Dairy Products
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Dairy Products 437 Fruit: buy only what will be used within a Cherries, peaches, raspberries, straw- few days; berries 12 Fruit juice concentrates: ask the grocery packer to put frozen Apple, grape, orange 12 foods in an insulated bag or a double Vegetables: paper bag and take foods home as Asparagus, beans, peas 8 Cauliflower, corn, spinach 8 quickly as possible; Meat: place frozen food in contact with the Beef: floor of the ice-cube compartment or Roasts, steaks 12 the refrigerated ice tray shelf. Ground beef. 3 Home storage should not be an Lamb: Roasts 12 endurance test for frozen food. Al- Patties. 4 though cheeses and wines benefit from Pork (fresh): aging, frozen food does not. Planning Roasts 8 for their use within the framework of Sausage 2 Pork (cured) 2 the capabilities of your home equip- Veal: ment to hold top quality is good Roasts 8 storage practice. (RUTH A. REDSTROM) Chops, cutlets 6 Cooked meats: Meat dinners, meat pies, and swiss steak 3 Poultry: Chicken: Whole 12 Cut-up 9 Livers 3 Turkey: Dairy Whole 12 Cut-up 6 Duck, goose (whole) 6 Products Cooked chicken and turkey: Sliced meat and gravy 6 Pies 12 Fried chicken 4 Bakery products: White bread, plain rolls 3 MILK is one of our best and most pop- Cakes: ular foods. It and food products made Angel, chiffon 2 from it are so diverse that it is easy Chocolate layer. 4 Pound, yellow 6 to include them in any type of bal- Fruit 12 anced diet—^whether high, medium, or Doughnuts 3 low in calories—and in many special Pies (unbalced): diets. Apple, boysenberry, cherry, peach. 8 Ice cream, sherbet i The sanitary quality of our milk sup- ply is guaranteed by a program of pro- The ice-cube compartment of a con- tection in which Federal, State, and ventional refrigerator usually cannot local agencies, and the dairy industry hold a temperature of 0° without participate. Most American commu- freezing the perishable foods in the nities require the pasteurization of general storage area. This compart- fluid milk products. ment is limited to storage for only a In pasteurization, the raw milk is few days if fresh eating qualities and heated quickly and promptly cooled food values are to be preserved. to destroy harmful bacteria that may To use above-zero storage space: be present and to improve the keeping Keep the temperature control at the quality of the milk. setting for just-above-freezing in the Pasteurization does not change the general storage area; flavor or the essential nutritive value buy frozen food just before checking and goodness of milk. out at the grocery store; Most of the fluid milk sold today is 438 The Yearbook of Agriculture 1965 homogenized—the fat globules in it Chocolate drink and chocolate-flavored are broken up in a special process. drink use the same flavoring ingre- The bottle cap or carton label will dients as chocolate milk, but are made give name and grade of the product from skim milk or from milk having less and tell whether it contains added vita- milk fat than whole milk. mins, minerals, or nonfat milk solids Cultured milk products have smooth and whether it is pasteurized, homoge- and mildly acid flavors produced by nized, or otherwise processed. bacteria cultures, which convert the milk sugar into lactic acid. Cultured THE VARIETY of milk and dairy prod- buttermilk is made from skim milk or ucts is enough to satisfy your nutri- partly skimmed milk. tional needs, personal tastes, and food Sour cream (or cultured sour cream) budget. is usually made from light cream. Fluid whole milk contains both the Togurt, a specially cultured product, fat and solids-not-fat parts of milk. is made from concentrated whole milk The content of milk fat usually is or partly skimmed whole milk and standardized at 3.5 percent, although may contain fruit or other flavoring. minimum requirements of States vary These cultured (fermented) products from 3.0 to 3.8 percent. Standards for have the same general food values as milk solids-not-fat vary from 8.0 to 8.5 the products from which they were percent. prepared. Homogenized milk has its fat globules Cream is the milk-fat part of milk. broken into minute particles and dis- Cream containing about 18-20 per- persed throughout the liquid, so that cent milk fat is known as light cream, it has a richer flavor and softer curd. coffee cream, or table cream. It often is A cream layer does not form in homogenized to improve consistency. homogenized milk. Whipping cream contains 30-36 per- Skim milk has most of the milk fat cent milk fat and is not homogenized. removed. In some States, it is milk Half-and-half is a mixture of milk that has any amount of milk fat less and cream, usually containing 10-12 than the amount required for whole percent milk fat. It is used as a cream- milk. Skim milk is a good source of ing agent in coflfee and as a dessert calcium, riboflavin, and protein. It topping. lacks milk fat and vitamin A. Some Pressurized whipped cream is a mixture skim milks are modified or fortified of cream, sugar, stabilizers, flavors, with added vitamins and minerals. and emulsifiers packed in aerosol cans LoW'jaty partly skimmed^ and 2 percent under pressure. The cream is whipped milk are terms used in some markets to when the pressure is released through describe a fresh fluid product in which the nozzle. the content of milk fat is lowered and Butter is churned cream. It contains, the nonfat milk solids content may or by law, not less than 80 percent milk may not be increased. For example, fat. It may or may not contain salt. the popular product known as 2 per- The butter of highest quality is made cent-10 percent contains 2 percent from sweet cream or may be made from milk fat (instead of the usual 3.5 per- sweet cream to which a culture, similar cent) and I o percent nonfat milk solids to that used in cultured milk products, (instead of the usual 8.5 percent); has been added. Cultured butter has a "2-10" has the appeal of a heavier pleasing, mildly acid flavor. consistency and richer taste than skim Most of the butter sold at retail bears milk. a Department of Agriculture shield Chocolate milk is whole milk with mark, with a letter grade that indicates added sugar and chocolate. Chocolate- the quality of the butter at the time of flavored milk contains cocoa instead grading. U.S. AA and A are the grades of chocolate. usually sold at retail. Dairy Prodw^s 439 Whipped butter results when air or an of one or more varieties of natural inert gas is incorporated into the cheese mixed into a uniform product butter. This increases volume and without heating. The flavor is about makes the butter easier to spread. the same as the natural cheese used Most of the whipped butter sold in (usually aged or sharp), but the cheese this country is unsalted. is softer in texture than natural cheese Cheese is available in many forms, and spreads easily. flavors, and textures to suit every Cottage cheese^ a widely used unrip- taste and occasion. ened soft cheese, is produced by adding Cheeses are natural or processed. lactic-acid-producing bacteria to skim Natural cheeses usually are made from milk. It is sold in dry form or creamed. whole cow's milk in this country, but Similar to cottage cheese are bakers, some are made from skim milk, whey, farmers, and pot cheeses. or mixtures of all three. Ice cream is made by freezing—while Cheeses also are made from sheep's stirring—^a pasteurized mixture of or goat's milk or cream. milk, cream, sugar, and stabilizer. It Natural cheeses can be divided into is flavored with extracts, fruit, choco- four general classifications: Very hard, late, or nuts. Eggs are an optional such as Parmesan; hard, as Cheddar ingredient. and Swiss; semisoft, as Brick and Blue; Air is whipped into ice cream during and soft, as cream and cottage. freezing to increase its volume 80 to Cheddar cheese is our most popular 100 percent. hard cheese. It is sometimes called by Ice cream should have a fresh flavor, the style in which it is made (Daisy, the body should be firm (neither fluff"y Longhorn, or Picnic) or by the locality nor soggy), and the texture should be where it is made—Wisconsin, New fine grained (neither coarse nor icy). York, or Oregon. Natural Cheddar Ice milk is made like ice cream and cheese is often labeled mild; medium with the same ingredients as ice cream, cured or mellow aged; or cured, aged, except that it contains less milk fat and or sharp, depending on the length of more nonfat milk solids. Ice milk may time the cheese is aged. be sold in either soft- or hard-frozen Cheddar and other closely related form. It often is sold ''soft" in cups and types of cheese are often called Ameri- cones from freezers at refreshment can or American-type cheese. stands and frozen on sticks and bars Process cheese is made by blending and and in packages. pasteurizing fresh and aged natural Sherbet is a low-fat, frozen mixture of cheeses with the aid of heat, water, sugar, milk solids, stabilizer, food and an emulsifier. Process cheese does acid, and water, with fruit, fruit juices, not increase in flavor after manufac- and extracts used for flavoring.