Historic Preservation Commission 55 E. Moore Street Walla Walla, WA 99362 (509) 524-4710

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Historic Preservation Commission 55 E. Moore Street Walla Walla, WA 99362 (509) 524-4710 Historic Preservation Commission 55 E. Moore Street Walla Walla, WA 99362 (509) 524-4710 AGENDA CITY OF WALLA WALLA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Monday, June 25, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. Service Center Conference Room, 55 E Moore St., Walla Walla, WA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL/ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES A. April 23, 2018 – Regular Meeting 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Open Public Meeting Act Training Summary: Review state-required information for open public meetings – video. B. Secretary of the Interior Standards Summary: Review the standards for preservation with staff. C. Final Historic Preservation Comprehensive Plan Element Summary: Review the element. Discuss next steps. D. Debrief of RevitalizeWA Conference Summary: Melissa and Elbert to share takeaways from the conference in April. 5. STAFF UPDATE 6. ADJOURNMENT *Materials, if any, will be provided at the meeting. Historic Preservation Commission 55 E. Moore Street Walla Walla, WA 99362 (509) 524-4710 Draft Minutes CITY OF WALLA WALLA HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Meeting April 23, 2018 at 4pm City Manager’s Conference Room, 15 N 3rd Ave, Walla Walla, WA 1. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 4:pm by Vice-Chairperson Linda Newcomb 2. ROLL CALL/ESTABLISH A QUORUM Members Present: Linda Newcomb, Vice-Chairperson Brian Mahoney, Commissioner Shane Laib, Commissioner Trina Parrish, Commissioner John Knapp, Chairman (by phone) Members Absent Roger Sexton, Commissioner Elbert Hardin, Commissioner, excused Staff Present Jon Maland, Senior Planner Shelley Clarke, Permit Coordinator 3. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES A. Regular Meeting – February 26, 2018 Commissioner Parrish moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mahoney. Motion passed unanimously. 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Local Register Nomination of Project Review – 1141 Alvarado Terrace, TAX-18-0003 Page 1 of 3 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Jeri Andrews, applicant and property owner, was present for questions. Ms. Andrews said that she’s been in a 3-year process of buying this residence that was the childhood home of Adam West, aka Batman. There was water damage that has had to be repaired. The property closed in her ownership the end of 2017. She will make an effort to rehab as much as possible, while making the property useable and safe. The windows will be preserved and repaired. Commissioner Mahoney asked if it would remain a residence and Ms Andrews responded yes. John Knapp asked if Ms Andrews has been advised about the repair work being a retroactive part of the review. Jon responded that she will be advised of the possibility. The public hearing was opened. Carla Houchin, 1135 Figueroa St, said she’s thrilled that the property is being taken care of. She also told Ms Andrews that the paneling in the carriage house is originally from the Episcopal Church. Vice-Chairperson Newcomb asked Ms Andrews if this was her first restoration project and she said no, she’s done one in Seattle. Chairman Knapp asked that when the project is complete, the plans and documentation be given to the Penrose Library and the City. Ms Andrews said she’s working with architect Stephen Day and asked the Commission what their wishes are for the property. All responded that they would wish for exactly what she’s doing. Ms Andrews said she has photos of various past stages of the property to show what’s original and what’s new. Chairman Knapp pointed out that the Commission and City staff are at her disposal to help. Vice-Chairperson Newcomb called for discussion. MOTION: Chairman Knapp moved we approve the request for listing on the local register. Commissioner Mahoney seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. B. Demolition Application Review – 433 S Wilbur Ave, BLD-18-0372 Jon noted that the realtor listing for the property shows that the interior has been gutted. Vice-Chairperson Newcomb said she doesn’t believe the building adds any historic value to the area. Commissioner Laib asked about material reclamation and Jon told him that would be a condition on the permit. Vice-Chairperson Newcomb called for discussion. MOTION: Commissioner Mahoney moved to approve the request for demolition and Chairman Knapp seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 5. STAFF UPDATE Jon talked to staff about the application that was received last week for renovation of the motel at 325 E Main. 6. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 of 3 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting MOTION: Commissioner Mahoney moved the meeting be adjourned. Commissioner Parrish seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously Adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Page 3 of 3 MEMORANDUM TO: Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Melissa Shumake, Planner DATE: June 19, 2018 RE: Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation Background Walla Walla Municipal Code 2.27.040.D.17, which provides the mechanism by which the Historic Preservation Commission is enabled to review properties for special valuation, requires that improvements to listed properties are consistent with the Washington State Advisory Council’s Standards for Rehabilitation and Maintenance (WAC 254-20-100). These standards are directly related to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. Discussion Review of the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. Examples referencing recent projects and commission comments will be used to frame the discussion. Page 1 of 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Melissa Shumake, Planner DATE: June 19, 2018 RE: Final Historic Preservation Comprehensive Plan Element Background City Council adopted the Walla Walla Comprehensive Plan on June 13. The plan included an updated Historic Preservation Element, including implementation actions to put the goals and policies into operation. Discussion Review the Implementation Actions and discuss next steps for the immediate projects. Page 1 of 1 HISTORIC PRESERVATION INTRODUCTION The City of Walla Walla has valued preservation of its historic buildings for many years and formalized that commitment by establishing the Historic Preservation Commission in 2002� Walla Walla’s historic resources help to define the character of the city and its inhabitants, create a strong sense of place, enhance the quality of life of residents, and connect those residents to the city’s heritage� As a Certified Local Government (CLG), Walla Walla’s commitment to historic preservation realizes the value of maintaining the rich history of the community and economic benefits of preserving structures, particularly Downtown Walla Walla and its historic neighborhoods� CLG status is given by the National Parks Service (NPS) and is a means for local governments to strengthen their historic preservation efforts� CLGs are eligible for technical assistance and matching grants from their State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO), which are sponsored by the NPS and state governments The City has successfully collaborated with residents, private investors, and organizations such as the Downtown Walla Walla Foundation to adaptively reuse and redevelop several historic structures in the City’s core and with HP-1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE | JUNE 2018 Historic Preservation Walla Walla 2020 to preserve Walla Walla’s architectural heritage� In the process, the City has received over 30 awards for its revitalization efforts� Significant preservation and revitalization efforts include: ʹ Establishment of the Downtown Walla Walla Foundation� ʹ Renovation of the Liberty Theater� ʹ Rehabilitation and renovation of the Die Brucke Building� ʹ Rehabilitation and renovation of the Whitehouse-Crawford Building� ʹ Development of the Marcus Whitman Hotel and Conference Center� ʹ Creation of the City of Walla Walla Downtown Master Plan and Design Standards� ʹ Designation of the City of Walla Walla as a Certified Local Government� ʹ Generation of historic property inventory reports for 160 homes and Liberty Theater at East Main Street, National Register Listed buildings to provide the information required for listing on historic registers� (top) and Walla Walla Armory at the Corner of South Colville Street Walla Walla has embraced historic preservation as an effective tool for and East Poplar Street, National economic vigor and stability� Over the past 30 years, historic preservation has Register Eligible been used to transform the Downtown core, Fort Walla Walla Historic District, and neighborhoods throughout the City� Walla Walla’s heritage stewardship has helped the City remain an attractive and vital place to live, work, and recreate� For the purposes of this plan, historic preservation is defined as follows: Historic preservation (HP) is an activity that preserves historic resources and their ability to communicate their intended meaning and significance� HP includes the identification, evaluation, designation, protection, and retention of significant architectural, historic, and cultural resources in the built and natural environments� Resources can range from small objects, to buildings and structures, to sites and districts, to landscapes and streetscapes, to viewsheds� By protecting the historic character of a community’s built environment, preservation enables the people of today and tomorrow to connect with events and the community of the past in a tangible manner� HP is associated with sustainability and green building and can create a strong and unique sense of place through the retention of older buildings and can enhance a community’s quality of life� HP-2 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE | JUNE 2018
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