SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR MALELANE SAFARI LODGE MPUMLALANGA PROVINCE FEBRUARY 2015 Prepared for NULEAF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL By Tony Barbour Tony Barbour ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING AND RESEARCH 4 Oakdale Road, Newlands, 7700, South Africa (Tel) 27-21-683 7085 - (Fax) 27-21-683 7085 - (Cell) 082 600 8266 (E-Mail)
[email protected], EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION AND LOCATION NuLeaf Planning and Environmental was appointed by Malelane Safari Resort Investments (Pty) Ltd as the lead consultant to manage the Basic Assessment (BA) process for the establishment of the proposed Malelane Safari Lodge and associated infrastructure within the Kruger National Park. The site is located within the „Peripheral Development Zone‟ (PDZ), as per the Kruger National Park‟s Conservation Development Framework (CDF). The PDZ has a width of 2km from the Kruger National Park (KNP) boundary in this area. The zoning was approved by the Minister of Environmental Affairs in 2013 and allows for the development of tourist accommodation facilities of up to 240 beds. The study area is located north east of the Malelane Gate on the western bank of the Crocodile River, adjacent to the confluence with the Timfenheni River. Tony Barbour Environmental Consulting was appointed to undertake a specialist Social Impact Assessment (SIA) as part of the Basic Assessment (BA) process. This report contains the findings of the SIA for the BA process. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed Malelane Safari Lodge consists of a 240 bed Safari Lodge with a four star rating in the Malelane Region of the Kruger National Park. In terms of the Private Public Partnership (PPP) agreement with SANParks the developers will build, operate and maintain the resort for 30 years.