SSHORELINEHORELINE SSURVEYURVEY RREPORTEPORT && AACTIONCTION PPLANLAN HousatonicHousatonic RiverRiver LakeLake LillinonahLillinonah andand LakeLake ZoarZoar StreamStream TeamTeam SummerSummer 20022002 Housatonic Valley Association This project and report was made possible by grants from: z The Waterbury Foundation z The Ellen Knowles Harcourt Foundation z Meserve Memorial Fund z Carolyn Foundation z NewMil Bank Foundation and from membership contributions HOUSATONIC VALLEY ASSOCIATION Berkshire Office Connecticut Office 1383 Route 102, P.O. Box 251 150 Kent Road, P.O. Box 28 South Lee, MA 01260 Cornwall Bridge, CT 06754 Phone: 413-394-9796 Phone: 860-672-6678 Fax: 413-394-9818 Fax: 860-672-0162 E-mail:
[email protected] E-mail:
[email protected] Website: LAKE LILLINONAH AND LAKE ZOAR STREAM TEAM REPORT I. Introduction: The Lake Lillinonah and 2 Lake Zoar Stream Team II. Descriptions and Summary of Findings 3 for Stream Sections Section Maps 1, 2 and 3 14 Section Maps 4 and 5 15 Section Maps 6 and 7 21 Section Maps 8 and 9 28 Section Maps 10 and 11 34 III. Stream Team Feature Data 35 IV. Proposed Action Plan 40 V. Data Collection Examples 42 Team Members Shoreline Survey Crew: Chris Kukk, Elly Kukk, John Cole, Danielle Cole, Bob Rush, Percy Preston, Barbara Gomez, William Garrett, Christine Garrett, Sean Garrett, Edward G. Lasch, Edward W. Lasch, Joe Luzzi, Jerry Rekart, Cathy Setterlin, Susan Rush, Rachel Goodkind, James Novak, Tim Mygatt, Anne Mygatt, Michael Kersten, Connie Kersten, Amy Cox, Aaron Cox, Barbara Richards, Amy Richards, Tony Vengrove, Kate Besterman, Ryan Bogan, Beth Mannion, Ann Clark, Laurie Paivo, Taylor Clark-Paivo, Penny Buckman, Melissa Jones, Laurie Dale, Cindy Palkimas, Fredrick Dielman, Walter Johnson, Joanne Barry, Shauna Barry, Don de Lambert, Liz de Lambert, Keith Vaughn, Linda Rapp, Elaine LaBella, and Gale Courey Toensing.