The Seshat Re- search Group in Egyptology is the MUSEU NACIONAL first Brazilian re- UFRJ search group dedicated specifi- cally to Egyptian The EGYPTIAN archaeology. It congregates COLLECTION scholars and Support graduate stu- dents involved in material research projects on funerary reli- gion, landscape, art, new technol- S E S H A T ogies and the Egyptian collec- tion of the Na- tional Museum of Rio de Janeiro, among other themes. These projects are related to re- search and other activities of the Division of Archaeology of the Museum’s Department of Anthropology. The Seshat Research Group O Museu Nacional in Egyptology includes scholars and stu- dents from various universities in Brazil and Laboratório de Egiptologia do Museu Nacional/UFRJ also Portugal, Spain and France. Semana de Egiptologia do Museu Nacional Quinta da Boa Vista—Bairro Imperial de São Cristóvão — Rio de Janeiro—RJ—Brasil
[email protected] Phone: (21) 3938-6900 Informations:
[email protected] Office hours: Tuesday to Sunday (including holidays) from 10 to 17 hours. SEMNA Mondays from 12 to 17 hours. Egyptian chronology Map of Egypt Abydos – Upper Egyptian religious centre dedicated to Palaeolithic – 500000-55000 BC Osiris in Western bank of the Nile. Its origin Predynastic – 5500-3050 BC Mediterranean Sea dates back to Predynastic times and its main Early Dynastic temple was constructed by Sethy I and Rameses I Dynasty – 3100-2900 BC II. Alexandria II Dynasty – 2900-2750 BC Old Kingdom Alexandria – founded by Alexander the Great in the III Dynasty – 2750-2680 BC Mediterranean coast in 332 BC.