Smart Edge FX Ref. STE200 Hi-Resolution Seamless Switcher with Dual Output Edge Blending for Large Screen dedicated to High-End AV Presentations

Inputs Outputs


Smart Edge FX at a glance Key Features > Hi-Res. Seamless Switcher with Dual Output Edge Blending 12 Inputs > Full High Resolution digital processing > 4 x 3G/HD/SD-SDI ‡ 2 DVI Inputs ‡ 6 Universal Analog Inputs > 2 PIPs on Frame Background with Logo ‡[*+'6'6', > Up to 3 x STE200 for Large Screen with 6 video projectors ‡SDTV, EDTV, HDTV and Computer formats up to 2K > Horizontal or Vertical Edge Blending ‡)XOOGLJLWDO,Q2XW3URFHVVLQJ

Outputs Reference ‡$QDORJDQG'LJLWDO2XWSXWV2XWSXW 2XWSXW > STE200: Smart Edge FX ‡ Computer Formats up to 2K > AW212080: Sync Cable for multiple machine mode ‡5*%+9DQG'9, ‡9LGHR2XWSXW6'+'79$QDORJDQG*+'6'6', To Control STE200 2SHUDWLRQ0RGHV (IIHFWV > Remote Control Software (RCS): STE200 (Supplied) > ARC200: Axion2 ‡Operation Mode: Dual Output Edge Blending > ORC50: Orchestra ‡/RJR )UDPH6WRUH /RJRIUDPHVLPXOWDQHRXVO\RQGLVSOD\ > TRK-800: Triple Remote Keypad TRK-800 ‡/RJRV )UDPHVWRUHV > RK-300: Remote Keypad RK-300 ‡3,33DQ =RRPUHVL]LQJXSWR ‡3,3)O\LQJ=RRPLQJ3,3DQLPDWLRQRUPRYLQJIURP$WR% 5. 75.FDQQRWEHXVHGLQ ‡PIP: Cropping animation multiple machine mode. ‡PIP Open/Close animation (...) Key Features

‡3,3RQ/LYH%DFNJURXQG/RJR ‡3,3VRQ)UDPH%DFNJURXQG/RJR Diagram ‡Dynamic PIP (Advanced or Basic) Background Frame ‡PIP Border (Edge: 1 Color, 1 Width, 1 Height) ‡Dynamic Fit: Automatic adjustment of the PIP to fit the image borders ‡7UDQVLWLRQV)DGH Dissolve), Cut, Wipe, Slide ‡Smooth Move effect ‡Chroma/Luma Key/DSK Title ‡'6.RQ$QDORJ 'LJLWDOLQSXWV ‡8 Memory Presets ‡Internal Test Patterns ‡Audio Breakaway ‡Audio Delay Compensation ‡6 Preset Layouts


6 Universal Inputs - Analog Inputs (All inputs #1 to #6) Audio Stereo In/Out Video Out

SD-TV: ‡,QSXW x BNC-F: SD/HD-SDI (with audio embedded)  ‡&RPSRVLWH69LGHR<895*V%RU5*%6 $XGLRVWHUHRLQSXWV$X[LOLDU\ $OO%DODQFHG x 3 x BNC-F: Y-Cb-Cr  ‡176&N+]+] Unbalanced) x Mini Din 4: S.Video  ‡3$/6(&$0N+]+] - 4 inputs from embedded SDI x BNC-F: Composite Video PAL/NTSC ED/HD-TV: 9L G%8PD[  ‡5*V%5*%6RU<89 =L N2KPV %DODQFHG Dimensions ‡S+]±S+]SLL - Adjustable Level per input /50 RU+]±SRU+] ‡8´ 1080psF/24, 25 or 30 Hz ‡2XWSXW ‡'¶¶[:¶¶[+¶¶ Computer: - 2 independent outputs ‡'PP[:PP[+PP  ‡5*%+95*%6RU5*V% - Balanced/Unbalanced ‡5HVROXWLRQXSWR[+] 9R G%82KPV 8QEDODQFHG Weight 1920x1200/60 Hz or 2048x1080/60 Hz 9R G%82KPV %DODQFHG  ‡+RUL]RQWDOIUHTXHQF\IURPWRN+] ‡NJOEV    ‡9HUWLFDOIUHTXHQF\XSWR+] User Controls - Front Panel  ‡)S[0D[ 0+] Power Supply ‡6WDQGE\2Q2II 6 Digital Inputs (DVI-I 1, DVI-I 2, SDI1 to SDI4) ‡/DUJH*UDSKLF9)'VFUHHQZLWKFRQWURONQREVDQGEXW- ‡,QWHUQDOXQLYHUVDODXWRPDWLF9 tons for easy and fast access to menus and adjustments +]: 8/&6$*6&( ‡DVI-I: SD-TV, ED-TV, HD-TV and Computer formats ‡6',6'79 +'79±<89ELWVRU*6', Connectors - Rear Panel Supplied with ‡$XWRPDWLFV\QFKURQL]DWLRQGHWHFWLRQ ‡,QSXWWR&RQQHFWRUV ‡[3RZHUVXSSO\FRUG Main Outputs - HD15-F: (Analog SD/ED/HD-TV and Computer) ‡['9,,PDOHWR+'IHPDOH'9,'IHPDOH breakout cable Computer Digital and Analog: ‡,QSXWWRDQG'9,,WR'9,,&RQQHFWRUV ‡[+'0WR%1&)FDEOH ‡5*%+95*%6RU5*V%DQG'9, - DVI-I Female: (Analog SD/ED/HD-TV and Computer) ‡[(WKHUQHWFURVVRYHUFDEOH ‡5HVROXWLRQXSWR[+][+] ‡[6HWRIDXGLRSLQVFUHZWHUPLQDOV or 2048x1080/60 Hz ‡6',6',6',6', %1&6'+'6', ‡[5HPRWH&RQWURO6RIWZDUH 5&6  3&RQO\ ‡9HUWLFDOIUHTXHQF\RU+]GHSHQGLQJRQ2XWSXW ‡[8VHU0DQXDO  3')9HUVLRQ format ‡Audio: ‡[4XLFN6WDUW*XLGH ‡)S[0D[ 0+] - 5 pin MCO connectors: 9 for Inputs and 2 for Outputs Warranty HD-TV: ‡'%'XDO56IRUUHPRWHFRQWURO ‡5*V%5*%6RU<89'9, 3-year warranty on parts and labor back to factory ‡SLLRU+]S ‡5-(WKHUQHWFRQQHFWLRQ or 60Hz - 1080psF/24, 25 or 30Hz AC main connector with On/Off switch Specifications subject to change without prior notice Operation Standards Main Output Connectors SMPTE 259M, SMPTE 274M, SMPTE 292M, SMPTE 296M and SMPTE 424M Each output is fitted with: x DVI-I Female: (Digital and Analog) RGB or YUV Video Outputs x HD15 Female: RGB or YUV

‡$QDORJDQG'LJLWDO6'+'79 ‡6'79176&3$/69LGHR5*%<89DQG6', $OO5&68VHU0DQXDOVDQG4XLFN6WDUW*XLGHV $OO ‡+'795*%<89DQG+'6',RU*6', aare also available on

STE200-14/05/2012-V2 The Americas Europe, Middle East and Africa Asia Pacific ANALOG WAY Inc. ANALOG WAY SAS ANALOG WAY Pte Ltd Tel. 212 269 1902 Tel. 331 64 47 16 03 Tel.: 65 62 92 58 00 Fax. 212 269 1943 Fax. 331 64 47 14 73 Fax.: 65 62 92 52 05 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]