Websites for further information About our information for new staff from overseas Tax and NI information: ll/incometaxnatinsurance We wish to provide helpful and easily digestible information to our new members of staff arriving from over- International tax issues: seas. We hope that in this way we are Information for new able to support you in your prepara- tions to join us and during your first staff from overseas few months in London. Coming to the UK from the EEA: We have a dedicated set of webpages and supporting leaflets which we hope will ease your transition into life in the Applying for an NI number: UK. Please visit our Overseas Staff web- its/Taxes/BeginnersGuideToTax/NationalI pages at: nsurance recruitment/overseas HM Revenue and Customs: Here you will find information on the following topics:

 Permission to Work  Essential Travel Items  Bank Accounts  Tax and National  UK tax and  Accommodation  Childcare and schooling Imperial College London  Healthcare National  Living in the UK Insurance Our New Staff webpages will also be a useful source of information to you as Exhibition Road you prepare to take up your appoint- South Kensington ment with College and as you settle London Helping you make the into employment with us. Please view SW7 2AZ these webpages at: transition to life in the UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7589 5111 Class 1 NI contributions you have paid for that The main way to apply for an NI number is through pay period. After the end of the tax year, your Tax and the Fast-Path Service. Alternatively however em- employer will give you a Form P60 which will ployees can use the ‘Evidence of Eligibility Inter- show you the total amount of Class 1 NI contri- National Insurance view’ route. Please contact your HR representa- butions you have paid in that tax year with that tive to discuss the most appropriate way for you to employer. apply for an NI number. Income Tax Anyone who is in paid employment normally has If you do not meet the criteria for applying for an NI to pay income tax (also know as Pay As You number through the Fast-Path Service, you will Benefits from Class 1 NI Contributions Earn). You will be taxed according to your earn- need to contact Jobcentre Plus on 0845 600 0643 ings. Tax is deducted directly from your pay via to arrange an ‘Evidence of Eligibility Interview’. At Class 1 contributions count for the following the College Payroll Office. the interview you will be required to provide infor- benefits: The College's Finance website con- mation about your background and personal cir-  the basic State tains comprehensive tax information cumstances. You will also have to prove your iden- the additional State Pension, sometimes for employees coming from over- tity. Bring as many 'identity documents' (originals, called the State Second Pension seas. The HM Revenue and Cus- not photocopies) as you can to your interview. Ex- toms (HMRC) website will provide Jobseeker's Allowance - the 'contribution- amples of documents which count are: based' element further information on international valid passport (UK or foreign) tax issues such as paying UK tax on Employment and Support Allowance - the national identity card (UK or foreign) overseas income or information on 'contribution-based' element  residence permit or residence card including double taxation. Maternity Allowance biometric immigration resi- bereavement benefits - Bereavement Allow- dency documents National Insurance ance, Bereavement Payment and Widowed Par- full birth or adoption certificate A National Insurance (NI) number is a personal  ent's Allowance number issued by the Department for Work and full marriage or civil partner-  Pensions (DWP) and is used: ship certificate a) To record a person’s NI contributions and driving licence (UK or foreign) Should you have a query regarding your National credited contributions; If you do not have any of these - or other - identity Insurance registration; please contact the HM b) As a reference number for the whole social documents you still must go to the interview. The Revenue and Customs helpline on 0845 302 security system. information you are able to provide might be 1479. You may also wish to view the College Your NI number is personal to you. It is your enough to prove your identity. Finance webpage on UK Income Tax and Na- account number for all dealings with the Inland During the interview a National Insurance number tional Insurance Revenue and the DWP. It is not proof of identity. application form will be completed and you will be It looks similar to this: AB 12 34 56 C. asked to sign it. For more information on the Evidence of Eligibility If you delay obtaining a NI number this can af- Interview please visit Directgov fect your contribution record and delay payment of benefit if applicable. You should also show Once you have been notified of your National Insur- your NI number on any letters or forms you send ance number, please inform your HR representative to any part of the HMRC or DWP. as soon as possible, so that your records can be Coming to the UK from European Eco- updated. nomic Area Countries (EEA) There are special rules in force if you are coming How are my National Insurance contribu- to the UK from the EEA or Switzerland. Full tions collected? details are available from the HMRC website. Your Class 1 contributions are normally collected along with Income Tax under PAYE (Pay As You How do I obtain a National Insurance Earn). The College is responsible for paying your Number? contributions and its own and it will be deducted Details of how to obtain a National Insurance from your pay automatically. number can be obtained from the Department for Work and Pensions.

Your online salary slip will tell you the amount of