LENT BOOK ISSUE { Spiritual Reading for LENT

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LENT BOOK ISSUE { Spiritual Reading for LENT LENT BOOK ISSUE { Spiritual Reading FOR LENT CROSS-SHATTERED CHRIST Stanley Hauerwas 1587431319 • 112 pp. • $14.99c In Cross-Shattered Christ, Stanley H auerwas offers a close and moving reading of each of Chri st's last sayings. Thi s small, potent volume is theologically rich, yet full of humility­ meditative, but never "preachy."In true H auerwasian fashion, the pithy discussion opens our ears to the language of scrip­ ture while opening our hearts to a clearer vision of God. Resistin g the tempta tion to read Chri st's words solely through the lens of our own need, H auerwas avoids tam­ ing "the wildness of the God we worship." In original and surprising ways, he touches on subjects such as Mary, the incarnation, and our need to be remembered by Jesus, uncovering what he calls the sheer "differentne ss" of God. FROM BEHOLDING TO BECOMING Ki m Coleman H ealy 1587431025 • 208 pp. • $16.99c "From Beholding to Becoming i , in one sense, a shining example of the spiritual partner of Hi storical Jesus literature. Wh ereas Hi storical Jesus research sets itself to archeologi­ cal spelunkin g in the person of Jesus as presented in the New Testament, apparently for intellectual gain, H ealy considers Jesus in both tl1e Old and New Testaments for spiritu al profit . H er meditati ons show faithful use of the imagination joined with interp retation of scriptur e and the role of each in the life of prayer. A sparkling gem of spiritual read­ ing!"-K athryn Greene-M cCreight, Yale Divinity School "You will not be able simply to read this book. It s delectability will impel you to eat it-with unh asty chewing and frequent pauses to enjoy th e luscious fragrances! Kim • Coleman H ealy offers a meaty feast that will nourish you with enduring strengili. I'm buying copies for lots of friends; I know we will all enjoy many meals at this banquet • table with Jesus."- Marv a J. D awn, auth or of M orning by Morning , Unfettered H ope, and Joy in Our Weakness ~ Brazos Press The Tradition Alive At your local bookstore,www.brazospress .com, or call 1-800-877-2665 Subscribeto "Border Crossings,"the Brazosmonthly electronic newsletter,at www.brazospress.com The objective of THELIVING CHURCHmagazine is to build up the body of Christ, LTvrNGC HURCH by describing how God is moving in his Church; by reporting news of the An independent weekly serving Church in an unbiased manner; and by presenting diverse points of view. Episcopalians since 1878 Da\id A. Kalvelage E.recuti1·e Editor THIS WEEK Betty Glatzel Ge1111 ral Ma m,ycr Jolm Srhuessler Features .\lanuyiu!J f..,'difor Steve Waring 19 Forward through Lent N<'ll',"i Bditor Patricia C. Nakamura BY PATRICIA AKAMURA Book ,n,r/ ;\/11sicEditor Amy Grau Grnpl,/,cArtist Tom Parker 20 The Word Inspires .-\drcrtisi11yJlnuager His Words Thais Jackson F11/lill111e11ti\h11wy,.,- 1he Rev. Christoph er Webber Renee Weber ,\larkl'flinq/PrmmJtiou Din·ctor BY PATRICIA AKAMURA BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Rev. Thomas A. Fraser Opinion Riverside, Ill. (President) Miriam K. Stauff 22 Guest Column Wauwatosa, Wis. (Vice President) Praying for My Enemies ThP Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Steenson 14 AlbttquPrque, N.M. (SPcretary) Howard !VI.Ti schler 23 Editorials AlbuquerquP, N.M. (Treasurer) Disciplines in Lent The Rt. Rev. Bertram N. Herlong Nashville, TPnn. The Rev. Gary W. Kriss 24 Reader's Viewpoint Cambridge, N.Y. TI1eologyand Creativity Daniel Muth Prince Fredt:'1ick, Md. BY DAVIDR. MAcDO ALD Thomas Riley Vienna, Va. Miss August.a D. Roddis 25 Letters Marshfield, \Vis. The Christmas Pageant Ed itori al and B 11si11css qffices: 816 E . .Jun eau Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53202-2793 News Mailing aclclrPss: P.O. Box 51403(5 14 Initial Response to Wmdsor MilwaukeP, WI 5:320:3-3436 Report from House of Bishops Telephone: 414-276-5420 18 Fax: 414-276-748:3 E-mail: tlc@livingchur ch.org OtherDepartments www.livingchur ch.org 4 Sunday's Readings \L\N I '.SCJlll 'TS ,\NI> l' IIOTU(;Jl..ll'HS: Tm: L11- 1:-.,;CIHH-i1·11 cannot CL'is1111u'n•.s11011sibih 1y for lht• rl'!11m <if pholos or m;musn1p ls. 5 Books Tm: L1,1~1; C11n,1·11 i:,;puhlislu•d P\'t'I)" wPd:. datPtl Sunday, by thl' Li,·ing C'.h11rd1F11u11dation. 27 People & Places hlC".. at 8W E .. l1111t•au:\vt> .. :\lilwa11k1•P.\\'I :-it!O~. }'PlindiC"alspostaAP paid at ~lilwa11IH•1-,\\' I Sl 1BSl '.HJPTION R:\TES: $-l:.!.:-10for 01w year: $1i~_:)0 for 18 months: $80.00 for 1wo yPars Onthe Cover l'.a11mlin11posTagP au addilional $1i'"i.08pn y('ar; The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey N. Steenson is ~-lt1 xkan rah• SI!) :!-tall ollwr fon•ign, $2-Ulfi Jlf'f_n•<ir. greeted by fam ily, consecrat ing bishops l'OST~L\STI::H: Sl:•111!,uldrPss c·hai~Ps lo Tm: and other service participants moments l,1,1,,; Ct111w11. P.O. Box ;JJ.to:3t;, ~lihrnukPP, \\' I ;):l:!11:t-a.1:hi after his Jan. 15 consecration as Bishop THE Lll"IN<; 1'111"(l('. 11 (ISSN 002-I-G240) is puh­ Coadjutor of the Rio Grande at the Cathe­ lislwrl by THE l,l\"l'st; (lfl'llCll l'lll"Nll,IT ION. dral Church of St. John in Albuquerque. li\:l' .. a 111111-profit 11l)~auizat1t111 St'f"Ylllg th(• l 'llurdt . .\ll .c,ift:--!o ti!(' Fo1111da1ion an· tax- Suzanne Gill photo 1lt·ill11·til,J,, :O:.!llll'.'"l1111• L.i,·i11g ( ·111111·11 Fc111111l;1tioi1. lw·.. \II righls rPst•1v11I.No n•prodw·tion i11wholt• or pat1 i-.m hP 15 madt>,titholll Jll'nnission ofT111:L1,·1:-.1; C111w·11. FEBRUARY 6. 2005 · T H E LIVING C H U RC H 3 Volume 2:30 Number 6 8olid Oa-l SUNDAY'SREADINGS CHOIR CHAIR God'sSelf-Revelation '... and the cloud covered the rrwuntain' (Exodus 24:15) Last Sunday after the Epiphany (Year A), Feb. 6, 2005 BCP: Exodus 24:12(13-14)15-18; Psalm 99; Phil. 3:7-14; Matt. 17:1-9 RCL: Exodus 24:12-18; Psalm 2 or Psalm 99; 2 Pet. 1 :16-21; Matt. 17:1-9 Ours is a hidden God who discloses than our own brother (Rom. 8:14-17). himself to us over time. He does this, Suddenly the vision of God as lawgiver apparently, bit by bit, as he wills. One is expanded into that of a God of might suspect that this progressive unconditional love and acceptance. self-revelation takes place at times and The Lord now shows himself to us as a in manners for which God's people parent might to a respected and have been adequately prepared. trusted adult child. Indeed, were our exposure to God The revelation of God's unchanging both immediate and complete, we will hardly ends with the coming of with FIBRE RUSH SEAT would undoubtedly be overwhelmed Christ into the world. If anything, the by his magnificence. process takes on a new momentum as Since 1877 In today's reading from Exodus, Christ's body, the Church, clarifies mis­ R.Geissler.i Inc. Moses meets the Lord at Mount Sinai. understandings. A U.S. president was God's glory is veiled in a cloud. Moses elected in 1980on a platform of "tradi­ P.O. Box 432 is shown only as much as he and his tional Christian values" - a divorced Old Greenwich, CT 06870 followers can reasonably be expected and remarried man who, a generation Phone: (203) 637-5115 to accept. "Come up to me on the earlier, would have been unelectable mountain," says the Lord, "and wait on purely moral grounds. When con­ there; and I will give you the tablets of traception became a medical possibil­ stone, with the law and the command­ ity in the middle of the last century, ment, which I have written for [the nearly every Christian condemned it as people's] instruction" (24:12). Like a intrinsically evil. Today most consider parent dealing with young offspring, its practice to be a moral imperative. God reveals himself as the maker of God hasn't changed, but our under­ rules. standing of his will clearly has grown. God's people mature over the course Undoubtedly it shall continue to do so of millennia, and in today's gospel as we wrestle with "moral decline" in Jesus leads his closest friends to a our own age. mountaintop to meet their God. Again Today's readings invite each of us to WHOLE the divine glory is hidden by a cloud, an ever-clearer understanding of God but God's self-revelation is now made and of his will. "Not that I have already CHRISTIANITY more complete. God identifies Jesus as obtained this or have already reached his own incarnate Son, the one whom the goal; but I press on to make it my Solid, complete instruction Paul will identify shortly as none other own" (Phil. 3:12). in the teaching and worship of the Church, for Inquirers LookIt Up and Enrichment. How does Paul understand our knowledge of God and of his will in the present 8 ½ x 11, Spiral Bound with age? How does he believe this will change in the kingdom? (1 Cor. 13:11-12) Color Charts and Graphics. ThinkAbout It A Must Read! On what issues has God used consensus in Christ's body to resolve long-standing $21.50 shipped in the U.S. disputes about his will? $25 Shipped outside the U.S. NextSunday The Anglican FirstSunday in Lent{Year A), Feb.13, 2005 Bookstore BCP: Gen.
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