Oigon Historic Tpms REPORT I
‘:. OIGoN HIsToRIc TPms REPORT I ii Presented by the Oregon Trails Coordinating Council May, 1998 h I Oregon Historic Trails Report Table of Contents . Executive summary 1 Project history 3 Introduction to Oregon’s Historic Trails 7 C Oregon’s National Historic Trails 11 C Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail 13 Oregon National Historic Trail 27 Applegate National Historic Trail 47 a Nez Perce National Historic Trail 63 C Oregon’s Historic Trails 75 Kiamath Trail, 19th Century 77 o Jedediah Smith Route, 1828 87 Nathaniel Wyeth Route, 1832/1834 99 C Benjamin Bonneville Route, 1833/1834 115 o Ewing Young Route, 1834/1837 129 Whitman Mission Route, 1841-1847 141 c Upper Columbia River Route, 1841-1851 167 John Fremont Route, 1843 183 o Meek Cutoff, 1845 199 o Cutoff to the Barlow Road, 1848-1884 217 Free Emigrant Road, 1853 225 o Santiam Wagon Road, 1865-1939 233 C General recommendations 241 Product development guidelines 243 Acknowledgements 247 4Xt C’ Executive summary C The Board of Directors and staff of the Oregon Trails Coordinating Council present the Oregon Historic Trails Report, the first step in the development of a statewide Oregon Historic C Trails Program. The Oregon Historic Trails Report is a general guide and planning document that will help future efforts to develop historic trail resources in Oregon. o The objective of the Oregon Historic Trails Program is to establish Oregon as the nation’s leader in developing historic trails for their educational, recreational, and economic values. The Oregon Historic Trails Program, when fully implemented, will help preserve and leverage C existing heritage resources while promoting rural economic development and growth through C heritage tourism.
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