmargin,pereiopod1withfingerslongerthan intofivesubfamiliesbyHolthuis(1).Qadri(2)inhis palm,telsonwithoutamediandenticlewhencompared accountonfreshwaterandestuarineprawnsofthe withC.weberi givenbyHungetal. (8). provinceofSindhdidnotmentionanyatyid.Thereare Theseprawnsareincreasinglybecomingpopularas onlytworecordsofatyidsfromtwoprovincesof crustaceanbioassaymaterialinexperimentalbiology Pakistan:thefirstoneon Caridina (C.nolitica )wasby (Richard&Chandran(9)).Althoughtheshrimpsaresmall Mehretal,(3),fromtheprovinceofPunjab,thenanew andnotdirectlyutilizedbymanasfood,someofthe genusKalriana byZuberi,(4)fromtheprovinceofSindh speciesareculturedcommerciallyandsoldaslivefoodfor (notmentionedinZoologicalRecordsof1998orlater, aquariumfishesasreportedbyHungetal. (8).Chace(7) personalcommunication,firstauthorwithL.B.Holthuis). suggeststhatnearlyallofthespeciesoccurringinabroad Specimensofanotherspeciesofthegenus Caridina,C. geographicregionmaybefoundinasinglestream;they weberisumatrensis deMan(5)aredescribedinthe werealsocollectedfromtankswithmuddywaterby presentpaper. Kemp(10)andChopraandTiwari(11). Thegenus Caridina MilneEdwardshasaverywide rangefromWesternequatorialAfricauptotheHawaii Islands.SeveralvarietiesarerecognizedbyBouvier(6). Material AccordingtoChace(7)fewcarideangroupsoffer Allwereobtainedalivefromthetapwaterofthestaff taxonomicproblemsofgreaterdifficultythandothe accomodationintheKarachiUniversitycampus.The 43 RangeExtensionofCaridinaweberisumatrensis DeMan,1892(Decapoda,Caridea,Atyidae)toSindhWaters(Karachi,Pakistan) watertotheuniversitycampusissuppliedfromthe Mandible(Fig.1E,E')withoutpalp,elevensmalland Dumblotiwells,13kmawayfromthecampusfrom largeteethatextremityofincisorprocess;numerous wherethewaterissuppliedthroughtheGharoCanal.The setaepresentbetweenmolarandincisorprocesses. salinityisnil,hardnessasCaCO 120mg/L,Chloride 3 Firstpereiopod(Fig.1F)shorterandstouterthan 284mg/L,Sulphate77mg/L,pH7.2mg/L;air second(Fig.1G),differentkindsofsetaepresentapically temperature19-20ºC;watertemperature17.5ºCandDO onfirstpereiopod(Fig.1F'-F"").Dactyliofthird 5.2mg/L. pereiopods(Fig.1H,H')terminatingindoublespines, ThreefemalesNovember,1998,MRCCATNO.CARI withabout5accessoryspinesincreasinginlengthdistally. 232;onefemale,14December,1999,MRCCATNO. Dactylusoflastpereiopodasfigured(Fig.1,I').Pleopod CARI233;February2000;onemutilatedspecimen(sex first(Fig.1J),inonefemaleendopodequalstoexopod notdetermined).1specimen,April,2000(sexnot (Fig.1J');pleopodsecondasinfigure1K,K'. determined).SizerangeCL2.8-5.1mm;TL12-28mm. Colour Transparentwithredchromatophoresarranged Results uniformly(Fig.2). SubfamilyCaridellinaeHolthuis,1986 Noteonhabitat Caridinaweberisumatrensis DeMan,1892 Itseemstobeahardyspeciestravellingallthe13km, (Figure1,A-JandFigure2) toleratingthepressureandthejerkscausedbythehard, Caridinaweberisumatrensis DeMan,1892:375,fig. waterpipeline.Johnson(12)alsogivesthevarietyto 23g. "occurinfastthoughseldomintorrentialwatersandin treecountry".Toourknowledgethiswatersupplyis Caridina weberi prox.var.sumatrensis Kemp,1918: neitherfilterednortreated.Thenaturalhardinessto 99;Chopra&Tiwari,1947: 223. salinity,temperature,lowdissolvedoxygenlevelsand Caridinaweberisumatrensis Johnson,1966:420; desiccationofCaridina spp.hasalsobeenpointedoutby Richard&Chandran,1994:257(indiscussion);Chace, Jalihaletal. (13). 1997:22. Distribution ThemainspeciesC.weberi rangesfromIndonesiaand Description PolynesiaincludingIndiaasfareastastheMarqueses Rostrumnotreachingasfarasdistantendof Islands(Hung etal. (8)).Thesubspecies sumatrensis antennularpeduncle,dorsalmarginhorizontaland whichisbeingreportedpresentlyisevidentlynowatthe turnedupwardatthetip(Fig.1A),armedwithupto20 marginofitsrange,i.e.,theSindhwaters.Thegapinthe teethnotreachingextremeapexbutextendingondorsal distributionisfilledbyRao'sreport(14)fromLake marginofcarapace,armedventrallywith4-5teeth. Kolleru,India. Suborbitalangleindistinguishablyfusedwithantennal spines.Pterygostomianmarginwithaspinule;thatof therightsidemissinginonefemale.Eyeswell Acknowledgements developed.Dorsalsurfaceoftelsonwith3pairsof ThefirstauthorisgratefultoProf.Dr.L.B.Holthuis spines;tipoftelson(Fig.1B)convex,armedwith10 ofNetherlandsforimprovingtheMSandtoDr.Irfan spines(Fig.1B'). KhanofBahauddinZakariyaUniversityofMultan, Antennularpeduncle(Fig.1C)notslender, Pakistanforprovidingacopyofthe“Mehr, etal .(3)” styloceritereachingtwothirdofbasalsegmentof paperwhichotherwisewouldhavebeenmissedbyus. antennularpeduncle.Basalsegmentmorethanhalf Prof.Dr.M.AltafKhan,Director,Instituteof lengthofpedunclewithdistinctanterolateralangle. EnvironmentalStudies,UniversityofKarachiforhis Scaphocerite(Fig.1D)narrow,withoutanydistinct assistanceinprovidingthenecessarydatafortapwater transversesuture. intheUniversitycampus. 44 Q.B.KAZMI,F.A.SIDDIQUI,M.A.KAZMI B A D E C H B’ I’ F’’’’ I F’’’ H’ G K J’ E’ F’ F J F’’ K’ Figure1. Caridinaweberisumatrensis DeMan,1892.Allfromfemale(C.L2.8mm)exceptJ'. A.Frontlateralview;B.Telson;B'.Posteriormarginoftelson,magnified;C.Antennule;D.Antenna;E.Mandible;E'.Same,c uttingedge, enlarged;F.Firstpereiopod;F'-F"".Same,setaeonanteriormarginsoffingers;G.Secondpereiopod;H.Distalendofthirdp ereiopod;H'. Same,enlarged;I.Distalendoffifthpereiopod;I'.Same,enlarged;J.Firstnormalpleopod,J'.Firstabnormalpleopod;K.Secondpleopod; K'.Same,appendixinternaenlarged. 45 RangeExtensionofCaridinaweberisumatrensis DeMan,1892(Decapoda,Caridea,Atyidae)toSindhWaters(Karachi,Pakistan) Figure2. Caridinaweberisumatrensis de Man,1892. References 1. Holthuis,L.B.AnewgenusandspeciesofSubterraneanShrimp 9. Richard,J.andM.R.Chandran.Asystematicreportonthe fromWesternAustralia(Crustacea:Decapoda:Atyidae).Zool.Med. freshwaterprawnsoftheAtyidgenus Caridina H.Milne-Edwards, Ut.Rijk.Nat.Hist.Leiden 60(7): 103-111,fig.1986. 1837fromMadras(TamilNadu,India). Jour.BombayNat.Hist. Soc. 241-259,6figs.1994. 2. Qadri,M.A.H.Notesonfreshwaterandestuarineprawnsand shrimpsofSind. Proc.4thPanIndianOc.Sci.Cong. ,SectionB: 10. Kemp,S.DecapodaCrustaceaofthePatnaState,Orissa.Record 255-260.1960. IndianMuseum.XLX(II&III): 213-224: Rec.IndianMus .12: 403-404.1918. 3. Mehr,S.Y.,M.S.MahoonandP.M.Saleem.Atyidshrimpfrom Wah(Punjab).Biologia 34(2):291-302,figs.1988. 11. Chopra,B.andK.K.Tiwari.DecapodaCrustaceaofthePatna State.Orissa.Rec.Indian Mus.XLX(II&III):213-224.1947. 4. Zuberi,V.A.KinjharJheelauskayjhingay(in Urdu),Pp.118. MuqtadraQaumiZaban,Islamabad,Pakistan.1990. 12. Johnson,D.S.Somefactorsinfluencingthedistributionof freshwaterprawnsinMalaya.Proc.Symp.Crust., ErnakulumPart 5. Mande,J.G.DecapodendesIndischenArchipels.InMaxWeber, 1: 418-433.1966. Zool.Erg.Reis.Nied.Ost.Indien ,2:265-527,pl.1892. 13. Jalihal,D.R.,G.B.AlmelkarandK.N.Sankolli.Atyidshrimpsofthe 6. Bouvier,E.L.Recherchessurlamorphologie,lesvariations,la genus Caridina H.MilneEdwards,1837.PotentialCrustacean distributiongeographiquedesCrevettesdelafamiliendesAtyides. materialforexperimentalbiology.Crustaceana,66(2):178-183. Eencl.ent.Ser.A.4:1-370,figs.1925. 1994. 7. Chace,F.A.Thecarideanshrimps(Crustacea:Decapoda)of 14. Rao,Seshanagiri,K.R.Newrecordsofprawnsshrimpand AlbotrossPhilippineExpedition,1907-1910Part7:Families amphipodsfromLakeKolleruwithnoteontheirdistribution.Jour. Atyidae,Eugonatonotidae,Rhynchocinetidae, BombayNat.Hist.Soc.,85(3): 647-468,illust.1988(1989). Bathypalaeomonellidae,ProcessidaeandHippolytidae. Smith. ContrZool.No.587:1-106,1997. 8. Hung,Ming-Shih,Tin-YamChanandHsiang-PingYu.Atyid shrimps(Decapoda:Caridea)ofTaiwan,withdescriptionsofthree newspecies.Jour.Crust.Biol.13(3):481-503.1993. 46.
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