Health and Physical Education Remote Learning Packet #1

NCES.PE.8.MS.1 - Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to ​ perform a variety of physical activities. NCES.PE.8.MC.2 - Understand concepts, ​ ​ ​ principles, strategies, and tactics that apply to the learning and performance of movement

Article Procedure: ​ Read the entire article.. Write a summary of the article in your own words. The summary should include the following paragraphs:Paragraph 1: Summarize the article in your own words. Plagiarism will result in a “0” grade on the assignment.Paragraph 2: What is your opinion of the article? What did you learn? Did you like/dislike the article and why? Would you recommend this article to others? 4. Proofread the summary and correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar errors before turning it in.

Day 20 Do Now: What’s My Name Activity-Use your FIRST NAME. Read Article “Legacy” by Michael Jordan Click on the above link and read the letter " Legacy". Complete the article procedure listed above.

Day 21 Do Now: What’s My Name Activity-Use your MIDDLE NAME. Lesson Focus: Read the Volleyball Packet #1. Focus on Read the Volleyball Packet #1 and Answer the Student Response Questions.1-5

Day 22 Do Now: What’s My Name Activity-Use your LAST NAME. Lesson Focus: Read the Volleyball Packet #1 and Answer the ​ Student Response Questions #6-10.

Day 23 Do Now: What’s My Name Activity-Spell out VCMS. -york-red-bulls .Read the article " Greatful" by local professional soccer ​​

Vance County Middle School Health and Physical Educations Remote #1 Remote Learning Packet Round 2 Grades 6-8 Volleyball

player and US team member Tyler Adams Follow the article proceduce listed above.

Day 24 Do Now: What’s My Name Activity-Spell out JAGUARS. Lesson Focus: Volleyball. Use the clues to to Discover the Words for Reading. 20 CLUES-20 WORDS. This is vocabulary focus. Please circle the word on your text once you have identified it and write it on your handout.

Day 25 Do Now: What’s My Name Activity-Spell your FAVORITE FOOD. Read the article " Why Running May Be Good for your Back".By ​ Gretchen Reynolds ood-for-your-back.html?rref=collection%2Fcolumn%2Fphys-ed&action =click&contentCollection=move®ion=stream&module=stream_unit &version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection. Use the ​ article procedure detailed above.

Day 26 Do Now: What’s My Name Activity-SPELL YOU FAVORITE FOOD. Lesson Focus: History of Volleyball Article. Read more about the man who founded the game and the rules that surround the game. Use the article procedure detailed above.

Day 27 Do Now: What’s My Name Activity-SPELL YOUR FAVORITE SINGER. Lesson Focus: Volleyball Skills Practice. Go outside with a ball or in the house with a PILLOW and try these 5 main skills. Dig, Set, Spike, Serve, and Block. Use the Skills Practice Image and description handout to help you practice.

Days 28 Do Now: What’s My Name Activity-SPELL YOU FAVORITE COLOR. Lesson Focus: Volleyball Scavenger Hunt. Review the volleyball readings and and answer as many questions as you can. Good Luck!

2 Remote Learning Packet Round 2 Grades 6-8 Volleyball

Day 29 .Do Now: What’s My Name Activity-Use your FAVORITE SCHOOL Day 39 SUBJECT-NOT P.E.-USE PHYSICAL EDUCATION. :) Lesson Focus: Let's put it all together. Take the final assessment.


4/20/2020 Legacy | By Michael Jordan 4/20/2020 Legacy | By Michael Jordan Congratulations.

Your friend,


Legacy Michael Jordan




A legacy is built by more than what is seen. It is not given, it is earned.

Beyond your 20 years in the majors and an endless list of accolades, it was your love and respect for the game that set you apart.

Your pursuit of greatness on and off the field has set the standard for others to follow.

Much RE2PECT on cementing your legacy and having your No. 2 jersey retired. 1/2 2/2


This Learning Packet has two parts: (l) text to read and (2) questions to answer.

The text describes a particular sport or physical activity, and relates its history, rules, playing techniques, scoring, notes and news.

The Response Forms (questions and puzzles) check your understanding and appreciation of the sport or physical activity.


Volleyball is a popular sport which can be played both indoors and outdoors. It appeals to people of all ages and skill levels. It is fast-paced, with constant jumping and running, and thus provides a strenuous aerobic workout. It also requires mental alertness and quick, precise physical reactions.


Volleyball originated in Massachusetts in 1895 when the director of a local YMCA used the bladder of a basketball for a ball and a tennis net as the first volleyball net. The game was regulated by (he YMCA until t 92.8 when the United States Volleyball Association was founded- HOW VOLLEYBALL IS PLAYED

The name "volleyball" is not an entirely accurate description of this sport. The object of the game is hit the ball over the net in such a way that the opposing team cannot return it.

Volleyball is played on a court about 30 feet wide by about 60 feet long. The net is three feet high and spans the width of the playing area. The top of the net is positioned about eight feet (in men 's volleyball) from the floor or playing surface. The modern volleyball is about the size of a soccer ball and weighs between nine and ten ounces.

Physical Education Packets 1/1 Volleyball The game is played by two opposing teams, with six players on each team. Once the ball is put into play, it is "volleyed" back and forth between the teammates up to three times before it is hit over the net or until it falls to the floor, is hit out of bounds or a team commits a foul. The same player may not make a hit twice in a row. Even if the ball hits a player by accident, it counts as one of the three touches allowed per side. However, if a player blocks a spike, the block is not considered a "hit."



The team winning a rally scores a point. When the receiving team wins a rally, it gains a point and the right to serve, and its players rotate one position clockwise. The best of three or best of five games will win matches. Each game will be won by the team that first scores 25 points with a minimum two-point advantage. If there is a deciding game, it will be won by the team that first scores 15 points with a minimum two-point advantage.


Only the serving team may score a point, except in the deciding game when rally-point scoring is used. When the receiving team wins a rally, it gains the right to serve (also scoring a point in the deciding game), and its players rotate one position clockwise. Rotation ensures that players play at both the net and the back zone of the court.

A team wins a game by scoring 15 points with a two point advantage and wins the match by winning the best of three or five games. In the event of a 16-16 tie, the team scoring the 17th point wins a non-deciding game with only a one-point advantage. In a deciding garne there is no point cap.

Almost all schools have changed from "Sideout Scoring" to "Rally Point Scoring." Rally scoring looks very similar to a side-out game, with the main difference being a point scored every time the ball is blown dead. What constitutes a match when you rally score? Teams will play the best three out of five games. "Game- point" for the first four games will be 25 points. (You must win by two points.) The fifth and deciding game is played to 15. (Again, you must win by 2 points .)

How much time should be allotted for matches that are rally scored? Most three of five rally matches end in three games. The approximate length of time for a game (not including warm-up) is less than 2() minutes. Three-game matches take approximately 60 minutes, while five-game matches take approximately 90 minutes. The nature of volleyball allows games to be substantially shorter when one team is strong and another weak. Rally scoring no longer accommodates long non-scoring periods during a game or match.

What is the "let serve?" The "let serve" is a ball that when served, hits the net without touching the net antenna and continues across the net into the opponent's court. The let serve is a playable live ball. The let serve is a strategy used to keep the game moving with fewer interruptions in play.

With the "let serve" there is no longer a need to touch the net when giving the signal to serve.

Time-outs: Each team is allowed a maximum of two time-outs per game. A time- out is a maximum of 60 seconds, although play may resume sooner if both teams are ready prior to 60 seconds. Extra time-outs are not granted during rally scoring, nor are time-out accumulative during a match.

The game has a total of 15 points. If a team fails to serve properly, return the ball, or commits any other fault, the opponent wins the rally and scores the point. Each game must be won by a two-point margin. A match consists of either three or five 15 point games. The team which wins two (in a three-game match) or three (in a five-game match) games is the winner of the match.

Volleyball requires a referee, who generally has the final word regarding points in dispute, an umpire who assists the referee, a scorekeeper, a timekeeper and linesmen. Even though there may be officials present during a game, players who commit fouls are expected to call out their own mistakes.



One of the basic positions in volleyball is called the "ready position." The knees are slightly bent with hands at waist level and elbows near the body to allow the player to concentrate on the ball. Players should learn this position so that time is not wasted when the ball is hit, Jumping is always done near the net. Players should practice jumping so that they do not touch the net, or bump into or injure other players. They should also remember always to jump parallel to the net. THE SERVE: OVERHAND AND UNDERHAND

Serving is a crucial skill for the volleyball player to learn. The cardinal rules of serving arc simple: do not step on a boundary line, and get the ball over the net.

"I'he overhand serve is the most popular and effective serve. It is similar to a tennis serve. The ball is thrown into the air so that it rises a few feet above the server's head. As the ball comes down, the right arm (if you are right-handed) is raised up and back while the elbow collies forward. The arm is then extended at the elbow and the server hits the ball with the heel of the hand.

The underhand serve is a good serve for beginners to use. It is simply another way of getting the ball over the net. The ball is held in one hand and hit by the heel of the other hand. The underhand serve is generally not as effective as the overhand serve.


The pass is a difficult move for many beginning players. This skill looks easier than it actually is when performed. Once the bail is served, the player who will pass the ball gets into position under the ball with knees bent, hands up and fingers cupped. All the fingers and the two thumbs contact the ball, but the ball does not touch the palm of the hand

When the ball is in the air over the serving side's court, it may be passed up to three times before it is returned over the net. One player cannot pass the ball twice in a row.

Note that overhead passes are not used when the returning ball is a "spike."


The spike is one of the most difficult plays in volleyball: a player has to run, jump and hit the ball to a specific spot on the other side of the net. However, it is the best offensive move in volleyball, and it should be learned.

Generally, a spiked ball is hit with an open hand. However, unless player is quite experienced, spiking a ball can sometimes result in the ball going out of bounces or into the net. Remember that practice in timing *jumping and hitting are required to spike correctly. A spiked ball, hit property, can move up to a hundred miles an hour. THE FOREARM BOUNCE PASS-BUMP

The bump is used for receiving serves and spike balls. This shot is easy to execute because the ball simply bounces or bumps OTT the, clasped hands, wrists or forearms. The purpose of this shot is to bounce the ball into the air so that a teammate can get under it to make a set-up (a move usually used to direct the ball to the spiker).


This is a recovery and is used if the ball received is low and off to the side of a player. If you cannot make a bump pass, use a dig or save pass instead. In this move, the hands are cupped. They are then placed under the ball just before it hits the floor.


This move is used chiefly as a defensive position to stop spiked balls. As with spiking, timing is important in blocking.

A player must anticipate an opponent's spike and position him or herself accordingly. The blocker then jumps just after the spiker has jumped. The blocker's arms should be extended upward with fingers spread wide apart. This allows the ball to bounce off the heels of the blocker's hands and land on the opposite side of the net.

This is the only move in volleyball that allows the player's hands to go over the top of the net.


Standard clothing for playing volleyball is comfortable sportswear which allows for free movement. Gym shoes are a must since most gyms do not allow anyone on the floor in regular shoes. When played on the beach, attire ranges from gym clothes to swimsuits. Many play barefoot in the sand.





The following questions will help you to have a greater appreciation and understanding of volleyball. Write your answers in the spaces below the questions. If there is not enough room, write on the backs of these sheets. Be neat, spell correctly, and write in complete sentences.

Why is volleyball considered to be such a good aerobic exercise?

2. How many total points can be scored in a game of volleyball?

3. What does "a match" in volleyball consist of?

4. What clothing is typically worn for playing volleyball?

5. What clothing is typically worn for playing volleyball?

6. What is "the ready position' in volleyball and how is it used?

7. What is an underhand serve?

8. What is a pass and how is it used'?

9. How is a spike ball hit?

10. How is a block used?

4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams 4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams Yeah, he’s my brother.

As far as how he became my brother, that’s a longer story. Some people might even call it a good one. And it’s an important one, because it’s why I’m here doing what I love for the Red Bulls.

My mom had me when she was only 22 years old and my dad wasn’t around. We lived in Poughkeepsie, New York, which is about 75 miles north of New York City, and while we weren’t poor, we didn’t have much. We lived below my uncle in a small two-bedroom apartment. That’s where I’d sit in front of our TV and watch Thierry Henry score goal after goal for Arsenal at 6 a.m. on FOX Soccer Report.

Playing professional soccer was my dream, but I also knew that my mom had dreams of her own. That’s why, when I was in second grade, she went after those dreams and went back Grateful to school. She had taken time away from her classes after I was born so she could focus on raising me.

BY TYLER ADAMS NOV 23 2018 Our life was a roller coaster, and we were never quite sure if things were going to stay on the tracks. But we always had each other. I looked up to my mom — I still do. During those early years I was her little shadow, always following her and observing how hard she PHOTO BY GUILLERMO HERNANDEZ MARTINEZ/THE PLAYERS' TRIBUNE worked. When she’d go to the library to study after working a full-time job, I was right there next to her. We’d sit there for close to six hours, until 11 at night when the library yler … is that your … brother?” closed.

“T I get that one a lot.

If you saw me with my family, you’d think I was adopted. All of them are white, and I’m black. My biological dad, who isn’t in my life, is black. My brother Dylan is white, and he plays in the New York Red Bull’s Academy. So when I go to support him at his games, and people see me, then they hear from someone around them that I’m brothers with the guy on the pitch, and they kind of give me a double-take, like, Is he… ? Nah. 1/14 2/14 4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams 4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams We had to eat our dinner in the car because our schedule was so tight. She’d make sure I did my homework on the drive down because by the time we drove back it was 10 or 11 at night, so it was too dark.

And for a few years, it was just the two of us, doing what we could to support each other’s dreams.

Then, in seventh grade, my entire life changed with one interaction. It didn’t happen on a pitch, though — it was in a classroom.

“You’re Tyler, right?” one of my classmates asked me.

His name was Darryl Sullivan, and I didn’t realize it at the time, but this was the beginning of a lifelong connection we’d share.

“My dad has mentioned you before. He said you’re a good soccer player. I’m going to try out for the soccer team in middle school too,” he said.

Not long after Darryl and I started playing on the team together he came up to me one day and was like, “I think our parents are talking.”

We were at a tournament that weekend and he was right. Our parents were talking. They spent almost the entire day next to each other, talking, having coffee. A week later his dad invited my mom and me over to their house for dinner. It was there that Darryl introduced

Courtesy of Tyler Adams me to his brothers, who are now our brothers.

I look back now and I think that’s the moment, eating dinner at their house, that I always felt happiest when I was on a pitch. I also happened to have some talent. My mom everything changed. It wasn’t just my mom and me against the world anymore. Now we recognized that, and when I got the opportunity to join the Red Bulls Academy, she did were part of a family. everything she could to make sure I had the chance to pursue it. We’d pile into her dark grey Toyota Corolla and make the 150-mile round trip to the practice facility in Whippany, New Jersey. 3/14 4/14 4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams 4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams But I was grateful to be exposed to that level of obsession with the game. Because I would eventually find out that if you want to make it, that’s what it takes. And that’s why my dad arriving in my life when he did was perfect. We’re both soccer-obsessed.

When I was 15 years old and had agents wanting to talk to me, having his wisdom and knowledge was so helpful. I think, and I remember it clearly actually, when I was that young and there were these agents around, I started getting big-eyed. Like, I’m going to make it … I’mma be in FIFA!

But my dad, he had my back. He was able to talk to me in a way that didn’t dent my confidence … but, like, he just let me know how much further I had to go — how hard I had to work. And even though, sometimes, I felt like I didn’t need a dad … he was there for me in whatever way I needed him.

Courtesy of Tyler Adams

I didn’t know until I met them, but my new extended family was even more fanatical about the game than I was. My grandfather on my stepdad’s side of the family was from Scotland and came to the U.S with his girlfriend in 1961. He was 17 years old when they arrived in New York. They came for a new life — a better life.

They didn’t bring much with them, but they did have their soccer fandom. The whole Scottish side of our family is diehard Rangers fans. I can’t even wear a green shirt around them because that’s Celtic’s colors — their rivals (rivals is an understatement). I made that mistake once. I was told that if I wanted to eat with the rest of the family I had to change. I thought it was a joke. It was not a joke. I mean, my uncle Alan even has a dog named Ranger, and if you say the word Celtic to the dog, it growls. Bruh. 5/14 6/14 4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams 4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams He was a friend. A buddy to kick the ball with. And he was a dad. He was my dad.

There’s really not much more I could have asked for.

Between him and my mom, I had every opportunity I needed to become the man I am today. And the older I get, I can see how difficult their sacrifice was — and how there were no guarantees that I’d make it as anything, let alone a professional soccer player.

There was no question that I was grateful to have this new family structure, but man, our house was hectic. Going from an only child to having brothers resulted in me participating in a lot of really, really stupid activities. And looking back, they’re honestly some of my fondest memories now.

Whether it was me kicking a ball around the house and breaking a lamp (I always blamed the youngest, Donovan, even if it wasn’t him), or my mom yelling at the top of her lungs for us to chill out while we had these heated 2 v 2 FIFA sessions, things were always lively.

Sometimes, though, things got a bit more physical. Around Christmas time one year, we decided to play tackle football in the snow. I went to tackle my brother Darryl and broke his leg. I still remind him about that to this day because it’s something we all laugh about now.

At one point we were the same height. Now he’s six feet two and 250 lbs. He says he would destroy me if we replayed the game now, but I think I could still take him.

I remember my youth coaches at the giving us all a big talk about turning professional. They didn’t sugarcoat it for us.

Courtesy of Tyler Adams “It’s important that you know that only about one or two of you will make it to the senior professional ranks,” they said. 7/14 8/14 4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams 4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams I guess I’m going to be that one then, I thought to myself. I hadn’t even thought about starting against Chelsea, I was just excited to be in the squad. I remember leaving training that day, and that’s when our coach, , called me at I always thought it was something I would need to do on my own, but what I realized with home. time is that my journey to becoming a professional was actually made possible by the people surrounding me. “I just wanted to see how comfortable you are, because you’re going to be starting the Chelsea match tomorrow,” he said.

“I’ll be ready.” I hung up the phone and sprinted to Donnie’s room.

Chelsea is his favorite team.

“Hey Donnie, I’m starting against Chelsea tomorrow.”

“Oh, man … you’re going to lose 60. Like for sure.”

He was right, but bro, c’mon. There was a good chance we would get beat 60, but I was still going to play against Chelsea.

Before the game, my family and I went out for a nice meal at an Italian restaurant before we headed to Red Bull Arena. It was kinda like the meals we’d eat before my parents would drive me to a youth game. It just felt right … you know? Like, before this game, against Chelsea, I was with the people who made any of it possible.

Guillermo Hernandez Martinez/The Players' Tribune When we pulled up to the arena and into the players parking lot, I remember the feeling I had when I saw that the Chelsea bus was already there. And their team was getting out. My brother Donnie was the first person I told when I learned I’d be making my debut for the New York Red Bulls back in July 2015. There was a good chance we would get beat 6- 0, but I was still going to play against Chelsea. The first team had a U.S. Open Cup game the day before a scheduled exhibition game against Chelsea, who were the reigning champions at the time. The first Eden Hazard. Cesc Fabregas. Thibaut Courtois. team players couldn’t play twice in 24 hours, and so they had to sit the second game out. 9/14 10/14 4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams 4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams They’re like a few feet from us, walking in.

My brother’s jaw dropped.

I knew he was buggin’ out — he had them on his ultimate team.

And that was the moment it all hit me that I wasn’t a fan anymore. These weren’t just my heroes, they were my competition. Now I was a professional soccer player.

Just don’t get humiliated. That’s what I kept telling myself.

Not long after the match started, they scored.


That’s when Donnie’s voice started ringing in my head again. Oh no, please. I can’t lose 60 on my debut, I don’t care who we’re playing.

Tony Quinn/Icon Sportswire I started to get my first few touches on the ball and began connecting passes. I was building a rhythm. I thought I was playing well, but it was hard to be certain. I didn’t have anything

to compare it with because this was my first professional game. Early in the second half It was kind of like being submerged under water, and then you just surface. The whole one of my teammates tied the game. stadium went completely quiet and then it erupted. I didn’t even know how to celebrate. I just made something up on the spot. I still do that same celebration to this day. Our team started to improve. Then, it happened: my first goal for the New York Red Bulls.

I looked over to my mom and I could already tell she was crying. She was a college It came from a cross wide right. I don’t even know why I was in the box. I think that was graduate, and now I was a professional soccer player. against our tactics. I was wide open and I managed to get a head on the ball.

We’d done it.

Man, we’d done it. All of us. My mom. My dad. My brothers. They scored that goal with me — believe that. 11/14 12/14 4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams 4/20/2020 Grateful | By Tyler Adams Man, we’d done it. All of us. My mom. My dad. My brothers. They scored that goal with me — believe that.

To this day, whenever I see a single parent at the Red Bulls training facility, it makes me pause. I feel this instant connection. I understand the sacrifices they’re making to be there. Tyler Adams And I know how much love is in their hearts. RB LEIPZIG

I also look back on those times and see the impact that this club has had on me: The Red Bulls are part of my life and part of my family’s life. That’s why the club means so much to me. It’s my other family. There are a lot of clubs around the world that wouldn’t have had the patience that they did. There are a lot of special people in the Red Bulls family. ABOUT ATHLETE APPLICATION CAREERS PRIVACY TERMS COOKIE

And I know they’ll take care of my brother Dylan on his Red Bull journey. POLICY

The club has given me so much. And now, for real, I feel like I have a chance to return the favor. Jesse Marsch, and now Chris Armas — and the countless other people who have built this team — have put us in a place to accomplish our ultimate goal: Win an MLS Cup. Our supporters deserve that.

And my family deserves that. I wrote this for them. For my dad. For my mom. For all of them. I wouldn’t be me without them, I owe them everything, and I hope these words helped show you where I’ve come from — and who got me here.

Whatever happens these next few weeks, it won’t change how I feel about this place, this team and my appreciation for the love you’ve all shown me and my family.

Thank you, and let’s go get the damn thing. 13/14 14/14 Use the Clues below to discover words for the reading

It is 30 feet wide and 60 feet long

2.It is three feet high and is located in the center of the court

3.Defensive technique to stop spiked ball

4. Three out of five [5-point games

5. Most popular serve technique

6. Total points in a game

7. The ball is put into play when one team does this

8. Institution where volleyball was founded

9. The top of the net is ______Feet from the floor

10. Fast offensive hit to a specific spot

A type of forearm pass

12. They assist the referee

13. Chief official for a volleyball game

14. First volleyball was a basketball's

15. Most number of times the ball can be volleyed across the


16. To serve with the heel of the hand 17. The number of players on a volleyball team

18. The palm does not touch the ball during a

19. The forearm bounce pass-

20. This person assists the referee


Your friend,


Assignment #3 back.html?rref=collection%2Fcolumn%2Fphys- ed&action=click&contentCollection=move®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&versi on=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection Click on the above link and read the article " Why Running May Be Good for your Back".

By Gretchen Reynolds June 7, 2017

People who regularly run or walk briskly appear to have healthier discs in their spines than people who do not exercise, according to one of the first studies to closely examine links between movement and disc health.

The findings refute a widely held belief that activities like running might overtax the spine and indicate that, instead, they make it sturdier.

The human spine is a complicated mechanism, composed of vertebral bones cushioned between intervertebral discs. These discs, shaped like tiny whoopee cushions, contain a viscous fluid that compresses and absorbs pressure during movement, keeping the back in good working form.

With age, disease or injury, spinal discs can degenerate and bulge, resulting in back pain, which can be debilitating.

Until recently, scientists and clinicians had believed that people could do little to strengthen their spinal discs, although they obviously could injure them. Muscles and bones respond to the physical strains of movement by becoming larger and stronger. But most experts thought that spinal discs remain impervious to this process and might in fact be harmed by the jarring from running.

There were tantalizing hints in animal studies, however, that this idea could be out of date. When scientists in Sweden scanned the spines of mice before and after they ran for several weeks on treadmills, the researchers noticed significant increases in the size of their spinal discs, indicating that those structures had been responding and adapting to the demands of running.

But mice, of course, run on four legs and are in all other respects not people, and it remained unclear whether running and similar activities would be good or not for the human spine. So for the new study, which was published in April in Scientific Reports, researchers at Deakin University in Australia and other institutions decided to examine the backs of people who run and others who do not.

Eventually they recruited 79 adult men and women, two-thirds of whom said that they were runners. Some of these told the researchers that they covered more than 30 miles (about 50 kilometers) a week in training. The researchers designated these as the “long-distance” group. The others said that they ran between 12 and 25 miles a week. All had been training for at least five years.

The final group rarely exercised at all.

To ensure that people’s reported activity levels were accurate, the researchers asked their volunteers to wear accelerometers for a week.

Then they scanned everyone’s spines, using a sophisticated type of M.R.I. that precisely measures the size and liquidity of each disc.

And they found differences. In general, the runners’ discs were larger and contained more fluid than the discs of the men and women who did not exercise.

Since both greater size and increased levels of internal fluid indicate better disc health, the runners harbored fundamentally healthier spines than the people who were sedentary, says Daniel Belavy, the study leader and a professor of exercise at the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition at Deakin University.

Interestingly, mileage barely mattered. The discs of the people who ran less than 30 miles per week were almost identical to those in the long-distance group, suggesting that, compared to moderate mileage, heavy training does not augment disc health but also does not contribute to deterioration.

Still, the researchers wished to gain more specificity about the ideal level of exercise for disc health and so began rooting deeper into their accelerometer data. Accelerometers measure movement in terms of acceleration forces, or how much power your body is generating when you move.

The researchers soon pinpointed a narrow range of forces that were associated with the healthiest discs.

They then asked 10 of their volunteers to step onto treadmills and recreate these forces and found, to their surprise, that running was not required. Walking briskly at a pace of about four miles per hour — “which for some people would be a jog,” Dr. Belavy says — generated enough physical force to bring people’s movement into the range associated with the healthiest discs.

Slower walks and standing in place were outside this range, as were runs at paces beyond about 5.5 miles per hour. The sweet spot for disc health seemed to reside somewhere in the range of fast walks and gentle jogs.

“You can go running” for the sake of your back, Dr. Belavy concludes, “but you don’t have to.” A brisk walk will also help, it seems.

Of course, this was a one-time snapshot of people’s backs. It cannot prove that exercise caused people’s discs to become healthier, but only that people who ran had healthier discs.

It also does not tell us whether exercise might aid in treating existing disc problems.

Dr. Belavy and his colleagues hope to delve into those issues in future randomized experiments.

But for now, he says, the available evidence strongly indicates that “discs like movement,” and it would be worthwhile to take your back for a walk today.

Assignment #4 Click on the above line and read the article " Greatful" by local professional soccer player and US team member Tyler Adams.



Origin of volleyball

On February 9, 1895, in Holyoke, Massachusetts (USA), William G. Morgan, a YMCA physical education director, created a new game called Mintonette as a pastime to be played (preferably) indoors and by any number of players. The game took some of its characteristics from tennis and handball .Mintonette was designed to be an indoor sport, less rough than basketball, for older members of the YMCA, while still requiring a bit of athletic effort. Mintonette was designed to be an indoor sport, less rough than basketball, for older members of the YMCA, while still requiring a bit of athletic effort.

After an observer, Alfred Halstead, noticed the volleying nature of the game at its first exhibition match in 1896, played at the International YMCA Training School (now called Springfield College), the game quickly became known as volleyball (it was originally spelled as two words: "volley ball"). Volleyball rules were slightly modified by the International YMCA Training School and the game spread around the country to various YMCAs.

The first world championship of volleyball was held in 1919 at Prague (Czechoslovakia).women team began participating in 1952. Both men’s and women’s volleyball teams first featured in Olympic game in 1964 Tokyo. Volleyball was introduced in India by YMCA College of physical education, Madras. The volleyball federation of India was formed in 1950. The first national championship for men was held in 1952 in Madras and first national championship for women was held in1953 Jabalpur. Rules of the game


A volleyball court is 18 m (59 ft) long and 9 m (29.5 ft) wide, divided into 9 m × 9 m halves by a one-meter (40-inch) wide net. The top of the net is 2.43 m (7 ft 11 5/8 in) above the center of the court for men's competition, and 2.24 m (7 ft 4 1/8 in) for women's competition, varied for veterans and junior competitions.

A line 3 m (9.84 ft) from and parallel to the net is considered the "attack line". This "3 meter" (or "10 foot") line divides the court into "back row" and "front row" areas (also back court and front court). These are in turn divided into 3 areas each: these are numbered as follows, starting from area "1", which is the position of the serving player: After a team gains the serve (also known as siding out), its members must rotate in a clockwise direction, with the player previously in area "2" moving to area "1" and so on, with the player from area "1" moving to area "6".

The team courts are surrounded by an area called the free zone which is a minimum of 3 meters wide and which the players may enter and play within after the service of the ball.[16] All lines denoting the boundaries of the team court and the attack zone are drawn or painted within the dimensions of the area and are therefore a part of the court or zone. If a ball comes in contact with the line, the ball is considered to be "in". An antenna is placed on each side of the net perpendicular to the sideline and is a vertical extension of the side boundary of the court. A ball passing over the net must pass completely between the antennae (or their theoretical extensions to the ceiling) without contacting them. The ball

FIVB regulations state that the ball must be spherical, made of leather or synthetic leather, have a circumference of 65–67 cm, a weight of 260–280 g and an inside pressure of 0.30–0.325 kg/cm2. Other governing bodies have similar regulations.


When the ball contacts the floor within the court boundaries or an error is made, the team that did not make the error is awarded a point, whether they served the ball or not. If the ball hits the line, the ball is counted as in. The team that won the point serves for the next point. If the team that won the point served in the previous point, the same player serves again. If the team that won the point did not serve the previous point, the players of the team rotate their position on the court in a clockwise manner. The game continues, with the first team to score 25 points by a two-point margin is awarded the set. Matches are best-of-five sets and the fifth set, if necessary, is usually played to 15 points. (Scoring differs between leagues, tournaments, and levels; high schools sometimes play best-of-three SkillS

Competitive teams master six basic skills: serve, pass, set, attack, block and dig. Serve

A player stands behind the inline and serves the ball, in an attempt to drive it into the opponent's court. His or her main objective is to make it land inside the court; it is also desirable to set the ball's direction, speed and acceleration so that it becomes difficult for the receiver to handle it properly. A serve is called an "ace" when the ball lands directly onto the court or travels outside the court after being touched by an opponent.

Underhand: a serve in which the player strikes the ball below the waist instead of tossing it up and striking it with an overhand throwing motion. Underhand serves are considered very easy to receive and are rarely employed in high-level competitions.

Jump serve: an overhand serve where the ball is first tossed high in the air, then the player makes a timed approach and jumps to make contact with the ball, hitting it with much pace and topspin. This is the most popular serve amongst college and professional teams.

Topspin: an overhand serve where the player tosses the ball high and hits it with a wrist span, giving it topspin which causes it to drop faster than it would otherwise and helps maintain a straight flight path. Topspin serves are generally hit hard and aimed at a specific returner or part of the court. Standing topspin serves are rarely used above the high school level of play. Pass

Pass is the attempt by a team to properly handle the opponent's serve, or any form of attack

The skill of passing involves fundamentally two specific techniques: underarm pass, or bump, where the ball touches the inside part of the joined forearms or platform, at waist line; and overhand pass, where it is handled with the fingertips, like a set, above the head. Set The set is usually the second contact that a team makes with the ball. The main goal of setting is to put the ball in the air in such a way that it can be driven by an attack into the opponent's court. The setter coordinates the offensive movements of a team, and is the player who ultimately decides which player will actually attack the ball.

As with passing, one may distinguish between an overhand and a bump set. Since the former allows for more control over the speed and direction of the ball, the bump is used only when the ball is so low it cannot be properly handled with fingertips or in beach volleyball where rules regulating overhand setting are more stringent. Block

Blocking refers to the actions taken by players standing at the net to stop or alter an opponent's attack. A block that is aimed at completely stopping an attack, thus making the ball remain in the opponent's court, is called offensive. A well-executed offensive block is performed by jumping and reaching to penetrate with one's arms and hands over the net and into the opponent's area. It requires anticipating the direction the ball will go once the attack takes place. It may also require calculating the best foot work to executing the "perfect" block. Dig Digging is the ability to prevent the ball from touching one's court after a spike or attack, particularly a ball that is nearly touching the ground. In many aspects, this skill is similar to passing, or bumping: overhand dig and bump are also used to distinguish between defensive actions taken with fingertips or with joined arms. It varies from passing however in that is it a much more reflex based skill, especially at the higher levels. It is especially important while digging for players to stay on their toes; several players choose to employ a split step to make sure they're ready to move in any direction.

Tournaments and Trophies of Volleyball at International Level

Asian volleyball tournament- First time held in Tokyo in 1955.

World volleyball championship – first time held in 1919 at Prague (Czechoslovakia).

Olympic games- volleyball is a regular feature of Olympics games since 1964.Tokyo Olympics.

Commonwealth games- volleyball is a regular feature of Commonwealth games since 1981, Nottingham (England) Famous personalities of volleyball

Jimmy gorge – a very good volleyball player from India who represented India in many international tournaments .he was awarded aurjun award in the year 1976

Palaniswamy - he was the first volleyball player to receive aurjun award in the year 1961

Sally Joseph –another volleyball player he was awarded aurjun award in the year 1984

Lesson Focus: Volleyball Skills Practice.

Go outside with a ball or in the house with a PILLOW and try these 5 main skills.

Dig, Set, Spike, Serve, and Block

Name: ______Class Period ______

Volleyball Play and Position Scavenger Hunt

1. An aggressive, one-handed hit meant to ground the ball in the opponent’s court is called a ______. 2. The poles sticking up from the net to mark the court sidelines are called the ______. 3. Any hit to a teammate, also known as a bump, is a ______. 4. A controlled pass, using your fingertips, to an attacking teammate is called a ______. 5. When passing a volleyball, your body should be in a low athletic stance, one foot slightly in front of the other, hands together, creating a flat ______in which to hit the ball. 6. When passing a volleyball, you should be on the ______of your feet, not on your heels. Be ready to move your feet to adjust to the ball. 7. When setting a volleyball, your hands and fingers should finish in an ______position, not toward the net or the ground. 8. How many offensive hits are allowed each side before returning the ball? ______9. The line that separates the frontcourt from the backcourt is known as the ______or the ______. 10. The modern scoring method where a point is scored for every serve is known as ______. 11. When serving the ball underhand, you are most successful if you do not ______the volleyball, instead keep the ball low, step with the opposite foot and hit it out of your hand while following through to the net. 12. When serving overhand, you should have a nice high toss, slightly in front of your body, preparing to hit the ball with an open hand and stepping with the ______foot compared to your serving hand. 13. A block is a ______hit and does not count as one of the three hits that are allowed per side before returning the ball. 14. An open-handed underhand hit, or one that remains in a player’s hands for more than a moment is illegal and will be called a ______by the referee. 15. Who invented volleyball? ______

VOLLEYBALL WORKSHEET Rules Teams • A team consists of 6 players on their side of the court at one time. ‘ Player positions are: right front - RF, center front - CF, left front LF, CF CB right back (serving position) RB, center back - CB, and left back – • All players must be on the court during the serve, except the server. • After the serve, all players are allowed to go out of bounds to hit LF LB the ball. Basic Volleyball Hits • Bump/Forearm Pass/Underhand Pass – Used to pass the ball to a teammate. Hands together; keep arms straight; bend your knees, do not swing your arms; contact ball with the flat part of your forearms • Set/Overhead Pass/Fingertip Pass – Used to set up a teammate for a spike. Create a triangle with your hands, elbows out, bend your knees, use fingertips, and pop the ball up in the air • Spike – A ball which is hit from above the net in a downward manner, into the opponent’s court • Underhanded Serve – Keep the ball at waist level, do not toss the ball, step with your opposite foot, and contact the ball with the wrist area of your arm. • The most successful 3-hit succession is PASS - SET - SPIKE. Playing the Game A point is scored on every play/serve; and a score is worth 1 point. The ball is served by the player in the RIGHT BACK position, and s/he will continue serving the ball until that team fails to score a point. When one team loses their serve it is called a side out, and the other team will rotate positions and then they get to serve the ball. You only rotate when you win the serve (which is a side out); and your team will then rotate one position in a clockwise direction. Before each serve, the server will call out the score of the game by saying his/her team’s score first, followed by the score of the other team. So if your team has 2 points and the other team has 1 point, you would say “2 serving 1,” and then serve the ball. Three hits are allowed on each side, but no more than 3. A team can hit the ball less than 3 times per side. A game consists of 25 points, and you must win by 2. A match consists of 3 games to 25 points. The team who wins 2 out of 3 games wins the match.

Rules The ball can touch the net at any time and still be in play. • A player can not touch the net or go over the middle line at any time during the game. • The same person cannot hit the ball twice in a row. • The service line is 10 yards away from the net, and the server must stand behind this line. • A foot fault occurs when the server steps on or over the service line. • The sidelines mark the left and right sides of the court, and they are 10 yards apart. • All lines are “in,” so any ball that hits the line is considered good or in-bounds. V

VOLLEYBALL WORKSHEET VOCABULARY ACE - A serve hit so well it is not returned BASELINE - The back line on a volleyball court BLOCK - To stop the ball from coming over the net BUMP - The first of three hits in volleyball, when you put your hands together and lift the ball with your forearms DIG - To dive for a ball, reaching out and hitting the ball up with one hand, keeping the ball alive DINK - To barely tap the ball over the net FOOT FAULT - To step on or over the baseline while serving KILL - A successful spike RALLY - Both teams successfully hitting the ball back and forth over the net RECEIVING TEAM - The team receiving the serve ROTATE - The team moves clockwise, every time it receives the serve SERVE - The ball is hit from behind the baseline over the net to the opposing team, to begin play SERVING TEAM - The team serving the ball SET - The second hit of three hits, where the ball is positioned high and near the net for a player to spike SIDEOUT - This is the name in volleyball for when the receiving team wins the serve SIDELINE - The boundary line on the side of the court SPIKE - The third hit of three hits designed to win the rally by hitting the ball down to the floor on the opponent’s side SPIKING LINE - The line ten feet from the net which back-row players may not cross, to spike the ball VOLLEY - To hit the ball before it hits the floor


Name______Period ____

1. ______How many players are there on a volleyball team?

2. ______Is it legal for a player to touch the net?

3. ______How many points make up a volleyball game?

4. ______In order to win a game, a team must be ahead by how many points?

5. ______What direction do you rotate on the volleyball court?

6. ______In a game, when do you rotate?

7. ______When calling the score, whose score do you call first?

8. ______Can the receiving team score points?

9. ______How many hits is a team allowed before the ball must travel back over the net?

10. ______If the ball lands on the sideline, is the ball in bounds or out?

11. ______Is it legal for the same player to contact the ball twice in a row?

12. ______In a game is it legal to step on the centerline?

13. ______When serving, can the server step on the back line?

14. ______Is it legal to help a serve over the net?

15. There are three hits used most successfully while playing volleyball. Name them in the order they should be used. 1.______2.______3. ______

16. Name 3 positions on the volleyball court. 1.______2.______3. ______